- RT @RukiNatsu: You are not a failure! Take my hand! We can get though this together! all of us ? https://t.co/Y5bwYPDbCC ->
- My cards check engine light is a teasing whore. It comes on and stays on until I take it somewhere with an OBDII reader ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 19.Dec.2015 – 25.Dec.2015" https://t.co/iZTg1h9kP3 ->
- @e_sibe -ding ding- in reply to e_sibe ->
- Don't forget, I'm streaming New Year's Fcuking Eve 5.0 on @SEGASonicRadio this Thursday to raise money for .@CPCharity & give away prizes… ->
- So Sonic fans, don't blow all your donation cash in one marathon (sorry @Urtheart …) ->
- At least in the end, it was relatively quick between diagnosis and death. RIP Lemmy https://t.co/lL0OJaoVCh ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox Actually we unscrew your native language from your head via telepathy so we can speak it back to you fluently… in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- @lastmincontinue Looks like a contender for this week's sign of the apocalypse in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- RT @BetteMidler: Not watching TV on New Year’s Eve. If I want to see dropping a ball, I’ll watch Congress fail to pass sensible gun control… ->
- @roareyraccoon Play some Sonic music. I have a 20 hour stream I plan on firing up soon on .@SEGASonicRadio if you need a source. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @jkitrinehart *switches back and mock glares* in reply to jkitrinehart ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: New Year's Fcuking Eve begins in 40 minutes, benefiting .@CPCharity … Pre-show begins in 6 minutes. #HappyNewYear ->
- @GViper8 Indeed it is. in reply to GViper8 ->
- And so it begins. #NewYearsFcukingEve on @SEGASonicRadio ->
- @thekevineva Problems, monsigneur? in reply to thekevineva ->
- @thekevineva thanks. In the meantime, SSR beckons. Give a listen in reply to thekevineva ->
- @SSF1991 Because there is a live stream like thing going on on .@SEGASonicRadio … in reply to SSF1991 ->
- @DiGi_Valentine Why not listen to .@SEGASonicRadio while you work? in reply to DiGi_Valentine ->
- RT @_sophocles_: In New York City, these are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories. http://t… ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: 5 hours in and we still have no donations to .@CPCharity … Time to get creative… ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: The next prize giveaway will not happen until we get some donations. Donate: https://t.co/fnJnTcId4w ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: Also, I still have 9 games to give away here so get donating ->
- RT @SvendJoscelyne: Looking forward to a kick-ass 2016. Happy New Year everyone. Have a great 2016; don't let any bastards bring you down. … ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Easier said than done in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @thekevineva You need better luck. Improve your karma with a donation https://t.co/NhIqt44u3y in reply to thekevineva ->
Take a free Uber instead. Use promo code: uberiamfree
Retweet to save a life. ->
- .@GooglePlay Clearly that is #PacManCDDX #PlayYourHeartOut https://t.co/uDciLzAcOF ->
- @SilverSonic M7 M8 or M9? in reply to SilverSonic ->
- @SilverSonic Ah… I have the M9 myself in reply to SilverSonic ->
- Remember don't forget to mow down all the kids shooting off fireworks on your way home after getting shitfaced at the bar. #NaturalSelection ->
- RT @nihilist_arbys: Tomorrow, another useless demarcation of the construct of time sets in. Get high and pretend you're not dying, there's … ->
Twiter Weekly Update 19.Dec.2015 – 25.Dec.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 12.Dec.2015 – 18.Dec.2015" https://t.co/GbeG2iRUu6 ->
- @philvgersims You already did by misspelling 'pariah' in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: If you want to find the center of the car, drop a nut. https://t.co/auogMkz6Na ->
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: it was a forbidden romance but they didn't care. https://t.co/dsMT5DxVXr ->
- RT @SpaceX: Landing from helo https://t.co/dYomRtG0Xs ->
- @philvgersims Over here. You'll get it back when you donate some cash during New Year's Fucking Eve on .@SEGASonicRadio in reply to philvgersims ->
- @philvgersims All money raised goes to .@CPCharity … in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: ME: I dropped a piece of popcorn down my shirt!
@aardvarsk: Stop trying to flirt with me, Mara -> - RT @asimplemachine: We have introduced catnip to our household https://t.co/df5FxL154n ->
- RT @mallelis: unrelated but I believe strongly that Woody Woodpecker is a lesbian ->
- 9:15pm on a Tuesday, what to do? ->
- RT @LupineAssassin: Never forget. https://t.co/TBOZOfvYNp ->
- RT @Spottacus: Well, *he's* the one that made it weird. "RT @ThatHornedFox: I blame them all" http://t.co/vGnK3sUiat ->
- @evilbmcats That's assuming it is ice and not a bunch of cocaine. in reply to evilbmcats ->
- @chalurzard @glowmew I would buy this but I have no need of the simulator thanks to memories from an impoverished childhood. in reply to chalurzard ->
- RT @dynamofire: parents have the yule log on with closed captioning https://t.co/3dLAXNvjr3 ->
- My Christmas is largely on hold because the bulk of my family wants to wait for my eldest sister to finally get up and arrive on the 30th. ->
- Fortunately, I got myself 3 Xmas gifts: Both Sonic and Sega All-Stars Racing games and the Deadpool video game. ->
Twiter Weekly Update 12.Dec.2015 – 18.Dec.2015
- @philvgersims Wow, you're a regular Gordon Freeman 😀 in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @Huepow00: ability x time https://t.co/1B5oY8DkCF ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Dec.2015 – 11.Dec.2015" https://t.co/6ANYoD4otO ->
- RT @Todd_Spence: I photoshopped Gary Busey as #MaryPoppins for the fun of it. Retweet. https://t.co/6x8B2JBsQv ->
- @philvgersims That's just par for the course. Just block and report as spam. in reply to philvgersims ->
- And nothing of value was lost. https://t.co/SqrRQKW25k ->
- @Urtheart Please tell me that is for a year from now… Otherwise we have two conflicting sonic charity events https://t.co/EtSRzwKd6O in reply to Urtheart ->
- @ruskertweets Don't you live in the same part of California as NewEgg? in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @biafrarepublic This is still a thing I am doing. Go and retweet for more confessions. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @BuzzFeedAndrew: And nine, nine rings were gifted to the race of men, who above all else desired power. https://t.co/N66AN1dcLC ->
- @Mendinso Mark as not relevant or appears too often or something in reply to Mendinso ->
- @xkeepah Hit esc to leave insert mode. in reply to xkeepah ->
- @xkeepah Ctrl+L first in reply to xkeepah ->
- @xkeepah also, use nano or mcedit. in reply to xkeepah ->
- I'm mulling over whether or not to get a cheap USB external drive just for Linux ->
- @MaraWritesStuff How about Baked Cinnamon Sugar Apples? in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- I entered to win a Nexus 6P or Nexus 5X from Android Central! Check it out! https://t.co/Q4jl4jkj7S ->
- @roareyraccoon Attack of the Pornbots? in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @xkeepah Sheldon Adelson at work? in reply to xkeepah ->
- @FluffTank That's only if the cat in question was fed shark before it was 0 in reply to FluffTank ->
- @xkeepah OK, this throws a possible wrench into my Adelson theory in reply to xkeepah ->
- @xkeepah Probably. Heck HAS gone on record and pushed for a change to birthright citizenship, albeit in nicer language than Trump. in reply to xkeepah ->
- @FluffTank Just remember to go to a doctor of it changes pitch. in reply to FluffTank ->
- I bought 8 cans of chocolate-hazelnut filled pirouettes. Is that excessive? ->
- @roareyraccoon Design-wise, I have to agree. Then again, we aren't the target audience. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @WTHisBrent: Here's the deal: I want a puppy. My wife agreed to this last night. RT if you love puppies. #puppylove #helpus https://t.… ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/WKvGEN9Pm9 ->
- @spexfox Yet another in a long line of Marlon Wayans parodies. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Dunno about groups but I am on Telegram as well in reply to spexfox ->
Twiter Weekly Update 05.Dec.2015 – 11.Dec.2015
- Laundry @ 4am, because insomnia is a bitch ->
- RT @Rabaeyonce: When you think you're fighting ISIS but you become ISIS ?☕ https://t.co/JMIfCopMuU ->
- RT @KazHiraiCEO: Sorry, we thought you said you wanted to see a game crash, not a Crash game #PSX ->
- @SvendJoscelyne This already got a remake, why does it need another one? in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- Am actual sit down lunch for a change. At @panerabread in League City https://t.co/caWk2OSCgv ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 28.Nov.2015 – 04.Dec.2015" https://t.co/QD8e1Zp0a0 ->
- RT @saladinahmed: new joker sucks https://t.co/yogS64dxl8 ->
- RT @alainal121: Oh hey it's @AndrewWK at #tanksgiving! https://t.co/456sXfEtFO ->
- RT @Nited04: Mff remember your friend vodka says you can dance. So hit that dance floor #FurFest https://t.co/xxJR328Tkw ->
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: Purrfect timing. https://t.co/SRvcxVvhO8 ->
- RT @JeriLRyan: Squeeeeee! That little pouty face… ? Your #dailycute… /via @Depoetic https://t.co/gmMzs4uCHP ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: Upcoming announcement regarding New Year's Eve coming soon…. Honest! -Biafra ->
- I was going to go with 'lizard person' but 'slug colony' is also a valid hypothesis… https://t.co/ATNGHAU60h ->
- RT @montypuffs: seeing everyone having fun at a con and you're at home like https://t.co/6J3Jdnzjk5 ->
- @MaraWritesStuff I usually end up donating money to @CPCharity – they send video games to children's hospitals & domestic violence shelters. in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @roareyraccoon Well, it's a good thing I kept hold of my original PS1 discs. And my SCPH-7501 model PlayStation. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @SvendJoscelyne It's more of a trust issue than anything else, and Square Enix has not exactly cultivated trust with its customers. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Also, I have the Greatest Hits PS1 version and a SCPH-7501 PlayStation. I am very well protected from their greed. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- This is probably the best mashup I have ever heard. Give it a go: https://t.co/vq2G7hJVxr ->
- RT @SEGANerds: Monday… https://t.co/c0eturgT8F ->
- @thekevineva That just might get you in trouble for violating the Geneva Convention. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @betsythebeaver Here, use this sign. https://t.co/pz5AFczSOS in reply to betsythebeaver ->
- @Late_Night_Fox More power to you… I'm too broke to get any kind of fursuit in reply to Late_Night_Fox ->
- Dinner options tonight… Do I splurge on Sushi or get a bucket of chicken or get a pizza? ->
- [My Twt Report] via https://t.co/siSrvxdjUS – https://t.co/gjZBUgvA44 ->
- Explains much 😛 https://t.co/a7PVUmhu2p ->
- At the local @sonicdrivein getting shakes and drinks for the family. https://t.co/OzNVsF7UbO ->
- @Xial take a half dose, then you will only need 90 minutes in reply to Xial ->
- @MonsterGaming I believe @sapporojones could use those. in reply to MonsterGaming ->
- Says you, douchenozzle. https://t.co/gcRBbqQE2G ->
- @wilw Blame Ronald Reagan, he picked the sonofabitch. in reply to wilw ->
- RT @TheGodlessNorth: Holy shit, Starbucks went pretty fucking dark this holiday season. Oh wait, that's supposed to be a scarf? https://t.c… ->
- Phone slipped out of my hand and the corner landed on my eye. That was unpleasant, especially since my phone is an HTC One M9… ->
- The eye is OK though. I was blinking at the time. ->
- I am serious. https://t.co/2nM2JDRWhz ->
- 1- Due to fluid buildup in my eustachian tubes, I was deaf until I was three and a half, when I had the first of many growth spurts. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
Twiter Weekly Update 28.Nov.2015 – 04.Dec.2015
- @thekevineva Honestly, neither speak to me enough in reply to thekevineva ->
- Sushi or olive garden? ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 21.Nov.2015 – 27.Nov.2015" https://t.co/daTeDSYMml ->
- An unfortunate typo… https://t.co/E9qpowVprh ->
- @sonicyoda I believe they were trying to spread it out among multiple genres. Personally, Ristar can take a back seat to Wiz 'N Liz though in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @sonicyoda Wiz N Liz is one of the fastest paced Genesis games this side of the Hedgehog, hands down. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @roareyraccoon Goodnight, man in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: https://t.co/x9xPPt6EAQ ->
- @thekevineva Just remember that if you go into a bar & a chick asks you to 'assassinate the drifter', go for it. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @ValorB You're on ESO? Which platform? in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB SWEET! Same here. My UserID is the same as my Twitter. in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB Same here. in reply to ValorB ->
- RT @NYDailyNews: An early look at tomorrow’s front page…
GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS: https://t.co/eKUg5f03ec https://t.co/j4gEFg9YtJ -> - @MaraWritesStuff Now for the big question: What do you have on the other side of Citizen Kane? in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- RT @MaxScoville: When frightened, the Dick Cheney will suddenly shed its carapace and use it as decoy to confuse predators. https://t.co/dL… ->
- @sonicyoda Every work day I'm one slip of the knife at work from this happening. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Whoever came up with the idea of rebooting this was definitely doing copious amounts of the brown acid. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- Where should I get my daily dose of frustration today? ->
- @thekevineva @Urtheart @GavvieUK Got all of you beat. Without a hair tie, my hair looks like Phil Spector's hair used to look. in reply to thekevineva ->
- Breakfast of ex-champions. https://t.co/BKpNe0fVSi ->
- Apparently, Scott Weiland is dead. ->
Twiter Weekly Update 21.Nov.2015 – 27.Nov.2015
- RT @SteelClaw_Fox: I knew turkeys were expensive, but DAMN! https://t.co/BxwMJt4nUq ->
- @MaraWritesStuff The hair isn't so much the problem as the dander, though. in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- RT @DinodogQuartz: Retweet for a random chance at a SFW or NSFW artistic freedom free fullbody from me!
This will run for 24 hours. https:… -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 14.Nov.2015 – 20.Nov.2015" https://t.co/kh1XiERe5E ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Bad example. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- I would buy these if they sold items in US$ instead of £… https://t.co/Bhl5Iv3pn7 ->
- @ruskertweets Pho is like chicken soup on steroids. Problem is, the local pho places near me give too much. in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @InsertCoinTees There is no US flag on the mobile version apparently. in reply to InsertCoinTees ->
- @InsertCoinTees Just checked on Desktop and the checked the lounge pants size chart. It says an XL waist is 45cm or approx 17.7 in. HUH? in reply to InsertCoinTees ->
- @InsertCoinTees Okay, guess that explains it… Still a weird way of measuring the waist though… in reply to InsertCoinTees ->
- @ValorB Aside from the fact that you misspelled breathe, they're ok in reply to ValorB ->
- @Jay_Fury_ At least they used the international version of the flags, which has the iron cross instead of the swastika. in reply to Jay_Fury_ ->
- @MaraWritesStuff I stopped watching after the pilot episodes. They were worse than watching Paycheck. in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @tssznews sounds like a new pachinko machine or something… in reply to tssznews ->
- @thekevineva That's like getting America to switch to the Metric system: it's never going to happen in reply to thekevineva ->
- On this beautiful day, celebrate over some turkey with your kind & wonderful family. Nope, couldn't do that w/ a straight face #Thanksgiving ->
- After the family is sated, I am playing the Kill La Kill Drinking game to erase the day from my cerebral cortex. #HappyThanksgivingEveryone ->
- @lastmincontinue Also, they weren't actually Puritans, they were a similar, but different group of Dissenters called the Brownists. in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- RT @Flea: my rich asshole dad fucked w/ me for the last time. im sending one of these to the first 24562 people to retweet this http://t.co… ->
- @SvendJoscelyne They both sound gross. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @xkeepah Would if I could. Unfortunately I can't in reply to xkeepah ->
- RT @Skoogyy: RT or bad luck for 5 years https://t.co/dEJIkgsFG0 ->
- @Xial Or Jettison Windows Phone in reply to Xial ->
- @Xial I doubt it will happen though. They see e-mailed codes as an acceptable fallback it seems. in reply to Xial ->
- @Xial As far as I see the only options are to use E-mail or keep a cheap Android Wi-Fi tablet for authentication in reply to Xial ->
Twiter Weekly Update 14.Nov.2015 – 20.Nov.2015
- @SSF1991 "Horror Movie Variant" officially the worst Sonic comic subtitle ever in reply to SSF1991 ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 07.Nov.2015 – 13.Nov.2015" https://t.co/4vH06WoK7T ->
- @Urtheart And thus vindicating my decision to wait until the Steam Holiday Sale in reply to Urtheart ->
- @thekevineva I like the No More Heroes 2 soundtrack better myself. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @philvgersims FYI, something on the .@UK_EC site makes Chrome for Android hang and crash. ->
- RT @BendtnerOver: This is a condom filled with spaghetti, RT for 5 years of good luck. Ignore for 10 years bad luck. Wouldn't risk it http:… ->
- RT @TheSkullFace75: @JimSterling I think this sums it up pretty well. https://t.co/fOpDpY5Q3r ->
- Here is a view of the mothership itself, my gaming and video recording rig. https://t.co/0u5JFOA9rt ->
- @xkeepahPLUS I've had one purchase (flu shot back in 09) take 90 days before it was processed. in reply to xkeepahPLUS ->
- @shadowbane2009 @lastmincontinue @tssznews Looks serviceable enough to work. in reply to shadowbane2009 ->
- @SSF1991 Every time I ask myself "Why don't I care about Sonic comics much these days?", along comes Ken Fucking Penders to remind me why… in reply to SSF1991 ->
- @philvgersims Why We Suck by Denis Leary is always good for a laugh. in reply to philvgersims ->
- Didn't win the big Mega Millions jackpot on Saturday, but won with 3 out of 5 plus the Mega Ball for $250. https://t.co/QpMhCr3ePu ->
- @sonicyoda I gathered that from the notification in Skype in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @sonicyoda Yep. It sends out notifications if you have your birthday publicly listed. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Problems with the pesky Volatile Organic Chemicals that comprise them? in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
Twiter Weekly Update 07.Nov.2015 – 13.Nov.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 31.Oct.2015 – 06.Nov.2015" https://t.co/MqHIJcQpHv ->
- RT @DCDeacon: I figure some of you might need a note from your doctor for your upcoming "sick day(s)" this week. So here you go. https://t.… ->
- That's one way around the problem, but that can only be used once a year… https://t.co/SpkuI2UcGp ->
- RT @Mizu_Okami: Hey everyone its Masaki! if this gets 12 rts ill post a pic of my writer! https://t.co/zE1d5cxmJK ->
- RT @NYDailyNews: Trump dances, tweets, ridicules himself on 'SNL' — WATCH https://t.co/7nx1Emym0x https://t.co/DlmkBmItOE ->
- RT @kanmiQ: かくれんぼがマルのマイブーム https://t.co/O5TvUxz7HR ->
- RT @lexiemgutierrez: Please share. You don't have to retweet you can easily copy and paste just please share! Transgender suicide hotline h… ->
- Okay, who summoned Margaret Thatcher back from the dead? https://t.co/en3nhRt5mE ->
- 9 days after Halloween and I still have a bag of candy to go through… Now I know I am old. ->
- RT @ValorB: As I sit here at work, pondering my life choices I-
-SHUT UP BRAIN. ITS TIME FOR WRITING. WE DON'T NEED YOU COCKING IT UP. #a… -> - At college registering for classes after a 5 year hiatus. ->
- Checked waiting list for academic advisors, found out I am number 83 after an hour wait. Was number 105 on arrival at 11am. ->
- RT @SteelClaw_Fox: https://t.co/OEddAx6FjU ->
- @MaraWritesStuff This is going to be a 4 parter then… Part 1: Louie https://t.co/kfzwJjPUno in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Part 2: Dillon https://t.co/4vyUULYxwF in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Part 3: Ares (just after he got the snip) https://t.co/0tru712bm0 in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- Part 4, since I can't get dog number 3 Venus to stop vibrating, is the funniest of Sarah Silverman's last 5 tweets https://t.co/7R3DuaO3gb ->
- @ValorB Or you could do some webcomics in reply to ValorB ->
- @MrOscarTK Actually it is because MUGEN has made fighting games effectively redundant. in reply to MrOscarTK ->
- @Mendinso No need to apologize. Trump's pathetic excuse of a dick needs to fall off in a rotting mess of gangrene and AIDS. in reply to Mendinso ->
- @RahneKallon *whistles appreciately and applauds* in reply to RahneKallon ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Even money 20 years from now we will all be dead for the most part. (contd) in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Then again, I've been so jaded by the constant violence, idiot pundits, & restrained hatred that I expect our extinction… in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- RT @TurntTravis: Found a new pencil case in my dads room https://t.co/mmDAPqBM9z ->
- In a 'here's Tom with the Weather' moment, I just got some bribing bags for the thanksgiving turkey I have yet to buy. ->
- s/bribing/brining/p ->
- Auto correct. Making things sound fucked up since 1998. ->
- @magferret I had no idea there was a live action Hatoful Boyfriend stage show… in reply to magferret ->
- I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for the family this year. Turkey, gravy, dressing, green beans, pies, and drinks. ->
- Before anyone asks, it's called 'dressing', not 'stuffing' as we don't risk botulism by sticking it up the turkey's butt before cooking. ->
Twiter Weekly Update 31.Oct.2015 – 06.Nov.2015
- RT @Independent: Stuck for last-minute Halloween costume ideas? Amazon has an idea https://t.co/77kklFgU3U https://t.co/ifYJAlgBLC ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 24.Oct.2015 – 30.Oct.2015" https://t.co/VMMbxd3dai ->
- @lastmincontinue Neither appeal to me. Both are expensive, sub-par gaming PCs with the same CPU manufacturer. in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- RT @Huepow00: https://t.co/J4RpFVpVu7 ->
- @JohnLegere What do I do if I have an older Cel-fi Personal CellSpot? It still works, but I'd love a new one if the new one is VoLTE capable in reply to JohnLegere ->
- @sonicyoda @GeshGav He swears, though he is a bit more restrained now after becoming a father. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @ruskertweets Dust: An Elysian Tail in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @sonicyoda It's a prison with bars I could not escape as a child. Then I watched the @thelindsayellis review & suddenly the bars were gone. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @TMobileHelp DM sent in reply to TMobileHelp ->
- RT @rachelle_mandik: —You a private eye?
That’s what the blue neon sign says out front.
—It’s argon. Neon glows orange.
V.O.: From the s… ->
- @philvgersims Considering this is J.J. Abrams, probably not. in reply to philvgersims ->
- @e_sibe You don't need suggestions. You are a moderator of r/yiff – search something out there. in reply to e_sibe ->
- @Nuurbs Either way… L'chaim! in reply to Nuurbs ->
- I have an odd feeling that #JebFixedIt was created to piss off the British. ->
- RT @Singedrac: Remember to teabag away from the enemy https://t.co/A39XL5Zpya via @imgur ->
- Not really digging the new covers for the late Anne McCaffrey's Tower and Hive series. They look like the magazine covers for Maxim Or FHM. ->
- Okay, I'm officially bored as fuck. What to do…? ->
- @RandPaul says that things that are free (e.g., free college) is as bad as heroin. My response: https://t.co/2MQkxDLSxn ->
- RT @EmrgencyKittens: Shhh, the movie is about to start! https://t.co/DaNcjOtcyu ->
- @thekevineva They can do that over there??? in reply to thekevineva ->
- @thekevineva Good. I would hate to hear the UK has no laws against slamming. in reply to thekevineva ->
- @thekevineva I'm waiting for the next Steam sale before considering #Fallout4 – as for CoDBlops 3, that game can go fuck itself. in reply to thekevineva ->
- RT @FunnyPokemon: Retweet if this was you: https://t.co/bDcrRYupp4 ->
- Leftovers for late night snack… https://t.co/alVDDpbreV ->
Twiter Weekly Update 24.Oct.2015 – 30.Oct.2015
- RT @sonicstadium: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO US
#SonicStadium15Yrs -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 17.Oct.2015 – 23.Oct.2015" https://t.co/XFRtaez2WT ->
- RT @Huepow00: https://t.co/BeWBSSI8To ->
- Dear UK: I believe this weather belongs to you. https://t.co/QCPguiNVDK ->
- @Xial Good. Even with the lens issue, the Nexus 4 is a solid device, and much better than any Windows mobile device… in reply to Xial ->
- @Xial Then again, I use an HTC One M9 for my main and my old 2013 Motorola Moto X as a backup. in reply to Xial ->
- @Xial The One M9 has no problem with that, thankfully… in reply to Xial ->
- One of the highlights of being forced to drag my mom up to Houston for a PET scan, lunch at the nearby Korean market. #yummy 😀 ->
- @SvendJoscelyne He is one of those shit EDM acts that make me question humanity's continued right to exist. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @DiGi_Valentine I'd wait a year after release. By then they will have released Ultra Hyper Street Fighter V Turbo & you save on DLC costs… in reply to DiGi_Valentine ->
- WTF???? https://t.co/zr3wh6Hsln ->
- Well, that explains why my .@steam_games downloads were sluggish recently, Steam auto-changed my mirror from Houston to Detroit… ->
- @silverwuffamute Because they are either inserted into vajayjay, chopped off, or the people they are attached to are killed fully clothed… in reply to silverwuffamute ->
- @sonicyoda This is one of those Nintendo Power moments. Make sure you got enough hearts to survive in there before you get sucked in. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @TitansCreed @sonicyoda Shame he is tapping out now. The Water dungeon is a whole different level of fun from the fish innards. in reply to TitansCreed ->
- @TitansCreed @sonicyoda don't forget silver rupee puzzles. they are a mountain of dog shit. in reply to TitansCreed ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Because there is no law in the UK against being an annoyance. If there was, David Cameron would be in jail. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- RT @sonicyoda: https://t.co/IQsid9s25I ->
- Every time I hear some iSheep mention "Android fragmentation", I want to take all their Apple devices & fragment them with a wood chipper. ->
- I have three words that invalidate any arguments from Apple fanbois about Android:
Google Play Services ->
- @sonicyoda Wait, people still play GLQuake? in reply to sonicyoda ->
- ? maxfirestorm: karnythia: things-with-teeth: myriadsubtletiess: chrysalisamidst:… https://t.co/IuSNOBuaSZ ->