- RT @e_sibe: "@Kogifir: "Your search – "fifty shades of greymuzzle" – did not match any documents." what do I even pay you for, Internet" ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 22.Mar.2014 – 28.Mar.2014" http://t.co/sBYvC8LZ0R ->
- @ruskertweets Not everyone has a Chase account in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @ValorB Adblock Plus, my friend. http://t.co/4Xx6VliRvS in reply to ValorB ->
- @LynxDarkwynd Good luck in reply to LynxDarkwynd ->
- For those of you who still have videos saved on Qik, Skype is retiring the service this time next month. Be sure to back them up now. ->
- @ValorB Odd, Adblock Plus usually gets rid of those on the desktop. Don't know if it works the same way on Android… in reply to ValorB ->
- @sonicyoda Six bottles of that stuff and singing "No Limit"? That's grounds for sectioning right there. in reply to sonicyoda ->
Twiter Weekly Update 22.Mar.2014 – 28.Mar.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Mar.2014 – 21.Mar.2014" http://t.co/i9skzEppNd ->
- @SilverSonic Just watch out for the Shadow Androids. E-102y can be a bit of a dunce from my experience. in reply to SilverSonic ->
- @RubyEclipse @sonicstadium @frostman007 @MadameColeen TWO Sonic & Knuckles carts? Isn't that a bit excessive? in reply to RubyEclipse ->
- @ruskertweets Nope. It's not what I look at in 70% of the furry art I view. in reply to ruskertweets ->
- Playing Papers, Please. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @ruskertweets Be careful with that question, Putin has excellent hearing and shit… in reply to ruskertweets ->
- @TheFieryFox I see you're enjoying the five minute monsoons. in reply to TheFieryFox ->
- Remember when @themauryshow used to do shows where 10 women were paraded about & they revealed whether they were actually men? I miss those. ->
- RT @SEGANerds: Today's #Pollmatch is the following! Choose your PSO2 favorite! Lilipan or Rappy? #SEGA http://t.co/t0dBP64rGu ->
- @SvendJoscelyne Why am I not surprised. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @McSwaggerVanato @thekevineva @SEGANerds Let me go get the electric cattle prod check up on @TeamChaotix and @Roareye in reply to McSwaggerVanato ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
Twiter Weekly Update 15.Mar.2014 – 21.Mar.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 08.Mar.2014 – 14.Mar.2014" http://t.co/967pZMbJxa ->
- @Shadow_Remix Okay, adding up and calculating PSUs and such, and taking into account sudden drifts in price, I'm guessing $2345.67 in reply to Shadow_Remix ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @TeamChaotix @CFWhitehead @TURBOXLR @SvendJoscelyne It can't never be worse than the god-awful Super Mario Bros. live action film. Can it? in reply to TeamChaotix ->
- @SvendJoscelyne @bradflick55 @TeamChaotix @CFWhitehead @TURBOXLR Okay, that was just horrible. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @UrthyBewbs @sonicyoda It's only price fixing if retailers do it. Publishers and manufacturers are allowed to enforce pricing guidelines. in reply to UrthyBewbs ->
- @UrthyBewbs @sonicyoda That's how CoD games come out at $60 with a special edition much higher. in reply to UrthyBewbs ->
- @Dragoneer Maybe the squirrels are re-enacting that scene from The Godfather where the dude wakes up with a horse head on his pillow… in reply to Dragoneer ->
- Playing Strider. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @VizardJeffhog It's because you're the head honcho of an internet radio station, silly. Also welcome back to the land of the living. in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- RT @SEGANerds: Today's #Pollmatch : Choose your favorite! Kurumi the Ninja Princess or Kunoichi's Hibana. #SEGA #retrogaming http://t.co/93… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 08.Mar.2014 – 14.Mar.2014
- @RiptorRaptor Most modern contacts are actually a water-holding form of silicone. As for putting it in your eye,… you get used to it. in reply to RiptorRaptor ->
- Contacts day 2 was more successful than yesterday. Less irritation and shit. ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Mar.2014 – 07.Mar.2014" http://t.co/SzlEmxzcxO ->
- I got woken up quite rudely this morning by two fucking loud Harley engines revving. Caffeine, and fast! ->
- Any biker that ever wakens me by revving loudly near when I sleep again I'll devise a punishment so cruel it would make Torquemada blanch. ->
- Ok, enough social crap. Caffeine, now. ->
- RT @sadjew: so inspired by @princessthot 's act of generosity. I'm spreading out half my bitcoin fortune to the first 5k retweets http://t.… ->
- RT @princessthot: http://t.co/FSsCgTSK8j ->
Twiter Weekly Update 01.Mar.2014 – 07.Mar.2014
- @SvendJoscelyne Wait, they sell iCrap at the duty-free? in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- Well, since I honestly have little to no news and no Q&A for AV Hijack on .@SEGASonicRadio I'm considering streaming a repeat. (cont'd)… ->
- To make up for lack of output, here's something I've been doing on the side for @thekevineva for @LastMinContinue – http://t.co/r6Wg7u8Rjh ->
- Playing Fez. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dust: An Elysian Tail. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 22.Feb.2014 – 28.Feb.2014" http://t.co/4pA265EDL0 ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "A Retrospective on being 30 the day before turning 31" http://t.co/buwAlOWZVt ->
- Playing Fez. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- At least one thing is going okay soon: Friday morning is my contact lens fitting appointment. Soon, the only glasses I'll wear are for show. ->
- Of course, the weather outside right now is like a little piece of Scotland. ->
- Playing Fez. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @ValorB Why are you not buying a Genius tablet? They're much less expensive than Wacom. http://t.co/i2OKKzMg1m in reply to ValorB ->
- @DarkOverord @ValorB They're quite different actually. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @DarkOverord @ValorB Also, why are you two discussing tablets? This is my birthday! You should be procuring libations, hookers, cocaine, etc in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @DarkOverord @ValorB You know, all the usual refinements. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- RT @andrewkucz: Won 34 mil in the March 1st Powerball ! Giving $1,000 to everyone who retweets this http://t.co/BK5ZAz6uDw ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @e_sibe Yes, please! in reply to e_sibe ->
- @SvendJoscelyne That will never happen. It would bankrupt every media conglomerate in the world. in reply to SvendJoscelyne ->
- @SilverSonic Because Jeff Goldblum is too busy watching you poop to press the Springtime button. in reply to SilverSonic ->
- Got fitted for contacts earlier today. They feel like I'm barely wearing anything. ->
A Retrospective on being 30 the day before turning 31
Since turning 30 last year, it’s been one long barrel of suck with some very brief highs before landing back on Shit Street. I probably should have known this when, going to my birthday dinner put on by her family, my mom decided to drag along her current boyfriend, who I regard as a bit of a twit after her widow’s pension. On the way to dinner, the tire popped off its rim, and AAA had to be called.
I probably should have taken this as a sign to just put myself in a medically induced coma for a year, but I was too busy waiting for the AAA guy to work his magic on the tire and get us on the way to the Chinese buffet we were heading to.
The next few months of job hunting after my birthday turned up absolutely nothing.
Nothing but emails saying “Thanks but we’re looking at someone else” or “The position has been filled” from my birthday until early November.
Being poor didn’t help matters much as well. They say not having money leaves you without food and you lose weight, but in actuality, you don’t truly starve. You just reach for the cheapest things off the store racks and eat them, despite being loaded with fat, sodium, cholesterol, etc. As a result, the weight loss I had the year prior was erased and then some. Despite a comeback during the holidays, I’m at 293 lbs. at present. At 6’2″, that isn’t anywhere near healthy. I don’t even want to know what my cholesterol is.
Eventually, I found ways to keep myself busy. My podcast over here as well as a couple events I organized for them helped keep me from going stir-crazy. Also, Amazon’s Mechanical Turk thingummy helped to give me some semblance of pocket money.
Family’s starting to help as well. Caring for my mother became unbelievably difficult the past year due to her emotional and mental issues, coupled with health issues that are causing her to hit the prescription coverage gap. Fortunately, my older sister is around now to help out. She’s got her humors and health issues, but she’s a lot less of a stone-cold psycho bitch than my mom. Her husband’s okay so long as he doesn’t go off on a rant about how Obama fucked him over.
In conclusion, being 30 sucked ass, despite the few lone highlights, I hope you lot who read this will join me in getting thoroughly soused to forget this monstrosity tomorrow.
(Tl;dr: 30 SUCKED ASS!)
P.S.: This is also my first actual post (not counting Twitter weekly feed digests) crossposted to Google+. Welcome Google viewers.
Twiter Weekly Update 22.Feb.2014 – 28.Feb.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Feb.2014 – 21.Feb.2014" http://t.co/w8L2NrvSKT ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: Okay, a few things. Yes, AV Hijack will be returning soon for it's annual premiere with a special Monday episode on 3/1… ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: Second, a new segment is going to be put out on the show, called "Ask Bia", an AmAA (ask me almost anything) segment. (… ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: You can send in your questions either via PM on SSMB, or via tweeting here using the hash tag #AskBia … Just keep it … ->
- RT @SEGASonicRadio: As for other stuff… That is a story for another day. -Biafra ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- @Jamieotterbein It happens. I still get horrible flashbacks from working double shifts on Black Friday 2008 at the local Walmart. in reply to Jamieotterbein ->
- @GrandPrixDiary How can you tell? 😛 in reply to GrandPrixDiary ->
- @SilverSonic Feeling like I should have stayed in bed. in reply to SilverSonic ->
- RT @RikerGoogling: starfleet uniform code is underwear required or optional? ->
- @sonicyoda I actually own this but have never played it. Haven't even touched my Wii since around Xmas. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @sonicyoda Last Wii games I played was No More Heroes 1 and 2 in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @DarkOverord Lack of network neutrality rules. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @sonicyoda They had to increase the size to make sure everyone forgets about the 1998 Roland Emmerich abomination in reply to sonicyoda ->
- Okay,… apparently @Google Voice search cannot recognize any pronunciation of the letter z. Useless piece of crap, it is. ->
- Playing Dust: An Elysian Tail. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dust: An Elysian Tail. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing Dust: An Elysian Tail. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
Twiter Weekly Update 15.Feb.2014 – 21.Feb.2014
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 08.Feb.2014 – 14.Feb.2014" http://t.co/9bWPYdigf8 ->
- @Det_Conan_Kudo This is why we need to revoke all licenses to these companies and re-award them (cont'd) in reply to Det_Conan_Kudo ->
- @Det_Conan_Kudo (cont'd) on condition of having their product available nationwide within 3 years. in reply to Det_Conan_Kudo ->
- @roareyraccoon Okay, that small snippet makes me want to find where that was. Link plz in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @roareyraccoon If you can find it, Time Enough For Love by Robert Heinlein is a good read. Don't know of it's in print though… in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @YourAnonNews: In #Kiev, they like their bacon crispy – http://t.co/edNm3w3q3M ->
- @roareyraccoon Some greens do make a similar sound to rustling plastic. in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @roareyraccoon That'll do it, then. 😛 in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @Xial Peroxide in the ear can promote infection, even when mixed with alcohol. Use Alcohol and the warmest water you can tolerate. in reply to Xial ->
Twiter Weekly Update 08.Feb.2014 – 14.Feb.2014
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Feb.2014 – 07.Feb.2014" http://t.co/BusN0C83GS ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @ruskertweets 'Lars von Trier's Antichrist' suits it better in reply to ruskertweets ->
- I liked a @YouTube video from @watchmojo http://t.co/hny9tAPlDQ Top 10 Worst Movies of All Time ->
- @ValorB iDevices are nothing but trouble. Switch to Android in reply to ValorB ->
- From SNL Connery with love: http://t.co/KGrMgVXLNt ->
- RT @ruskertweets: do you sometimes think about hurting other people or yourself
Twiter Weekly Update 01.Feb.2014 – 07.Feb.2014
- @ruskertweets But thet're tasty and cheap! in reply to ruskertweets ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 25.Jan.2014 – 31.Jan.2014" http://t.co/PWF8yVR4bW ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @ValorB I typically use Ghallanda. in reply to ValorB ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @sonic_radio …and nothing of value was lost… in reply to sonic_radio ->
- @tssznews Really? I thought the Hedgehog Day drought was due to this newfangled "Super Bowl" thingummy… in reply to tssznews ->
- @Det_Conan_Kudo I think it's most likely a rights issue. MAFIAA believe that a ringback tone = on hold music (read: a performance instance) in reply to Det_Conan_Kudo ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- @sonic_show "Next to Alex Trebek, Canada's most famous export" in reply to sonic_show ->
- RT @aeriesroom: Discreet shipping wasn't an option for Optimus Prime's Fleshlight http://t.co/DEfNBH0gIu ->
- @tssznews Fat chance. Comcrap owns the name and the bloated carcass that became G4. in reply to tssznews ->
- @LuthorCEO CNN did, unfortunately. Pesky US labor laws made them do it. in reply to LuthorCEO ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/PjE5xhHPhb ->
- @DDOUnlimited Good. Any word on what happened? in reply to DDOUnlimited ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- Photoset: carlboygenius: The Coke “Controversy” http://t.co/NnavQ0pWck ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->
- RT @LuthorCEO: Putin spotted wearing a "I spent $40 billion on Sochi and all I got was nude photos of you in your hotel shower" ->
- Playing Dungeons & Dragons Online: Eberron Unlimited. http://t.co/xzJxtNkcoL ->