Twits at Ten for 2012-05-10

  • @Xial Have fun! #
  • @UrthyBewbs Teh hell? That's more than twatish, that's just being a douchebag. #
  • @spexfox Just heard back from those people. Face to face interview is Monday at 2pm. #
  • @Shadow5talker04 Technically it's a "pointing stick". Usually it's called the "nipple mouse" or "clit mouse" #
  • @Akhmin Usually it means that your,partner will bring home something tacky that you will despise yet cannot get rid of. #
  • @LynxAfterDark Ok, that shouldn't be a problem unless you're a screamer. Just use the least amount of lube needed, & think distant thoughts. #
  • @LynxAfterDark Try Masturbation. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-09

  • @NegriElectronic How long will this be open? #
  • @xkeepahPLUS Then tell the idiots that not installing them will cause a giant goblin to steal all the lunches and leave dead kittens abound. #
  • @xkeepahPLUS Why not just tell him to use a mobile theme and the WordPress Mobile plugin? #
  • @spexfox I should hear back from them by early next week at the latest. #
  • @spexfox Phone interview went well. The interviewer is pleased and is forwarding my application & responses to management here. #
  • #Oracle #vs #Google tl;dr #
  • Meanwhile, Google claims the deadlock on fair use is grounds for a mistrial. They're expected to file this motion today. #
  • Oracle is claiming victory, despite the fact that its not likely to see more than $100,000. #
  • Also, the judge has yet to rule whether the code in question can even be copyrightable in the first place. #
  • Some good news in the Google-Oracle suit. While the jury found that Google used Oracle's copyrighted code, they were deadlocked on fair use #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-08

  • @lynxdarkwynd I get those fuckers, too over my hair. That kind of shit makes me just want to punch them in the face. #
  • @philvgersims @Akhmin He's also on the complete opposite side of the Eurasian landmass. She's in the clear. #
  • @Akhmin Why so worried? The bird is likely asleep right now… #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Hardly. Metro is a lazy UI, IMO. #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo That, and I like the default interface for Android. #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo … Facebook announcement about the Optimus 2x be damned #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Probably going to get the Galaxy Nexus in any case. LG is taking it's sweet time deciding whether the G2x will get ICS… #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Well for me, android will have to suffice in any case. Current priorities are: Job, AC repair, Gas, then phone #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo It's because the MMS gateway URL isn't changeable or some such. #
  • @spexfox Hopefully this will pan out. The AC here needs to be fixed, and fast. #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Not that it matters much to me, to be honest. Simple Mobile still has issues with MMS on Windows Phone 7.x #
  • @spexfox Got an email from the people you suggested I apply to a bit ago. They want to schedule a phone interview. Fingers crossed… #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Also, don't forget LG's abortion #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo To be fair, Nokia is the only manufacturer I have seen churning them out. #
  • @frankieboyle That might work, if the players didn't balk at the idea out of hand. You'd be surprised how afraid a contacted player can be. #
  • @SonicWrecks It could have been a lot worse. #
  • @UrthyBewbs Probably would just go with Amazon UK. #
  • I've just scored 104939 points in Nyan Cat: Lost In Space! It's so addictive! Go get it here – #
  • @ValorB This is why I prefer a cell carrier that isn't a pain in the ass. Might want to look into this when you get some cash. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-07

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-06

  • @Akhmin Usually for the best. What brand of computer did she have? #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-05

  • @Akhmin (must use capitalization exactly though) #
  • @Akhmin Quick, bonus for writing "AIN'T NOTHIN' BUT A briGhton THANG" on @dreadknux #
  • @DarkOverord Wow, a british politician acting like an american politician. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG I'm not surprised, considering this likely comes from the same country as bukkake, tentacle porn, and Rapelay. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG As for Baroness Warsi, I've read about her over here. She's a cunt. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG 4 as of 9am BST #
  • @HiroRwar Quick, punch that idiot repeatedly in the nuts so be cannot contaminate the gene pool further… #
  • @LupineAssassin @Dragoneer Technically, the safest place to be in a lightning storm is a Faraday cage. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-04

  • @HiroRwar Well, find a closer body of water. #
  • @Akhmin Wait… £666.66 #
  • @Akhmin £3,498.48 #
  • @HiroRwar Quick, run. Better yet, guide them into the Thames… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-03

  • @NegriElectronic these contest coupons, are they stackable? #
  • @NegriElectronic "Meanwhile in the Overgrowth…" taken with a T-Mobile G2x #NegriPhotoContest #
  • @thekevineva Either Spirited Away or Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind #
  • @GavvieUK It's not just that. Shit that gets expensive to make gets canceled far easier than cheap to make shit. #
  • @Dragoneer Have a Castle Doctrine law in your state? If so, pick them off with a sniper rifle. #
  • @Abbywolfox Despite the time now / browsing through art collections / instead of sleeping #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-02

  • @LinesByEm I don't believe that law applies as @NegriElectronic is based in Nevada. #
  • @DellHomeUS Free Dell Mini or 1/2 off stackable coupon toward a Dell Notebook? #
  • For the record, it's good @NegriElectronic is trying to give away phone. It's a shame they aren't successful as they should. #
  • @SonicWrecks Stick around. I predict a resurrection of SSR pretty soon now… #
  • @SwiftKey Buyout offer for Google: US$1,700,000,000 #
  • @J4rrod Nope. @NegriElectronic never got his 11K twitter followers, so they're is taking that free device and going home. #
  • @NegriElectronic Looks line another dud. Maybe next time you'll drop the number of likes, followers, and +1s and really give away something? #
  • Happy May Day to all the workers out there. Power! #
  • @UrthyBewbs Good, for a moment I thought Anne Robinson snapped and went on a killing spree in Cardiff… #
  • @xkeepah Use Terminus for your console font. It's easier on the eyes and brain… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-05-01