On the new Spiral Knights Battle Sprites choice

Spiral Knights

To be honest, I’m having a hard time deciding to go though with my likely choice of battle sprite in the new Spiral Knights update. While my likely pick for one seems to be the most popular choice, I really don’t like making decisions where I’m locked into a given choice. It just feels… constraining, I guess would be the word…

Okay, rant over children. Time to go back to class.

Testing some WordPress stuff

I’m giving some WordPress related items a test to see if they work still. Please bear with me…

BiafraRepublic.ME + Cloudflare

The DNS for BiafraRepublic.ME has been moved over to CloudFlare. The site is still being hosted by Gushi Systems Site Hosting, however.

The main reason for this is the desire to have the site mirrored through Cloudflare’s CDN and providing a speed boost, along with full IPv6 capability.

There should be no change to how Erratic Foxboy is being hosted and such.


Name two new moons in the vicinity of Pluto

Apparently the people who discovered them using the Hubble telescope can’t pick a decent matching name for the two new moons. So now they’re crowd sourcing for the better ideas.


Go to www.plutorocks.com and pick what you want to name the two planets.You can also suggest names they missed as well.



Final Test to make sure LJ Crossposting and Twitter play nice

Seriously, I promise. Next post will be substantive….



Quick little test post to get the kinks out of my blog

Okay,… testing, 1, 2, 3,… Mitt Romney is a douchebag…


There we go!

Infernal Arcana: Emergency Commissions Open – $7

Infernal Arcana: Emergency Commissions Open – $7:


In the last few days, I’ve realised a few things about certain members of my family; specifically my Dad.

He owed me £1000 and has now come out and said that he doesn’t believe he owes me this money any more. As such, I have cut him from my life for being a lying, thieving scumbag that I am far…

Twits at Ten for 2012-10-11

Twits at Ten for 2012-10-10

  • @sonicyoda Don't forget the side of Hepatitis C she serves with those fake knockers… in reply to sonicyoda #
  • Ok, ten minutes to 6 on my clock, time to jump @ruskertweets on Twitter and snuggle him silly. #
  • @sonicyoda That's their MO: either shocking stunts like this or tossing paint on fur-wearing models, or nude ads featuring Pamela Anderson. in reply to sonicyoda #
  • @sonicyoda To be fair, PETA is run by dumb cunts who say eating even an humanely raised & slaughtered animal is brutal serial murder. in reply to sonicyoda #

Twits at Ten for 2012-10-07