- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 16.May.2015 – 22.May.2015" http://t.co/VwMs8AW6LY ->
- I found 116 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
- To this douche: Just because u have a little G on your truck doesn't mean you can park like a dumb A http://t.co/TxiKRRz3o1 ->
- RT @lastmincontinue: Let’s Play Skyrim With Biafra – Part 7 http://t.co/ALrIMPCa4e ->
Twiter Weekly Update 16.May.2015 – 22.May.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 09.May.2015 – 15.May.2015" http://t.co/UYRZEo2bai ->
- Okay, fuck what the calendar says, it is officially summertime. http://t.co/zBVxV2b8nU ->
- It is official: the PlayStation ad people do some crazy amounts of cocaine … https://t.co/RwtAXv8rFH ->
- @clairecmc Before you make that decision final, do a quick check to see if anyone was nearby with a smug look on their face first… in reply to clairecmc ->
Twiter Weekly Update 09.May.2015 – 15.May.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 02.May.2015 – 08.May.2015" http://t.co/eer4fzQNkr ->
- I found 116 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
Twiter Weekly Update 02.May.2015 – 08.May.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 25.Apr.2015 – 01.May.2015" http://t.co/dDRQMDkf3s ->
- @ValorB Get some .@redbull … it will help. in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB Don't they have vending machines on-site? in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB ouch in reply to ValorB ->
- I found 116 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
- An appeal to all my friends in the UK, whether they're red, blue, purple, yellow, green, or mauve: VOTE today and make your voice heard! ->
- I would say VOTE CTHULU but he's a US citizen (and running in the 2016 presidential election again) #GE2015 ->
- *reads uk general election results* *sad face* http://t.co/AB67U2jwLz ->
- RT @theletterzed: For American viewers: The wildlings voted SNP, the South thought Joffrey was doing a great job so want another 5 years. T… ->
- RT @ShiroSirius: If there's one beautiful thing we can take away from this election, it's this http://t.co/lv0ZyGwEbM ->
- If I wasn't needing it right now, I'd pour you a stiff drink. https://t.co/LlCc7mYoJT ->
- All the Labour candidates who lost seem to be graduates of the Michael Portillo School of Graciousness In Defeat ->
- RT @SquidGaming: http://t.co/T8WpGtoKOM ->
- @JohnCleese They will only do so after the public inquiry tries and fails to whitewash their failure. in reply to JohnCleese ->
- @roareyraccoon Mainly it's to separate their NWS and SFW output. (At least, it's why I have an after dark twitter…) in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @MensHumor I think I remember this box… in reply to MensHumor ->
- Apparently you have to be 18 or older now to buy windshield washer fluid. #KidsDoTheWeirdestShitToGetHigh … http://t.co/Vl3KwjcKCK ->
- Was watching Sword Art Online S1 again, and realized something. After talking 2 months and thinning the herd by ~2000 to beat the L1 boss > ->
- > they proceed to clear the next 73 in just under 22 months (685 days to be precise) spending an avg of 9days 9hrs 12min 19.725696s / floor> ->
- > If their boss defeating rate held steady, they would have reached floor 100 and cleared Aincrad in 243d 23h 20m 32.8992s, on 18 June 2025> ->
- > If so, why would Kirito agree to pvp w/ Heathcliff/Kayaba to clear the game automatically even though the end was practically in sight? ->
- End dissection of anime, back to mindless fun watching SAO ->
Twiter Weekly Update 25.Apr.2015 – 01.May.2015
- VICTORY!!!!! http://t.co/wPNxCLqLGF ->
- @HiroRwar I'll take it if you still have it in reply to HiroRwar ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 18.Apr.2015 – 24.Apr.2015" http://t.co/sMnPEu6aFc ->
- I found 113 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "TEST Word 2013 Post" http://t.co/XIixKqkNbt ->
- Yep. That's me, with an Origin account. I feel so dirty now. Thanks, @OriginInsider you bunch of evil fucking cunts. http://t.co/qPqf9w5KJp ->
- Anyways, if anyone else has an Origin account handy and/or missed the last tweet, my Origin username is the same as my Steam username. ->
- RT @MMFlint: Local cops now militarized. Founding Fathers said NO army policing on our soil. Why do cops have tanks? Oh, right – the Enemy:… ->
TEST Word 2013 Post
Test Word 2013 Blog Post Please Ignore
Twiter Weekly Update 18.Apr.2015 – 24.Apr.2015
- I found 113 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 11.Apr.2015 – 17.Apr.2015" http://t.co/WLFi8zHJIR ->
- I liked a @YouTube video from @watchmojo http://t.co/QrpxQEICLc Top 10 Actors Who Bombed in Big Roles ->
Twiter Weekly Update 11.Apr.2015 – 17.Apr.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 04.Apr.2015 – 10.Apr.2015" http://t.co/BZgAquIuae ->
Twiter Weekly Update 04.Apr.2015 – 10.Apr.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 28.Mar.2015 – 03.Apr.2015" http://t.co/rf5nOLHPOz ->
- I found 113 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
Twiter Weekly Update 28.Mar.2015 – 03.Apr.2015
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 21.Mar.2015 – 27.Mar.2015" http://t.co/kb3fPjddTq ->
- UK election debates go full Futurama with disembodied heads – http://t.co/z8Dss2oYkE ->
- @roareyraccoon Which reminds me, I need to get back to drawing crap, myself, now that I have a scanner… in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @SvendJoscelyne It's a stupid plan. Harnessing a couple mind-flayers are much more effective at job creation than mass blood-rituals. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- I found 113 people do not follow me back via http://t.co/JRFI83z7aP ->
- OK, time to find something else to watch… ->