Twiter Weekly Update 21.Jun.2014 – 27.Jun.2014

  • E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 14.Jun.2014 – 20.Jun.2014" ->
  • Finally landed some semblance of employment. Granted it's in pizza delivery, but it's better than being unemployed. #mcjob ->
  • Remember people, if your pizza is not delivered in 35-45 minutes, you're probably not tipping your driver enough. ->
  • Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. ->
  • Yay! Just hit Google I/O Bingo with this anti-Halprin protester! ->
  • Seriously considering getting @EVEOnline off of @steam_games->
  • Also, congrats to Team #USA for not failing too hard and making it out of the Group of Death #WorldCup2014 ->
  • Only thing stopping me from getting EVE is that hardly anyone I know plays it. At least, no one I know on Steam does… ->
  • @TommyRefenes I think it's the $25 cost to get the games. in reply to TommyRefenes ->

Twiter Weekly Update 14.Jun.2014 – 20.Jun.2014