Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-12

  • Crap. Slashed my foot a bit on a piece of glass. Heading to emergency room… #
  • @SilverSonic1534 It's hitting now. You're off by an hour #
  • @aquadan88 Look on the bright side, at least it's someone decent for president taking a visit rather than a douche like Bush. #
  • @Akhmin It looks sorta like Marilyn Manson during his Golden Age Of Grotesque period… #
  • @m1kepro Maybe your ISP is sniffing the packets incoming and is choosing to block them. It happens sometimes. #
  • @m1kepro did you update your conf files and port forward accordingly? #
  • @m1kepro What about your router? Is port 22/tcp and 22/udp mapped and forwarded to the server? #
  • @Urtheart Because you live in the UK, silly. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-05

  • #ff Special: @Shadow5talker04 @SonicTweaker @blitzchris @BirdieGryphon @foreversonic @Shadzter #
  • In fact, it may be early in the US, but screw it, I'm putting you all on my Follow Friday list this week. #
  • @Shadow5talker04 @SonicTweaker @blitzchris @BirdieGryphon @foreversonic @Shadzter Thanks for the birthday wishes, despite it being a fizzle. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG *tsk-tsk* Terrible… 😛 #
  • Today, an odd thing happened to me: I turned 28. #
  • @Urtheart Well I know enough PHP to get by, though it may take me a bit to become conversant in Drupal again… #
  • @m1kepro Bah, CNN will report anything now. They're becoming as bad as Fox Noise. #
  • @m1kepro This merits a few question marks. ????? #
  • What celebrity would you most like to meet in person? — Justin Bieber, so I can get him to say his name backwards … #
  • @SonicTweaker Well at least it beats waiting and learning Sanskrit, though bitches & such do love Sanskrit… #
  • Seriously, people, I have a FormSpring account. Ask me something! #
  • @GavvieUK Odd, I thought shoemaking moved to Vietnam… #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-26

  • The time is 7:56 am. Time for breakfast. #
  • #ff One Follow Friday Special this week, going to @twidroyd for making it through Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and kicking Twitter in the nuts. #
  • #ff Winners: @Urtheart @SonicTweaker @Akhmin @cdrom1019 @Farrallth @TheByrus @mattatobin @xkeepah @Xial @philvgersims @Shadow5talker04 #
  • Welcome to the Follow Friday Selector Service, where random followers are mentioned. (Opt-out? DM me.) #ff #
  • @FlintyFoxy Wouldn't that be classified as a nightmare? #
  • @Xial Next time get it on Blu-Ray. We're in the same region as Japan when it comes to that… #
  • @Dragoneer *points at you* Blasphemer! #
  • @Shadow5talker04 @philvgersims I gave in just after breakfast. #
  • @Shadow5talker04 Good luck! #
  • @Shadow5talker04 Did somebody say McLawsuit? 😀 #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Good luck, man. #
  • @Hawkz101 Try Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream if you can. It's an insane mix of chocolate-covered waffle-cone, fudge, nuts, & ice cream. #
  • @tssznews You forgot Lloyd Bentsen #
  • @Hawkz101 Really? What flavor? #
  • Saw this thought @roareyraccoon #
  • @roareyraccoon You know what would be the biggest mindfuck of all?… The British PM being a closet furry (or someone in his cabinet)… #
  • @roareyraccoon good thing you haven't seen that episode of CSI: fron Season 4 that revolves around a furry con in Vegas. #
  • And if those last 2 messages weren't enough notice, @Twidroyd is now back for Android users, so update & give @twitter @support the bird <^> #
  • @philvgersims This looks like a job for coffee!!! #
  • @roareyraccoon Just make sure she doesn't gorge herself on all the afterbirth she's expelling with said kittens. #
  • What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in t… — Either my wang or my desktop, it depends on the day… #
  • @m1kepro @Twidroyd not unless it comes prepaid and cheap!¡VIVA ANDROID! ¡VIVA TWIDROYD! #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-19

  • Using the SMS interface to play the existential dick until @Twidroyd is back… #
  • RT @twidroyd ~~ PLEASE RT ~~ a new version of twidroyd that resolves our twitter ban will be avail. shortly. <— TAKE THAT @support #
  • Stopping for bread, then home.. (@ Big Chief) #
  • Blah fucking sinuses… #
  • Picking up some chicken for dinner eventually, then heading back home to my reborn desktop (yay!). #
  • @m1kepro Eww, no. No one looks good with a shaved head… #
  • Food! (@ McDonalds) #
  • @Svend_SPOnG It could also have something to do with having our laws regarding free speech and press in the Constitution, unlike the U.K. #
  • Damn, I am getting damn good at this swype thing… It's becoming more automatic with each word I swype. #android #
  • @roareyraccoon At least it wasn't a telemarketer or a debt collector. #
  • @Shadow5talker04 It could be worse: he could be using something annoying like the guy from @tssznews venting about how no one likes him. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Sure as hell beats hosting it in outer space on some orbiting platform or another… #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Heheh, seriously, why would HM Gov't be giving money? #
  • @Svend_SPOnG A tax refund, perhaps? #
  • Watching some Star Trek on my new @virginmobileus Optimus V… #
  • Worst. Hacker. Ever. #
  • @xkeepah Blaaaaaah! #
  • @philvgersims Most everyone sucks at bowling, man. Don't worry about it. #
  • @SonicTweaker The bastard has no shame. He's a fucked up misogynist. #
  • Been using Twidroyd for #Twitter on my new #Android #Phone – Its #Free give it a try. #
  • @sonicyoda That's because toddlers are smaller targets for pigeons to aim at than adults. #
  • @Farrallth Sounds like you need some caffeine and now. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG That is usually a good sign, yes. #
  • Morning already? 🙂 (@ Biafra's House) #
  • Finally got my new android from @virginmobileus, the LG Optimus V #
  • @roareyraccoon It just goes 2 show ya that banks should b treated as the casinos that they are (& like all casinos, the house always wins). #
  • @SonicTweaker I believe that virus is spreading a lot farther than you thought. My sinuses are pounding worse than the bass in a 70's porno. #
  • Ordered the @virginmobileus LG Optimus V late Sat. Now waiting for tracking number. #
  • @m1kepro Odd, I thought it was created by FTD. #
  • @roareyraccoon Fraid I gotcha beat, man. #
  • Okay, if you were on a tropical island where the natives worship you as their local deity for some reason or another… #
  • Seriously, ask me anything! I got this Formspring thingummy just for this reason !!! #
  • @Svend_SPOnG I hate to say this, but Android is giving Apple's iOS a run for it's money. Nokia just might be ruined by allying w/ Microsoft. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-12

  • Time to kick back and watch the hard freeze roll in… #
  • Damn you @BlackBerry! Your @twitter client won't shorten URLs anymore! RAEG!!!!! #
  • @aquadan88 While not an iPhone usr, I found this search Google's Gmail help. #
  • The time is 7:52am. Time for Breakfast! (@ Biafra's House) #
  • @FlintyFoxy Pics please. #
  • @philvgersims Trying to build that statue from DTN on Minecraft, eh? #
  • @m1kepro It is 2:30am, too late for my 'A' material. #
  • @m1kepro Dear Mac User: Flash sucks because severe design flaws in Mac OS X added by Steve Jobs. We apologize for the inconvenience. -Adobe #
  • @Farrallth To be fair, America has 7 of the 10 deadliest snakes on Earth, and most of us avoid 'em save for cultists & venom harvesters… #
  • @roareyraccoon I'm thinking this music, played over the torture scene from 'Resivoir Dogs'… #
  • @tssznews Probably the same reason you pass off your pattern of abusiveness as 'old hat'. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-05

  • @VMUcare #IPcalypse refers to the depletion of available IP addresses that are currently used. Explanation: #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Which one? #
  • @virginmobileus Dear VM: How will Phone web/data service and Broadband2Go service be affected by the #IPcalypse #
  • Spring begins when the first Nigerian scam of the year lands in your email's Inbox. #
  • For all the Groundhog Day observers: Groundhog Day is irrelevant. The best measurement of an early spring is in Nigerian scams… #
  • @Farrallth Oh not at all. It's only too much if it's in Blackletter. Ditto with the actual code… #
  • …Coming soon to my hot little hands 😀 #
  • Tax site: $0. Filing fee: $0. Refund joy: Priceless. There are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's Debit @MasterCard.. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-29

  • @Xial it's not laziness, it's exclusive apps that work better. #
  • @Xial I wouldn't bother with that tablet because a.) No Android Market and b.) Unable to spell Chrome correctly (a bad sign) #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Actually using buses helps subliminally attract gamers in college as well as urban gamers, as it markets to them. #
  • #ff The second Follow Friday Special goes to @roareyraccoon on the occasion of his birthday. Happy b-day, bro! #
  • #ff Two Follow Friday Specials this week: The first to @Shadow5talker04 for earning his Advanced Computer Tech Degree #
  • #ff Winners: @m1ket @Xial @Dartanian88 @GavvieUK @blitzchris @SonicEpsilon @Hawkz101@Shadzter @blitzchris @aquadan88 @Jayzeach @Svend_SPOnG #
  • Time for the Follow Friday Pick'em! Where I pick out followers for a mention. Opt-out? DM me! #ff #
  • The time is 7am. Time for Breakfast! #
  • @tssznews There's also outing Scarred Sun's RL identity, the attacks towards SSMB and TSS staffers… Need I go on? #
  • @tssznews Well, since you insist,… Your attitude towards posting items that were gotten illicitly by your 'sources'. #
  • @tssznews That and untainted with a reputation of beating up chicks. #
  • @tssznews Then why use a fake last name, unless you're ashamed about that chick you beat up after all this time? #
  • @philvgersims Odd, isn't that supposed to happen once every 8.6 years in the UK or something? 😛 #
  • @tssznews So sayeth Tristan "The chick-beater" Bresnen… Seriously, you are the last person to lecture others on hiding their tracks… <^> #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Wow, I heard about the new models, but I thought they were on hold… #
  • @Dragoneer At least they don't try to sleep with your sister or best friend. I hope. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Which one: There's one for a 'PSP2' and one for a 'Playstation Phone'. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG SHHH! Keep it down, I have an outstanding support ticket with someone that may never get resolved if a certain group reunited. #
  • @m1kepro Yet another example of survival of the dimmest. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-22

  • @Svend_SPOnG Aww, you should have had the drunks sing "The Virgin Child Makes Her Wish Without Feeling Anything" from the No More Heroes OST #
  • #thingsthatpissmeoff How @SarahPalinUSA can spread fear & discord, incite someone to put a Congresswoman into ICU, and get off scott free. #
  • #ff One Follow Friday Special this week, to @KingCenterATL in (belated) honor of MLK day. #
  • #ff Winners!!!!: @Dragoneer @aquadan88 @magferret @philvgersims @Darkspeeds @segamedia @Urtheart @SonicTweaker @SonadowOnline & @Svend_SPOnG #
  • Welcome to this week's Follow Friday Bolita, where I pick out people who follow me @ random for mentions. Opt-out? DM me. #
  • Ah well, I'm gonna get something to eat, then start this week's Follow Friday… #
  • Another day, another long spell of waiting, for my books and my W-2. #
  • It's 6 o'clock. Time for Breakfast! #
  • @bradflick55 Oh, that's not Breaking News! It's not even front-page section material. #
  • @foreversonic Well the answer is obvious: your Mac is old, causing the formatting to take a while. Also, why Mac OS Ext'd? #
  • @Shadow5talker04 Why not use one browser and Ctrl+Tab between tabs? #
  • @foreversonic 1.) How big is it 2.) What are you formatting it to? 3.) What are you using to format it? #
  • @m1kepro Only if I win some tickets. Tickets for the Houston stop @ Toyota Center on Feb 15 are too expensive ($50 just for nosebleed seats) #
  • The time is 7:00am. Time for Breakfast! #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Good to know. 😛 #
  • RIP Bizarre Creations (formerly Raising Hell Studios, the developers of Wiz 'N' Liz) #
  • @magferret It just goes to show you the power of positive bitching. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Don't forget to stop at a coffee shop to unwind when the day's work is done. 😉 #
  • @Svend_SPOnG My quick 3DS questions: How many confirmed launch titles? How many of those are from 3rd-parties? Any games to watch out for? #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Odd, I thought the mutations would be some variety of man-horse-chicken-Courtney Love hybrid #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Well that's Apple for ya… 😉 #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Good. Please send some of that wake-up whatever over here. My sleep pattern's out of whack. #
  • Skipped lunch. Contemplating on skipping dinner, too, since what is there looks unappealing. #
  • Hungry as fuck, but the choices have no appeal to me… #
  • And they have a plan: #
  • @FlintyFoxy Well, that beats my pint of Dulce de Leche ice cream… #
  • @m1kepro It makes you wonder about the concept of beauty in the US… in reply to m1kepro #
  • @m1kepro Keep in mind Apple's success is largely tied to Jobs. Besides, it could be worse, CNN could be reporting on who won Miss America… #
  • @Hawkz101 <^> #
  • @Farrallth I get those every 8 months or so. #doesnthaveanHSBCaccount #
  • @virginmobileus Good to hear that for the Intercept. Now if you could only update the BlackBerry Curve 8530…. #
  • @Hawkz101 @tssznews Okay, get a room, you two. You both sound like my ex bitching about Final Fantasy XI. #
  • Win: @Dragoneer @HattedHaloFox @aquadan88 @Shadow5talker04 @Dartanian88 @philvgersims @m1kepro @Sega_SonicRadio @bradflick55 @BlakeDraco #ff #
  • A quick Follow Friday Lotto for y'all, brought to you by the letters F, F, and the number 2,011 #ff #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-15

  • @Urtheart Why not all three, Urth? #
  • I'm considering this @square outfit for starting up my build-a-pc biz. Shame it's not out for BlackBerry, means I have to buy an Intercept #
  • @m1kepro I doubt it'll work. Ted Stevens did a similar thing back when he was in the Senate. I'd be more concerned with the Blacklist Bill. #
  • @m1kepro Well, it happens. The FCC takes action in halves. If it takes action at all, that is. #
  • @m1kepro I take it you think MetroPCS is the new Comcast in this regard, eh? #
  • @tssznews We would make further progress if you just faded away (or hit another chick at Bennigan's and got sent away for 5-10 years) #
  • @tssznews What little progress the community at large has made was made despite your bitch ass. #
  • @tssznews … you are the last person who should be talking about 'respect'. #
  • @tssznews … attacked a TSS staffer over his valid medical condition, posted ill-gotten content, & falsely accused Retro of hacking you… #
  • @tssznews This coming from the person who attacked Roarz regarding an administrative decision because he's a furry, (cont'd) #
  • @SonicTweaker Here's what to do: take water as warm as you can stand, add rubbing alcohol, then pour or turkeybaster in each ear. It works! #
  • @CjFoxie Better hurry, or you'll be left with the unlucky redshirt job. #
  • On the lighter side, Happy 1500th Tweet to me! #meaninglessmilestone #1500 (Reaction from The Count from Sesame Street: 1500! AHAHA!) #
  • Tomorrow on #NMH2 grind for more cash for 8-star muscle training, clothes from Airport51, then 4th Rank Fight. #
  • Stopped #NMH2 for the night at 5th rank with all Revenge Missions Complete, Step-in-Slice, NoJacket, and all four beam katanas. #
  • No More Heroes 2 is rather easier than the original oddly enough. Breezed through to Rank 5 in NMH2 faster than I did in NMH1 #
  • Okay, time to make a quick run to the crapper… #
  • If you're happy and you know it, SYNTAX ERROR #
  • @dreadknux As for my weekend plans, sleep seems to be in vogue for 2011, might give that a try and lay off the caffeine… #
  • @dreadknux Besides, real men don't use art sites. They upload everything to a server and host it thenmselves. #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-08

  • E:\Foxboy:> : Some males are no better than women #
  • A Follow Friday Special mention to @Sega_SonicRadio because I can and because there are a lot of good shows there (including mine). #ff #
  • #ff Winners: @blitzchris @philvgersims @cdrom1019 @DC_Farrallth @SonadowOnline @TheByrus @segamedia @dreadknux @SonicEpsilon @echohawk @Xial #
  • Welcome to Bia's Follow Friday, sponsored by ConDemed 3, out 5.Nov.2011. I pick several followers for mention @ random. Opt-out? DM me. #ff #
  • 11:24am. Need to register and payment-plan my last 4 classes, then rent textbooks off of Chegg. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG … The last time I did that I failed Photography class. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Okay, I can take all of those EXCEPT Gears 3. I don't want to have to organize another tourney for that franchise… #
  • @SonicEpsilon Odd, I thought the traditional post-Granny Bang activity was getting stoned? It's in the Bible, after all. #
  • @Xial There should be a furcon somewhere in FL last I checked, especially since one can drive to most anywhere in FL in 8-10 hours… #
  • Just outside Port Arthur, heading back home. #
  • @tssznews The only to reclaim any credibility is to issue an apology/retraction for the past 3 years to everyone you hurt before closing…. #
  • @tssznews The reason people hate you is that you're a dishonest little fuckwad who posts ill-gotten content & write attack pieces on others. #
  • @tssznews And you keep clinging to the delusion that you're a credible journalist. Try not to beat any other chicks in the meantime. #
  • Is it just me, or are there more and more commercials for ED meds than there were last year… #
  • I need a man. Now. #
  • @BirdieGryphon My GamerTag is BiafraOnLive. I don't use it much except for Games For Windows – Live #
  • @tssznews Odd, I thought that's what you allegedly did when you allegedly hit that woman at Bennigan's… #
  • Yes, I feel like shit, but on the bright side, my annoying older sister turns 30 today! #