- Playing Left 4 Dead. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @TymberWulf I'd go with intriguing, especially since @e_sibe posts porn from /r/yiff on a semi regular basis. in reply to TymberWulf ->
- Here's what I have to say about the .@SuperPsyguy allegations: if there were acts of criminality involved, … (cont'd) ->
- … those accusing .@SuperPsyguy should file a complaint (based on his profile) with the local police in Katy, TX. http://t.co/bgZ0QyyX7X ->
- @silverwuffamute Not really, it's too easy to spoof an allowed MAC these days. ->
- @silverwuffamute I would also disable broadcasting your SSID and changing it to something known to those who will be using it. in reply to silverwuffamute ->
- @silverwuffamute Also, make sure you use WPA2 encryption secured by a long password containing mixed case letters, numbers, and symbols. ->
- #USA 2-1 #GHA KICK ASS! ->
- And with that, time to kill some zombies! ->
- @Markatansky Because the Welsh team is usually dead last in FIFA and the Scots didn't make it in. in reply to Markatansky ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Half-Life 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Half-Life 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Well, today is not only #TMItuesday it's also the birthday of @Huepow00 … Happy Birthday, DJ EAR! ->
- Playing Half-Life 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
Twiter Weekly Update 24.May.2014 – 30.May.2014
- RT @RikerGoogling: betazoid clitoris diagram ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 17.May.2014 – 23.May.2014" http://t.co/HOpe8x8voz ->
- RT @summerofsonic: We have some pretty big, and sad, news regarding #summerofsonic. Please read our statement on the official website: http… ->
- A quick PSA if you have been living under a rock for a while: @eBay has a data breach. Now is a good time to change your password there. ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: #YesAllWomen I was groped walking down Avenue D to my friend's birthday party. Responses: "Why were you on Avenue D?" … ->
- @MaraWritesStuff I'm kind of surprised none of those responses had the words 'police', 'stun gun', 'mace', or other similar phrases… in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Look on the bright side: The BNP lost both their seats. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @SSF1991 Whoever pushed this out should have stopped after StarFox on the Wii U… in reply to SSF1991 ->
- @lastmincontinue It's okay. Take a day trip to Amsterdam, and you'll figure out the correct ending to that meme. ;P in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- "RT @lastmincontinue It's okay. Take a day trip to Amsterdam, and you'll figure out the correct ending to that meme – Clogs?" Not even close ->
- @thekevineva As I have told @SvendJoscelyne – https://t.co/IV1LbZsiDO in reply to thekevineva ->
- @SYAMiNGLi This is a world where a 8.9 is the best one can get without substantial advertisement purchasing. in reply to SYAMiNGLi ->
- @tssznews You still use Winamp 2.95? How quaint… in reply to tssznews ->
- @EinEagleVanato Which one did you get??? in reply to EinEagleVanato ->
- @EinEagleVanato The toy! in reply to EinEagleVanato ->
- @roareyraccoon Give the US version of House of Cards a watch if you haven't already. It's a guilty pleasure of mine. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @sonicyoda It depends. SOP for 'addictive puzzle games' is to include some heroin w/ the premium version, or w/ the first in-app purchase… in reply to sonicyoda ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing EDGE. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @SSF1991 Unless you really like/want Windwaker, get SMBU. in reply to SSF1991 ->
Twiter Weekly Update 17.May.2014 – 23.May.2014
- @thekevineva I recommend finding a place with lots of undiscovered landmarks around it, discovering each one. in reply to thekevineva ->
- Playing The Binding of Isaac. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- RT @ruskertweets: no gay man is truly vegetarian, for he consumes and accepts the flesh of others unto and inside himself ->
- @KeshaRogers2014 I can proudly say that you will not have my vote, dear. You & your guru LaRouche make TX Dems looks like feuding inbreds. ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 10.May.2014 – 16.May.2014" http://t.co/XYbTpOXRrk ->
- Watch me try and stream Sonic Generations http://t.co/GkJqE1G5ux Reply if there are any issues ->
- @lastmincontinue Leave it in in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Spam: Just don't." http://t.co/ulMxZUWqvd ->
- @sonicyoda Not missing much, I'm afraid. Tyrion's second trial by combat has yet to happen. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @lastmincontinue Is it just me, or does that line sound like it should belong in a bad Serbian porn film? in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- @roareyraccoon Looks like it was once used by a high school kid. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @SEGANerds: Today's #SEGA #VS is the following, vote for your favorite! #retrogaming http://t.co/yCeMs6y9M0 ->
- @roareyraccoon Voltaire. He died telling a priest who wanted to save his soul from the devil "This isn't the time to make enemies". Bad ass. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @BarackObama: Retweet if you think the 24 states blocking Medicaid expansion need to put #PeopleOverPolitics. http://t.co/09T2g1cn8s ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Which one? in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- Just entered to win a copy of #WatchDogs from @TheEscapistMag & @GameFrontCom! Click the link to enter! http://t.co/B4x4kF78ix ->
- Anyone going to @furcon in Jan 2015 the hotel block will be open for bookings in less than 14 minutes (Opens at 6PM PDT/9PM EDT) ->
- @drinkcocaine Are you lot ever going to get off your butts and sue Texas to get into the market there? You lot would totally clean house. ->
Spam: Just don’t.
From: jhjhjh ggddgf (email withheld)
To: (my Gmail account)
Subject: hi Dear friend!
Hi My name is Neollita. How are you doing today over there and how about your health? i hope that you are doing great and your Family, i just saw your profile here and i want to make friendship with you to discus a lot of things with you, what is your opinion about this? please reply me back so that i will tell you all details about me with my photo. thanks.I’ll be waiting to hear from you,
Yours lovely, Neollita
Dear Neollita,
My health and well being are none of your concern. You have nothing that interests me, and spamming me for a photo is not going to net you what you want.
Die in a fire you stupid cunt.
Biafra Republic
Twiter Weekly Update 10.May.2014 – 16.May.2014
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- This is a test of WP to Twitter. http://t.co/KhHzTiiX3F (8681182) ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Coffee mugs and crap souvenirs? I always pictured it made out of those medals from "Jim'll Fix It" in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- RT @oisin: Why diacritical marks are essential http://t.co/aDfHCgu4mn ->
- RT @Shoq: Autocorrect just transposed "Republican wank" to "Republican skank." I'm ok with that. ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 03.May.2014 – 09.May.2014" http://t.co/N8uw0zmzbO ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/PjE5xhZYvj ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/PjE5xhZYvj ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing 8BitMMO. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing The Typing of the Dead: Overkill. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing The Binding of Isaac. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
Twiter Weekly Update 03.May.2014 – 09.May.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 26.Apr.2014 – 02.May.2014" http://t.co/9odrUsLxpZ ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Time for shopping… ->
- Playing The Typing of the Dead: Overkill. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/PjE5xhZYvj ->
- Playing The Typing of the Dead: Overkill. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
Twiter Weekly Update 26.Apr.2014 – 02.May.2014
- @bradflick55 One moment, the fork is currently stuck in the #TBLightning #badnhljoke in reply to bradflick55 ->
- RT @thereaIbanksy: #banksy http://t.co/wJJlwr2wgP ->
- @Triggur We've hit a cultural nadir a long time ago, when Larry the Cable Guy was allowed to become famous. in reply to Triggur ->
- @ValorB Meh. Needs a few more monitors… in reply to ValorB ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 19.Apr.2014 – 25.Apr.2014" http://t.co/Q85SzJ4vAF ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Well, they're canonizing paedophile facilitator John Paul II right now. IMO, The Vatican would be better off making Jimmy Saville a saint. ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @Huepow00 And yet you're still using yolasite… You need someone with WordPress or some other CMS skills 🙂 in reply to Huepow00 ->
- @ThornwolfArt @Singedrac @shoomlah @Sketch_Dailies http://t.co/V3AOCtP517 in reply to ThornwolfArt ->
- @ruskertweets Lucky you with the Cintiq. All I have is a 22 in. Vizio LED TV in reply to ruskertweets ->
- RT @Chiliik: April 30 – Chilling http://t.co/cPBEPOu1wL ->
- @JymFox @Singedrac Less yellow, more red. in reply to JymFox ->
- RT @9GAG: My sense of humor http://t.co/DVmZsaxvPa http://t.co/DhhqivBCgi ->
- @FluffTank Eww… Hope they issue gloves. in reply to FluffTank ->
- @LuthorCEO Can't keep track of who's worse, @GovMaryFallin or @GovernorPerry … I know, how bout a death match? Should be easy to set up 4u in reply to LuthorCEO ->
- @Pawtendo64 @HiroRwar That's a yes. I use a 22" Vizio LED TV, and it looks ok to me. in reply to Pawtendo64 ->
- @HiroRwar Check your video drivers. 90% of the time, this can help. in reply to HiroRwar ->
- @HiroRwar What graphics are you using? in reply to HiroRwar ->
- @HiroRwar I'm telling you, it's a graphics driver issue. What graphics are you using with your monitor. in reply to HiroRwar ->
- @HiroRwar What's shocking about it is their leader Nigel Farage is almost as entertaining as Silvio Berlusconi was and Joe Biden is. in reply to HiroRwar ->
- @thekevineva Wait, aren't foreign companies like Viacom not allowed to own more than 25% of UK television franchises? in reply to thekevineva ->
- @thekevineva … It's why Disney was only allowed to own only 25% of GMTV back in the 1990s in reply to thekevineva ->
- @ValorB Because the other MMO genres are all even more saturated. in reply to ValorB ->
Twiter Weekly Update 19.Apr.2014 – 25.Apr.2014
- Playing The Typing of the Dead: Overkill. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 12.Apr.2014 – 18.Apr.2014" http://t.co/JpsOrCCaKH ->
- I'm guessing @TakemyBitcoins will mine (1.20012311 BTC) for April 24 show with their @Butterflylabs miner http://t.co/kIAgHtTsQh #BTCMiner ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Papers, Please. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dust: An Elysian Tail. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Technically they're cunts, not twats. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
Twiter Weekly Update 12.Apr.2014 – 18.Apr.2014
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Apr.2014 – 11.Apr.2014" http://t.co/BX2wj6kVk4 ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Really? http://t.co/WBqlQISxYl http://t.co/ez7xkfVov7 ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @ValorB @IsotopeCross Granted laughing at customers like that is too far, but if I had to rise early to open up, I'd take it out on others. in reply to ValorB ->
- @ValorB @IsotopeCross … I say that having worked 8 months in a Walmart (aka the 5gb circle of hell) in reply to ValorB ->
- Playing Surgeon Simulator 2013. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Surgeon Simulator 2013. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
Twiter Weekly Update 05.Apr.2014 – 11.Apr.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 29.Mar.2014 – 04.Apr.2014" http://t.co/a4jRZVLA03 ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @FluffTank "The Showtime Flame-O-Matic(TM)" in reply to FluffTank ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/PjE5xhZYvj ->
- Playing Left 4 Dead 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Poker Night 2. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->