Twits at Ten for 2012-03-01

  • The last video rental store within 5 miles (Blockbuster) is closing, & with that, all video & game rental is now in the hands of the kiosks. #
  • @ValorB Could be worse, it could have been on the keyboard. That always leaves a mark #
  • Playing Sonic Generations. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-29

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-28

  • @Dragoneer I know it saves 35% of the stand prices, but it's still not that healthy. #
  • @sonicyoda Only 34%. 33% is real, the rest an experimental compound developed by NASA [/bad_joke] #
  • @spexfox Feel free to give me a call #
  • @Abbywolfox Rule 34, Abby… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-27

  • @Abbywolfox Shouting at someone's anus is actually 'face-sitting'. 'Skyrimming' is actually giving someone a rimjob on airplane in flight… #
  • @ValorB Try watching a David Starkey documentary. It's great for such times when sleep is needed… #
  • @m1kepro The issue with the copyright footer is the only issue with the site. #
  • @m1kepro The copyright footer aligns to the middle vertically on Android's browser… #
  • @FlintyFoxy Good luck. We Americans don't even get those… #
  • @nyannyancat ….. NYAN? o.O #
  • @bhratbrat Because they've been using the same package since 1995 ("Eyewitness (@YouTube #
  • While I like the Propulsion refresh for KHOU, this video has an annoying buzz g (@YouTube #
  • @BirdieGryphon Mix warm water & rubbing alcohol together, then pour resulting mix in affected ear & let sit for a minute before draining. #
  • @Abbywolfox Just be careful your saliva doesn't get into any crevices… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-26

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-25

  • @tssznews You can click your heels together three times and magically transport to the UK… or you can just use a UK proxy… #
  • @SuperPsyguy Hello Purple, have you seen Psy around? #
  • @silverwuffamute Rub the burns with mayonaise. The lipids help keep the burns from turning into blisters… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-24

  • @spexfox Sure! #
  • @Abbywolfox I'd offer you some tracks from Limp Bizkit, but since President Obama redefined torture it's not allowed. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-23

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-22

  • I liked a @YouTube video Girl falls texting on live news #
  • @ValorB Would you settle for TF2 with me and @Akhmin the suicide medic (if she is willing of course)? #
  • Here's hoping @NegriElectronic gets the 24 followers needed to avoid a #FAF shutout, not that I'm optimistic of course. #
  • Playing VVVVVV. #
  • @ValorB @philvgersims Hit that shit with this: #
  • @xkeepah @SilverSonic1534 I used to have it on my PC, but I had to reformat recently. Size largely kept me from getting it downloaded… #
  • Kicking back and finally downloading Portal 2 on Steam today. Been putting this off for a bit… #
  • Journal "Read on to see my character nekkid…" on Inkbunny #
  • @ValorB Usually a good strategy 🙂 #
  • @thekevineva ??? #

Twits at Ten for 2012-02-21

  • @GavvieUK I really don't care once way or the other about it to be honest… #
  • @GavvieUK Why not just drop in a replacement? #
  • @GavvieUK Not letting the emptying of the recycling bin go long enough. Real men wait for it to reach 100GB or more. #
  • @GavvieUK Pffffff, amateur #
  • Behold the new Windows logo, effective Windows 8 – #
  • @DarkOverord Try using "404 Signature Not Found" as your signature… #
  • @philvgersims Yes! You and @dreadknux are the only people without site-specific twitters. #
  • @NegriElectronic Easier said than done. You were 76 short last Friday. #
  • @FlintyFoxy Could go either way… #
  • @Abbywolfox What @Dragoneer said. #
  • I liked a @YouTube video TV News Show Intros From Around the World #
  • But first, it's 8:20am. Time for Breakfast! #
  • Today's agenda: apply for more jobs, finally get Portal 2 re-downloaded, watch more David Starkey documentaries, Download Sonic Generations. #
  • @spexfox @silverwuffamute In short, switch to Inkbunny #
  • @gerbelbey Don't worry, that feeling is normal… #