Twits at Ten for 2012-03-20

  • Pls RT: ISPs are selling out customers by pushing a backdoor #SOPA Take action: via @demandprogress #
  • @xkeepah Then do the job for him and say, "Sorry boss, this is for your own good." #
  • @xkeepah Grab the stapler and staple him to the chair and push said chair from the PC (or just tie him up)… #
  • @m1kepro You are joking, right? #
  • @DarkOverord Yes, this is a new one. A third one. #
  • @Abbywolfox So is yawning and laughter. #
  • @DarkOverord This is likely going to devolve into a new browser war. #
  • @DarkOverord Firefox refuses to use them due to licensing issues. Chrome gave up and switched to their recently purchased VP8 codec… #
  • @DarkOverord No, Google and Mozilla share some blame in this, Microsoft's, and (up until recently) Google's HTML5 supported H.264 and AAC #
  • @DarkOverord Despite all it's issues, Flash is still light years ahead of HTML5 video, which can't agree on a set of codecs… #
  • @DarkOverord So? Even now, several years after the merger, most people I know still refer to it as Shockwave Flash, not Adobe Flash. #
  • @Akhmin @Svend_SPOnG It's mainly a Firefox issue, IMO… Try Chrome. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG I'm still staggering a bit from St. Patrick's day #
  • @m1kepro Jelly has a gelatinous consistency, jam does not. #

hamandheroin: The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting…


The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily so they can meet their quota of getting FREE FOOD donated every day to abused and neglected animals in their shelters.

It takes less than a minute (only about 15 seconds actually) to go to their site and click on the purple box titled, ‘Click Here to Give – it’s FREE!’. Every click gives about .6 bowls of food to sheltered dogs. You can also click daily!

Keep in mind that this does not cost you a thing. Their corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate food to abandoned/neglected animals in exchange for advertising. [via.]

Go to the website here.

darkoverord: mateumdx: anticapitalist: My Political Compass…




My Political Compass results

Hey. Followers. Take the test; post your results here.

I always expect to be more centred. But then I remember that I’m comparing myself to the Tory party not actual right-wing :V

Apparently I’m economically left and socially liberal. Not that I’m surprised…

My chart: