- @peterdcohanlon And you are that lying Tongara shit. Why don't you come on an IM and face me with your accusations, you cowardly little fuck #
- @spexfox Sure, why not. #
- @Abbywolfox looks like you need a stylus. #
- @Shadow5talker04 I doubt you have to worry unless the game is set in Tehran or something… #
- @peterdcohanlon You've got me confused with someone else, asswipe. #
- @peterdcohanlon You first 😛 #
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
- @Xial I believe I have the answer to this. New earbuds. Hold on while I check what kind I have… #
- @peterdcohanlon YOU THINK?!?!?!?!? #
- @spexfox Specs, please! Inquiring minds want to know! #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-10
- No Follow Friday Specials this week, since the original subject has since been accused of some shadiness. That's all #ff #
- #ff winners: @jkitrinehart @Akhmin @philvgersims @ValorB @spexfox @Xial @gogobmn @blitzchris @Det_Conan_Kudo @roareyraccoon @Urtheart @Stiv_ #
- @SilverSonic1534 Mine has dropped a bit down to 32 before jumping to 38. #
- Follow Friday Lotto commences in 13 minutes. Want a chance at a mention, give a follow. Want out? DM me #ff #
- @SilverSonic1534 what does yours show? #
- Bad news, dental checkup and follow up to last week's extraction is this afternoon… #
- Good news, my @klout score is 38! #
- 7:30am. Time for Breakfast! #
- @Svend_SPOnG Not surprised. After all, this is a company known for taking what seems like forever on things… #
- @spexfox Who wouldn't do this? #
- @Abbywolfox Sure, why not. I slept most of the evening already… #
- @xkeepah This should be a valuable lesson for you: never ever volunteer for anything! #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-09
- @Dragoneer I suggest waiting until your contract is up (if you are still on one) and finding another carrier… #
- @TitansCreed How far along are you in that? #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Welcome to the club… #
- But first, the time is 6:00am. Time for Breakfast! #
- Today's schedule: more job applications, groceries, check on healing extraction socket, play more Sonic Generations, download Half-Life 2… #
- @RichoKidd More like #ApocalypseSow amirite? #
- @Abbywolfox Try ibuprofen, warm milk, and a strong shot of whiskey. #
- Right,… More job applications tomorrow, Friday dental checkup/extraction followup… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-08
- @Abbywolfox Lie down on each side & check for pain by breathing deeply. If there is see a doctor, otherwise, it's probably a bit of gas. #
- @BedtimeVixen Amen to that. #
- @Akhmin I can't blame you. Their cries are migraine-inducing & any attempt at discipline in public will net a visit from Child Welfare. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-07
- Photo: spexfox: Doctor: I’m giving you a reflex test— Patient: *knees doctor in face* What did I tell you?… http://t.co/Dmu0oFe7 #
- @dreadknux The main part of that comes from Sonic 06, and the later games. (To be fair, I liked Shadow the Hedgehog, & I had the GC version) #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-06
- @m1kepro Terrible, yes. Most horrible? Not really. There's the clip show episodes for starters… #
- @thekevineva Putin ran for President again, after Medevev said he wasn't going to run for another term. #
- @Svend_SPOnG I thought GAME was considering selling itself to GameStop? #
- @spexfox Check your bed for anything lumpy. Also, try to sleep regularly instead of randomly… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-05
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
- @FlintyFoxy Second, have you heard of composing in Notepad before copy/pasting the result into the New WordPress post box? #
- @FlintyFoxy First off, self hosted or, http://t.co/SwqJNBsv? #
- @Akhmin Also, my condolences regarding your friend. #
- @Akhmin In lieu of super glue, use clear nail polish after re-screwing it in place. It works a lot longer than traditional screw in place. #
- @ValorB Ouch… sorry about that, man. #
- @m1ket Are you using the official Twitter client for Android or a 3rd party client? #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-04
- If you're not registered for @klout, check it out! Sign up today and let's see how we compare! http://t.co/LgvlRpZj #
- According to @klout, my Klout score is 36. How influential are you? http://t.co/kfQNv9iD #
- @ValorB Check your DMs #
- And yes, to all twits: today is my birthday. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! #
- @roareyraccoon That and the Scary re-cut of Mary Poppins. #
- @m1kepro Nah. I'm thinking… "Mike's Amateur Taxidermy". No one will ever try to boost THAT. XD #
- @ValorB I would volunteer, but I couldn't possibly allow anything bad to happen to my character since today is my birthday. #
- @Abbywolfox Nah, statistics generally show it's more likely your beverage was spiked by the manufacturer than the toothpaste… #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-03
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
Twits at Ten for 2012-03-02
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #
- @xkeepah Using XP? #
- Back home from my surgical extraction. Novocaine is still blocking most of the pain right now, and am biting down on gauze until 1:30pm #
- http://t.co/248D1SFc #
- @Akhmin Queen of the nerds, because as Ben Folds sang, Bitches Ain't Shit 😛 #
- @FlintyFoxy @DarkOverord @AlborkeSeagoon Not surprising considering a GameStop subsidiary (EB Games) once owned 25% of GAME… #
- Playing Sonic Generations. http://t.co/EVPvLrt3 #