- @sonicyoda Some right-wing nut who also said the #rapture would happen in 1994 #
- #ff 1 Follow Friday Special this week to @SwiftKey – VIP Beta open today only. Go to http://t.co/qEtZpXz & signup using code #swiftkeyFRIDAY #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @GreenYoshi99 @IcemanEtika @m1kepro @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @RubyEclipse @SonicTweaker #
- Follow Friday Super Lottery time! Time to fire it up… (Interested on a follow friday chance, follow me) #ff #
- @RovioMobile While it's already available on PC via Intel AppUp, any chance for Angry Birds on Valve's Steam? It would be so cool if it was. #
- @Akhmin @philvgersims You and I both ^_^ in reply to MyllerSouza #
- @FlintyFoxy Not until they release Half-Life 2 Episode 3 first… #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-14
- Journal "Zen Riddles 1.1 -OR- Journal Posting To Explain The Lack Thereof…" on Inkbunny http://tinyurl.com/6gtoogj #
- #ff Winners 2.0: @m1ket @mattatobin @Shadow5talker04 @TURBOXLR @Urtheart @UrthyBewbs @Xial @YahtzeeCroshaw @foreversonic @Sega_SonicRadio #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @cdrom1019 @Det_Conan_Kudo @Hawkz101 @Jayzeach @m1kepro @magferret @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @SonicTweaker @spexfox #
- Follow Friday Time! Let's get busy… #ff #
- @philvgersims Well that explains why my Denis Leary playleast cut out… #
- NYAN NYANED NYA 360.0 NYANS! http://t.co/0cEY95S via @nyannyancat #
- @SonicTweaker This is Microsoft, remember? Of course they're gonna cock it up… #
- @Xial This is why I pick what parts I want and THEN ask someone's opinion. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-07
- Loading KDE onto Ubuntu. Mark Shuttleworth and Unity need to be horsewhipped… #
- Bleh, I'm bored as hell #
- Another run with Ubuntu, yay! #
- @bradflick55 Congratulations! #
- Operation Mindfuck! http://t.co/wWRvMLR #
- Testing official Chinese WLM client, looks ok… #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-30
- #FF WINNERS: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @ShaddixLCroft @SonadowOnline @SonicTweaker @spexfox @m1kepro #
- Time for a Follow Friday orgy! Stand by while I draw the names… #ff #
- @Dragoneer it's like the last days of Toonami with the robots on the break bumpers… #
- Disappointed this didn't get played at the #royalwedding http://t.co/XlpV9l7 #
- @thekevineva I thought you Brits banned vuvuzelas after you came back from the World Cup in South Africa? #
- #RoyalKiss courtesy of my TV tuner card… http://t.co/Al3DHdh http://t.co/OvBefbr #
- TSA Says Complaining About TSA Means You're a Terrorist… Time to destroy both parties and introduce new ones… http://t.co/GxHP5Ad #
- NVIDIA and @AndroidPolice are giving away a free XOOM Wi-Fi at http://bit.ly/ap-xoom. COME ON AND XOOM![/bad_pbs_joke]. Seriously, go for it #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-23
- @roareyraccoon I did something similar once, but it was with an unabridged dictionary. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo B/cuz @ATT wants in the prepaid smartphone market, currently led by @VirginMobileUS & @CricketNation, but without the risk #
- @tapatalk What happened to your app??? It's gone from Android Market in the US, of all places!!!! #
- @dvolvemusic I still say Ofcom isn't going to care all that much if at all. Otherwise Channel 5 wouldn't be broadcasting at all. #
- @dvolvemusic What I'm saying is: Sometimes it's best to solve things directly, even if it means going outside official channels. #
- @dvolvemusic It's noble &right to do so, don't get me wrong, but if what I've heard of Ofcom is correct, they're not going to be much help. #
- @dvolvemusic Okay, why bother? The most Ofcom is going to do is give them a slap on the wrist….. #
- @Xial Tell him that if he doesn't silence his cat, said cat will become Vietnamese food. #
- @Svend_SPOnG At least it isn't "How do you spell 'Star Trek'?"… #
- @thekevineva Menu:
>Attack with Death Metal against Neighbors
>Use Technique Mrs. Kevin Eva on Neighbors
>Use Item Liquor x1 on Self
>Ignore # - @Xial Yep. It's a blast swyping while buzzed. #
- @Xial I had a couple tax credits I was eligible for, so meh… #
- @Xial Meh, I blew $750 of my tax refund on a ton of computer parts for my desktop. #
- @dvolvemusic Sorry about that, man. #
- @dvolvemusic Get drunk and ride a mechanical bull? #
- @bradflick55 How is that possible? I thought those sites all moved their sites offshore to prevent that… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Should have stuck around and asked this: "If you were able to determine a fetus would turn out gay, would you abort it?" #
- To all my British tweeps: Alternate Vote, Yes or No (why is optional, but suggested) #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-16
- Decided to watch some Jerry Springer. Sad, I know, but it passes the time… #
- @Urtheart Doubtful. You're too important to kill… #
- @Akhmin Congratulations, I guess… #
- Classic v. Modern: The Sonic community's answer to Team Edward v. Team Jacob. #
- Saw this in the tea and coffee aisle yesterday, thought of all my tweeps from the UK. http://yfrog.com/gzpd2qxj #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-09
- Fun… #
- @Shadow5talker04 You say that now, but when you cram a fat Catholic priest into a Geo, it fast becomes a big mindfuck. #
- @philvgersims Seems likely to take 2nd or 3rd. #
- @Shadow5talker04 If I had money to spare, I'd place some on The Tother One at 50/1 #
- @Akhmin Looks good, though it does look like Angelus has a rubber maw… #
- Follow @crackberry and RT this message for your chance to win a BlackBerry #PlayBook http:// crackberry.com/win-playbook #
- #Twitition Sign if your Praying for Japan. http://twitition.com/f9tbv #
- @SonicTweaker Don't get too happy, Disney (Studio Ghibli's North American Distributor) released the English voice actors: http://j.mp/enLL3M #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-02
- ❒Single ❒Taken ✔COCKS #
- ❒Single ❒Taken ✔Hungry #
- @SonicTweaker Dude, water as hot as you can stand it plus rubbing alcohol equals healthy ears… #
- I'm trying *Spark, a custom mobile home screen with news, weather, FB, Twitter all in one place. It's free! http://www.sparkmyphone.com #
- @m1kepro I know. It is also a place. #
- @m1kepro Not just that, any font named after a place. #
- @Xial Damn. How many online renewals does Florida give ya? #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-26
- Heheh, my head is on your vagina. http://j.mp/e1rudW #
- @philvgersims For a brief second, I thought you typed 'bacon'. #
- @FlintyFoxy It could be worse: our Club Nintendo store in the US has virtually nothing worth getting. #
- Firefox 4 out now. Download today! #fx4 http://t.co/nmvCCIn #
- Join me at the Firefox 4 Twitter Party and celebrate the newest version #fx4 #teamfirefox http://t.co/Yl5zjt8 via @firefox #
- @sonicyoda Well, if you're in need of your TSSNET-related goodness, SSMB is still up. http://j.mp/hsnqam #
- @Svend_SPOnG That reminds me, I need to nuke me some bacon… #
- #inappropriatecbeebies Kerjizz! #
- @SonicTweaker Then get some sleep. 8 hours oughta do it. #
- @dsixda Tried v0.145 with my Optimus boot/system.img – got "Error: Cannot detect chunk size in system.img". ?????? #
- @Svend_SPOnG Depends on the quality of the dub. Shitty dub = switch to subs #
- @Urtheart Heh, it happens 😉 #
- @VMUcare Updated VM Live! to new version in Market for my Optimus V, but the old one wasn't overwritten. Now I have two VM Live apps. HELP! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-19
- @SonicTweaker It could be worse, my friend… I don't know how, but it always could. #
- Spending tonight kicking back and watching chinese-subtitled The West Wing and Babylon 5 episodes. #
- @BirdieGryphon The iPhone app ain't the only official @Twitter app that's broken… Android's is as well. #
- Today's A/V Hijack episode is postponed due to me not feeling well. Will update article on SSR website as soon as possible… #
- On another topic, A/V Hijack's Annual St. Patrick's Day Season Premiere is tomorrow at 6pm GMT (1pm CDT) on @Sega_SonicRadio #
- Kicking back watching episodes of Boston Legal subtitled in Chinese #
- @Xial Well, anyway, give it time. It'll grow on you. Of course I'm forced to use an on-screen keyboard because of my phone, but meh. #
- @Urtheart Try not to sleep on the keyboard, they can leave some telltale marks. #
- @SonicTweaker Damn! That's the longest lincoln I've ever seen come out of one of those. #
- @Xial A word of advice to you and your alter-ego @BedtimeVixen: it takes several days to get used to @swype #
- @bradflick55 None of those roasts (including the #TrumpRoast have been funny since Greg Giraldo died. #
- @philvgersims Well that's good, I guess. #
- Boondock Saints. The only movie that can get away with blowing up a cat. http://t.co/16z8ojY via @youtube #
- I think I figured out why spring break typically starts the same week as daylight savings: if you lost an hour, you'd be pissed too… #
- Happy daylight savings time, american tweeps! #
- @m1kepro Nintendo confirmed that Satoshi Tajiri is safe. #