Twiter Weekly Update 21.Mar.2020 – 27.Mar.2020

Twiter Weekly Update 07.Mar.2020 – 13.Mar.2020

  • @AOC You won't get any argument from me on the point of #VoteBlueNoMatterWho in reply to AOC ->
  • E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 29.Feb.2020 – 06.Mar.2020" ->
  • RT @bacon_flaps: tfw people tellin you not to panic about corona but this is the mindset of literally every food service GM in america http… ->
  • RT @eruditechick: People dragging Elizabeth Warren for daring to do SNL because all of their problems aren't solved yet is fucking stupid a… ->
  • @WeAreAKon With COVID-19 now declared a pandemic, will A-Kon 2020 still be held as scheduled? ->

Twiter Weekly Update 29.Feb.2020 – 06.Mar.2020