- @silverwuffamute You would think that people would have less small-retentive signature matching systems, but no… #
- @NegriElectronic The letter "L" #
- @Svend_SPOnG I had to do the same shit at Walmart with their credit cards. It's the second-worst part of that job (behind the pay and hours) #
- @LupineAssassin I'll alert the media 😛 #
- @Akhmin @TitansCreed SHAWN OF THE DEAD RACING!!! #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-20
- Pls RT: ISPs are selling out customers by pushing a backdoor #SOPA Take action: http://t.co/kuVMjD2H via @demandprogress #
- @xkeepah Then do the job for him and say, "Sorry boss, this is for your own good." #
- @xkeepah Grab the stapler and staple him to the chair and push said chair from the PC (or just tie him up)… #
- @m1kepro You are joking, right? #
- @DarkOverord Yes, this is a new one. A third one. #
- @Abbywolfox So is yawning and laughter. #
- @DarkOverord This is likely going to devolve into a new browser war. #
- @DarkOverord Firefox refuses to use them due to licensing issues. Chrome gave up and switched to their recently purchased VP8 codec… #
- @DarkOverord No, Google and Mozilla share some blame in this, Microsoft's, and (up until recently) Google's HTML5 supported H.264 and AAC #
- @DarkOverord Despite all it's issues, Flash is still light years ahead of HTML5 video, which can't agree on a set of codecs… #
- @DarkOverord So? Even now, several years after the merger, most people I know still refer to it as Shockwave Flash, not Adobe Flash. #
- @Akhmin @Svend_SPOnG It's mainly a Firefox issue, IMO… Try Chrome. #
- @Svend_SPOnG I'm still staggering a bit from St. Patrick's day #
- @m1kepro Jelly has a gelatinous consistency, jam does not. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-19
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Try not using any external hubs and connecting directly to the PC #
- @foreversonic Royalty Free means you're not paying fees on a per play basis, but rather at a flat rate for unlimited plays. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-18
- Photo: hamandheroin: http://t.co/NxjprO0C #
- @silverwuffamute Depends. What beer are we talking about here? #
- @NegriElectronic Didn't you close this thing over cheating allegations? If so, why the tweet for a "failure"? #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-17
- The lesson everyone should learn after the arrest of the guy behind #Kony2012 – Friends don't let friends wank drunk. #
- Interesting (not really :P) http://t.co/2NDT97Ni #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-16
- @TitansCreed I haven't noticed such shite days, tbh… Then again, I'm in the US. #
- @TitansCreed Also, YT seems okay from my end upload-wise… #
- @TitansCreed Guessing the length of part 3 based on the length of the first two videos, it still doesn't explain the early upload. #
- @TitansCreed Rendering time is miniscule (videos are available in 320p within 5 minutes and HD within 15) and I'm certain he has fast net. #
- @TitansCreed Makes you wonder why not just upload it on Friday proper… #
- @TitansCreed I have never had this problem when I uploaded videos on my account, and I have my twitter and youtube accounts linked a well. #
- @TitansCreed Then why the premature announcement? #
- @discoponies Can't watch Part 3, as it's marked private. #
- Damn… My back had taken this exact moment to hurt gloriously. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-15
- @lynxdarkwynd Ibuprofen, stat! 4 tablets every 6 hours. #
- @SuperPsyguy It's simple really. They take ordinary taco shells and dust them in the factory with Dorito's(R) brand flavoring… #
- @sonicyoda Speak for yourself 😛 #
- @sonicyoda Because it's the official flag of chavs worldwide. 😛 #
- Fun with Louie… http://t.co/mTGwoDFZ #
- @Akhmin Yay!!!!! If I lived over there, we'd be having jello shooters and play TF2 until dawn to celebrate 😀 #
- @Akhmin Well that takes care of any further queries regarding Dream to Nightmare… #
- Good news: Free Lattes. Bad news: only in the UK. WRYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!? #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-14
- @RubyEclipse Yep. in reply to RubyEclipse #
- @RubyEclipse I'm going to have to agree with @Shadzter here, and I'm in the US, here. #
- Little known fact: I have a tumblr account now! http://t.co/JsExJfRB #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-13
- Hmm… This is oddly disturbing… #
- I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/TLJuWKIa Seth Macfarlanes Cavalcade of cartoon comedy-sheep shearing #
- @thekevineva Nah, you're more likely to be dragged out into it by fog tentacles than the fog turning you inside out. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Their activation process wouldn't let me move my phone number back w/o losing eligibility for the $30 unlimited data plan… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-12
- @Det_Conan_Kudo I'm on Simple Mobile, they won't help. As for the article, it's pure optimism. No one ever deploys where I'm at that quick. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Up until two months ago, it was worse. My phone couldn't keep a UMTS signal more than 45 seconds… #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo 700kbps does not HSPA+ make, despite what my phone says. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo As for why @xkeepah uses Sprint, ask him… #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo I won't hold my breath. WiMAX is never going to come and neither AT&T nor Verizon have LTE close to my house… #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo But this is about @xkeepah not me #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo And before you raise this, LTE (let alone the new UMTS frequency) likely won't show up where I live until 2015… #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo At least on my T-Mo phone, it doesn't make much difference. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo But Sprint doesn't drop it's (albeit inferior) data speeds to 2G after 5GB #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Don't knock Sprint too bad. CDMA they may be, but this might be the only option for @xkeepah #
- @xkeepah Not as worthless as AT&T… #
- Phone company DSL is not very fast in crap weather, and Satellite is expensive and even slower… #
- Despite everything, it's times like these that I wish @comcastcares enough to have cable internet in my part of Santa Fe, Texas. #
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
- @peterdcohanlon You lose, good day, you stupid little shota-loving cunt. #
- Ok, I'm bored #