- @ValorB Does it have free Cinemax? #
- @Svend_SPOnG Don't gripe at me, I have to use a UK proxy to watch Coronation Street. #
- @sonicyoda It's okay, but as far as rail shooters go, House of the Dead: Overkill is a delightful, campy little romp. #
- @ValorB Stream music into your vehicle? #
- @UrthyBewbs @Svend_SPOnG Not when they buy Ding Dongs, frozen pizzas, and beer without buying ice. #
- @UrthyBewbs @Svend_SPOnG Pffft, that's not panic buying. Panic buying is when Walmart gets cleaned out of food before a hurricane. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-30
- @ValveTime http://t.co/SPkXleGh – Because "when it's done" just doesn't cut it anymore. #
- @m1kepro Saw this, thought of you. http://t.co/RZ3F8OQj #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-29
- Rammstein at the Toyota Center on May 25??? SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!! #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/KRFDQl4b Self-Driving Car Test: Steve Mahan #
- @NegriElectronic Please define "items we purchase that we can not ethically sell as new." #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-28
- @Xial Reboot your router and clean all cookies and cache. That might help. #
- @Xial Tumblr must be basing it on IP addresses that report missing e was being used. #
- @Xial I don't think tumblr has a problem with missing e, it just wants you to acknowledge that if something breaks, it's not their fault. #
- @lynxdarkwynd Thankfully, Jehovah's Witnesses are easy targets. #
- @lynxdarkwynd The comeuppance machine gave many ideas. My favorite: "If a test determined your child would be born gay, would you abort it?" #
- @lynxdarkwynd Does it show who the pamphlet is by? I ask because my comeuppance machine usually has a wiry retort for such occasions 🙂 #
- @Xial Question is, what did it do to get a -1 before? #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-27
- @spexfox Yeah… Them I love to laugh at and shit… #
- @NyanCatWorld Bring to Android via Google Play! The power of nyan compels you! #
- E:\Foxboy> : gifpeanutbutter:
gifpeanutbutter:Â a GIF directory for thousands… http://t.co/ZxtSPdZS #
- @spexfox Why do you wait until now? It seems I'm the only one who does their taxes as soon as they get their W-2s #
- E:\Foxboy> : spexfox:
He’s out of shape. You can… http://t.co/7vpp2g7N #
- E:\Foxboy> : darkoverord:
My Political Compass… http://t.co/iHZXRKil #
- E:\Foxboy> : hamandheroin:
The Animal Rescue Site is having trouble getting… http://t.co/o3rC32U9 #
- @UrthyBewbs @GavvieUK Expect any gift card value, reward points, etc. to be lost permanently. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-26
- @ValorB *laughs* Sweet!… Plus, look on the bright side, at least that @Akhmin hat isn't drooling on you #
- @ValorB Nope, I do not see you on my end on my Steam friends list. #
- @ValorB Probably not. Let me check, though… #
- @ValorB …*wakes up at last* #
- @TychoBrahe But it's much easier than selling their shitty popcorn #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-25
- Lunchtime. #
- @Claytonq4ljq No. #
- @thekevineva I'd suggest looking on Newegg, but being in the UK, the VAT will kill any savings you might get over Amazon. #
- @ValorB Start work on another Angry Fox comic. The arc with Jerry subbing at the help desk still has more potential. #
- @ValorB The later, unfortunately. I feel like the bulk of my time these days is being taken up by job applications… #
- @ValorB Picking on @UrthyBewbs and @Akhmin again? #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-24
- No luck so far with my job hunt… This sucks… #
- @ValorB If today is pay day, your wages from the last pay period will be added to your wages from this one. Otherwise, wait until next week. #
- @xkeepah It could be worse, they could put your credit card number in the gift emails. #
- Bad news for @philvgersims the port addict… http://t.co/to1KGNnc #
- @Svend_SPOnG Culled is such an understatement. I prefer 'forcibly exterminated' #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-23
- @Abbywolfox Not nearly as fun as "heroine" and "heroin" #
- @bad_dragon Debbie Does Dildos, Beyond the Valley of the Dildos, House of 1000 Dildos #replacemovietitlewiththeworddildo #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-22
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
- @xkeepah What the F? #
- @xkeepah Huh??? #
- @Svend_SPOnG Relax. It's not the first time they have tried this. It won't pass. #
- @spexfox I believe it's amps, as amps are the same thing that kill people in the electric chair. #
- @spexfox I DO I DO ME ME ME ME ME! #
- @silverwuffamute Bia's 2nd Law Of eCommerce: Craigslist is where you go to sell items that either won't sell or can't be sold on eBay. #