- @blitzchris Flogging Molly is much better to sing in that setting than those genital warts on the cock of music… #
- @blitzchris *slaps you in a frenzied trance when he hears you singing Hanson* #
- @ValorB Fuck http://t.co/bsiF6soT … That place has gone down the crapper since they stopped accepting Adult Fan Fiction. #
- @thekevineva Try using the official client for mobile (or the web interface on the computer) #
- @ValorB In case your mobile data is limited. #
- @ValorB Congratulations. You can also tweet by text on most carriers, too. #
- @lynxdarkwynd Don't worry, just give your hand a bang against the desk. #
- @frankieboyle They also created Volkswagen and cassette tape recorders that weren't shit. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-19
- @Svend_SPOnG Just think about that REALLY hard, man. #
- @Svend_SPOnG I believe the problem is saying it was miles better. #
- @dsixda As for the front cam, I hardly ever use that myself, even on the G2X. #
- @dsixda … Otherwise, the only difference between 5MP and 8MP is the amount of storage that it takes up. #
- @dsixda If it's got 32GB internal storage, keep the Galaxy S II… #
- @dsixda Depends on what Galaxy S II you have… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-18
- @roareyraccoon It's the curse of success, sooner or later some bastard is going to scream "rape" for no reason at all. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Don't forget Dolphin Browser HD #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo @xkeepah It's the second buggiest browser on Windows (behind AOL 9.7) #
- @xkeepah Try using an Android device. #
- @roareyraccoon You'll get used to it… #
- Also, time to gather up my TF2 hagz… @Akhmin @philvgersims @UrthyBewbs @Shadow5talker04 @thekevineva etc. etc. etc. #
- @UrthyBewbs Well, there and over here. #
- @PhilWhitehall Because the Tories are in Government? #
- @magferret Does the fact that Wellbeing is two words, not one big word count? #
- Waiting for reply from job interview Business Day 3… #
- @ConanOBrien The prospect of the birth of the spawn of @snooki does not bode well for civil liberties activists… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-17
- Job interview result waiting, day 2… or maybe 3… #
- @HarroSIN Congrats, man! #
- @TeamChaotix Shave your pubes. The annoyance is much more effective. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-16
- @m1kepro Saw this, thought of you. http://t.co/l4bsQCIZ #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo That's because Sprint makes it easy to create an MVNO #
- @aquadan88 Complain about her. Then tell her that if she wants your dogsitees silent, she should lay off the AM hammering. #
- @Akhmin Lucky stiff! Hopefully my job interview pans out and I get work. That way I can snag it, along with L4D1&2… #
- @tssznews What about the Steam & Android? I ask because Steam is Steam, & Sega made an exclusivity deal for S4E2 on NVIDIA Tegra 2&3 devices #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-15
- @m1kepro Nice, but it still doesn't top this bit of irony: http://t.co/98D0Tr4a #
- @xkeepahPLUS Looks like you need more reliable help… #
- @Svend_SPOnG I've been to a torch relay stop once (in St. Petersburg, FL back before the Atlanta games in '96). You're not missing much. #
- @tssznews The main issue far as this is concerned is that SOS is fully Dreadknux's baby, as opposed to Boom which is an SOA abortion. #
- Job interview at 2pm, so time for (relatively) early bed. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-14
- @frankieboyle Oh, boo-hoo. The sun has gotten so brutal here, I have to wear a burqa just to the mailbox. #
- I'm definitely not going to be going to SOS or Sonic Boom this year. Lack of work income has made it impossible to make either one. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-13
- Waiting for my clothes to finish at the washateria. #
- @thekevineva You and me both, man… #
- @ValorB I'd suggest @Akhmin, but she is otherwise indisposed. #
- @SuperPsyguy I'm melting… melting… melting… Mitt Romney… is a douche… #
- @SYAMiNGLi Oh, and welcome back. #
- @SYAMiNGLi Try using hydrocortisone cream on the bites if they become too itchy. And leave them be #
- @bradflick55 Sadly, the amount of gas required to fire off the word "fart" in morse code exceeds the volume capacity of the human colon. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-12
- @xkeepah It redirects to the show page. #
- @Xial Looks like you could use a match to light Mr. Flammable ablaze… #
- @Max_Firestorm @Abbywolfox Same, but mid spree on TF2 #
- @Shadow5talker04 I agree with @UrthyBewbs here. It can get to be a pain in the mouth. Literally. #
- @LynxAfterDark I would, but I'm hitting up this bunny in Sodom. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-05-11
- Playing Portal 2. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
- @xkeepahPLUS Just do the Star Trek estimate. At least 4 hours. #
- ETA to Portal 2 Perpetual Testing Initiative: 30 minutes. #
- @LupineAssassin Good luck with that. I ditched YIM nine months ago due to the russian hooker spam. #
- @xkeepahPLUS Do it. Teach the morons a lesson. Just make sure you do it away from work. #
- @UrthyBewbs What are you backing up to? #
- @Svend_SPOnG Question: does it have custom level editor like on the PC version? #
- @frankieboyle Well that was quick, I'm depressed that the uploader hasn't made it available for mobile devices. #firstworldproblems #
- @UrthyBewbs I only have free texting capabilities to a few carriers in the UK. #
- @UrthyBewbs I know that much. But I don't have any ability to text overseas to pop on ASAP, so Twitter will have to do. #
- @Abbywolfox Oh, and my hyperactivity is causing inappropriate slowdowns. #
- @Abbywolfox Good luck. I'm waiting for a patch that would cure all disease, increase neural function, and eliminate all vision problems. #
- Would someone please prod FastFeet from @segamedia and tell him to get on IM, please? #
- @spexfox … well, except for the traffic, of course, but Houston traffic is always bad. #
- @spexfox Thanks! About the only big issue would be getting to their offices, but thankfully, Google Maps works wonders… #
- @spexfox Any tips? #
- @spexfox In any case, I'm hoping this job interview on monday goes well… #
- @spexfox I understand. I'm not much of a fan of it myself, but it's the easiest way to get past G+'s RealNameGestapo. #
- @spexfox …creating one if it doesn't exist. NOTE: Make sure the names on them both match. #
- @spexfox It might work. If not, back up your Spex Bluefox account using Data Liberation & delete all G+ features, then recreate & link to FB #