- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Nov.2014 – 07.Nov.2014" http://t.co/WACRTCK7vr ->
- @lastmincontinue Dust: An Elysian Tail pops to mind… in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- Oh, before I forget about this, here's Part 3 of my Skyrim Let's Play for @lastmincontinue – http://t.co/gv151ffTB6 ->
- RT @ItsGuyThingss: Remember when Jamie Foxx said Miley Cyrus would end up on a stripper pole and he had to apologize. Everyone now owes Jam… ->
- Just found out that today is my only day off for the next week. I am working from 5-10pm Tue-Sat, and 11a-8p Sunday. ->
- So, what shall I do on my one day off for the next week, eh Twitterverse? ->
- RT @SvendJoscelyne: Not played it yet obviously, but I think it's a bit unfair to compare Sonic Boom with Sonic 06 though. At least Sonic B… ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- RT @youngvulgarian: Really enjoying how young Tories are basically just Slytherin. http://t.co/ceaI4LASDO ->
- RT @Singedrac: Surprise! Controversial Patriot Act power now overwhelmingly used in drug investigations http://t.co/O1DdAWzAEX #PoliceState ->
- @ValorB You and me both… That isn't an expression, by the way. I'm fairly certain we're the only ones who want one. in reply to ValorB ->
- RT @SEGANerds: We're giving away a copy of Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric. Follow us and RT this to be entered to win! #SonicBoom http://t.co/Bp… ->
- RT @SEGAbits: Enter our #ValkyriaChronicles #contest! To enter: Follow @SEGAbits, RT this tweet. Winner announced Friday at 1PM EST http://… ->
- Okay, its official. My lack of patience has approached Duke of Edinburgh levels. ->
- RT @lastmincontinue: Why not catch up with the most recent part of @biafrarepublic's Let's Play Skyrim today? https://t.co/MQWsUejAwq ->
- This would be more funny if it was snowing rather than raining… http://t.co/OhN8GJgwul ->
- "Why did the Blockchain cross the road?" Because the lemonade stand on the otherwise accepted it #BitCoinThursday @TakeMyBitcoins @ChangeTip ->
- RT @hitboxlive: What game are you going to stream first via the new @xsplit version 2? #XSplitV2 RT for a chance to win a license! http://t… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 01.Nov.2014 – 07.Nov.2014
- RT @ruskertweets: what is the rationale behind going to a game forum to ask if you should buy the game
that's like asking a hooker if you … ->
- Remember to always read the terms and conditions with your weather change. http://t.co/zfnOwPcMV6 ->
- @Max_Firestorm And nothing of value was lost. in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 25.Oct.2014 – 31.Oct.2014" http://t.co/9ACDOMUzEn ->
- @androidcentral Nexus 6 in reply to androidcentral ->
- @Spacemania Not on hand, but I hear you can get some flying ones online. in reply to Spacemania ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- My opinion on the 2014 midterm election results in a nutshell: http://t.co/sWeTSHRa9k ->
- @ValorB There, done. in reply to ValorB ->
- @UrthyBewbs Just remember to check the top left corner. You'd be amazed how many times I accidentally tweeted from the wrong account… in reply to UrthyBewbs ->
Twiter Weekly Update 25.Oct.2014 – 31.Oct.2014
- @OhNoSheTwitnt What's sad about this is if this was two women or two men, aged 17 and 20, the 20 year old would easily be getting 25-life. in reply to OhNoSheTwitnt ->
- @OhNoSheTwitnt However, since this is a hetero pairing, apparently we can all let it slide under the 'Romeo and Juliet' laws. in reply to OhNoSheTwitnt ->
- RT @TheRequiem95: @biafrarepublic @SEGANerds @BandaiNamcoUS I was thinking cannibal, but let's go with your idea! ->
- Well, I finally caved and bought a Chromecast yesterday. It's a nice little tool, but the wifi only thing makes it annoying sometimes. ->
- RT @BRepAfterDark: Second thing I did with Chromecast (after casting YouTube) was set my backdrop to a private album of furry porn. ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 18.Oct.2014 – 24.Oct.2014" http://t.co/9ZUMdcKeb2 ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- RT @PickleHosting: Retweet for a chance to win our BIGGEST MC PACKAGE YET FOR FREE! http://t.co/7uvVtcLa39 ->
- @roareyraccoon That would be expecting too much of humanity. We can't even get people to stop calling things 'gay' let alone have any morals in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @lastmincontinue: Meow. http://t.co/AwOU5oXK4l ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- If this installation happened in the US, people would REALLY lose their shit… http://t.co/SNVyYqISJy ->
Twiter Weekly Update 18.Oct.2014 – 24.Oct.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 11.Oct.2014 – 17.Oct.2014" http://t.co/rfCK7jZkiZ ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Amazing FREE software to unlock Blackberry phones! | http://t.co/QYZPnw3J5U http://t.co/Wjg5cuZs51 ->
- RT @aaronpaul_8: Wait, so @ToysRUs pulled all of the Breaking Bad figures from their shelves and still sells Barbie? Hmmmm…I wonder what … ->
- @bad_dragon Don't just jump into MMOs right off. Start slow, play Half-Life 2, then get into solo RPGs like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim… in reply to bad_dragon ->
- RT @CMYKGenet: "Does anybody have any wire strippers?"
"No I just have regular strippers"
B) ->
- @MaraWritesStuff If the WoW Corrupted Blood Plague had taught us anything, it's that 2-3 sick dickheads are all it takes to fuck our shit up in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @TheRequiem95 The most likely scenario is that he's a sick pervert who's into this sort of thing… (Cc @SEGANerds & @BandaiNamcoUS) in reply to TheRequiem95 ->
Twiter Weekly Update 11.Oct.2014 – 17.Oct.2014
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 04.Oct.2014 – 10.Oct.2014" http://t.co/i16QpnTqtU ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @ThomasARoberts Honestly, the future of school birthday parties were in doubt ever since NCLB made teachers shove the extras to the wayside. in reply to ThomasARoberts ->
- RT @MrJoshBecker: How about freedom from your religion? @TeamCornyn: To Sen. Cornyn, #TexasMeans religious freedom! #hobbylobby http://t.co… ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Audiosurf 2. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- RT @news_illuminati: We heard it through the grapevine, because you were talking near a grapevine and we have listening devices in all thin… ->
- RT @Jenny_Trout: Two cases of Ebola in the U.S. and suddenly conservatives are BEGGING the government to get involved in our healthcare. An… ->
- RT @nice_mustard: your password must contain at least one lie society told you and one dream you gave up for the financial means to survive ->
- @silverwuffamute Blame Microsoft. They ruined it for everyone… in reply to silverwuffamute ->
- Playing The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @Xial People up in arms over a strain of non-psychoactive weed? in reply to Xial ->
- RT @drpatsyp: We could use a #SurgeonGeneral right about now! http://t.co/MUnrFBCr1m ->
- Playing The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
Twiter Weekly Update 04.Oct.2014 – 10.Oct.2014
- RT @lastmincontinue: Let's Play #Skyrim continues with Biafra on the way from Whiterun to High Hrothgar. http://t.co/fC0po5Re17 ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 27.Sep.2014 – 03.Oct.2014" http://t.co/sNglthKGM3 ->
- RT @Huepow00: You Have No Idea… http://t.co/ossYZHbHFn ->
- A @SEGASonicRadio related announcement from me coming in the next couple weeks. Stay tuned. ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @roareyraccoon Yeah, they either make one fall asleep in 30 minutes, or they are practically placebos. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @roareyraccoon At least you're not having to deal with the Walrus Jesus after taking them. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- I liked a @YouTube playlist http://t.co/TzsEo2aGAr Survivor 8: All ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @ValorB Because I had nothing to do. Note the lower right corner… http://t.co/qCxAuh4BhQ ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
Twiter Weekly Update 27.Sep.2014 – 03.Oct.2014
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 20.Sep.2014 – 26.Sep.2014" http://t.co/SFCbSoiDff ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @StriderEC Before I forget, happy birthday. ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- I would lean back regardless and use those blockers on the guy in front, and save my cash. #screwyougotmine #SocialSquare ->
- RT @MarkusJ: white politicians want that black person photo op so bad they ain't got time to read the shirt http://t.co/EvlEL0ntya ->
- @MarkusJ That's what happens when you gloss over shirts like the latest iTunes TOS. in reply to MarkusJ ->
- @Artie_P Sweet ride you're posing with. Is it available or does it belong to someone else? in reply to Artie_P ->
- @silverwuffamute No, that would be non septic safe toilet paper. Single ply TP is merely a simple plot by Chinese mega companies. in reply to silverwuffamute ->
- Well, I found a nice surprise in my 08 Smart that I just bought, an after market Sirius Satellite Radio device that is still functioning. ->
Twiter Weekly Update 20.Sep.2014 – 26.Sep.2014
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @Akhmin I do! How have you been? in reply to Akhmin ->
- @lastmincontinue That's because he's handling him wrong (I know what you're going to say, 'When is he not?')… in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 13.Sep.2014 – 19.Sep.2014" http://t.co/27wuywm8z0 ->
- You know you're bored when you're watching French television on Netflix. ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/PjE5xhHPhb ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
Twiter Weekly Update 13.Sep.2014 – 19.Sep.2014
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 06.Sep.2014 – 12.Sep.2014" http://t.co/osU2yHsMBE ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @Max_Firestorm That's usually how it always happens with me. in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/PjE5xhHPhb ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Ahhhh that's better, lovely shower XP. ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Projecting the flaws of individuals onto an entire social group is patently unwise. Unless that group stands for horribl… ->
- RT @JohnDonoghue64: Oh dear…. http://t.co/T9X89O5bfD ->
- @Demifur Welcome! in reply to Demifur ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/PjE5xhHPhb ->
Twiter Weekly Update 06.Sep.2014 – 12.Sep.2014
- @sonicstadium It's possible in the US, don't know if it is elsewhere, though in reply to sonicstadium ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 30.Aug.2014 – 05.Sep.2014" http://t.co/emGwTRHUox ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Welcome back, .@thekevineva has hit you with the #ALSIceBucketChallenge http://t.co/IIzVWfSRQN in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- RT @SvendJoscelyne: Found new TMNT figures in Toys R Us. http://t.co/8V3awA3tye ->
- RT @sonicyoda: @SvendJoscelyne Jesus H ->
- RT @thekevineva: @SvendJoscelyne KILL IT WITH FIRE. ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Please tell me that's the model that poops itself… in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @roareyraccoon Don't blame you. The news of the Royals breeding again is already dwarfing the coverage of the Joan Rivers funeral in the US. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @roareyraccoon Actually, you sound like someone battling a debilitating mental illness. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/PjE5xhHPhb ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @FluffTank It could just be it's no longer compatible with your device. in reply to FluffTank ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->