Twits at Ten for 2011-12-18

  • Is it just me, or are the networks whoring out "Frosty the Snowman" to the southern US just to piss people off??? #
  • @roareyraccoon Sad, yes, but also expected. He did have esophageal cancer, after all, not to mention heavily drank and smoked, too… #
  • Okay, this was rather unexpected, but I'll take it anyways, thanks @Akhmin #
  • Tweeting inside Steam right now, playing Poker Night at the Inventory. #
  • Playing Poker Night at the Inventory. #
  • Of course, the gift giving has left me broke for the rest of the year, so I'll have to wait a bit before I can get Sonic CD for Android :'( #
  • Thankfully, I got all my Xmas gifts to their destinations… Just need to wrap my mom's gift and I'm good to go. #
  • @BedtimeVixen @DildoFaerie Zeta-Paws manufacturing was (until recently) just Brownbear. Even with one new hire, there's still a backlog. #
  • @TeamChaotix @blitzchris @Svend_SPOnG Actually, Bia read the convo and chose to skip the strange man flirting Chris is doing. #
  • @blitzchris @TeamChaotix @Svend_SPOnG The chick Svendley spotted… He should bone her senseless. #
  • @SonicTweaker What happened? #
  • @TeamChaotix @blitzchris @Svend_SPOnG I'm gonna have to back Chris in this. Bone her senseless. #
  • @m1kepro I think Rita and/or Zed tried the latter of those. #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-14

  • Hoi… anyone in range of my twitter up for some Team Fortress 2? #
  • @mysimplemobile BASIC MY BUTT! 120kbps on a UMTS (your vaunted "3G") network is lousy. The minimum UMTS speed is 384kbps, at least 3x higher #
  • @DarkOverord Why? Doesn't one of your local grocery stores sell them #
  • @TeamChaotix Because it's obligitory… … IT'S A TRAP!!!! #
  • @ValorB Sent you a note right now #
  • Some constructive criticism: I know you are trying to be thorough, but multiple (@YouTube #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-13

  • Well, the courier job I applied for gave me the "fuck off overqualified bastard" email… #
  • I need something to do. I'm not qualified enough for the tech industry managers, but too qualified for McJob managers… #
  • Some constructive criticism: I know you are trying to be thorough, but multiple (@YouTube #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-12

  • @GavvieUK Then you probably shouldn't watch our reality television, then… #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-11

  • @Akhmin About that… I miss the DtN comics… Any news on the next one? #
  • @dvolvemusic Also, good luck opening Project 24 #sonicstadium #
  • @dvolvemusic Congrats. Don't spend it all in one place 😉 #
  • Here's a question for @ValorB for his comic: What the **** is with all the ****** ************* censoring you ******* prude? #
  • #sonicstadium Project 24 The Black Celebration…. Toooonight!!!!!!! #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-10

  • Playing Poker Night at the Inventory. #
  • In other news: the new @twitter layout sucks anus #
  • The only downside: Since I sold it on eBay, they put a hold on funds for up to 21 days, but cut it down to 3 days after the package arrives. #
  • Got back from the post office a while ago and now am bored out of my skull… On the plus side, made a quick $30 for an MP3 player. #
  • Project 24 info up NOW on #sonicstadium #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-09

  • My #Android @twitter! Why did you do this gay remodel WRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!? #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-08

  • Also, need to eat something… #
  • Well it's been a few months and still no work. Might as well try wacky and wonderful world of higher education for the upcoming semester… #
  • @scaryduck I've gotten one of those this Spring written in Old English #
  • I've just personalized @SwiftKey X for Android with my Twitter posts! Get it free at #
  • @bradflick55 There's always "The Human Centipede (First Sequence)" #
  • @Shadow5talker04 Bia's 14th Law: You'll always feel like you got the shit kicked out of you on holiday, even if you sit around & do nothing. #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-06

  • Downloading Robot Unicorn Attack for Android… #
  • @FlintyFoxy Ah well. Soon I have to finish mine up… #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-04

  • Looked at the iPad2 at the Apple Store page. They want FORTY BUCKS FOR A FUCKING PLASTIC COVER!!! NO THANKS!!! #