- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/iGDUHZjx Girl falls texting on live news #
- @ValorB Would you settle for TF2 with me and @Akhmin the suicide medic (if she is willing of course)? #
- Here's hoping @NegriElectronic gets the 24 followers needed to avoid a #FAF shutout, not that I'm optimistic of course. #
- Playing VVVVVV. http://t.co/shxub97T #
- @ValorB @philvgersims Hit that shit with this: http://t.co/h6nuwjx2 #
- @xkeepah @SilverSonic1534 I used to have it on my PC, but I had to reformat recently. Size largely kept me from getting it downloaded… #
- Kicking back and finally downloading Portal 2 on Steam today. Been putting this off for a bit… #
- Journal "Read on to see my character nekkid…" on Inkbunny http://t.co/6tNBaPLP #
- @ValorB Usually a good strategy 🙂 #
- @thekevineva ??? #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-21
- @GavvieUK I really don't care once way or the other about it to be honest… #
- @GavvieUK Why not just drop in a replacement? #
- @GavvieUK Not letting the emptying of the recycling bin go long enough. Real men wait for it to reach 100GB or more. #
- @GavvieUK Pffffff, amateur #
- Behold the new Windows logo, effective Windows 8 – http://t.co/rn5cfCr0 #
- @DarkOverord Try using "404 Signature Not Found" as your signature… #
- @philvgersims Yes! You and @dreadknux are the only people without site-specific twitters. #
- @NegriElectronic Easier said than done. You were 76 short last Friday. #
- @FlintyFoxy Could go either way… #
- @Abbywolfox What @Dragoneer said. #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/4UPlF1XT TV News Show Intros From Around the World #
- But first, it's 8:20am. Time for Breakfast! #
- Today's agenda: apply for more jobs, finally get Portal 2 re-downloaded, watch more David Starkey documentaries, Download Sonic Generations. #
- @spexfox @silverwuffamute In short, switch to Inkbunny #
- @gerbelbey Don't worry, that feeling is normal… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-20
- I need to get some games re-downloaded… Bleh… #
- @NegriElectronic And what are me and the other 7920 of us made of, chopped liver? 😛 #
- #LiesPeopleAlwaysTell There's no possible way I could have given you chlamydia… #
- @philvgersims That is common knowledge, Vger #
- @Akhmin It's actually rather tame compared to mine. I was flying on my bed firing at a giant David Starkey while he talked about Henry VIII. #
- @HangoverAIan Try using an ampersand!!!……. pillock… #
- @ValorB bad month to be honest. story's too long for Twitter though, sorry. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-19
- @ValorB Meh, I'm barely surprised at these and similar revelations these days. #
- @m1kepro If he were there, I don't think any cameras would be pointed anywhere near him lest the viewers become infected with douchebagery. #
- I'm seriously considering streaming a video game. Hit me back on Twitter if interested in seeing this. #
- First though, it's 8:50am, time for Breakfast. #
- Well, my agenda: curl up with phone and play The 7th Saga. Drop me a line if you want me to try and stream it… #
- @FlintyFoxy Sounds like Tampa Bay except that everyone speaks Danish… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-18
- @spexfox I'm sorely tempted to simply because I want to pass it on to this bitch at the local WorkSource center. #
- @FlintyFoxy I've been on the receiving end of those before. Best advice is to just smile halfway, nod at intervals, and drift off mentally. #
- @bad_dragon Give away free toys? #
- @ShaddixLRhodes It could be worse… It could be Saturday Night Main Event… P.O.D.'s theme for that sucks ass… #
- With Office, Be as good as there. #snowductivity … Also, Details for winning a 360 w/ Kinect and more: http://t.co/LgcCY2rW #
- Because of the double-length draw and a general lack of anything perking my interest, there will be no Follow Friday Specials this week. #ff #
- #ff winners pt2: @binaryoutcast @m1kepro @jkitrinehart @Abbywolfox @blitzchris @TeamChaotix @gogobmn @Svend_SPOnG @Farrallth @Urtheart @Xial #
- #ff winners: @spexfox @DarkOverord @ValorB @philvgersims @WikidWorx @WolfbladeStuff @roareyraccoon @Akhmin @GavvieUK @Jayzeach @discoponies #
- Time for Follow Friday Lotto, where I give mentions to random followers. Want out? DM me… #ff #
- Looks like @NegriElectronic will be failing to give away another android this week #
- Okay that's it for now #
- #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina The Vagina Code #
- #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina Fried Green Vagina #
- #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina The Vagina Conspiracy #
- #ReplaceFilmTitlesWithVagina Vagina Must Die #
- @spexfox Also, get some rest and stop playing Skyrim for a few days. #
- @spexfox If that fails, send @Abbywolfox with money to get you something with pseudoephedrine in it. #
- @spexfox put head over steam, inhale through nose, and exhale through mouth #
- @Abbywolfox Sadly, @spexfox will have to make do with orange flavored Emergen-C as the migrant laborers haven't picked enough oranges yet… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-17
- #3wordstodescribeme Evil American Bastard #
- This is just wrong. Funny as hell, but so wrong: http://t.co/i2rZjpz6 #
- @NegriElectronic What winners? The contest hasn't even become active yet! #
- Dammit, my tooth is acting up badly today… Time for Orajel! #
- @FlintyFoxy This is why you need to punch people below the belt more. Nothing gets better customer service than a strike to the nads or cunt #
- @NegriElectronic I agree with @hellerox – less spam more phones #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-16
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-15
- I did get one good valentine today, though… I owe -$3.17 (note the minus sign) to T-Mobile. #
- @nikvulper Sounds like you need an Android-powered device #
- @Akhmin Too true… It's the last cheap candy until Easter Monday… #
- I hate Valentine's Day. It's cheap, overly crass, and too hetero oriented. The only thing good about it is the chocolate. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-14
- @Svend_SPOnG That's because her hair has many colors #
- Extraction postponed until March 1st when I has money… #
- My bad tooth is the one on the right… http://t.co/1ikE7quP #
- Sitting in the dentist office waiting for the filing and/or extraction to begin… #
- Playing Team Fortress 2. http://t.co/shxub97T #
- Need food, not backtalk from Swype. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-02-13
- @FlintyFoxy I take it your household does not subscribe to the 5-second rule? #
- @Abbywolfox Oh just ignore it. #