- Wonderful. The left lens from my pair of glasses bounced off somewhere and now I have to find the damn thing… #
Twits at Ten for 2011-11-10
- Bored as hell… need a job bhad… #
- Playing VVVVVV. http://t.co/shxub97T #
- @roareyraccoon Here's a cure for that guilt: Read anything by Ayn Rand. #
- @cdrom1019 I wouldn't take a chance, leave 3D off the first time… #
- I plan on getting Sonic Generations eventually, either via PC during Xmas via Steam, or in February with my tax refund along with an 360…. #
- To @MightyEagle – Why you no come to Android? There's plenty of sardines over here… π #
- E:\Foxboy> Boredom… http://t.co/3YDnwGRQ #
- @dreadknux I'm in favor of it, mainly because of the archaic and obsolete structure of copyright laws. #
- @GavvieUK I wouldn't, as it will bomb in the US. #
- Today's agenda: job seeking, lunch, clean crap avalanche in my room from last might, more job seeking, TF2, dinner, Half-Life 2, sleep #
- @Akhmin @TitansCreed knows… he mentioned changing his password when he gets home… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Actually, 'Philistine' was the #4 ranked boss fight music. #
- @thekevineva Same ad agency perhaps? #
- Playing Half-Life 2. http://t.co/shxub97T #
- @TeamChaotix Eww… Feather boas for prostituting are so 1991. Hookers today wear belly blouses and Puerto Rican fence climbers… #
- @philvgersims You need to start a non-paying bidder claim and issue negative feedback. #
- Today's plan: apply for more jobs, update resume, lunch, more job apps, play TF2, watch "The Amazing Mrs Pritchard", dinner, more TF2, bed. #
- @philvgersims Aw, don't be. Just turn it into a day of trolling the mac fanboy. #
- @philvgersims Amen (finally some reasonable-ness on my Twitter feed regarding Steve Jobs) #
- Yes, RIP Steve Jobs. Now back to the main story, Mojang Not Releasing What They Have for Minecraft Pocket& Mark Incompatible for Galaxy S #
- Follow Friday Special this week goes to @MegWhitman for finally finding good solid work at Hewlett-Packard after three years of trying #
- #ff lotto winners: @SonicTweaker @Det_Conan_Kudo @Svend_SPOnG @m1ket @spexfox @TheByrus @TeamChaotix @Akhmin @Xial @m1kepro @roareyraccoon #
- Follow Friday Lotto coming up, ladies, stand by… #ff #
- It is finished #TroyDavis Died 9/21/2011 11:08PM EDT Cause: Homicide perpretrated by the State of Georgia and accomplice Anneliese MacPhail #
- "Now we're all sons of bitches" -Kenneth Bainbridge, Trinity Nuclear weapon test director. My take on the murder of #TroyDavis #RIPTROYDAVIS #
- @SonicTweaker Yeah… Data packages can get expensive on these phones. IT (and the whole lost job thing) had me move to Simple Mobile. #
- @SonicTweaker 30MB??? That's a little chinsy with the data. Who's his carrier? #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo I doubt it. With the T-Mobile merger failure in progress, it's doubtful it will have 5-band HSPA+ #
- @SonicTweaker 30GB? That's awfully high for a cell plan… #
- @Abbywolfox The @twitter app for Android is adequate. Also, @TweetDeck is superb if you have a ton of social networking to mess with… #
- @Svend_SPOnG @GavvieUK Then again, I live in a state that executed a racist, murdering prick 21 minutes ago. #
- @Svend_SPOnG @GavvieUK Keep in mind, this is GA, a red (conservative) state, executing him. Red states love to execute minorities & racists #
- To @roareyraccoon with love: Alternate explanation for the crucifixion of everyone's favorite Roman tax resister http://j.mp/p2NIYb #
- Death by Cuckoo http://j.mp/pKIQfW #
- Lol http://j.mp/oPx6WU #
- This strikes me funny somehow… http://j.mp/q5e0eK #
- Dinner before work (@ McDonald's) http://t.co/r8B6iTo #
- Grab a bite to eat… (@ McDonald's) http://t.co/DC4Cmh4 #
- Alright, time to get something to eat. Sleep is for cunts. #
- E:\Foxboy:> : On WordPress III: Revenge of the Plugins http://j.mp/mlajBg #
- 1:56 am… I need to get out of this habit. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Well at least you didn't get molested by the TSA agents at LAX… #
- Warning: This video may contain Jedi Assholes – http://t.co/Tr1vkno #
- Alright, there's a 15 year old w/ terminal cancer who wrote a bucket list, on which she wanted to trend on Twitter. Plz RT! #AliceBucketList #
- #BeatHazard Beat Hazard is now Tweeting! #
- Finished up eating @ Denny's after a long afternoon nap. Now a stop @ Walmart and Lowe's and then home!… #
- Definitely a winner, Nintendo. You won the expo. #GTE3 http://soc.li/C3RPX2N #
- I'm sold on Wii U because of the new Darksiders, Assassins Creed, and Ninja Gaiden games… #GTE3 http://soc.li/C3RPX2N #
- I will say this: Nintendo Wii U, like the Wii, is a shit name, but a game changer Definitely something to watch. #E3 #
- Did I hear that right? "Systems"? As in more than one??? RT @NintendoAmerica: Hereβs a message from Reggie! http://t.co/8IUJEdh #
- @GavvieUK In the grand tradition of names named after waste products: Nintendo Puu #
- @aospbot What about us folks who don't have or can't use Rom Manager? How about a version for us? #
- @SonicTweaker No, no… Pork chops are sex. ^.^ #
- @FlintyFoxy Be glad it wasn't potatoes. When they go, they smell like death. Literally. #
- @FlintyFoxy I'm sorry, but that is wrong on so many levels… #
- @bradflick55 Well, it's official: the south needs a new hockey team! Damn Canadians stealing our hockey teams… #
- Alright, time to grocery shop… #
- @m1kepro Odd, I thought it was the Phoenix Coyotes that they were trying to move to Winnipeg, not Atlanta…. #
- @SonicTweaker Then go scream. Unless you have some reason not to… #
- @thekevineva Benevolent Co-Dictator For Life? #
- Yay for @Akhmin and her GModerry! http://bit.ly/lTpXpu #
- @m1ket The Fcuk Blatter line forms up behind me. Damn Blatter giving the cup to the Qataris #
- @philvgersims cool beans. give us a listen! #
- @spexfox Nice! Need a beta tester? #
- @FlintyFoxy Well, at least yours is joining the US: Spring Bank Holiday falls on the same day as Memorial Day this year. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo A Quantum Leap movie? That almost makes up for their shit series finale ending. Almost. #
- Hark! Dinnertime approaches! #
- Need to start simmering dinner in a bit… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Good afternoon Agent Svendaa. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Find the #FemaleRichtofen #
- @Akhmin Pix plz! #
- #ff Follow Friday Special this week again goes to @SwiftKey X Beta, now public on Android Market. GET IT NAOW! http://skx.me/beta #
- #ff WINNERS: @Akhmin @philvgersims @TitansCreed @Urtheart @Shadow5talker04 @thekevineva @TURBOXLR @BlakeDraco @Svend_SPOnG @SonicTweaker #
- Follow Friday Extravaganza Time! Where I go an draw names from my list for mention… #ff #
- Tweet and Re-Tweet got into a boat, Tweet fell out, who was left? RE-TWEET! #
- @spexfox @Det_Conan_Kudo If googling "android hello world apk" yields nothing, just rip off Angry Birds… #
- @SonicTweaker Bleh, Twitter is like a rich trust fund chick: too much of someone else's money and never satisfied. #
- @TitansCreed @Urtheart @Akhmin @TurboXLR @philvgersims thanks 4 the #TF2 memories π #
- @philvgersims Be glad you're getting rain. Here it's 94Β° and oppressively humid… #
- @SonicTweaker Twitter @support knows and is working on it. #
- @Akhmin @thekevineva @BlakeDraco @Urtheart @philvgersims @TURBOXLR @Shadow5talker04 Thanks for the #tf2 fun all! #
- @Svend_SPOnG That too. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Life lesson: Never rip albums you aren't going to listen to over the next few days…,:-) #
- @UrthyBewbs Nah, sharp things aren't good for testing balls, they tend to miss & hit other vital areas instead. Use an aluminum bat instead. #
- @FlintyFoxy Nice! Only thing better is if it dispensed a Mountain Dew Code Red… #
- @Shadow5talker04 @TitansCreed @Urtheart @philvgersims @thekevineva @Akhmin @TURBOXLR Thanks for the tf2 fun! #
- @thekevineva Will do! ^_^ #
- @GavvieUK Nothing much, just adding some people on Steam. You? π #
- @UrthyBewbs I suggest Team Fortress 2 #
- @SonicTweaker Double Damn! I hate having to grocery shop and miss it… >.< #
- @SonicTweaker Aww… Was it on Skype Retro? #
- @sonicyoda Some right-wing nut who also said the #rapture would happen in 1994 #
- #ff 1 Follow Friday Special this week to @SwiftKey – VIP Beta open today only. Go to http://t.co/qEtZpXz & signup using code #swiftkeyFRIDAY #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @GreenYoshi99 @IcemanEtika @m1kepro @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @RubyEclipse @SonicTweaker #
- Follow Friday Super Lottery time! Time to fire it up… (Interested on a follow friday chance, follow me) #ff #
- @RovioMobile While it's already available on PC via Intel AppUp, any chance for Angry Birds on Valve's Steam? It would be so cool if it was. #
- @Akhmin @philvgersims You and I both ^_^ in reply to MyllerSouza #
- @FlintyFoxy Not until they release Half-Life 2 Episode 3 first… #
- Journal "Zen Riddles 1.1 -OR- Journal Posting To Explain The Lack Thereof…" on Inkbunny http://tinyurl.com/6gtoogj #
- #ff Winners 2.0: @m1ket @mattatobin @Shadow5talker04 @TURBOXLR @Urtheart @UrthyBewbs @Xial @YahtzeeCroshaw @foreversonic @Sega_SonicRadio #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @cdrom1019 @Det_Conan_Kudo @Hawkz101 @Jayzeach @m1kepro @magferret @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @SonicTweaker @spexfox #
- Follow Friday Time! Let's get busy… #ff #
- @philvgersims Well that explains why my Denis Leary playleast cut out… #
- NYAN NYANED NYA 360.0 NYANS! http://t.co/0cEY95S via @nyannyancat #
- @SonicTweaker This is Microsoft, remember? Of course they're gonna cock it up… #
- @Xial This is why I pick what parts I want and THEN ask someone's opinion. #
- Loading KDE onto Ubuntu. Mark Shuttleworth and Unity need to be horsewhipped… #
- Bleh, I'm bored as hell #
- Another run with Ubuntu, yay! #
- @bradflick55 Congratulations! #
- Operation Mindfuck! http://t.co/wWRvMLR #
- Testing official Chinese WLM client, looks ok… #
- #FF WINNERS: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @ShaddixLCroft @SonadowOnline @SonicTweaker @spexfox @m1kepro #
- Time for a Follow Friday orgy! Stand by while I draw the names… #ff #
- @Dragoneer it's like the last days of Toonami with the robots on the break bumpers… #
- Disappointed this didn't get played at the #royalwedding http://t.co/XlpV9l7 #
- @thekevineva I thought you Brits banned vuvuzelas after you came back from the World Cup in South Africa? #
- #RoyalKiss courtesy of my TV tuner card… http://t.co/Al3DHdh http://t.co/OvBefbr #
- TSA Says Complaining About TSA Means You're a Terrorist… Time to destroy both parties and introduce new ones… http://t.co/GxHP5Ad #
- NVIDIA and @AndroidPolice are giving away a free XOOM Wi-Fi at http://bit.ly/ap-xoom. COME ON AND XOOM![/bad_pbs_joke]. Seriously, go for it #
- @roareyraccoon I did something similar once, but it was with an unabridged dictionary. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo B/cuz @ATT wants in the prepaid smartphone market, currently led by @VirginMobileUS & @CricketNation, but without the risk #
- @tapatalk What happened to your app??? It's gone from Android Market in the US, of all places!!!! #
- @dvolvemusic I still say Ofcom isn't going to care all that much if at all. Otherwise Channel 5 wouldn't be broadcasting at all. #
- @dvolvemusic What I'm saying is: Sometimes it's best to solve things directly, even if it means going outside official channels. #
- @dvolvemusic It's noble &right to do so, don't get me wrong, but if what I've heard of Ofcom is correct, they're not going to be much help. #
- @dvolvemusic Okay, why bother? The most Ofcom is going to do is give them a slap on the wrist….. #
- @Xial Tell him that if he doesn't silence his cat, said cat will become Vietnamese food. #
- @Svend_SPOnG At least it isn't "How do you spell 'Star Trek'?"… #
- @thekevineva Menu:
>Attack with Death Metal against Neighbors
>Use Technique Mrs. Kevin Eva on Neighbors
>Use Item Liquor x1 on Self
>Ignore # - @Xial Yep. It's a blast swyping while buzzed. #
- @Xial I had a couple tax credits I was eligible for, so meh… #
- @Xial Meh, I blew $750 of my tax refund on a ton of computer parts for my desktop. #
- @dvolvemusic Sorry about that, man. #
- @dvolvemusic Get drunk and ride a mechanical bull? #
- @bradflick55 How is that possible? I thought those sites all moved their sites offshore to prevent that… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Should have stuck around and asked this: "If you were able to determine a fetus would turn out gay, would you abort it?" #
- To all my British tweeps: Alternate Vote, Yes or No (why is optional, but suggested) #
- Decided to watch some Jerry Springer. Sad, I know, but it passes the time… #
- @Urtheart Doubtful. You're too important to kill… #
- @Akhmin Congratulations, I guess… #
- Classic v. Modern: The Sonic community's answer to Team Edward v. Team Jacob. #
- Saw this in the tea and coffee aisle yesterday, thought of all my tweeps from the UK. http://yfrog.com/gzpd2qxj #
- Fun… #
- @Shadow5talker04 You say that now, but when you cram a fat Catholic priest into a Geo, it fast becomes a big mindfuck. #
- @philvgersims Seems likely to take 2nd or 3rd. #
- @Shadow5talker04 If I had money to spare, I'd place some on The Tother One at 50/1 #
- @Akhmin Looks good, though it does look like Angelus has a rubber maw… #
- Follow @crackberry and RT this message for your chance to win a BlackBerry #PlayBook http:// crackberry.com/win-playbook #
- #Twitition Sign if your Praying for Japan. http://twitition.com/f9tbv #
- @SonicTweaker Don't get too happy, Disney (Studio Ghibli's North American Distributor) released the English voice actors: http://j.mp/enLL3M #
- βSingle βTaken βCOCKS #
- βSingle βTaken βHungry #
- @SonicTweaker Dude, water as hot as you can stand it plus rubbing alcohol equals healthy ears… #
- I'm trying *Spark, a custom mobile home screen with news, weather, FB, Twitter all in one place. It's free! http://www.sparkmyphone.com #
- @m1kepro I know. It is also a place. #
- @m1kepro Not just that, any font named after a place. #
- @Xial Damn. How many online renewals does Florida give ya? #
- Heheh, my head is on your vagina. http://j.mp/e1rudW #
- @philvgersims For a brief second, I thought you typed 'bacon'. #
- @FlintyFoxy It could be worse: our Club Nintendo store in the US has virtually nothing worth getting. #
- Firefox 4 out now. Download today! #fx4 http://t.co/nmvCCIn #
- Join me at the Firefox 4 Twitter Party and celebrate the newest version #fx4 #teamfirefox http://t.co/Yl5zjt8 via @firefox #
- @sonicyoda Well, if you're in need of your TSSNET-related goodness, SSMB is still up. http://j.mp/hsnqam #
- @Svend_SPOnG That reminds me, I need to nuke me some bacon… #
- #inappropriatecbeebies Kerjizz! #
- @SonicTweaker Then get some sleep. 8 hours oughta do it. #
- @dsixda Tried v0.145 with my Optimus boot/system.img – got "Error: Cannot detect chunk size in system.img". ?????? #
- @Svend_SPOnG Depends on the quality of the dub. Shitty dub = switch to subs #
- @Urtheart Heh, it happens π #
- @VMUcare Updated VM Live! to new version in Market for my Optimus V, but the old one wasn't overwritten. Now I have two VM Live apps. HELP! #
- @SonicTweaker It could be worse, my friend… I don't know how, but it always could. #
- Spending tonight kicking back and watching chinese-subtitled The West Wing and Babylon 5 episodes. #
- @BirdieGryphon The iPhone app ain't the only official @Twitter app that's broken… Android's is as well. #
- Today's A/V Hijack episode is postponed due to me not feeling well. Will update article on SSR website as soon as possible… #
- On another topic, A/V Hijack's Annual St. Patrick's Day Season Premiere is tomorrow at 6pm GMT (1pm CDT) on @Sega_SonicRadio #
- Kicking back watching episodes of Boston Legal subtitled in Chinese #
- @Xial Well, anyway, give it time. It'll grow on you. Of course I'm forced to use an on-screen keyboard because of my phone, but meh. #
- @Urtheart Try not to sleep on the keyboard, they can leave some telltale marks. #
- @SonicTweaker Damn! That's the longest lincoln I've ever seen come out of one of those. #
- @Xial A word of advice to you and your alter-ego @BedtimeVixen: it takes several days to get used to @swype #
- @bradflick55 None of those roasts (including the #TrumpRoast have been funny since Greg Giraldo died. #
- @philvgersims Well that's good, I guess. #
- Boondock Saints. The only movie that can get away with blowing up a cat. http://t.co/16z8ojY via @youtube #
- I think I figured out why spring break typically starts the same week as daylight savings: if you lost an hour, you'd be pissed too… #
- Happy daylight savings time, american tweeps! #
- @m1kepro Nintendo confirmed that Satoshi Tajiri is safe. #
- Crap. Slashed my foot a bit on a piece of glass. Heading to emergency room… #
- @SilverSonic1534 It's hitting now. You're off by an hour #
- @aquadan88 Look on the bright side, at least it's someone decent for president taking a visit rather than a douche like Bush. #
- @Akhmin It looks sorta like Marilyn Manson during his Golden Age Of Grotesque period… #
- @m1kepro Maybe your ISP is sniffing the packets incoming and is choosing to block them. It happens sometimes. #
- @m1kepro did you update your conf files and port forward accordingly? #
- @m1kepro What about your router? Is port 22/tcp and 22/udp mapped and forwarded to the server? #
- @Urtheart Because you live in the UK, silly. #
- #ff Special: @Shadow5talker04 @SonicTweaker @blitzchris @BirdieGryphon @foreversonic @Shadzter #
- In fact, it may be early in the US, but screw it, I'm putting you all on my Follow Friday list this week. #
- @Shadow5talker04 @SonicTweaker @blitzchris @BirdieGryphon @foreversonic @Shadzter Thanks for the birthday wishes, despite it being a fizzle. #
- @Svend_SPOnG *tsk-tsk* Terrible… π #
- Today, an odd thing happened to me: I turned 28. #
- @Urtheart Well I know enough PHP to get by, though it may take me a bit to become conversant in Drupal again… #
- @m1kepro Bah, CNN will report anything now. They're becoming as bad as Fox Noise. #
- @m1kepro This merits a few question marks. ????? #
- What celebrity would you most like to meet in person? β Justin Bieber, so I can get him to say his name backwards β¦ http://4ms.me/eF40KT #
- @SonicTweaker Well at least it beats waiting and learning Sanskrit, though bitches & such do love Sanskrit… #
- Seriously, people, I have a FormSpring account. Ask me something! http://www.formspring.me/BiafraRepublic #
- @GavvieUK Odd, I thought shoemaking moved to Vietnam… #
- The time is 7:56 am. Time for breakfast. #
- #ff One Follow Friday Special this week, going to @twidroyd for making it through Mr. Toad's Wild Ride and kicking Twitter in the nuts. #
- #ff Winners: @Urtheart @SonicTweaker @Akhmin @cdrom1019 @Farrallth @TheByrus @mattatobin @xkeepah @Xial @philvgersims @Shadow5talker04 #
- Welcome to the Follow Friday Selector Service, where random followers are mentioned. (Opt-out? DM me.) #ff #
- @FlintyFoxy Wouldn't that be classified as a nightmare? #
- @Xial Next time get it on Blu-Ray. We're in the same region as Japan when it comes to that… #
- @Dragoneer *points at you* Blasphemer! #
- @Shadow5talker04 @philvgersims I gave in just after breakfast. #
- @Shadow5talker04 Good luck! #
- @Shadow5talker04 Did somebody say McLawsuit? π #
- @Svend_SPOnG Good luck, man. #
- @Hawkz101 Try Stephen Colbert's Americone Dream if you can. It's an insane mix of chocolate-covered waffle-cone, fudge, nuts, & ice cream. #
- @tssznews You forgot Lloyd Bentsen #
- @Hawkz101 Really? What flavor? #
- Saw this thought @roareyraccoon – http://youtu.be/jM4zvChNFKc #
- @roareyraccoon You know what would be the biggest mindfuck of all?… The British PM being a closet furry (or someone in his cabinet)… #
- @roareyraccoon good thing you haven't seen that episode of CSI: fron Season 4 that revolves around a furry con in Vegas. #
- And if those last 2 messages weren't enough notice, @Twidroyd is now back for Android users, so update & give @twitter @support the bird <^> #
- @philvgersims This looks like a job for coffee!!! #
- @roareyraccoon Just make sure she doesn't gorge herself on all the afterbirth she's expelling with said kittens. #
- What's the first thing you think of when you wake up in tβ¦ β Either my wang or my desktop, it depends on the day… http://4ms.me/eGIE0u #
- @m1kepro @Twidroyd not unless it comes prepaid and cheap!Β‘VIVA ANDROID! Β‘VIVA TWIDROYD! #
- Using the SMS interface to play the existential dick until @Twidroyd is back… #
- RT @twidroyd ~~ PLEASE RT ~~ a new version of twidroyd that resolves our twitter ban will be avail. shortly. <— TAKE THAT @support #
- Stopping for bread, then home.. (@ Big Chief) http://4sq.com/gW6T1j #
- Blah fucking sinuses… #
- Picking up some chicken for dinner eventually, then heading back home to my reborn desktop (yay!). #
- @m1kepro Eww, no. No one looks good with a shaved head… #
- Food! (@ McDonalds) http://4sq.com/huibVw #
- @Svend_SPOnG It could also have something to do with having our laws regarding free speech and press in the Constitution, unlike the U.K. #
- Damn, I am getting damn good at this swype thing… It's becoming more automatic with each word I swype. #android #
- @roareyraccoon At least it wasn't a telemarketer or a debt collector. #
- @Shadow5talker04 It could be worse: he could be using something annoying like the guy from @tssznews venting about how no one likes him. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Sure as hell beats hosting it in outer space on some orbiting platform or another… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Heheh, seriously, why would HM Gov't be giving money? #
- @Svend_SPOnG A tax refund, perhaps? #
- Watching some Star Trek on my new @virginmobileus Optimus V… #
- Worst. Hacker. Ever. http://bit.ly/ijxOJm #
- @xkeepah Blaaaaaah! #
- @philvgersims Most everyone sucks at bowling, man. Don't worry about it. #
- @SonicTweaker The bastard has no shame. He's a fucked up misogynist. #
- Been using Twidroyd for #Twitter on my new #Android #Phone – Its #Free give it a try. http://www.twidroyd.com #
- @sonicyoda That's because toddlers are smaller targets for pigeons to aim at than adults. #
- @Farrallth Sounds like you need some caffeine and now. #
- @Svend_SPOnG That is usually a good sign, yes. #
- Morning already? π (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/giAxZg #
- Finally got my new android from @virginmobileus, the LG Optimus V #
- @roareyraccoon It just goes 2 show ya that banks should b treated as the casinos that they are (& like all casinos, the house always wins). #
- @SonicTweaker I believe that virus is spreading a lot farther than you thought. My sinuses are pounding worse than the bass in a 70's porno. #
- Ordered the @virginmobileus LG Optimus V late Sat. Now waiting for tracking number. #
- @m1kepro Odd, I thought it was created by FTD. #
- @roareyraccoon Fraid I gotcha beat, man. http://img526.imageshack.us/img526/3533/img00076201008231751.jpg #
- Okay, if you were on a tropical island where the natives worship you as their local deity for some reason or another… http://4ms.me/hMQLXS #
- Seriously, ask me anything! I got this Formspring thingummy just for this reason !!! http://formspring.me/BiafraRepublic #
- @Svend_SPOnG I hate to say this, but Android is giving Apple's iOS a run for it's money. Nokia just might be ruined by allying w/ Microsoft. #
- Time to kick back and watch the hard freeze roll in… #
- Damn you @BlackBerry! Your @twitter client won't shorten URLs anymore! RAEG!!!!! #
- @aquadan88 While not an iPhone usr, I found this search Google's Gmail help. http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=72454 #
- The time is 7:52am. Time for Breakfast! (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/fJSloB #
- @FlintyFoxy Pics please. #
- @philvgersims Trying to build that statue from DTN on Minecraft, eh? #
- @m1kepro It is 2:30am, too late for my 'A' material. #
- @m1kepro Dear Mac User: Flash sucks because severe design flaws in Mac OS X added by Steve Jobs. We apologize for the inconvenience. -Adobe #
- @Farrallth To be fair, America has 7 of the 10 deadliest snakes on Earth, and most of us avoid 'em save for cultists & venom harvesters… #
- @roareyraccoon I'm thinking this music, played over the torture scene from 'Resivoir Dogs'… #
- @tssznews Probably the same reason you pass off your pattern of abusiveness as 'old hat'. #
- @VMUcare #IPcalypse refers to the depletion of available IP addresses that are currently used. Explanation: http://j.mp/ehk6jn #
- @Svend_SPOnG Which one? #
- @virginmobileus Dear VM: How will Phone web/data service and Broadband2Go service be affected by the #IPcalypse #
- Spring begins when the first Nigerian scam of the year lands in your email's Inbox. #
- For all the Groundhog Day observers: Groundhog Day is irrelevant. The best measurement of an early spring is in Nigerian scams… #
- @Farrallth Oh not at all. It's only too much if it's in Blackletter. Ditto with the actual code… #
- …Coming soon to my hot little hands π #
- Tax site: $0. Filing fee: $0. Refund joy: Priceless. There are some things money can't buy, for everything else, there's Debit @MasterCard.. #
- @Xial it's not laziness, it's exclusive apps that work better. #
- @Xial I wouldn't bother with that tablet because a.) No Android Market and b.) Unable to spell Chrome correctly (a bad sign) #
- @Svend_SPOnG Actually using buses helps subliminally attract gamers in college as well as urban gamers, as it markets to them. #
- #ff The second Follow Friday Special goes to @roareyraccoon on the occasion of his birthday. Happy b-day, bro! #
- #ff Two Follow Friday Specials this week: The first to @Shadow5talker04 for earning his Advanced Computer Tech Degree #
- #ff Winners: @m1ket @Xial @Dartanian88 @GavvieUK @blitzchris @SonicEpsilon @Hawkz101@Shadzter @blitzchris @aquadan88 @Jayzeach @Svend_SPOnG #
- Time for the Follow Friday Pick'em! Where I pick out followers for a mention. Opt-out? DM me! #ff #
- The time is 7am. Time for Breakfast! #
- @tssznews There's also outing Scarred Sun's RL identity, the attacks towards SSMB and TSS staffers… Need I go on? #
- @tssznews Well, since you insist,… Your attitude towards posting items that were gotten illicitly by your 'sources'. #
- @tssznews That and untainted with a reputation of beating up chicks. #
- @tssznews Then why use a fake last name, unless you're ashamed about that chick you beat up after all this time? #
- @philvgersims Odd, isn't that supposed to happen once every 8.6 years in the UK or something? π #
- @tssznews So sayeth Tristan "The chick-beater" Bresnen… Seriously, you are the last person to lecture others on hiding their tracks… <^> #
- @Svend_SPOnG Wow, I heard about the new models, but I thought they were on hold… #
- @Dragoneer At least they don't try to sleep with your sister or best friend. I hope. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Which one: There's one for a 'PSP2' and one for a 'Playstation Phone'. #
- @Svend_SPOnG SHHH! Keep it down, I have an outstanding support ticket with someone that may never get resolved if a certain group reunited. #
- @m1kepro Yet another example of survival of the dimmest. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Aww, you should have had the drunks sing "The Virgin Child Makes Her Wish Without Feeling Anything" from the No More Heroes OST #
- #thingsthatpissmeoff How @SarahPalinUSA can spread fear & discord, incite someone to put a Congresswoman into ICU, and get off scott free. #
- #ff One Follow Friday Special this week, to @KingCenterATL in (belated) honor of MLK day. #
- #ff Winners!!!!: @Dragoneer @aquadan88 @magferret @philvgersims @Darkspeeds @segamedia @Urtheart @SonicTweaker @SonadowOnline & @Svend_SPOnG #
- Welcome to this week's Follow Friday Bolita, where I pick out people who follow me @ random for mentions. Opt-out? DM me. #
- Ah well, I'm gonna get something to eat, then start this week's Follow Friday… #
- Another day, another long spell of waiting, for my books and my W-2. #
- It's 6 o'clock. Time for Breakfast! #
- @bradflick55 Oh, that's not Breaking News! It's not even front-page section material. #
- @foreversonic Well the answer is obvious: your Mac is old, causing the formatting to take a while. Also, why Mac OS Ext'd? #
- @Shadow5talker04 Why not use one browser and Ctrl+Tab between tabs? #
- @foreversonic 1.) How big is it 2.) What are you formatting it to? 3.) What are you using to format it? #
- @m1kepro Only if I win some tickets. Tickets for the Houston stop @ Toyota Center on Feb 15 are too expensive ($50 just for nosebleed seats) #
- The time is 7:00am. Time for Breakfast! #
- @Svend_SPOnG Good to know. π #
- RIP Bizarre Creations (formerly Raising Hell Studios, the developers of Wiz 'N' Liz) #
- @magferret It just goes to show you the power of positive bitching. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Don't forget to stop at a coffee shop to unwind when the day's work is done. π #
- @Svend_SPOnG My quick 3DS questions: How many confirmed launch titles? How many of those are from 3rd-parties? Any games to watch out for? #
- @Svend_SPOnG Odd, I thought the mutations would be some variety of man-horse-chicken-Courtney Love hybrid #
- @Svend_SPOnG Well that's Apple for ya… π #
- @Svend_SPOnG Good. Please send some of that wake-up whatever over here. My sleep pattern's out of whack. #
- Skipped lunch. Contemplating on skipping dinner, too, since what is there looks unappealing. #
- Hungry as fuck, but the choices have no appeal to me… #
- And they have a plan: http://huff.to/gDFvUN #
- @FlintyFoxy Well, that beats my pint of Dulce de Leche ice cream… #
- @m1kepro It makes you wonder about the concept of beauty in the US… in reply to m1kepro #
- @m1kepro Keep in mind Apple's success is largely tied to Jobs. Besides, it could be worse, CNN could be reporting on who won Miss America… #
- @Hawkz101 <^> #
- @Farrallth I get those every 8 months or so. #doesnthaveanHSBCaccount #
- @virginmobileus Good to hear that for the Intercept. Now if you could only update the BlackBerry Curve 8530…. #
- @Hawkz101 @tssznews Okay, get a room, you two. You both sound like my ex bitching about Final Fantasy XI. #
- Win: @Dragoneer @HattedHaloFox @aquadan88 @Shadow5talker04 @Dartanian88 @philvgersims @m1kepro @Sega_SonicRadio @bradflick55 @BlakeDraco #ff #
- A quick Follow Friday Lotto for y'all, brought to you by the letters F, F, and the number 2,011 #ff #
- @Urtheart Why not all three, Urth? #
- I'm considering this @square outfit for starting up my build-a-pc biz. Shame it's not out for BlackBerry, means I have to buy an Intercept #
- @m1kepro I doubt it'll work. Ted Stevens did a similar thing back when he was in the Senate. I'd be more concerned with the Blacklist Bill. #
- @m1kepro Well, it happens. The FCC takes action in halves. If it takes action at all, that is. #
- @m1kepro I take it you think MetroPCS is the new Comcast in this regard, eh? #
- @tssznews We would make further progress if you just faded away (or hit another chick at Bennigan's and got sent away for 5-10 years) #
- @tssznews What little progress the community at large has made was made despite your bitch ass. #
- @tssznews … you are the last person who should be talking about 'respect'. #
- @tssznews … attacked a TSS staffer over his valid medical condition, posted ill-gotten content, & falsely accused Retro of hacking you… #
- @tssznews This coming from the person who attacked Roarz regarding an administrative decision because he's a furry, (cont'd) #
- @SonicTweaker Here's what to do: take water as warm as you can stand, add rubbing alcohol, then pour or turkeybaster in each ear. It works! #
- @CjFoxie Better hurry, or you'll be left with the unlucky redshirt job. #
- On the lighter side, Happy 1500th Tweet to me! #meaninglessmilestone #1500 (Reaction from The Count from Sesame Street: 1500! AHAHA!) #
- Tomorrow on #NMH2 grind for more cash for 8-star muscle training, clothes from Airport51, then 4th Rank Fight. #
- Stopped #NMH2 for the night at 5th rank with all Revenge Missions Complete, Step-in-Slice, NoJacket, and all four beam katanas. #
- No More Heroes 2 is rather easier than the original oddly enough. Breezed through to Rank 5 in NMH2 faster than I did in NMH1 #
- Okay, time to make a quick run to the crapper… #
- If you're happy and you know it, SYNTAX ERROR #
- @dreadknux As for my weekend plans, sleep seems to be in vogue for 2011, might give that a try and lay off the caffeine… #
- @dreadknux Besides, real men don't use art sites. They upload everything to a server and host it thenmselves. #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Some males are no better than women http://j.mp/eG6D1f #
- A Follow Friday Special mention to @Sega_SonicRadio because I can and because there are a lot of good shows there (including mine). #ff #
- #ff Winners: @blitzchris @philvgersims @cdrom1019 @DC_Farrallth @SonadowOnline @TheByrus @segamedia @dreadknux @SonicEpsilon @echohawk @Xial #
- Welcome to Bia's Follow Friday, sponsored by ConDemed 3, out 5.Nov.2011. I pick several followers for mention @ random. Opt-out? DM me. #ff #
- 11:24am. Need to register and payment-plan my last 4 classes, then rent textbooks off of Chegg. #
- @Svend_SPOnG … The last time I did that I failed Photography class. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Okay, I can take all of those EXCEPT Gears 3. I don't want to have to organize another tourney for that franchise… #
- @SonicEpsilon Odd, I thought the traditional post-Granny Bang activity was getting stoned? It's in the Bible, after all. #
- @Xial There should be a furcon somewhere in FL last I checked, especially since one can drive to most anywhere in FL in 8-10 hours… #
- Just outside Port Arthur, heading back home. #
- @tssznews The only to reclaim any credibility is to issue an apology/retraction for the past 3 years to everyone you hurt before closing…. #
- @tssznews The reason people hate you is that you're a dishonest little fuckwad who posts ill-gotten content & write attack pieces on others. #
- @tssznews And you keep clinging to the delusion that you're a credible journalist. Try not to beat any other chicks in the meantime. #
- Is it just me, or are there more and more commercials for ED meds than there were last year… #
- I need a man. Now. #
- @BirdieGryphon My GamerTag is BiafraOnLive. I don't use it much except for Games For Windows – Live #
- @tssznews Odd, I thought that's what you allegedly did when you allegedly hit that woman at Bennigan's… #
- Yes, I feel like shit, but on the bright side, my annoying older sister turns 30 today! #
- @SonicEpsilon Wait, I thought the woman he hit in Bennigan's worked for Fox? #
- @SonicTweaker *makes you a Shirley Temple* There ya go. #
- Hey all! Vote for Bayonetta for @RadioSEGA's #Gameof2010 Just mention it to them with the preceeding hash tag. Thank you. #
- @RadioSEGA #Gameof2010 Has to go to the only other series in the @SEGA arsenal (other than Sonic) that uses ring-type powerups: Bayonetta #
- #ff No Follow Friday Specials this week, so go ahead and enjoy ringing in 2011! #
- #ff The winners: @Jayzeach, @mattatobin, @bradflick55, @Urtheart, @Farrallth, @SonicTweaker, @HattedHaloFox, @blitzchris, @m1ket, & @Xial… #
- If it's Friday, it must be time for Follow Friday Keno, where I select multiple usernames from my twitter list. Opt-out? DM me! #ff #
- 5AM and still conscious. This sucks. #
- New shirt from my trip to Savannah, GA. Bought at Hot Topic… http://yfrog.com/h3xq3nj #
- Eating leftover chinese… #
- @BirdieGryphon I doubt any birds use Twitter, seeing as they don't have opposable thumbs… #
- @SonicTweaker Hope you feel better, man. #
- Yay! Chinese is here! #
- @mattatobin If it still persists, try listening to some Samwell #
- @SyamingLi At least penis knows how to compromise π #
- Stopped @ local corner store for more junk food. Now walking back… #
- … I mean, I sure as hell can't. Not without being drugged out of my skull that is. #
- I dunno how these air travelers can stand being inside several tons of metal that is several thousand feet high & going several hundred mph? #
- @Xial Next time it happens, use pantyhose and duct-tape to make a temporary belt for your scooter. #
- @m1kepro My mom did that so she could get into Medical Assisting at the local tech school. #
- @m1kepro Only way I know is to pass the GED pre-test on the first try so remedial classes are unneeded, then take the actual GED test. #
- After a trip to the crapper and a ton of food and Adult Swim, time to sleep. #
- Just after midnight, finished a bowl of reheated queso + chips. Now on a McDs Run with brother in law… #
- @FlintyFoxy Next year, how 'bout a pause button 4 grandma #
- Playing Buzz! (PS2) with the family, & totally pwn'd them #
- Merry Xmas Twitter List! #
- @GavvieUK Why not just use a keygen like one of the 35 Million other users? #
- @aquadan88 it's part of their plan for a monopoly on digital downloads… #
- Funniest thing today: passing through Ludowici, GA (pronounced: little-wussy) #
- … If he wasn't an Army Sergeant who knew 15 different ways to kill a man, I would beat the living tar out of him. #
- My brother-in-law has been a complete pill today. He keeps cleaning his gun (as if it threatens me) and bitches at the drop of a hat… #
- Heading out to visit brother-in-law's family. #
- @bradflick55 Okay, I get the cookies and the chicken & waffles, but why Hooter's? #
- @SonicTweaker Lemme see if I can setup a quick Ventrillo or TS server on my shell… #
- Not Xmas yet? fffffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu—- #
- Vacation day 2 was a douche and turd sandwich. Time to putter on the BlackBerry, then sleep. #
- Kicking back at my sis's place playing GH5 on the Wii. Is it bad that I think that Axl singing Spice Girls is funny as hell? #
- @SonicTweaker Near 30 hours for me. #
- Holiday Road Trip Pic #2 Live from the Osceola National Forest… http://yfrog.com/h2jeshj #
- Holiday roadtrip pic #1 Me failing at @SEGA UFO catcher in Hammond, LA http://yfrog.com/h7b9lj #
- @Xial Still, Tampa Bay can use a little chaos. #
- Don't mind @Xial, even money he's never seen it. #
- Will any Brits on my twit list please let Call-Me-Dave & co. know that the Southeast US will gladly take the snow so the UK freaks out less? #
- Anyways, I'm helping my mom get ready for the family trip to Georgia to visit my sis. #
- Well I passed it! #
- About to take my driving test. Wish me luck! #
- The time is 6:20am CST. Time for breakfast! #
- #ff And Follow Friday Special(s) go out to @SyamingLi, who just landed a job at @SEGA! Good luck! #
- #ff The lucky follows: @SonicTweaker, @GavvieUK, @Urtheart, @philvgersims, @SonadowOnline, @InflammatoryT, @TheByrus, @DC_Farrallth, @m1ket #
- Welcome to the Follow Friday HQ for the Follow Friday Draw! Here, I draw several of my follows for kicks at random. Opt-out? DM me. #
- @m1kepro Watch out with that Computer Engineer Barbie, it could be a trap. #
- @m1kepro Technically, it's consiered 'homicide' in the latter case (at least according to state and federal capital punishment statutes). #
- @SyamingLi The best way to do that is a photo of you working at @SEGA with 'I told you so' written on the back. #
- @m1kepro I'm still leery about it, though. #
- E:\Foxboy:> : SCAM ALERT: Dante Marketing, LLC http://j.mp/eIdISH #
- @m1kepro Still, when compared with the expense and relative youth of SSD technology, I still would pick the Alienware. #
- @m1kepro While Alienware is a Dell brand, the almost criminal lack of storage causes Apple to lose some points IMHO. Go with the Alienware. #
- @BedtimeVixen A little from column A, and a little from from column B #
- @SyamingLi It's a mother's job to do such things. Mine keeps asking when am I gonna meet a nice girl & get married (despite me being gay) π #
- @FlintyFoxy Oh, pfff. I've had Walmart orders arrive before the confirmation number came #
- @Svend_SPOnG Heck, I need an in. π #
- Todo: Check usernames and emails against the Gawker leaked account list, pop in craptacular game (Bubsy 3D) to play, then sleep. #
- Anyways, after a brief sojourn at Wallyworld, heading home… #
- That leaves my Army electrician brother-in-law to shop for. What to get, what to get… #
- Xmas shopping list: Mom (Food dehydrator), Sis (Massaging mat), Sis-in-law and her mother (gift basket), Grandma (another gift basket)… #
- One last verbal sedative from my prof. Then time for a Download-fest of PS1 isos #
- Also, if ur Twitter & Gawker account password match, change Twitter PW post haste. There have been reports of such accounts spamming. #
- (Sorry about the repetition, but studies have shown that when information repeated three times has the best chance to be acted upon) #
- This info applies to users of all Gawker Media sites (incl. Gawker, Deadspin, Kotaku, LifeHacker, etc.) NOT using FaceBook Connect to login. #
- Repeat: All Gawker Media users who do not login using FaceBook's Connect have potentially compromised passwords. Connect users are safe. #
- Attention Gawker Media sites users: All users NOT using FB Connect now have potentially compromised passwords. http://lifehac.kr/fpOQ0j #
- Beavis & "Butt-Head" Do Bumhole #replacelastwordinfilmtitlewithbumhole #
- @philvgersims Then how 'bout Wanker? #
- @philvgersims How 'bout Pingas? #
- @SonicTweaker it was a recent development. #
- @m1kepro The path is a joke based off the name of my blog. #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Earrape my eye http://j.mp/dR4JJe #
- @Svend_SPOnG To be fair, Nintendo and Opera got device-based browsing work magically on the Wii. #
- @FlintyFoxy DAAAAAAMN!!! I haven't seen sagging like that since the time I walked in on my dad screwing a Eudora Welty impersonator. #
- @m1kepro Then you need to either file a noise complaint, or give Santa some tire-iron plastic surgery. #
- @DDyerUK Oh, that's not weird. That's actually pretty true. #
- @m1kepro They're not assholes, they're douchebags. There's a difference #
- #ff The second Follow Friday Special goes to @peeweeherman as I grew up watching Pee-Wee's Playhouse, among other films. #
- #ff And we have two Follow Friday Specials: The first to @wikileaks for their continued role in keeping government open and honest. #
- #ff This weeks winners: @philvgersims @BlakeDraco @SonicEpsilon @TheByrus @Farrallth @Xial @DDyerUK @blitzchris @Jon__Neh @Urtheart @CjFoxie #
- Welcome 2 Follow Friday Lotto, where I pik out followers, Specials &c. Want in? Follow me! Want out or don't wanna special follow, DM me #ff #
- @bradflick55 Maybe there's something about you that attracts nude fake ladies, perhaps? π #
- @Svend_SPOnG Sounds like you need more than that. Try Excedrin. #
- @magferret Be careful. Lately rabid foxes have been known to lose inhibitions toward people before displaying the classical rabies sympoms #
- @Dragoneer It's not angry shoppers behind this holiday buzzkill, it's the religious right. The site Β© is to a Baptist church in Dallas. #
- So much for the DMV. Servers are down at their HQ in Austin. Trying again tomorrow, but now time for Xmas shopping at Wallyworld. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Brawl did do one thing good. It did give us a fanboy's biggest dream match in a fighting game: Mario v. Sonic. #
- Donating plasma at blood drive. Totally wicked π #
- @Xial Either root it or toss it and use the Curve 8530 #
- Great, last two weeks of the semester. Time has flown by. Seems like last week I was bitching at the local waterpark where I used to work. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Well, as the saying goes: the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem. π #
- @aquadan88 That's rather counterintuitive, isn't it? #
- @SonicTweaker Hope you feel better, man. You're a good person. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Just try not to spout any Geico ads before you clean up. #
- @socialpr The Qataris have already said that despite no diplomatic relations, the Israelis would be allowed to compete if they qualify. #
- @Dragoneer To be fair, they're trying to provide a demand that's possibly unprovidable under US law. #
- @virginmobileus It also happens when I just simply use the top-up link. #
- @VirginMobileUSA Also, I got an error when logging into the My Account section on your site so I could add money (cont) http://tl.gd/79k8sh #
- @virginmobileus Hey there. Just heard @VirginMobileCan put out a new BBOS 4 their Curve 8530s. When are we gonna get some update love? #
- It's 7:05am. Time for Breakfast! #
- @kik A quick question: Why not just offer it yourselves off of your site instead? Or have RIM slapped you with a cease and desist order? #
- @cdrom1019 A rule of thumb for Radeon: x330-x590 is Budget/Value, x600-x790 is Mainstream, and x800-x990 is High-end/Enthusiast #
- Fuckin' hell. HOW THE F*CK DID WE LOSE THE THE 2022 WORLD CUP BID TO QATAR?!?!?!? Who's cocks did they suck to get all the votes needed? #
- @m1ket Me thinks it'll be England 2018, and USA 2022 #
- @Svend_SPOnG Heheh, you know I'm just joking around. Besides, I'm almost out of salt. π Seriously though, this is why you use Firefox… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Dear user: We're made by Americans. If you want British spelling, buy an Amiga. #
- @bradflick55 Well there's one problem right off: it's the Blues v. the Caps. #
- @bradflick55 Not to mention we already have an arena that is NHL-ready (Toyota Center). #
- @bradflick55 Well, it's either gonna be Edmonton or Phoenix, and right now, Edmonton has better financing and a name that works in Houston. #
- @bradflick55 Yeah! If the Oilers are gonna relocate, it should be to the largest market without an NHL franchise (Houston). #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Because Some Nights Are Best Forgotten: Rohypnol http://j.mp/etgnbi #
- @FlintyFoxy Do eet! And take some pix, too… #
- Nice and cold outside (supposed to go below freezing overnight), but alas, too dry for snow… #
- @bradflick55 You realize you just pissed off any Filipinos (who start their Xmas season in early September) who view this, right? #
- @cdrom1019 Pix plz. #
- @SonicTweaker Try Trillian? #
- @GavvieUK *wants snow bad* ME WANTEE!!!! #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Cry PINGAS and let slip the dogs of war… http://j.mp/i3yzL3 #
- Dangit, everyone's getting snow but me *pout* #
- It's 7:35am. Time for Breakfast. #
- @SonicTweaker Oh, and by the way, Leslie Nielsen died overnight… #
- @SonicTweaker Good. But you shouldn't put too much pressure, so get up and make yourself some coffee or other drink. #
- @Farrallth It's amazing though: he kills wankers, but (despite warnings at the end) Samuel L. Jackson gets off http://youtu.be/rJCa6Bp6vOo #
- @Farrallth Onan got off easy. God turned Lot's wife into salt just for looking at Sodom being destroyed. (S)He's a douchebag, (s)he is. #
- @Dragoneer Meh, not necessary. Speaking as a (rather ecentric) member of the gay community, Beiber really does look like a dyke. #
- @DDyerUK No, he looks like a dyke (and keep in mind, I'm gay and therefore can get away with saying that) #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Live Spaces on life support (and other bad jokes) http://j.mp/gUgSgL #
- It's 6:34am. Time for Breakfast. #
- @FlintyFoxy What about sticking a TV antenna on your head and twisting your nipples in hopes of picking up ITV? #
- @DDyerUK Boo. #
- Ubuntu 10.10 up-to-date with additional repos. Now adding gcc/g++/gobjc++ 4.5.x #
- @Svend_SPOnG I wouldn't trust KFC to feed my chihuahua. It's Popeye's, Church's, or turkey. #
- Okay, Ubuntu's now at 10.10, now re-adding Medibuntu, Google, and Boxee repos for 10.10 and updating… #
- Make that four packages… #
- Still dist-upgrading Ubuntu to 10.10… Had to respond to two packages with differing configs so far… #
- Anyways, I'm upgrading Ubuntu from 10.04.1 LTS to 10.10 #
- P.S. Black Friday 2008, back when I worked for Walmart, I had to plow through 500 people just to get to the fucking time clock. Never again! #
- Today is the infamous. Thankfully, I wait and get my Xmas presents a bit later in Early December, when the pace is more reasonable… #
- Also, a happy thanksgiving to all my fellow Americans on Twitter… Hopefully someone will be nice enough to play Alice's Resraurant on SSR. #
- A special 'Happy (belated) Birthday' message to FastFeet from @segamedia… #
- A special 'Happy Birthday' message to FastFeet from @segamedia… #
- Anyways, first order of business: sleep. #
- @DDyerUK Bah! Less music listening more tweeting! #
- Well, today is a tall order. Need to clean the kitchen counter, scrounge up service for 5, vacuum, do laundry, & plan out the Xmas shopping. #
- Just realized I didn't get any sleep. Makes one regret downing 5 bottles Mountain Dew at college… #
- Anyways, the time is 6:41am. Time for Breakfast! #
- @FlintyFoxy Because your body is rebelling against you on multiple fronts for some reason. #
- Age of Empires III on sale at Games for Windows Marketplace for 10 cents. This is not a typo. http://bit.ly/9ukyo7 #
- @Jayzeach It could be worse. You could be unable to sleep to the "Charles in Charge" theme… #
- @dreadknux Nah, you wrote like a journalism major. The 'drunken truck driver' remark is all that experience from working at SpONG talking. #
- @cdrom1019 Dear Customer, We're big because the city in here is that big. If you're bored waiting, take an escort from petty cash. -<3 GTAIV #
- Okay… New Wifi Connection Test #24 #
- #ff … That's it for this week. If you want to have a chance for a Follow Friday mention, just Follow me on Twitter (to opt-out, DM me). #
- #ff This Friday's Winners are: @m1ket @mattatobin @Dartanian88 @philvgersims @Spexfox @segamedia @Sega_SonicRadio @Dragoneer & @Urtheart #
- Okay, time for Wheel of Follow Friday, where I select via RNG a bunch of people for Follow Friday #ff #
- @SonicTweaker Why not compile your own XChat build? Or better yet, switch to another client? #
- @m1kepro http://youtu.be/s72rGDUn2uo Looks like Apple is getting a run for its money now… #
- @SonicTweaker Odd, I thought they didn't make those in 32AA… π #
- Never leave a Twitter app running on your cellphone in your pocket while you nap. You risk typing gibberish like I did the previous tweet. #
- Vfd]]]]]]AS0007 77zX/zx/////xz5fzxzx7V77000xzvn #
- All this nice, cool weather outside, and where am I? Stuck inside with a huge @$$ headache… x.x #
- @SyamingLi Please don't send those braindead idiots back over to us, we just spent a ton of man-hours purging them π #
- @Svend_SPOnG I think it's six actually,… #
- Today's todo list: Finish defensive driving internet course, get classwork done, find wallet or $5 for new college ID,… Long f*ckin day… #
- It's 7am. Time for Breakfast! #
- Todo list: Talk to @blitzchris via IM, download 50 youtube videos, do midterm exam for A+ Class Part 2, do lab for said class, eat, sleep… #
- @Farrallth I do hope you're referring to the cookies… #
- Got a slight (unrelated to prior tweet subject) headache. It'll pass… #
- If it's monday, it must be time for Mr. Bresnen to take @tssznews down another notch… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Nah. To be honest, I'm sick of the CoD:BlOps hype. #
- Done traipsing about, hiding from the cool, wet weather for a spell. #
- Line waiting. A national tradition since 2004. #
- … Anyways, it's 6:02am. Time for Breakfast. #
- … But since that's tethering in the big city for ya, not much to do about it…. #
- So far, all tests are going nicely regarding A/V Hijack's season finale on P24. The only problem: severe cutouts possible due to 3G… #
- @philvgersims maybe you're starting to like working at conventions? #
- @YahtzeeCroshaw Because the correct formula is Cat + Internet + Animal Control Officer + Assaulting the crotch = Youtube #
- Okay, I either need paying work or a bunch of cash to fall from the sky… #
- @Dragoneer Still, it's more convenient to blame Microsoft. Just because. #
- Undecided as to what to make for lunch, considering skipping it and napping until dinnertime when I'm making French Bread pizza from scratch #
- @Dragoneer Well, that's Microsoft for you, thoroughly enjoyable and thoroughly unable to get the simple things right. #
- Okay, it's 7am. Time for Breakfast. #
- Also, in honor of today's #JuJuFriday being amongst the top trending topics, it's time to give it a tag #
- Last, but not least, our other Special Follow Friday Mention goes to SSR DJ @TURBOXLR in honor of his 25th birthday. Happy B-day! #ff #
- And we have 2 Special Follow Friday Mentions this time. The 1st goes out to @sonicgames in honor of their recent release of Sonic Colors #ff #
- #ff Our Wheel of Follow Friday mentions are: @Xial … @SonicTweaker … @m1kepro … @aquadan88 … @Farrallth … @ronprower … @GavvieUK #
- In addition, there'll be two Follow Friday special mentions. Just because I can. Right, time to give the RNG a spin… #
- If it's Friday, it's time for Wheel of Follow Friday, where I pick out a certain amount of followers to mention via a spin of the ole RNG… #
- Hmmm… Tethering seems to work, but it's not as fast as good ol' DSL #
- @DDyerUK Then stop acting like an irascible child and chill. #
- @DDyerUK Seriously, you need to lay off the stuff. You make yourself too easy a target. #
- @DDyerUK Also, you need to switch to decaf. #
- Clearly you need more Slipknot, KoRn, Marilyn Manson, Rammstein, & Rage Against the Machine & less of the schmaltzy songs you listen to now. #
- @DDyerUK Besides, you're just butthurt that Prodigy > Pendulum #
- @DDyerUK When you have 2 Platinums and 3 Golds, it does… #
- @DDyerUK Actually, Watercolour peaked @ #4 on the UK charts: http://bit.ly/b6hUjt #
- @DDyerUK Prodigy (2 Platinum albums, 3 Gold albums, 4 #1 albums & 3 #1 singles) > Pendulum (1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 1 #1 album & 0 #1 singles) #
- @DDyerUK Simple test, how many of their songs got covered by Richard Cheese: Prodigy 1, Pendulum 0. Therefore Prodigy > Pendulum #
- @DDyerUK Sorry to disagree, but unless Pendulum has the stones to top Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up", Pendulum will always be second banana. #
- @DDyerUK It's not blasphemy, it's a sign from the heavens that Prodigy kicks @$$ in reply to DDyerUK #
- R u & ur partner wantin 2 tie the knot, but ur state doesn't allow gay marriage? Do what dis TX couple did. Read on @ http://gizmo.do/bFYDe2 #
- @aquadan88 If it's an old civil defense giger counter, I'd just laugh at their inaccuracy… #
- Heading out for yet another Walmart expedition… #
- @sonicgames Team Artail and The Sonic Foundation to name a couple. #
- And there goes my DSL modem. Fried to hell due to a spike. And that's with TWO surge protectors… Time to call the phone company… #
- Nearly 8am. Time for Breakfast. #
- @KeithOlbermann Report on the big Indian Ocean tsunami a while back on TV in TX. Commercial after that: an ad for Schlitterbahn Waterparks. in reply to KeithOlbermann #
- @Svend_SPOnG Did you take my advice and visit the Vatican(t)? #
- Sun is shining… #
- @SonicTweaker Needs more proof. #
- @GavvieUK I suggest No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle for Wii #
- Ah, it's Guy Fawkes night in the UK. Just remember to keep all the fiery shit pointed away from your faces and crotches. #
- @FlintyFoxy it should work in compatibility mode. then again, i don't own gta3 for pc. #
- @Xial Sprint might. Largely because Virgin Mobile said maybe. #
- @FlintyFoxy Bribery works better. #
- 3 things: 1.) Come out of the closet 2.) Skip Alateen. 3.) Don't worry bout English 2, you'll pass it by exam in TX. #TweetYour16YearOldSelf #
- @GavvieUK Nah, it's two different things altogether. #PSP2 is being developed by SCEI, while the PS Phone is being developed by SonyErricson in reply to GavvieUK #
- Todo list: Pay trash & electric bills, buy prepaid cell card, ship one rented book back & rent another, buy LabSim code, make dinner, sleep. #
- @FlintyFoxy Dear Flint, Stop pimping Bluegrass Linkin Park covers and such, and we'll stop being a tease. Love, Your subconscious.[/kidding] in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Puttering around on my BlackBerry, looking for anything new. #
- Ate @ Denny's. Now grabbing groceries @ wallyworld #
- @Dragoneer Anti-gay school board member from Arkansas Clint McCance to resign: http://bit.ly/aHHeou in reply to Dragoneer #
- @DDyerUK Way the fuck ahead of you. in reply to DDyerUK #
- That hurt like fuck. Old computer monitor slid and jammed against my shin. #
- @FlintyFoxy Pretend you live in The Philippines and the Xmas season started on September 7th. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Bill White lost. All those who voted for Rick Perry should hang their heads in shame when our economy goes to shit. #
- @philvgersims Solution: Don't read your product as much. in reply to philvgersims #
- And The Band Played On in my pants #moviesinmypants #
- @aquadan88 Please send cold weather to SE Texas, please. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @Svend_SPOnG You could always add another stamp in your passport or something and go visit the Vatican. in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- @aquadan88 If it's a BradyGuide, throw it the hell out and go to GameFAQs. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Okay, that leaves only one thing left to do in Wutai that can't be done until the middle of Disc 2. So,… BACK TO ADVENTURE!!!!! in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Godo is weak against Slow, Stop, Darkness, Poison, and Gravity. It seems you got at least 2 down π in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Heheh, well I'm mainly up because my sleep pattern got screwed thanks to the last mosquito spray before all this good weather. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @DDyerUK E.G., A journey to Walmart take 20 mins., a drive to see the Houston Dynamo play soccer is an all-day expedition not incl. parking in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK It could be worse. You could be in the Houston area, where there's construction in almost every sq. mi., including the motorways… in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK First, isn't the UK always grim-looking? Second, from 1 antisocial to another, you gotta deal with 'em, even just to say Fuck off? in reply to DDyerUK #
- 6:13am – Awake and twittering. Hello, insomnia! #
- @DDyerUK Unless you're going to South Manchester by yourself, you should have a decent time of it as it's Sunday. in reply to DDyerUK #
- @magferret Don't drink the shitty hotel room coffee. Try the shitty hotel continental breakfast, instead. in reply to magferret #
- @Xial An alledged lack of basic human rights, I suppose… in reply to Xial #
- @aquadan88 Red XIII's third limit break isn't all that hot. I usually keep it on Limit L1 or L2 until I can use Cosmo Memory in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Don't forget to master some All materia. 6-8 mastered All materia will have you set Gil wise for the entire game. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @birdiegryphon 3G is a blanket term for a ton of various ways to connect. in reply to birdiegryphon #
- @birdiegryphon A GSM broadband dongle? That's gotta suck. in reply to birdiegryphon #
- @aquadan88 Doesnt matter whether it's Popeye's or Church's, theyre both the same chickn from the same company. Just as long as it's not KFC! in reply to aquadan88 #
- @sonicgames Still, at risk of being reamed by 50% of the fans, it smacks of a certain other franchise char driven racer but on hover boards. in reply to sonicgames #
- @sonicgames Right, because any decent Sonic title wouldn't be complete without weapons. Oh wait— in reply to sonicgames #
- @Svend_SPOnG Okay that's it. Ur American fans are kidnapping you next week so we can feed ya decent chicken from Church's Chicken. KFC SUX! in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- @Svend_SPOnG No thanks. Safari is a piece of sh*t, and Flash goes decent with my Nvidia GPU. in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- @philvgersims Because deep down you resent the big N having a monopoly on motion capture. in reply to philvgersims #
- @SyamingLi Yeah, I would to, except French people seem to despise Americans for some reason… in reply to SyamingLi #
- Damn, I am completely rusty on S3K Time Attack… http://yfrog.com/0ojqbhj #
- @philvgersims This time, deal with him and dispose of anything incriminating in the river Trent. =P in reply to philvgersims #
- @SyamingLi Please send some over here. It's muggy as hell over here. in reply to SyamingLi #
- @Shadow5talker04 They can't help it, it seems. Well the first two definitely. @SonicWrecks doesn't seem to like me, the tosser. in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Xial Oh, go ahead and laugh. Trust me, no one will mind. in reply to Xial #
- Dragon Ball is back *insert fanboy screams here*: http://bit.ly/cWm7XM #
- @SyamingLi Next time, don't set your straightener to 'Chernobyl'. in reply to SyamingLi #
- Ate leftover pasta with 8oz of mozzarella. Time to kick back for a few hours before I go to college. #
- Too hot to do anything, too broke to get the A/C fixed… D: #
- Despite 4 fans in my bedroom, 2 in the living room, and all the crossbreeze we can get it's still hovering just below 90 in my house… #
- @FlintyFoxy It could be worse: it could look like a horrid Facebook shot. That's 100x worse. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @FlintyFoxy Video game? in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @SonicTweaker Yeah. That and the closure issues caused me to ditch Xchat-Win32 in favor of Kvirc for Windows in reply to SonicTweaker #
- @FlintyFoxy Hardware drivers are never priority updates due to possible breakage issues. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Bore-y, Bored-y, Bored-ci…. Apologies to anyone who objects to me butchering latin, but I'm BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRED!!! #
- Was bound up 2day, only went 5 mins ago. It was more painful than @Joystiq's Sonic 4 Ep 1 review but had a feelin of relief @Joystiq lacked. #
- @Shadow5talker04 Only one way to be sure. Has your work chair ever said "I'm afraid I cannot allow you to do that" or killed a coworker? in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Svend_SPOnG I believe chimichangas are the food for the big 210… in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- Dropped nephew off @ Bush Intercontinental airport for flight & on the way home. Provided of course the Gulf Freeway will fucking cooperate! #
- Dear Apple: Please put out a sub-$700 MacBook and I might just consider becoming a Mac. -Biafra. P.S.: No, the iPad doesn't fucking count… #
- @GavvieUK Like I said earlier, I hope he comes and plays in the US. Houston Dynamo needs a boost. in reply to GavvieUK #
- Acid trip of the now: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_SvBxwUqhns #
- @Shadow5talker04 @Svend_SPOnG it doesn't always work though (especially if you're tethering your cellphone for internet access) in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Svend_SPOnG I stoppd using the site a bit ago. Either go w/ @Shadow5talker04 & use TweetDeck or use mobl client (I use the BlackBerry ver). in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- @m1kepro Quick poll: Rotting potatoes or Rotting corpse, which smells worse? in reply to m1kepro #
- @Dragoneer Unless he can secure the film rights to Wikileaks' back story, Oliver Stone's directorial career is done, yeah. in reply to Dragoneer #
- @FlintyFoxy Legend has it for every time you play Dolly Parton backwards on a moonless night, Maggie Thatcher loses a brain cell. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @m1kepro They want as many people committed to them now so when they roll out LTE next year, they can make tons of cash in termination fees. in reply to m1kepro #
- @SonicTweaker Insomnia PROTIP #1 Take some Benadryl 20 mins before bed with a nightcap. in reply to SonicTweaker #
- @m1ket Here's hoping he wants to come to MLS. in reply to m1ket #
- Finally, the prof is calling a break! Caffeine here I come… #
- @Urtheart Keep working on the shading in reply to Urtheart #
- The current SSR DJs not following me on Twitter: AAUK (@SonicWrecks), Cyndus (twitter unknown), and Edward850 (twitter unknown). #
- @aquadan88 You'd be surprised how prone those reader are to malfunction. I say this from experience as a former Walmart cashier. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @FlintyFoxy Remind me never to show you an American phone bill, it'll blow your mind. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @GavvieUK Yay! Maybe some lucky MLS team here in the US (read Houston Dynamo) can nab him! in reply to GavvieUK #
- That being said @virginmobileus, any BBOS updates in the works for the Curve 8530? Just curious… #
- Using the Curve 8530 from @virginmobileus for 3 mo. now, and works great so far, the only issue I have w/ it (re Flickr) is on RIM's end. #
- @magferret Thank you for shopping at Tesco. in reply to magferret #
- @SonicTweaker It may be a compatibility issue in reply to SonicTweaker #
- @Svend_SPOnG Honestly, you should have gone with (Rock) Superstar by Cypress Hill in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- Send in the Clowns, Krusty Brand AA Batteries are Here http://bit.ly/d7Kkl3 #
- Bored as hell. Ask me something, will ya? http://formspring.me/BiafraRepublic #
- What was the best advice you've ever received? β Never underestimate the power of human stupidity. http://4ms.me/b2ZYYs #
- @FlintyFoxy Why not YouTube? in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Standing in line listening to Pandora. Some random whino is trying to street preach over my music, though… #
- @Svend_SPOnG What is "Four clones of Roris"? π in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- @FlintyFoxy Keep in mind the only voice acting they got spot-on in Prey was Art Bell's, largely due to the fact that he voiced himself… in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- My Twitter value is $15.36, according to http://www.twalue.com … What about yours? #twalue #
- @SonicTweaker That gay, huh? in reply to SonicTweaker #
- Listening to White Zombie on Pandora #
- @FlintyFoxy To be fair, I put my followers into a list randomizer and picked the top several that came at me. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Some #ff love in no particular order: @m1kepro @SonicTweaker @blitzchris @SonicReliefUK @Xial @aquadan88 @segamedia @CjFoxie and @FlintyFoxy #
- Almost to McD's when I realized I forgot my cash. D'oh! Back 2 Start. #
- @m1kepro Surprisingly enough. in reply to m1kepro #
- … the fact that I have one ICQ user (@Xial) who doesn't use AOL instead/as well, and that AOL has made ICQ redundant. #
- I'm considering quitting ICQ. It's suffered a decline in recent years, not to mention all the approval request spam and … (cont'd) #
- @Urtheart Did you know that the mariachi bands are so named b/cuz the Spanish were being force to say 'marriage' by the French in the 1800s? in reply to Urtheart #
- Bleh, another UberTwitter test. Location detection, wanting to use cell towers despite having nuff signal for Autonomous and/or Assisted GPS #
- @m1kepro You mean aside from Steve Jobs croaking? in reply to m1kepro #
- Need j.mp app for BB. #
- @FlintyFoxy Not too sure about the former, the latter is impossible due to iOS having shite Unicode support. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- 8AM. Up and waiting in line… #
- @sonicgames What are "Gaming quotes based off of songs by the Supremes?" in reply to sonicgames #
- @FlintyFoxy Bright colored leaves? In England? in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- In class learning the secrets of Tech Support… Amazing stuff we techies can pull off and shit… #
- Testing out Ubertwitter for BlackBerry. It has location support and a ton of other features. http://myloc.me/d27nJ #
- Just finished grindin a ton of Boston butt roast. Makes me wonder why something so delicious, yet full of grease is named after a major city #
- What to eat for lunch… #
- @Spexfox Lifestream sucks. It spams royally in Adium and queers Empathy up something horrible… in reply to Spexfox #
- @Xial LG uses parts (incl. charger connectors) from Samsung, Motorola has some funky good shit, and RIM hasn't failed me yet! in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Name a manufacturer that can butcher a mobile phone regardless of carrier. I'll fill in the blank for you: SAMSUNG in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Sprint seems to be having issues network wide today. I've been having problems getting Flickr for BlackBerry working… in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Then that would be the problem. Screw Samsung and pick a phone manufacturer that is decent. in reply to Xial #
- @DDyerUK …what David Cameron's mother said… π in reply to DDyerUK #
- @Xial Does Samsung make the old phone or the new phone? in reply to Xial #
- http://yfrog.com/j0jarzp Attention Virgin Mobile BB users: Unofficial Talk here. Scan the group QR code in BBM! #
- On the plus side: here's how shite my eyesight is… http://yfrog.com/9grgrayj #
- Woke up @ 7:15 to my BB's battery @ 2%, unable to use any of the radios. That's what I get for not charging it… #
- Got it. Now to get a new pair of glasses… I hope #
- Here we go. Eyeglass Rx coming up… #
- Check this video out — John Lennon Google Doodle http://t.co/N9GstdU via @youtube #
- Well, finally got #NewTwitter It just goes to show you the power of personal(-ly) pistol-whipping Twitter. #
- @aquadan88 Retro Bond. Preferrably a Roger Moore Bond film… in reply to aquadan88 #
- @m1kepro Unfortunately, I have only $23 and I need $21.65 to buy enough Nintendo Points for Sonic 4 (as I currently have none). in reply to m1kepro #
- Hmmm… Sonic 4 or L4D2… #
- Okay, stomach, I fed you three things of Mini Oreos. Now stop growling at me!!!!! #
- @Dragoneer I'll start calling it Real Coke when they start making it in the US, like Pepsi does with their Pepsi Throwback. in reply to Dragoneer #
- Took a post-donation snooze, then ate some leftover pork roast. Now kicking back. #
- Donating Plasma at College. Feels good in many a way. #
- @Dragoneer That's not healthy… in reply to Dragoneer #
- 5:17am: Hungry as fuck because I crashed without eating dinner #
- 4:45am: Awake… #
- @Svend_SPOnG This is what you get for using iOS devices. Next time, go with BlackBerry… in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- @TURBOXLR It's called 'insomnia'. in reply to TURBOXLR #
- Where's my fcuking #NewTwitter !?!?!? GIMME NAOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #
- @Dragoneer Next time, program your auto-banhammer to exempt yourself π in reply to Dragoneer #
- This week's episode of A/V Hijack has been postponed until such time as my current internet connectivity issue is resolved… #
- @Shadow5talker04 Also, switch to Microsoft Security Essentials for your antivirus and antispyware needs. in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Shadow5talker04 Odd, I thought most countries required them, if only to hold down the dead man's switch? in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Farrallth Is it anything like that Double-Down Sandwich they had? in reply to Farrallth #
- Listened to Linkin Park – Blackbirds: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OsifIKRjPe0 #
- If it's Friday, it's #ff time. This week's follow friday victim: @roareyraccoon because he needs the motivation to tweet more. That is all. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Not as pro as doing it on a BlackBerry in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
- Morning comes today/Nephew is driving us nuts/Kill me now, por favor. #
- @birdiegryphon Next time, bring a huge bucket of KFC Extra Crispy. That'll send her through the roof. in reply to birdiegryphon #
- @SonicTweaker This is exactly why the s**thead should be destroyed. in reply to SonicTweaker #
- @Dragoneer Yeah, they suck like that. Get Virgin Mobile. in reply to Dragoneer #
- @Xial Well, they don't say Nsist on NVIDIA for nothin! in reply to Xial #
- @FlintyFoxy You might want to consider a decent US VPN service. (Preferrably using PPTP, but OpenVPN will do in a pinch…) in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @DDyerUK Why not use a clamp to hold down the acceleration button? in reply to DDyerUK #
- @tssznews Provided the authorities fucking give two shits, Mr. Bresnen. in reply to tssznews #
- Finally heading home. Need a nap, but also have dishes to do. #
- This must be this fabled 'fall' season people rave about… #
- Standing in line outside just to enter someplace. Not my idea of an enjoyable tuesday. On the plus side, the weather is halfway decent…… #
- @YahtzeeCroshaw Youtube gets overloaded them, followed by fellow vid sharing sites, then sites like The Escapist, & soon, the entire net. in reply to YahtzeeCroshaw #
- @Xial The correct term is "usury". You can thank the GOP for that. in reply to Xial #
- @cdrom1019 Haven't used TweetDeck since I got Twitter for BlackBerry in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @Dragoneer To be fair, that is a stone's throw away from DC… in reply to Dragoneer #
- Anyone know if Fred Phelps or his spawn Shirley are on Twitter? #
- Six AM on a sunday… So much 4 getting some sleep last night. Thankfully, it's Sunday (or as I lovingly call it in hick central: Trollday). #
- It's a sad day when half your tweetcloud is comprised of your twitter list π http://tinyurl.com/28g5fh2 #
- @Shadow5talker04 Don't be sad. Verizon gives me the same runaround regarding FiberOp internet… in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Farrallth And I ΕΏhalle write alle of mine eΕΏΕΏays lyke thus in tribute to ΕΏhakeΕΏpeare in reply to Farrallth #
- Well, so much for not staying up all night. Fucking insomnia… #
- @FlintyFoxy Then be a good twitter follower and send some of that cold weather my way. It's like a hellish sauna down here… in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- On Skype in mass convo… #
- E:\Foxboy:> : I'm still here, (oh, and my Twitter plugin is working again!) http://j.mp/bgotNg #
- But first, Whataburger! #
- Haulin ass all over GalCo 2day. Been @ 2 diffrent stores alredy, then Walmart 4 a Site2Store pickup. A visit w/ a friend, then finally home. #
- @FlintyFoxy Did you check both minimum AND recommended system requirements? in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @philvgersims IMHO the Q's "Why do I always have 2b seated in the same carriage with a screeching baby & no gun due 2 strict gun ctrl laws?" in reply to philvgersims #
- @foreversonic Or ditch the cellophane altogether like in the US? in reply to foreversonic #
- @ronprower Awww. Best of luck to ya anyway, Ron! in reply to ronprower #
- @cdrom1019 Umm, they revealed that six months ago. in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @DDyerUK *proceeds to kick you in the kneecap in reply to DDyerUK #
- @GavvieUK *kicks you in the nuts and steals your #NewTwitter * in reply to GavvieUK #
- @DDyerUK I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!!!!! in reply to DDyerUK #
- HOI! Give me my #NewTwitter you jackasses!!!! #
- @FlintyFoxy Could be worse. At least it's not to the tune of Bitches Ain't Shit or Down With the Sickness… in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Good news: power's back on quicker than anticipated. Bad news: still gonna be no A/V Hijack today #
- That last tweet was a joke of course, @m1kepro … <.< … >.> #
- @m1kepro Because there is no such thing as a 'free world'. In fact, we're all about a pubic hair away from a society similar to that in HL2. in reply to m1kepro #
- On the plus side, every1's big fat Italian plumber is 25. Not bad 4 sum1 who I keep tryin 2 kill off & on since 1990. Keep on comin', Mario! #
- Perfect timing cancelling today's show, too. The power got cut off. Fun… #
- @DDyerUK Now that's what I call somewhat sad… in reply to DDyerUK #
- @GavvieUK … Eminem, Flogging Molly, Dropkick Murphys, South Park Mexican, 2Pac, Notorious B.I.G., Bill Hicks, and Weird Al Yankovic in reply to GavvieUK #
- @GavvieUK Aside from KoRn, I listen to Breaking Benjamin, Slipknot, Taproot, Drowning Pool, Sevendust, Rage Against the Machine, Flyleaf… #
- @GavvieUK @DDyerUK Good gods, the pair of ya both have shite taste in music… *puts on some KoRn* #
- @Shadow5talker04 Not that TotD wasn't hilarious, but so is Overkill… #
- @Shadow5talker04 Well, pick it up. It's seriously one of the best in the series, possibly better than Typing of the Dead. in reply to Shadow5talker04 #
- @Shadow5talker04 Good. Now onto the best of 'em all: HotD:Overkill #
- @Dragoneer Oh, pfft, that's not Tommy's stunt double. He's in the Just for Men commercials… in reply to Dragoneer #
- Bleh, must punt location detection… #
- Latest speedtest.net and pingtest.net results: http://j.mp/9wU6vi … http://j.mp/bWBOUh #
- @GavvieUK Moar Cowbell!… Just kidding. in reply to GavvieUK #
- http://twitpic.com/2n33da – eBay item #2 4: Hitachi CM615 CRT Monitor #
- @FlintyFoxy To be honest, I got tired of being the only person on my WLM and Twitter lists not doing it… in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @cdrom1019 We prefer to be called cynically well-endowed π in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @cdrom1019 Sorry to say you got screwed. in reply to cdrom1019 #
- Finally home. That's it from foursquare until 6… (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- A stop 4 a snack (@ McDonalds) http://4sq.com/cAZTnP #
- Buying milk… How pedestrian… (@ Big Chief) http://4sq.com/aiDLev #
- @Dragoneer Next time, get a Wii. in reply to Dragoneer #
- http://twitpic.com/2jpmf1 – Sign of the times… #
- Not picked today. Must call in tonight after 6PM… π (@ Galveston County Justice Center) http://4sq.com/aNSrjF #
- *typittytypittytype* #
- Smile, I'm at Jury Duty! (@ Galveston County Justice Center) http://4sq.com/aNSrjF #
- Fun. I has to get ready to go to Jury Duty today. #
- @aquadan88 Because mornings are evil. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @FlintyFoxy Blasphemer! Mornings are the evil spawn of Courtney Love and Slobodan Milosevic! in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @aquadan88 Cool Beans! What Android version is on your fone? in reply to aquadan88 #
- Also, Trillian for BlackBerry is now out in App World for $4.99. Get it from App World today! #
- Trillian for Android now available for Android 1.6 Donut & higher http://j.mp/Trillian4Android #
- Well, so much 4 gettin over stomach flu in time 2 head in 4 a final day of misery/work. Wanna say 2 all SGI Mgmt & @SchlitterTweet FUCK YOU! #
- @philvgersims Dear Sir or Madam: Give in and visit. -eBay [/badJoke] in reply to philvgersims #
- @aquadan88 That Won't do! Download some Sonic games off of XBLA, PSN or Wii Shop! in reply to aquadan88 #
- Giving Ubuntu another chance via 10.05 LTS. #
- Watching MasterChef on Hulu. π #
- @magferret And you didn't have the commom decency to tape 'em and slap it up online! in reply to magferret #
- @GavvieUK B sure. Have a child smash da most precious thing u own. If u can handle it & keep smiling w/o strangling him/her, you can do C/S. in reply to GavvieUK #
- @GavvieUK You would need to be so nice to people that others would think you had a frontal lobotomy… in reply to GavvieUK #
- @m1ket Well, at least it's Samsung and not some cheapo off-brand name… in reply to m1ket #
- http://twitpic.com/2hl6ly – On the plus side, though, I look damn good in poly/spandex blend… #
- A/V Hijack will be on Tuesday this week as I need to decompress. #
- http://twitpic.com/2hgvhe – Boo! My BBM barcode! #
- Last one today, I swear!!! (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- @aquadan88 Sorry, needed some fuck ny work therapy. in reply to aquadan88 #
- Hey there my bigchief peeps (@ Big Chief) http://4sq.com/aiDLev #
- Smoothie time. (@ McDonalds) http://4sq.com/cAZTnP #
- Halfway home (@ Jack Brooks Park) http://4sq.com/bv65rV #
- Hey there dipshits. (@ Hitchcock police station) http://4sq.com/bnEXU7 #
- A big F-U to you guys (@ Greater Saint Matthews) http://4sq.com/cVztMT #
- Passed it on the way (@ Louie's Bait Camp) http://4sq.com/bfsa5n #
- Off the freeway, driving into the blinding sunshine. (@ Bayou Vista, TX) http://4sq.com/d4tw3K #
- Heading home… (@ I45 @ Galveston Causeway) http://4sq.com/9tNiyv #
- http://twitpic.com/2haihl – To @SchlitterTweet with love. From a disgruntled SGI Admissions Cashier… #
- Fucking guests. Last time I help you bitch-ass people!!!!! #
- Fucking cell. (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Finally. With my mom drooling religious pap, I'm actually glad for getting to this shithole… (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Seriously, my mom needs a good dose of Vitamin Reality instead of this Joel Osteen crap. (@ I45 @ Galveston Causeway) http://4sq.com/9tNiyv #
- Fucking mom, she's fucking sucking down all this Joel Osteen televangelist crap. #
- Breakfast on the way to work… (@ McDonalds) http://4sq.com/cAZTnP #
- I just became the mayor of McDonalds on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/cAZTnP #
- Finally got around to updating openSUSE to 11.3… Now to get PPTP working… #
- @m1kepro Sorry. Was trying to dethrone Sonya M. off my workplace mayoralty. in reply to m1kepro #
- Time 2 eat. (@ McDonalds) http://4sq.com/cAZTnP #
- I'm at Biafra's House (Ave R, btw 32nd St and Cloud Dr, Santa Fe). http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- Oops, forgot my big cup… (@ Schlitterbahn w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Time 2 head home. (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- Boo! (@ Schlitterbahn w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Dropping in to pick up pay stub. (@ Schlitterbahn w/ 4 others) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Time to try and get some sleep… #
- Wired 4 sound here. #
- Time to relax. (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- Lunchtime at the employee line. (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Lunchtime! #
- Noone's orderin'… Boring! #
- Time 2 open (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- YAY! Got my BlackBerry activated! #
- Four more days until I can activate my new BlackBerry Curve 8530 on Virgin Mobile. Can't Wait!!! #
- @SonicTweaker Don't forget to try the Netflix Streaming Disc if you have a Wii… in reply to SonicTweaker #
- @philvgersims That's what I call efficiency π in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims The most common cause of that feeling is normally clean living and trying to party like no tomorrow. Pace yourself at SOS 2011 in reply to philvgersims #
- Courtesy of @dreadknux/@SonicTweaker SAGE EXPO NOW OPEN – http://www.sageexpo.org/ #SAGE #
- @FlintyFoxy Not that I wouldn't join, mind you… Just can't afford a pay-MMORPG in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @FlintyFoxy One of the many reasons why I don't do WoW… in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- If you want into Summer of Sonic this year, do not delay!!! Demand is far outpacing room. @Urtheart explains: http://u.nu/6bbsd #SOS2010 #
- @FlintyFoxy That squirrel looks familiar. Has it ever been featured on Countdown w/ @KeithOlbermann and his Oddball segment? in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @birdiegryphon Should have offered him a listen. in reply to birdiegryphon #
- New Voice of Sonic, courtesy of the Blognik: http://tinyurl.com/23oqbvy #
- So much for sleep last night. Maybe I can snag some before work. #
- @DDyerUK Complain to Microsoft's Marketing Dept. #
- PENDERSGATE:> Sega's response, courtesy of @dreadknux & co – http://tinyurl.com/2c72rrl #
- @FlintyFoxy I recommend electric shock therapy for the unit, stat! #
- @Urtheart Try calling in sick. in reply to Urtheart #
- @DDyerUK Still, why not just leave a single drop box link for all of them? in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK Right, we get it, you made Sonic 1 remixes…. in reply to DDyerUK #
- Okay… testing the Twitter for Facebook app by @twitter for any conflict with the Facebook for Twitter app by @facebook … Fun! #
- @m1ket Here's a better question to your Coalition Gov't: Why aren't your police arresting BP CEO Tony Hayward in his fucking undies on ITV? in reply to m1ket #
- @Sonic_Stream Green Tea Milkshake??? WTF? in reply to Sonic_Stream #
- Today is @dreadknux 25th Bday. Send him your best! #
- RT @Sega_SonicRadio: Due 2 an power outage causing playlist loss, @biafrarepublic will B putting out a repeat of A/V Hijack @ 8PM BST #
- @KeithOlbermann Re: Greene mess in SC, the Dems seem 2 have thrown the seat, & not 4 the 1st time. Xhibit A: '10 TX-22nd Dem Primary winner. #
- @GameGears Nah. Adding in Blu-Ray would be an admission of screwing up with their XBOX360 HD-DVD player in reply to GameGears #
- @FlintyFoxy That's cool. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- No new A/V Hijack or Talk it Up! today, people. Stay tuned for a classic Hijack episode from @biafrarepublic. It's a blast from the past. #
- Off early, got paid. Win some lose some… (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- I just became the mayor of Biafra's House on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- Time for more work… (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- RIP: @virginmobileus UTStarcom Shuttle #2 March 2010 – June 2010 #
- Forgot to do this again last night (@ Biafra's House) http://4sq.com/96fuT3 #
- About that time… (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- At the food stamp office for yet another crack at SNAP. #
- @DDyerUK For domain use godaddy. For hosting, unless you need more than 1GB, use hosting.gushi.org in reply to DDyerUK #
- @echohawk I prefer acrylic pour painting, myself #
- @FlintyFoxy I've seen gayer. Like this: http://tinyurl.com/2fgrm2 #
- @magferret Oh, that's normal. In fact, it should be expected behavior. #
- Double-posting from foursquare onto FB, fun… -_- #
- So tired last night i forgot to do this… (@ Biafra's Place) #
- Day 3. Time to head into the dragon's den. (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- I just unlocked the "Local" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/aLYa3A #
- Back home again… (@ Biafra's Place) #
- Still waiting 4 ride. (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Waiting 4 ride. (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- Cashier training day. (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- I just became the mayor of Schlitterbahn on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- @KeithOlbermann One would think that the owners should do the same thing to Bud that him and the Great Lakes Gang did to Fay Vincent in '92. #
- @FlintyFoxy Yep. It's typically called "Monday". in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- @GavvieUK Damn. (& that was a blind guess, too.) (FYI, I put mine just b4 the no return point in the same cave, per the BradeyGames guide) #
- @GavvieUK Lemme guess, placed the save crystal towards the beginning of the North Crater area on Disc 3? #
- @GavvieUK Then I suggest completing 4, 6, & 7 first, as they will get you used to ATB… #
- @GavvieUK Also, keep in mind, 3700 Nintendo Points = Β£27.90. That's halfway decent for a 1-year-old episodic collection such as FFIV: TAW… #
- @GavvieUK Or you could just buy in increments when you feel like it. That's how I'd do it. #
- @GavvieUK I do to, but it's not my only service. #
- @GavvieUK Also, a note if you do get IV: The After Years. It's WiiWare only in the US/EU & the cost of all episodes is 3700 Nintendo Points. #
- @GavvieUK Hah. Just use Yfrog. #
- @GavvieUK What about the Tactics series? #
- @GavvieUK Even IV: The After years? X-2? XII: Revenant Wings? #
- @GavvieUK Have you played I/II/III/V? #
- @philvgersims On the plus side: The results of the SSMB Mixtape 2010 have you sending to ENVY16 and receiving from @BlitzChris in reply to philvgersims #
- @Xial I hardly if ever require an OAuth more than once, myself. Then again, I have 5 items I use regularly that use OAuth… #
- @Xial So I guess you got tired of the constant OAuthing of prpltwtr, huh? #
- @FlintyFoxy Have you tried wrapping the bandaged toe in several layers of plastic cling wrap? It helps. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Finally home. (@ Biafra's Place) #
- Heading home, finally! #
- I just unlocked the "Newbie" badge on @foursquare! http://4sq.com/b1Wszl #
- Orientation. Wish me luck… (@ Schlitterbahn) http://4sq.com/crXLf0 #
- @birdiegryphon Best suggestion: Crack a (water) bottle… in reply to birdiegryphon #
- @aquadan88 De nada. in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Check your DMs. It's in there. in reply to aquadan88 #
- Suggestions for helping the veterans on #MemorialDay – http://linkbee.com/FT9JR #
- First checkin. Yayness (@ Biafra's Place) #
- @YahtzeeCroshaw Uncharted 3 must have come out fast then… in reply to YahtzeeCroshaw #
- @Urtheart Well, that and how you make sausages. in reply to Urtheart #
- Environmentalists call for Interior Secretary Ken Salazar's resignation over gulf oil spill. http://linkbee.com/FT64N #
- Quick Reminder: A/V Hijack tomorrow at 6PM BST / Noon CDT on SSR. Catch up now! http://linkbee.com/FT6RG #
- @birdiegryphon Oh, you're not paranoid. They ARE programmed to steal your cash if any of the icons on them fail to match those on the card. in reply to birdiegryphon #
- @KeithOlbermann I'm probably not da 1st guy 2 suggest dis, but y isn't da gov't seizing BP & Transocean's assets & prosecuting under RICO??? #
- @m1kepro I wasn't surprised. I have a feeling we may need to seize BP and Transocean's assets. in reply to m1kepro #
- @WillAtWork One of the FanSite links on the @MaddowBlog is broken in Firefox by the censor filter (F*** Yeah Rachel Maddow on Tumblr) #
- Damnit,… why does it say Santa Fe on my Desktop, yet it says Webster on my notebook??? Damn GeoIP location detection…. #
- Num of SMS in cell's Inbox: 150. Num of SMS that are Tweets: 149. Num of Tweets about #Eurovision 145. Now that Germany won, STFU! #esc2010 #
- Oops, spoke too soon. #esc2010 #
- Wow, this is the longest time that has passed today without people tweeting me about eurovision. #esc2010 #
- @Urtheart I'll be the one in the panic room behind several inches of bullet-, blast-, and fallout-proof materials controlling the ED-209s… in reply to Urtheart #
- A dragonfly flaps it's wings at my window, & Gary Coleman dies hundreds of miles away from fall-related injuries. Now that's Chaos Theory. #
- Oh, forgot to mention yesterday, I landed the job. I start orientation on Tursday (minus soul patch and a few inches of hair…) #
- @philvgersims Don't worry, you'll either find it again, or learn to live without it. in reply to philvgersims #
- @FlintyFoxy I think you can get those at Joke, Novelty, and Costume Shops in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- Heading down to local water park 4 another interview… #
- @Xial Then go to the General or Area Manager. Ask for their number if it's not posted. I'm fairly sure BK is required to do this… in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Ask for the manager. Keep complaining until they get off their collective arses. It works. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Well, mention it to them. If they don't know, they won't fix it. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial They're probably out of syrup or need to clean the syrup or sodawater lines in reply to Xial #
- I just scored 5/5 on Tweet Trumps. Go me. http://tweettrumps.com #
- Today's SCIENCE FACT: @glennbeck fans are dumber than @maddow fans. http://bit.ly/cbF3Xi – not that there was any surprise in that result… #
- @Xial Really? I thought Florida had a 2 cent deposit on plastic bottles and shit. in reply to Xial #
- @FlintyFoxy Blogspot is a hosted solution only, WordPress is available as both a script you put on your website, and a hosted solution. in reply to FlintyFoxy #
- At Olive Garden with visiting sis. Interesting fact: we're both using our phones a lot… #
- @cdrom1019 At least they're not trying to remake Death Note from @VIZ_Media #
- @magferret Even so, the MPAA, the RIAA, the ESA, and their ilk can take a collective flying leap off the Empire State Building. #
- @magferret WTF? Is nothing sacred? You would think the MPAA would just stick in the Hotel Rwanda anti-piracy ad instead of being so crass. #
- @DDyerUK What about disconnecting/reconnecting the connection on the router instead? in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK Is it anything like a router? in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK Try a default password? in reply to DDyerUK #
- SSMB: 2010 SSMB Top 100 is now open! http://u.nu/8nxja #
- @m1kepro So I take it you liked the series finale of Lost, huh? #
- @Urtheart So soon after SoS 2010? #
- @Urtheart it ends no later than 8PM BST. Why d'ya ask? #
- Will the real @magferret please stand up? #
- Sh1t! I signed on to Skype faster than a five-dollar hooker. That has NEVER happened to me before… #
- @FlintyFoxy Ouch. #
- @FlintyFoxy Yep. #
- @DDyerUK Maybe you aren't. I'm stuck here with a 62 year old mother who needs to rest but won't. #
- @DDyerUK You and me actually being able to go to SoS 2010… #
- @Xial Well, enjoy the four days it will work. Helio shuts down on the 25th. #
- @Xial ah well. If it fails, you can always chuck it in Safety Harbor. #
- @Xial I thought they stopped selling it with VM shutting down Helio? #
- SSMB: @Urtheart presents Mixtape 2010 – now open through 31.May http://u.nu/85tea Coming Monday: another SSMB favorite from yesteryear… #
- Quick Whore-out to @Boxie http://www.boxee.tv/signup #
- @magferret Looks good on my cell. #
- Holy midlife crisis, Pac-Man! The enemy AI on Google's Pac clone and logo is shit! #
- @FlintyFoxy At least it's not "Plan 9 From Outer Space". #
- @twitter Will someone give the US Twitter SMS interface at 40404 a swift kick? It keeps double and triple sending messages. #
- Have you played Google Pac-Man yet? http://google.com/ #google #pacman #
- It's May 21st. Have you drawn your Mohammed today? http://u.nu/9eyda #
- @FlintyFoxy well, as i already advised, unless they come a-callin', keep it. #
- @FlintyFoxy It's not just @birdiegryphon … Various peeps on my twitter list are doubleposting.. #
- @dreadknux i was planning on two (and yes, i know it's cliche) leftover chili dogs for my lunch. #
- @birdiegryphon Unless Amazon calls, keep it. #
- I really shouldn't drive grocery carts while 'White Wedding' plays… #
- @SonicTweaker How bout Mad Matrix remixed BBClike #
- @SonicTweaker Some people are fucking idiots. It's a shame that Twitter has no 'taze' function. #
- RT @YahtzeeCroshaw: Alan Wake's narration feels a bit unnecessary at times. You see a hairy dog. "SUDDENLY I SAW A HAIRY DOG." #
- Grocery time! #
- @FlintyFoxy Bound to happen. #
- @cdrom1019 Okay then. I'll just play on then, My Steam S/N is the same as my Twitter S/N… in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @cdrom1019 Perfect timing! I just might join/stalk you… in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @magferret Could be worse, this could be Amtrak stuck in Texas. #
- @echohawk Because Thursday's insidious like that… #
- Fuck, it's morning. Time to face another day. #
- watched the international space station fly overhead. +3 minutes i'll never get back… #
- @fastfeetmedia That and Senor Bresnen is one push closer to oblivion… #
- @fastfeetmedia Probably died when this did: http://bit.ly/9EXSwi in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- It's 5:08pm and no interview calls so far today. #
- End of an era… RIP SOA PR FTP http://segapr.segaamerica.com/ #
- @m1kepro fuck, i could have told you that. #
- @Farrallth Braces? #
- Playin some House of the Dead: Overkill #
- @m1ket If they look like Bart and Lisa Simpson in improprieties, run like heck. #
- @Xial Oldsmar??? But that's all the way out in Pinellas. #
- Waiting @ the side of the road 4 the mail carrier to dropoff #
- @Urtheart Me, I only had 4 out of the 9 work credits needed for unemployment pay. #
- @Urtheart True. This is why I'm glad I got shitcanned from there, despite being out of work for 18 months. #
- @Urtheart At least you don't work 4 ASDA… #
- @cdrom1019 thanks 4 the heads up! #
- @GavvieUK Undestandable. Plus, they're CDMA phones, so they likely won't work on your side of the pond. #
- @GavvieUK Well RIMM has been trying to market them to US consumers thru AIM and Windows Live, among other markets. #
- @GavvieUK Same here. In fact, I'm wantin to get a job and save up for this: http://u.nu/83gn9 #
- @GavvieUK Still, don't discount that review entirely. #
- Waits for the prospective employer to call with a decision… #
- Well, got a job interview at the local pizza joint today @ 12:30pm. Wish me luck. #
- I wonder how @PrivateEyeNews is doin with replacing "PM Decree" (A title suggestion: The Path Of The Thatcher) (w/ apologies to @raycomfort) #
- @Dartanian88 Fun. We now return you to our regularly scheduled episode of Eastenders already in progress. #
- @Xial Her's the prefix search info going from 813-380-xxxx through 813-389-xxxx (cont) http://tl.gd/1am7rj #
- @dreadknux Eat sumthin, ur headache is due to not eating breakfast. #
- @Xial Thanks! #
- @Xial I'll take it. #
- *imitates HAL 9000* Good Morning, Twitter. #
- @philvgersims Ouch. At least it's not a plane at Gatwick. #
- @Xial Or just find an app that uses Qt. #
- @Xial Also could go portable with Pidgin. #
- @Xial Just do what i do and get GTK+ installed separately. #
- What a wonderful world it would be with legalized cannabis in it. #
- One of these things is not like the others: new Sonic stickers, Valve offering Portal for free, and a summons for jury duty. #
- @DDyerUK Well, at least you're not slicing them in a sleazy back alley in Havana. in reply to DDyerUK #
- @Dartanian88 Yeah. This is why I prefer the original, with a ton of Rare Candy in reply to Dartanian88 #
- Well, it's official, with the Conservafags back in Number 10 and this (http://u.nu/83gn9), hell has officially frozen over. #
- @DDyerUK South Park = Awesome Junk = Family Guy. And come on, Roseanne kicks ass! in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK Still needs more South Park and Roseanne π in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK You need better taste in television π in reply to DDyerUK #
- @GavvieUK You may be suffering from BMD – Boss Music Disorder. in reply to GavvieUK #
- @DDyerUK And don't you forget it, sweet cheeks. in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK I'll stop being bloody negative when I stop feeling pissy about John Bercow's win costing me $10 in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK Still…. in reply to DDyerUK #
- @DDyerUK Either that, or spam. in reply to DDyerUK #
- If StH4 PartnerNET leaks keep up, will the last person 2 leave the StH community please trn out the lights? #sonic4leaks #projectneedlemouse #
- @echohawk At least living in the UK, you don't have to worry too much about it degenerating into gun violence. in reply to echohawk #
- Reading through the latest in UK politics for a lark. #
- @philvgersims Maybe they get tax credits on how much paper they use or something. in reply to philvgersims #
- @dreadknux Just remember the following rule: If you can see a backwards-talking flaming Jesus, it's time to get some shut-eye. in reply to dreadknux #
- @YahtzeeCroshaw Why not put it in all in a trust fund along with the Mana Bar? in reply to YahtzeeCroshaw #
- @Xial Never force it. Let it flow. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Well if those Simpsons Treehouse of Horror Specials have taught us anything, it does not pay to have network-accessable appliances. in reply to Xial #
- @fastfeetmedia The intro and bridge to Sum 41's "It's What We're All About" off of the soundtrack to "Spiderman" in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @Urtheart That's because they're green in two different senses of the word. in reply to Urtheart #
- @SonicWrecks With 35 seats to go, it's [Conservatives] 289 / [Labour] 247 / [LibDems] 51 / [Other] 27. Better luck next time, AAUK. #ge2010 #
- @m1ket This is why I despise most social media. in reply to m1ket #
- Finished up the last of my schoolwork for the term. Now onto finding some work for the summer. #
- @Xial In that case, you have my condolences. π in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Best advice I can give you is to not watch That is Why You're Fat … that and @Paula_Deen … she uses butter like I no tomorrow … in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Did you win anything? in reply to Xial #
- @cdrom1019 You should. Like St. Paddy's Day, Cinco de Mayo is one of the few days of the year one can act like a tit and get off scott free. in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @Farrallth The cycle is a monthly thing. If a chick is having a period more often, they either have medical issues or are faking PMS. in reply to Farrallth #
- @cdrom1019 Just remember not to drink the worm when you party. in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @Xial Nah. "Bad" is drowning Scrapple (ground organ meat sausage) in butter and pancake syrup. My mom does that all the time to my chagrin. in reply to Xial #
- @Farrallth Nope, they come out fully loaded, born with the amount of eggs they have for their life. Good thing I still remember Health class in reply to Farrallth #
- @SonicWrecks Either way, give it a peek. You'll find some amazing stuff there. #
- @SonicWrecks Clearly you have not been to the TF2 Contribute site. #
- No, #avhijack fans, I still haven't gotten the 4/26 episode posted on iTunes yet. School + braining THHSC over Food Stamps + shit = busy DJ. #
- @Farrallth Don't forget to bring a snack in reply to Farrallth #
- E:\Foxboy:> : My predictions for what will happen by 2015 http://j.mp/aXKjDS #
- @m1kepro I thought that was going to go the way of Duke Nukem Forever #vaporware in reply to m1kepro #
- More food stamps and medicaid 4 mom SNAFUs. And here I thought I was gonna enjoy a free thursday… #
- Finally got my PSX-to-USB adapter. Now I can finally get some use out of my barely-used PSone joypad. #
- OMG! My mom has atrocious taste, showing me the plus size drek frm Walmart #
- @SonicTweaker Unless it clears off with a lightly moistened towlette, it's all dead pixels. in reply to SonicTweaker #
- @Xial Ah well. It was sadistic though. #vvvvvv in reply to Xial #
- @DDyerUK Something to keep you up… http://u.nu/6d5r8 in reply to DDyerUK #
- Well, time to tag and upload. #avhijack #
- @Xial Based on your gamerDNA playing records, @biafrarepublic reccomends playing VVVVVV in reply to Xial #
- Finishing up with today's A/V Hijack episode. Upload, then some pickup before class 2nite at college, then home and some TF2 #ssr #avhijack #
- @m1ket Could be worse: There could have been a picture of HM The Queen behind the fat bastard. in reply to m1ket #
- I wonder if Ctrl+Alt+Del works on a KB plugged into a Wii… #
- @Xial Of course they do. That and hosting are where they make their $$$… in reply to Xial #
- @SonicWrecks You're pulling for a party who's allied with some far-right idealogues in Brussels. Not 4 nothin, but that speaks for itself. #
- Ah fun, Mormons in the hood… Should I tell them to orally fornicate Jesus's breno, or ask if they would abort a fetus found to be gay? #
- Don't listen to the @SonicWrecks blandishments, it's a far-right Tory trap to make you forget how Thatcher screwed up the UK. #
- @Xial Well, those are the fees .us registry runner Neustar levies… in reply to Xial #
- 15min of fighting houston traffic and nearly $30 in damage, but it's all worth it for some Arby's! DELICIOSO!!! #
- @dreadknux we know. now could you please give the SSMB a swift kick? in reply to dreadknux #
- Time 4 sum McD's… #
- Check this video out — Google Search Stories / Earl and Tiger Parody http://youtu.be/1fICElLYZts #
- Wow! Twitter's Location Detection ACTUALLY WORKS NOW!!! #
- @RichoKidd I know. Was referring 2 @TURBOXLR, @Urtheart, @cdrom1019, & @SonicWrecks in reply to RichoKidd #
- Okay, final tally: 4 #SSR DJs are at present not following @biafrarepublic #
- @RichoKidd Sucks ass, don't it? Especially with socks on underneath in reply to RichoKidd #
- Okay, seems like the Twitter Faceboook app is dead, trying Tweeter… #
- Time to find out if Facebook is posting my tweets. #
- @Farrallth Well, it sure beats "but damnit,…" which is what I use most often in mine. in reply to Farrallth #
- @dreadknux Teh suxorz… in reply to dreadknux #
- @Farrallth That or a swift kick to the johnson. in reply to Farrallth #
- @Farrallth Oh, that's rubbish. Texans drink it all the time and they reproduce like rabbits. in reply to Farrallth #
- With all this talk of new entrances, I need to get one done up, too. Problem is, no remixes are available for Mad Matrix… #
- @Farrallth In all honesty, neither do the Falklands. in reply to Farrallth #
- @SonicWrecks Hoi! Don't blame @RadioSEGA for your laziness! in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Bought Sonic 1 for my Virgin Mobile Shuttle, others who bought this also bought… "Exotic Club Manager"? 1st, WTF? 2nd, LOL!!!! #sonic #wtf #
- Hmmmm, chinese, italian, or texmex dinner? #
- Grocery shopping. Fun… #
- @Sonic_Stream This is going to get even worse, mark my words. Never underestimate the Streisand Effect: http://bit.ly/9xPYaz #
- Need a new thumbdrive. Old one snapped in half. #
- PINGAS!!!!!! #
- Long day halfway over. Time to hurry up with the other half before the west county bldg closes @ 5pm… #
- Damn, im hungry… #
- About to head 2 the food stamp office in dickinson… #
- @Sonic_Stream Buuu…. Listen to A/V Hijack!!! On NOW! in reply to Sonic_Stream #
- My dog is such a shithead. He starts rubbing on the dirty floor after I cleaned him up. #
- @tssznews And Thank you Mr. Bresnen. You've proven that you are quite the April Fool. in reply to tssznews #
- Whenever I see 5 seconds of Paula Deen's so-called cooking show, I wonder why her dishes don't come w/ a warning from the Surgeon General… #
- @cdrom1019 Not to mention the constant Xfire crap. For pete's sake, even Trillian is preferable to this. in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @cdrom1019 Would it kill you to get a cam service that will allow you to fucking curse on it live??? in reply to cdrom1019 #
- Ah well, time to wake up I guess… damn monday mornings. They should be banned. #
- @philvgersims So do I. At least yours isn't as prolonged as ours here in America. in reply to philvgersims #
- @SonicWrecks RE: http://bit.ly/90xKON & http://bit.ly/aqL9MR – Any comments, official or not, wld B nice 4 the A/V Hijack l8r 2day. -Bia in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Yet another reason why I don't want an Xbox 360. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @RichoKidd Either way, it works. Especially if someone unchecks "Remember Password" in your Steam client. in reply to RichoKidd #
- @RichoKidd This is why I keep only four passwords, use three and leave one unused, and rotate quarterly. Works wonders. in reply to RichoKidd #
- Got Windows 7 Enterprise cheap at a garage sale. Installed and running perfectly. SWEET! #
- @Verizon Ok, is there any chance of FiOS Internet coming to the Santa Fe/Hitchcock TX area during 2010? #
- @Xial I dare say it is. It checks via GeoIP it seems. Only #Verizon seems to want to give out randomly assigned IPs without regard to GeoIP. in reply to Xial #
- A/V Hijack starts in about 1 hour on SSR (6pmGMT/1pmCDT) http://bit.ly/8mZXIa #SSR #
- IN YOUR FACE GOP!!! Senate-approved Health Care bill passes 219-212. Obama to sign into law on Tuesday. http://u.nu/5nju7 #change #
- Fuck it, *watches #DS9 episodes subtitled in Mandarin* Oh, and happy 600th tweet #
- Time to make another attempt at sleep after large end-of-spring party on the island. Probably will fail miserably. #
- @blitzchris Blashpemer! in reply to blitzchris #
- @m1kepro That's also why I don't go for Apple Cinema Displays. That and the expense of them in reply to m1kepro #
- @SonicWrecks Google is your friend. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Twitter's Location detector is broken. It thinks I'm 2000+ miles away. #
- @SonicWrecks Terrible pun. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Gripes about #Sonic4 site so far: #2 ) No 16:9 wallpaper. The sole wallpaper is only in 4:3 dimensions. Not fun for those at 1366x768x32bpp. #
- Gripes about #Sonic4 site so far: #1 ) The RP pretense from the ESRB. Cut the crap, we know you're rated 'E': http://tinyurl.com/sonic4-esrb #
- @fastfeetmedia My.Vote=Quicktime http://twitpic.com/198g30 in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @GavvieUK depends on the size and weight. in reply to GavvieUK #
- Ugh,.. close enough for government work… fucking cabbage #locationdetection #
- @DiGi_Valentine Makes me wonder why you were calling her in the first place. #
- Damnit. fuckin location updating doesn't work #
- This is why I dun like @TweetDeck so much. Given 2 accounts and a message in reply to account A, it will just pick an account at random. #
- @cdrom1019 Ah, so they finally have a name for the fuckmothering Eye Toy in reply to cdrom1019 #
- @GavvieUK Heck, I'd guess, but I'm too lazy. in reply to GavvieUK #
- @cdrom1019 Dude, could you turn of the Xfire status notification tweets? They're annoying as fuck. in reply to cdrom1019 #
- Yay! Now Mac users like @m1kepro can revel in the fact that the cake is a lie without using Windows and Boot Camp π http://bit.ly/c3oWC1 #
- @Xial I'd suggest @virginamerica but they don't even serve Michigan or Tampa Bay. in reply to Xial #
- @Urtheart Good luck, man. in reply to Urtheart #
- @m1kepro Care to see how much profit Apple's making on the new iPad? http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/11/ipad_breakdown/ #
- Watching old Ask That Guy With The Glasses episodes. Fun! #
- Waiting 4 ride home, freezing my ass off. #
- 1 pt. Blood tapped. #
- About to get tapped like a keg and donate sum blood… #
- Well, almost 2:40am and still bored and unemployed. Damn obstructionist conservatives! #
- @philvgersims I'm over the stomach flu,… And I'm still alive! [/ #portal reference] in reply to philvgersims #
- @m1kepro If you think that's peculiar, dig into the /assets folder. in reply to m1kepro #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Test Blog Post. http://bit.ly/ckVpZ0 #
- RT @Sega_SonicRadio: LIVE NOW: A/V Hijack, hosted by Biafra Republic! – Listen In ->: http://bit.ly/8mZXIa #
- @TheVivaDJ Keep the lowdown, though you may need to change your broadcast time. in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ Maybe a special #showpantssaturday gift. PROTIP: Today's also the birthday of @roareyraccoon … food 4 thought. in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ How 'bout a special gift to the Twitterati at large! in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- Heading 2 eye doctor appt. Here's hoping things don't get worse… #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Yet another blog posting test on Erratic Foxboy http://bit.ly/7f1Jt4 #
- @GavvieUK good.luck in reply to GavvieUK #
- @TheVivaDJ That makes two of us… in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- Well, Centerpoint got off their asses & fixed the blown line fuse at 9AM CST. After several irate phone calls and generic ranting. I'm back. #
- With 8 min until Centerpoint Energy closes down 4 da night, a 2 hr outage is lookin more like a cold all niter. Electric dereg sux ass! #
- Great. Power is out. #
- Hauling mom 2 doc's office and other shite is boring. Any ideas aside from reading and waiting to pass the time would be appreciated. π #
- @SonicWrecks Take some Nyquil. The nighttime stuffy, sniffly, achy-head, fever, KO's you so you won't wake for 3 DAYS medicine… in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @blitzchris Ah, he speaks! lol… Anyways, figure I had nothing else to do for 35 seconds… in reply to blitzchris #
- RT @Sega_SonicRadio: LIVE NOW: A/V Hijack, with Biafra Republic. TUNE IN HERE: – http://radio.sonicstadium.org/ #
- @Xial Well you have me beat there. Still cold as fuck. And I needs to swap out a donut for a real tire. in reply to Xial #
- @SonicWrecks You forgot the extras needed to pad the budget. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @Xial Neither is Galveston County, but look: http://twitpic.com/xnqpy in reply to Xial #
- @TheVivaDJ Nuuuuu… Don't go! We still love you! in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- http://twitpic.com/xnqpy – Close, but no snow. Cold as fuck tho… #
- @Urtheart Why not just save your cash and buy it on Steam instead, it's US$6.79/Β£4.24 thru monday 1/11/10… http://bit.ly/7eGMSM #steam in reply to Urtheart #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Sports: The very rare, very evil vice. http://bit.ly/4L4Bj4 #
- @ozymajere you know, -0.38W power usage might be a good thing… in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere Does Wells Fargo operate where you are? in reply to ozymajere #
- @philvgersims Then send some over here. in reply to philvgersims #
- @ozymajere 2 is where Spock dies, 4 is where the crew does the time warp worse than a bunch of drunk hobos. in reply to ozymajere #
- @TheVivaDJ There. 193 users + 7 Lists = 200 followers gross. π in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ 199 if you count the lists you're on… in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @Xial Why thank you. I just might do more if I'm up to it… π in reply to Xial #
- What the heck, you only live twice or so it seems [/bad007joke] #showpantssaturday http://tweetphoto.com/7837495 #
- @MSWindows It's actually pretty nice. Only quirk would be a lack of RealMedia codecs (as Win7 has everything else). Other than that, kudos! in reply to MSWindows #
- @Xial don't thank me, thank @TheVivaDJ in reply to Xial #
- I just voted for http://tweetphoto.com/7815115 check it out! #TweetPhoto #
- I just voted for http://tweetphoto.com/7814519 check it out! #TweetPhoto #
- Bleh, time to tempt my annoying nephew with food. he can be a prat sometimes, but that's the WoW talking… #worldofwarcraftsucks #
- @aquadan88 @MSWindows Fortunately for me I already nabbed Win7. *turs to the crowd* Have you? #
- There, now that's better for Internet Channel… #Wii #
- More Wii tweeting and various surfing. Might need to check the picture settings here… #
- @TheVivaDJ Cool (bloody Wii Interwebs channel being a nuisance added the tweet before I was ready) in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ msn is biafra.republic -aT- live.com [formatted to stop spam] in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ hai right back in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ yep, i'm gay. long story, involves the net a bit in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ yarly! π in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @TheVivaDJ I would if I had Β£20 in reply to TheVivaDJ #
- @aquadan88 Wii Internet Channel pointed to twitter site. in reply to aquadan88 #
- Tweeting from my new Wii. DM me if you'd like its number/code to msg it, etc. #
- To all my stalkers, err… followers,… Have a safe and happy holiday! #
- @ozymajere Lucky stiff. FiOS is unavailable for me (primarily due to issues maneuvering around AT&T's service area…) in reply to ozymajere #
- E:\Foxboy:> : Holiday post http://bit.ly/57rs4N #
- @Xial Just be glad it's not making a LOUD clacking noise during operation. in reply to Xial #
- @aquadan88 It's never a question of how one knows but how much… in reply to aquadan88 #
- @fastfeetmedia Well that explains the reason why I can't register… in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @fastfeetmedia Needs profile entry/reg for entry for Steam ID in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- Weird @tweetdeck reccomendations: Four Twitter accounts involving the letters A & L (@alyankovic, @algore, @queenrania, @ajgaza) Eerie… #
- Trying out uBlog on KDE4 to see if it's any better than the rest… #
- @ozymajere It just goes to show you… never leave baggage unattended in Israel in reply to ozymajere #
- RT @RichoKidd Calling all #SEGASonicRadio fans. Please get out name out there. Re-Tweet this! http://bit.ly/6bbxya #
- @GavvieUK Then they'd create Google Uzi for Google Man to use… in reply to GavvieUK #
- About to bake some pizza for dinner, then more AJE, then some possible #TF2 therapy #livestation #
- http://twitpic.com/t97h3 – Watching AJE on Livestation… Just to show how bored I am… #livestation #
- Finally heading home after final exam and sum Xmas shopping. Whew! #
- Heading out to get a bite before some last minute final exam cramming before said exam at 6… Wish me luck! #
- @ozymajere Well, it could be worse, man. You could be dealing with an area panicking over a few flakes mixed in with the cold-as-hell rain. in reply to ozymajere #
- @abc13weather Video of flurries just outside of Santa Fe, TX http://yfrog.us/j7sy4z #
- =?utf-8?b?QGFiYzEzd2VhdGhlciBmbHVycmllcyBvbiB2aWRlbyBmb3IgeW91?=
This is an MMS message. http://yfrog.us/j7sy4z # - The #TSS #Steam #Community … you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy… [/badStarWarsRef] Still cool http://u.nu/2qa44 #
- My top 3 in my #TwitterCloud … sonic, paradise, and "facebook sucks" http://tweetcloud.icodeforlove.com/biafrarepublic/183960 #
- @m1ket …ok, who exactly are the blues? [/dumb_yankee_moment] in reply to m1ket #
- @SonicWrecks I object to that, the typical post-thanksgiving yank is no more than 6% cranberry, and 20% alcohol. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @aquadan88 Good luck, man! in reply to aquadan88 #
- @_TheDJ We know, we know, you <3 tumblr. Now enough already… π in reply to _TheDJ #
- @ozymajere Could be worse, they could have done Mamma Mia! in reply to ozymajere #
- Damn, i hate being poor. Cant wait i 4 december 1st so i can buy Xmas presents and get that over with #
- @philvgersims Sure beats having an argument with your mother on the medical benefits of marijuana #
- @Xial Aside from their interface looking like a blended mixture of moose-piss and sour chocolate milk, it's a fucking pain to use… #
- Oh, did I mention Facebook sucks? #
- @philvgersims Ah, the wonders of spell-check designed by #Microsoft in reply to philvgersims #
- Mom goes in for preop Friday @ 3PM CST… Aside from #Project24 I have nothing to do. Damn! #
- @SonicWrecks NOOOOOO! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? in reply to SonicWrecks #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-28
- Alright, time to get something to eat. Sleep is for cunts. #
- E:\Foxboy:> : On WordPress III: Revenge of the Plugins http://j.mp/mlajBg #
- 1:56 am… I need to get out of this habit. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Well at least you didn't get molested by the TSA agents at LAX… #
- Warning: This video may contain Jedi Assholes – http://t.co/Tr1vkno #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-11
- Alright, there's a 15 year old w/ terminal cancer who wrote a bucket list, on which she wanted to trend on Twitter. Plz RT! #AliceBucketList #
- #BeatHazard Beat Hazard is now Tweeting! #
- Finished up eating @ Denny's after a long afternoon nap. Now a stop @ Walmart and Lowe's and then home!… #
- Definitely a winner, Nintendo. You won the expo. #GTE3 http://soc.li/C3RPX2N #
- I'm sold on Wii U because of the new Darksiders, Assassins Creed, and Ninja Gaiden games… #GTE3 http://soc.li/C3RPX2N #
- I will say this: Nintendo Wii U, like the Wii, is a shit name, but a game changer Definitely something to watch. #E3 #
- Did I hear that right? "Systems"? As in more than one??? RT @NintendoAmerica: Hereβs a message from Reggie! http://t.co/8IUJEdh #
- @GavvieUK In the grand tradition of names named after waste products: Nintendo Puu #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-04
- @aospbot What about us folks who don't have or can't use Rom Manager? How about a version for us? #
- @SonicTweaker No, no… Pork chops are sex. ^.^ #
- @FlintyFoxy Be glad it wasn't potatoes. When they go, they smell like death. Literally. #
- @FlintyFoxy I'm sorry, but that is wrong on so many levels… #
- @bradflick55 Well, it's official: the south needs a new hockey team! Damn Canadians stealing our hockey teams… #
- Alright, time to grocery shop… #
- @m1kepro Odd, I thought it was the Phoenix Coyotes that they were trying to move to Winnipeg, not Atlanta…. #
- @SonicTweaker Then go scream. Unless you have some reason not to… #
- @thekevineva Benevolent Co-Dictator For Life? #
- Yay for @Akhmin and her GModerry! http://bit.ly/lTpXpu #
- @m1ket The Fcuk Blatter line forms up behind me. Damn Blatter giving the cup to the Qataris #
- @philvgersims cool beans. give us a listen! #
- @spexfox Nice! Need a beta tester? #
- @FlintyFoxy Well, at least yours is joining the US: Spring Bank Holiday falls on the same day as Memorial Day this year. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo A Quantum Leap movie? That almost makes up for their shit series finale ending. Almost. #
- Hark! Dinnertime approaches! #
- Need to start simmering dinner in a bit… #
- @Svend_SPOnG Good afternoon Agent Svendaa. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Find the #FemaleRichtofen #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-28
- @Akhmin Pix plz! #
- #ff Follow Friday Special this week again goes to @SwiftKey X Beta, now public on Android Market. GET IT NAOW! http://skx.me/beta #
- #ff WINNERS: @Akhmin @philvgersims @TitansCreed @Urtheart @Shadow5talker04 @thekevineva @TURBOXLR @BlakeDraco @Svend_SPOnG @SonicTweaker #
- Follow Friday Extravaganza Time! Where I go an draw names from my list for mention… #ff #
- Tweet and Re-Tweet got into a boat, Tweet fell out, who was left? RE-TWEET! #
- @spexfox @Det_Conan_Kudo If googling "android hello world apk" yields nothing, just rip off Angry Birds… #
- @SonicTweaker Bleh, Twitter is like a rich trust fund chick: too much of someone else's money and never satisfied. #
- @TitansCreed @Urtheart @Akhmin @TurboXLR @philvgersims thanks 4 the #TF2 memories π #
- @philvgersims Be glad you're getting rain. Here it's 94Β° and oppressively humid… #
- @SonicTweaker Twitter @support knows and is working on it. #
- @Akhmin @thekevineva @BlakeDraco @Urtheart @philvgersims @TURBOXLR @Shadow5talker04 Thanks for the #tf2 fun all! #
- @Svend_SPOnG That too. #
- @Svend_SPOnG Life lesson: Never rip albums you aren't going to listen to over the next few days…,:-) #
- @UrthyBewbs Nah, sharp things aren't good for testing balls, they tend to miss & hit other vital areas instead. Use an aluminum bat instead. #
- @FlintyFoxy Nice! Only thing better is if it dispensed a Mountain Dew Code Red… #
- @Shadow5talker04 @TitansCreed @Urtheart @philvgersims @thekevineva @Akhmin @TURBOXLR Thanks for the tf2 fun! #
- @thekevineva Will do! ^_^ #
- @GavvieUK Nothing much, just adding some people on Steam. You? π #
- @UrthyBewbs I suggest Team Fortress 2 #
- @SonicTweaker Double Damn! I hate having to grocery shop and miss it… >.< #
- @SonicTweaker Aww… Was it on Skype Retro? #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-21
- @sonicyoda Some right-wing nut who also said the #rapture would happen in 1994 #
- #ff 1 Follow Friday Special this week to @SwiftKey – VIP Beta open today only. Go to http://t.co/qEtZpXz & signup using code #swiftkeyFRIDAY #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @GreenYoshi99 @IcemanEtika @m1kepro @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @RubyEclipse @SonicTweaker #
- Follow Friday Super Lottery time! Time to fire it up… (Interested on a follow friday chance, follow me) #ff #
- @RovioMobile While it's already available on PC via Intel AppUp, any chance for Angry Birds on Valve's Steam? It would be so cool if it was. #
- @Akhmin @philvgersims You and I both ^_^ in reply to MyllerSouza #
- @FlintyFoxy Not until they release Half-Life 2 Episode 3 first… #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-14
- Journal "Zen Riddles 1.1 -OR- Journal Posting To Explain The Lack Thereof…" on Inkbunny http://tinyurl.com/6gtoogj #
- #ff Winners 2.0: @m1ket @mattatobin @Shadow5talker04 @TURBOXLR @Urtheart @UrthyBewbs @Xial @YahtzeeCroshaw @foreversonic @Sega_SonicRadio #
- #ff winners: @Akhmin @cdrom1019 @Det_Conan_Kudo @Hawkz101 @Jayzeach @m1kepro @magferret @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @SonicTweaker @spexfox #
- Follow Friday Time! Let's get busy… #ff #
- @philvgersims Well that explains why my Denis Leary playleast cut out… #
- NYAN NYANED NYA 360.0 NYANS! http://t.co/0cEY95S via @nyannyancat #
- @SonicTweaker This is Microsoft, remember? Of course they're gonna cock it up… #
- @Xial This is why I pick what parts I want and THEN ask someone's opinion. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-07
- Loading KDE onto Ubuntu. Mark Shuttleworth and Unity need to be horsewhipped… #
- Bleh, I'm bored as hell #
- Another run with Ubuntu, yay! #
- @bradflick55 Congratulations! #
- Operation Mindfuck! http://t.co/wWRvMLR #
- Testing official Chinese WLM client, looks ok… #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-30
- #FF WINNERS: @Akhmin @Det_Conan_Kudo @Farrallth @philvgersims @roareyraccoon @ShaddixLCroft @SonadowOnline @SonicTweaker @spexfox @m1kepro #
- Time for a Follow Friday orgy! Stand by while I draw the names… #ff #
- @Dragoneer it's like the last days of Toonami with the robots on the break bumpers… #
- Disappointed this didn't get played at the #royalwedding http://t.co/XlpV9l7 #
- @thekevineva I thought you Brits banned vuvuzelas after you came back from the World Cup in South Africa? #
- #RoyalKiss courtesy of my TV tuner card… http://t.co/Al3DHdh http://t.co/OvBefbr #
- TSA Says Complaining About TSA Means You're a Terrorist… Time to destroy both parties and introduce new ones… http://t.co/GxHP5Ad #
- NVIDIA and @AndroidPolice are giving away a free XOOM Wi-Fi at http://bit.ly/ap-xoom. COME ON AND XOOM![/bad_pbs_joke]. Seriously, go for it #