- I know, @LGUSAMobile – You'll let us know re: ics on the g2x in the US when you have more info. Do hurry though, we're not a patient people. #
- @TeamChaotix I'm disappointed this happened before I could get a UK VPN account… in reply to TeamChaotix #
- Back home for my "weekend". Where my TF2 hags at? #
- @bradflick55 Really? I thought it was opposable thumbs. in reply to bradflick55 #
- @Shadow5talker04 Careful… Cheesecake slices are like Pringles and hits of heroin: you can't have just one in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @spexfox Hehehe! Sounds delicious… in reply to spexfox #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-29
- @Triggur Only pigs and chimps. in reply to Triggur #
- @magferret Denver? in reply to magferret #
- Back from work, enjoying a nice post-drive Twitter and chat before bed.. #
- @LynxAfterDark Lucky stiff 😉 Wish I could get 2 guys to do the same for me… in reply to LynxAfterDark #
- @GavvieUK Depends on what's going on at the theater more than anything else 😛 in reply to GavvieUK #
- @BedtimeVixen *FURIOUS HANDJOB* ah what the hell. in reply to BedtimeVixen #
- @GetBuckyballs Found this on my G+ recently. One of my circles people created this: http://t.co/vrfMFLBS #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-28
- @roareyraccoon Damn. Whatever happened to just having a good old-fashioned bribery scandal? in reply to roareyraccoon #
- No Follow Friday special this week, but enjoy yourselves all the same… #
- @UrthyBewbs @Xial @WikidWorx @philvgersims @blitzchris @ValorB @Akhmin @thekevineva @EmeraldPhysics @roareyraccoon @TeamChaotix @feniiku #ff #
- Follow Friday Lotto Time, coming right up! #ff #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-27
- @roareyraccoon Good thing… Speaking of tablets, I need to find where mine went to… in reply to roareyraccoon #
- @LynxAfterDark Keep it as is. It's a nice account. in reply to LynxAfterDark #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-26
- @ValorB I wouldn't. There are less useless Sonic characters out there. in reply to ValorB #
- @HiroRwar Is that a nail or a shark tooth? In any case, you only need one if you haven't had one in 10 years. in reply to HiroRwar #
- @digital_devils @Svend_SPOnG You're both wrong. Patience is connecting to the internet at 9.6kbps using AOL 5.5 on a POS Windows 95 machine. in reply to digital_devils #
- @NegriElectronic How about @Dwolla for payments? in reply to NegriElectronic #
- @SPOnGdotCom Oh, you're no fun! in reply to SPOnGdotCom #
- @SPOnGdotCom What do the new Transformers game & the hooker w/ the adam's apple ya just screwed share? Both're more than meets the eye. in reply to SPOnGdotCom #
- Playing Duke Nukem Forever. http://t.co/EVPrdRjT #
- @PeterMannionMP That's because we blew our money on the commemorative Jubilee condoms, diaphragms, lubricant, urinal cakes, & nipple clamps. in reply to PeterMannionMP #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-25
- Right-o … Ask me anything, as it's #TMITuesday #
- @Akhmin I've build you a tower if I didn't feel like dealing with customs and shite. in reply to Akhmin #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-24
- @UrthyBewbs Don't worry. The sunlight ain't natural where I'm at either, albeit for the opposite reason. in reply to UrthyBewbs #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-23
- @UrthyBewbs Don't worry about it. 😀 in reply to UrthyBewbs #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-22
- @philvgersims Considering that you practically have a central line hooked up to you that is filled with Port, yeah that might be the case… in reply to philvgersims #
- @Abbywolfox Go into construction, or better yet, plumbing. Best of both worlds. in reply to Abbywolfox #
- Today's ear rape of your childhood: Jon St. John reads "Fifty Shades of Grey" in his Duke Nukem voice – http://t.co/DIwWLO1v #
- @roareyraccoon Personally, sunshine is overrated. But yeah, hope you have a better post-rest day, man. in reply to roareyraccoon #
- Okay, this is just fucked up… http://t.co/yiOghVmU #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-21
- With just over 500 followers to go & 17 days to go to get there, make @NegriElectronic eat their words & follow them for a shot at a Nexus 7 #
- @SonicWrecks No,… Just no… in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @lynxdarkwynd Bah. Weird is wanting to eat a steak sliced raw and seasoned lightly with salt. in reply to lynxdarkwynd #
- Playing Team Fortress 2. http://t.co/EVPrdRjT #
- @thekevineva Yay! Something that will take down Fifty Shades Of Grey in reply to thekevineva #
- @philvgersims Quit watching and start playing! in reply to philvgersims #
- Playing Super Meat Boy. http://t.co/EVPrdRjT #
- Playing The Binding of Isaac. http://t.co/EVPrdRjT #