Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-06

Test Blog Post.

This is a test to see if the blog post mentioned at

is affecting

my blog.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-30

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-30

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-23

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-23

Yet another blog posting test on Erratic Foxboy

And again, it’s with Word. This time, 2010 beta.


All signs point to cool…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-16

  • With 8 min until Centerpoint Energy closes down 4 da night, a 2 hr outage is lookin more like a cold all niter. Electric dereg sux ass! #
  • Great. Power is out. #
  • Hauling mom 2 doc's office and other shite is boring. Any ideas aside from reading and waiting to pass the time would be appreciated. 🙂 #
  • E:\Foxboy:> : Sports: The very rare, very evil vice. #

Sports: The very rare, very evil vice.

Then again, when else but every four years can you watch Football, Bobsled, Basketball, Golf, Baseball, and Soccer, and all in the space of six months…

What the hell, I just needed to post something aside from Twitter updates here and on LJ and such…

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-10