- Amen, Bernie https://t.co/4nJO6Beaha ->
- RT @Wooflepup: Bernie Sanders: "Now is not the time for a protest vote"
https://t.co/hoJd4Ctz10 -> - @spexfox Only if @HillaryClinton doesn't win. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox And even if she doesn't, I would prefer Warren run with @SenSherrodBrown or @RonWyden personally… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ajamubaraka Problem is, a vote for your running mate is a vote not going to Clinton, which only helps Trump. in reply to ajamubaraka ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 10.Sep.2016 – 16.Sep.2016" https://t.co/beLBKEgiWk ->
- @spexfox It is probably meant to be a quickie internet box more than anything. in reply to spexfox ->
- @RudeChan it has been that way for a while now in reply to RudeChan ->
- Hillary is the only candidate that will honor our veterans rather than throw them under a bus. https://t.co/YLwteJRZVP ->
- RT @BernieSanders: When we stand together – as white, black and hispanic, gay and straight, women and men – we trump hate. https://t.co/B8a… ->
- RT @BernieSanders: When your friends say they won't vote, ask how much student debt they have. There's only one candidate who will make col… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: When Trump tries to deflect blame for denying that @POTUS was born in America, he is lying. https://t.co/lje3lKrZQy htt… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Donald Trump's foundation allegedly paid off Florida's attorney general to prevent an investigation into his fraud. htt… ->
- Here we go for my Macbook Air. Finger's crossed! #macOSSierra #upgrade https://t.co/hNjfqgtwwx ->
- @spexfox @Nystre VirtualBox has done much better with its 3d acceleration guest addons now than in the past. 2D acceleration, not so much… in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @VancityReynolds: I don't know who made this, but thank you. #MaximumEffort https://t.co/nH1ywqeshN ->
- RT @VancityReynolds: Many years ago, my father forgot to put on his thinking-condom. https://t.co/LDLajmOQgE ->
- RT @YahooNews: Bruce Springsteen attacks Donald Trump: "The republic is under siege by a moron" https://t.co/WX9a7QE2WW https://t.co/LX1fL… ->
- @Max_Firestorm did you click a link with a tel: or callto: URI scheme in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
Twiter Weekly Update 10.Sep.2016 – 16.Sep.2016
- @Akhmin It's ether Kefka or your selfie cam is distorting things. in reply to Akhmin ->
- RT @AlGiordano: Oh, I get it, Doctor. It's civil rights you find deplorable. https://t.co/5cUelTJd44 ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 03.Sep.2016 – 09.Sep.2016" https://t.co/CnlivGL9Be ->
- Tried the @EVOLfoods Ziti & Meat Sauce meal. It tasted great, but I was a bit disappointed when I finished all 9 oz and asked, "Is that it?" ->
- I should not be laughing at this but OMG! https://t.co/2AKqz5ZnPY ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Oh look, an image" https://t.co/vlvJrRBzwW ->
- Dilemma: should I buy Ocarina of Time 3D for the 3DS or save my money? ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Fucking knew it. https://t.co/aLFzt4n0x2 ->
- RT @zezzledog: @drjillstein Uhh.. Jill, when you sit at Putin’s table and show up on a Russian propaganda network, you might have to explai… ->
- Nice try, but as the old adage goes: It's not paranoia if they really out to get you. https://t.co/VVIrheIqnD ->
- And for the record, Jackass Jill and Dumbass Donald have been doing Putin's dirty work in gunning for @HillaryClinton in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Set up buddy on #PokemonGO … https://t.co/UnGwDNoCTw ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Testing from Android" https://t.co/GIOtzam3f8 ->
- Trying to sleep on a hurt rib is a pain… ->
- RT @nihilist_arbys: Awaken
Consume the flesh, alcohol & pills
Ignore the pain
Feel your dreams die
Awai… -> - RT @nihilist_arbys: Hey gang! TGIF! This weekend, statistically, a few of you will die.
Eat Arbys ->
Testing from Android
Hopefully, the adjustment in plugins will cause the WordPress for Android posting application to work properly.
If you are seeing this post to social media then it should be working okay.
Oh look, an image
Here is an image post, because Tumblr support is run by the seven year old children of syphilitic lepers
Twiter Weekly Update 03.Sep.2016 – 09.Sep.2016
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 27.Aug.2016 – 02.Sep.2016" https://t.co/mvERrVYFxo ->
- @roareyraccoon Saint of the forced deathbed conversions, but close enough. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @nihilist_arbys: In honor of Labor Day we're making all our employees come into work because fuck them.
Enjoy Arbys -> - @britishgaming Don't worry, it's just a human suit malfunction. The other lizard people will fix it soon. in reply to britishgaming ->
- RT @SaveMain_St: Please teach your children about the unions & how they make us strong. #LaborDay2016 #LaborDay #UnionStrong https://t.co/z… ->
- RT @ppppolls: Harambe has more support for President than you https://t.co/jTSWUpxnKs ->
- RT @Artdeco39: https://t.co/Pd7qloVx2u
Jill Stein Is Enraged With Total Lunacy.
#Jillno #Hillyes #ClintonKaine2016 #GreenParty #DropOutJil… -> - RT @realityCheck101: .@WeNeedHillary https://t.co/hUnd1oqeDx ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: If you're a fan of weekends, thank a union member. https://t.co/RUF2UtG2sM ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Unions stand up for workers who need someone to have their backs. We need a president who will do the same. https://t.c… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Our planet's future depends on the decisions we make now.
RT if you agree it's time to combat climate change. https://… ->
- @TURBOXLR Hope you heal up okay, dude. in reply to TURBOXLR ->
- @NintendoAmerica Not for nothing, but you guys suck at math. https://t.co/P9JxKEjKRw ->
- RT @grahamfarmelo: Number of Americans killed by Islam jihadists compared with numbers killed by other means: https://t.co/EhLdafFQMH ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/DClQOIZiVb ->
- @AlGiordano IMO, Julian Assange is so convinced of his own righteousness that he has turned himself into a modern-day John Brown… in reply to AlGiordano ->
- @AlGiordano … The only difference between him and Brown is that Assange is armed with a laptop rather than a musket. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- RT @timkaine: RT if you believe Donald Trump's actions speak louder than his empty words. https://t.co/VcLIIDNQdJ ->
- There is nothing more enjoyable than playing video games while drinking a plum wine cocktail after finishing your portion of a class project ->
- @Akhmin Meh, I would buy it but a.) I am saving money for Pokemon Moon, and b.) I have little interest in the Ace Attorney Series. in reply to Akhmin ->
- #Top5ZeldaGames
5. Link to the Past
4. Majora's Mask
3. Zelda II
2. The Legend of Zelda (NES)
1. Ocarina of Time ->
Twiter Weekly Update 27.Aug.2016 – 02.Sep.2016
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 20.Aug.2016 – 26.Aug.2016" https://t.co/MkNEbWcvyz ->
- @spexfox You do realize the Chrome to Phone extension has been deprecated on phone and no longer works in Desktop, right? in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @icecube: I will never endorse a mothafucka like Donald Trump! EVER!!! ->
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: It really doesn’t matter how big or how small they are, all cats are adorable morons. https://t.co/LTmwWdnd0s ->
- RT @timkaine: When Hillary and I say we're going to support small business families, we mean it. Why? We grew up in them.
https://t.co/zubg… -> - RT @Teamsters: #Teamsters endorse @HillaryClinton for President; Clinton will be a strong voice for working families: https://t.co/DsLZEEl9… ->
- RT @MichaelPallante: *watching a video of otters eating canned food* where the fuck do you get otter food??? ->
- RT @AndrewWK: https://t.co/mW6yAGE6oz ->
- Inconvenient truth: .@DrJillStein is a economy-ruining douche. ->
- @thekevineva I would, but all I have is Sugar Free Haribos in reply to thekevineva ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Trump just failed his first foreign test. Diplomacy isn't as easy as it looks. -H ->
- RT @davidmackau: you're going to need to be more specific https://t.co/TUc6WBh9j2 ->
- RT @silverfox5213: Tank kills…I mean thank you! https://t.co/8HfrL3pi6q ->
- @demandprogress @FBI @dailydot Technically there is a grain of honesty in that remark. in reply to demandprogress ->
- RT @jk_rowling: I'm going nowhere! Little known fact about filthy bourgeois neoliberal centrists – we're tougher than you'd think 😉 https:… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 20.Aug.2016 – 26.Aug.2016
- RT @nihilist_arbys: The night is dark and full of terrors, then you die. Enjoy Arbys. ->
- RT @nihilist_arbys: nothing matters. There is no anything. Sentience itself is an illusory fever dream https://t.co/laQVjRIZvd ->
- RT @LaloDagach: #CulturalAppropriation https://t.co/JjCCwHnnS0 ->
- RT @ohlol: I've reached the final level. https://t.co/xyQIkylqPJ ->
- @AlGiordano I dunno which is dumber: wasting $$$ on TX or doing it in what conservatives lovingly call "The People's Republic of Austin"… in reply to AlGiordano ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 13.Aug.2016 – 19.Aug.2016" https://t.co/CXwvncDMJB ->
- Green Party “safe state” strategy is neither safe nor a strategy https://t.co/pj2xKU2BGM ->
- RT @kickstarter: Help @city_bureau create a public newsroom for young reporters on Chicago's South Side: https://t.co/WTOdmlJcM4 https://t.… ->
- Reminds me of that Simpsons episode https://t.co/Wc68VbF3jS ->
- @philvgersims @Urtheart Speaking as an ex-crackberry addict, that feeling will pass. Though I suspect that your work picked a rubbish device in reply to philvgersims ->
- @philvgersims @Urtheart Just because it is running Android does not mean it is a rubbish device. I after all run the HTC One M9 in reply to philvgersims ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf I never played either of them. I picked Yellow. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @sonicyoda Next time go digital download 😛 in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @sonicyoda Really? You know that the storage can be upgraded, regardless of platform chosen, right? in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @Max_Firestorm @Akhmin Easy for you two to say, I work on Fridays. ? in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
Twiter Weekly Update 13.Aug.2016 – 19.Aug.2016
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 06.Aug.2016 – 12.Aug.2016" https://t.co/2J1cLMWNIf ->
- RT @drewtoothpaste: ME: anyone but trump
GARY JOHNSON: I will outlaw schools.
JILL STEIN: Crystals are the only technology we need.
ME: ok… -> - #7FaveGames
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Final Fantasy 7
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Riven: The Sequel to Mist
Phantasy Star 4
Pokemon Crystal
Urban Strike -> - Dune: The @thelindsayellis Edition https://t.co/6JTkuP58Jn ->
- RT @Kyle_MacLachlan: ??✋????☀️????⏳??????????????〰?️⌛️??????????⚔? #dune https://t.co/bXwpdYC8jz ->
- Another example of Jill Stein hypocrisy: Her concern over wireless signal effects on brains despite free Wi-Fi being in the Green platform ->
- This of course joining her coded language on vaccination that is cheered by anti-vaxxers https://t.co/87xCpIG6qG in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @DrJillStein Then stop using language that panders to anti-vaxers. Yes, the FDA & CDC need reform, but your accusations against then offend. in reply to DrJillStein ->
- RT @nihilist_arbys: Usain bolt running is a lot like life: over remarkably fast, and like 2 days after that, no one on earth gives a shit.… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Glad to see that the Justice Department is ending the use of private prisons. This is the right step forward. -H https:… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Donald Trump wants to eliminate the estate tax. Doing so could save his family $4 billion and 99.8% of families $0. htt… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 06.Aug.2016 – 12.Aug.2016
- @spexfox Sadly .@DrJillStein still does not realize that the revolution she craves will ruin the economy and make Americans sicker… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox She should also stop with the attacks on her competition, especially as they are not attacking her. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox The Dems are taking as many of the balls Bernie juggled successfully and @HillaryClinton is going to kick butt Nov. 8 in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- The most important reason why #ImWithHer and voting @HillaryClinton on Nov 8. #StopTrump #JillNo #ClintonKaine https://t.co/IM9LmFxWLu ->
- @spexfox Unlike the articles on Jill Stein pandering to the anti-vaxxers (which were done by other groups of concerned citizens)… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … Jill Stein is slamming Hillary directly using recycled and debunked Republican talking points. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Clinton leading by 9, even with third parties figured in, via @NBCNews https://t.co/wACbDtQnz4 ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: We launched an all-Spanish Twitter account, @Hillary_esp, because we believe in bringing as many people as possible int… ->
- I am making more donations on Monday to @HillaryClinton over here https://t.co/hA987li3ah … It is too important not to support her. ->
- Then I am donating to @lloydwcriss to rejoin the Texas House via ActBlue https://t.co/yW5hvdwVHB #TurnTexasBlue ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 30.Jul.2016 – 05.Aug.2016" https://t.co/WZpsRaqZoP ->
- @spexfox I wish it was. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Also, kudos to blocking Coors Light. That stuff is nasty canned piss. in reply to spexfox ->
- #firstsevenjobs
-Leather Worker
-Cafeteria Asst.
-Scene Shop Asst
-Retail Cashier
-Admissions Cashier
-Linux SysAdmin
-Customer Support Tech -> - RT @docrocktex26: @AlGiordano We're tired of the GOP's mess, 22 years is long enough! #ExpectUs ->
- @spexfox I would love to see that happen, but the GOP has gerrymandered the House districts beyond recognition. in reply to spexfox ->
- 4 months of fiddling + trying different things in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire, & I snag Kyogre solely w/ a Level 1 Capture O-Power & a Quick Ball ->
- If the people behind the nukes are scared, you should worry. #StopTrump https://t.co/37U6g1ZNEd ->
- @spexfox And yet, she expresses her support in ways that pander to the anti-vaccination crowd. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox And before you complain, her literature still panders to the anti-vax crowd thru dog whistles. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Jill Stein's ideas are terrible. She is not the savior the left is looking for. https://t.co/HlvCsUeQiP ->
- @spexfox She needs to make it even clearer than she has been (and on other, non-TYT platforms), and stop her attacks on the CDC & FDA in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Is she selling you on unrealistic ideas, scaremongering, and pseudoscience?
Twiter Weekly Update 30.Jul.2016 – 05.Aug.2016
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/2onaw5nzvV ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/55Xfswz0OR ->
- RT @tyler17016: Want milk? I have a big bucket full of it if you want it
Fav/rt= Dm the horsey https://t.co/U12XRY2yZE -> - RT @RichMc461: @SeanMcElwee @nycsouthpaw Not the first time Republicans have tried shit like this: https://t.co/5pdpEobwbf ->
- Is it just me or did the late Anne McCaffrey have a problem with the tone deaf? ->
- All the books I've read by Anne McCaffrey involve people with perfect pitch organizations with perfect pitch ->
- This is a reminder that I have a slightly more after dark account that I need to get using again soon: @BRepAfterDark ->
- RT @timkaine: As of tomorrow, we'll have just 100 days left to go out and campaign to win this election. Let's go. https://t.co/nGU7X83CSp ->
- RT @DavidBrin: Two Views (read down, then up!) Cartoon by Joe Heller
https://t.co/6f24Cyiqie https://t.co/JeRLtyHfwA -> - @roareyraccoon Blame celibacy for the free tax ride. Waiving the right to sex is why they even get it. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @roareyraccoon of course, that is only true for Catholic churches. The Church of Queen Elizabeth II is a different animal together… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 23.Jul.2016 – 29.Jul.2016" https://t.co/z1wbTWqi21 ->
- @spexfox what can I say about you, Spex, that isn't the cover of a Weird Al Yankovic album in reply to spexfox ->
- @JacquelineHine1 She was chosen twice by the voters of Lexington, MA to join the Town Meeting, in '05 and '08 in reply to JacquelineHine1 ->
- @JacquelineHine1 But everything else appears to be a dismal failure. In statewide office and higher, she has polled single digits. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @BernieSanders: I congratulate @HillaryClinton on this historic achievement. We are stronger together. ->
- @spexfox True. However, Charles Taylor ran successfully to lead Liberia using "He killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I will vote for him"… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox That he used that and still got elected and ran Liberia into the ground until he was forced out of office is the scary part. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox That is why when I laugh when they parallel Trump to Hitler, as Trump is more similar to Charles Taylor than anyone else. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @SethMacFarlane: Trump denies existence of climate change. Clinton acknowledges it as a major threat. Whoever u vote for, know THAT. htt… ->
- RT @ABC: Smiley face appears in Hawaii's Kilauea volcano during eruption. https://t.co/NgF2QUbR4T https://t.co/zJwzqnpotQ ->
- @spexfox Kill La Kill, Seraph of the End, Assassination Classroom, Knights of Sidonia, Sword Art Online, No Game No Life, Psycho-Pass in reply to spexfox ->
- Waking up, looking for something to eat… ->
- Oh, and Happy Birthday, @spexfox ->
- RT @sdamned: https://t.co/0MKwHaNbhy ->
- RT @sdamned: https://t.co/wgi1eE8TtJ ->
- RT @ejsiro: @AlGiordano Have you seen this? https://t.co/AoCFWFACeR ->
- So we wait… Fingers crossed everyone! https://t.co/Erw8XZFhg6 ->
- @ValorB When e-Textbooks for college cost $50 to rent for 6 months, it's all relative. in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB In my defense, I would get the hard copies, but they cost $100 each to rent and $150 to buy. in reply to ValorB ->
- RT @SUSE: This completely random guy sure does seem to like chameleons… https://t.co/gJUgY9LKS9 ->
- @thekevineva Try vodka and flavored gelatin. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @SSF1991 Only if you have a slow connection or are downloading too many updates. in reply to SSF1991 ->
- @spexfox I still believe she's a anti-vax tool & her proposals will hamstring our economy & leave Russia free to run roughshod over Europe. in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @JohnJHarwood: let this sink in: 1st female WH nominee leads male rival by 11 pts on being Commander-in-Chief, 18 on handling crisis, 26… ->
- @spexfox She openly panders to anti-vaxxers which is as dangerous as, if not more than, what Snopes 'debunked'. https://t.co/EcD1X0gfmO in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Unfortunately, I was raised by parents who grew up during a time when polio killed or paralyzed many annually prior to the Salk vax in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox The stories she told about the iron lungs are haunting. That is why I believe in mandatory child vax as a matter of public safety.. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox .. and believe that anyone without valid medical reason not to get their kid vaxd should be charged with child neglect in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/nvUWts8eyc ->