- @ozymajere Well, it could be worse, man. You could be dealing with an area panicking over a few flakes mixed in with the cold-as-hell rain. in reply to ozymajere #
- @abc13weather Video of flurries just outside of Santa Fe, TX http://yfrog.us/j7sy4z #
- =?utf-8?b?QGFiYzEzd2VhdGhlciBmbHVycmllcyBvbiB2aWRlbyBmb3IgeW91?=
This is an MMS message. http://yfrog.us/j7sy4z # - The #TSS #Steam #Community … you'll never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy… [/badStarWarsRef] Still cool http://u.nu/2qa44 #
- My top 3 in my #TwitterCloud … sonic, paradise, and "facebook sucks" http://tweetcloud.icodeforlove.com/biafrarepublic/183960 #
- @m1ket …ok, who exactly are the blues? [/dumb_yankee_moment] in reply to m1ket #
- @SonicWrecks I object to that, the typical post-thanksgiving yank is no more than 6% cranberry, and 20% alcohol. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @aquadan88 Good luck, man! in reply to aquadan88 #
- @_TheDJ We know, we know, you <3 tumblr. Now enough already… 🙂 in reply to _TheDJ #
- @ozymajere Could be worse, they could have done Mamma Mia! in reply to ozymajere #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-29
- Damn, i hate being poor. Cant wait i 4 december 1st so i can buy Xmas presents and get that over with #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-29
- Damn, i hate being poor. Cant wait i 4 december 1st so i can buy Xmas presents and get that over with #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-22
- @philvgersims Sure beats having an argument with your mother on the medical benefits of marijuana #
- @Xial Aside from their interface looking like a blended mixture of moose-piss and sour chocolate milk, it's a fucking pain to use… #
- Oh, did I mention Facebook sucks? #
- @philvgersims Ah, the wonders of spell-check designed by #Microsoft in reply to philvgersims #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-22
- @philvgersims Sure beats having an argument with your mother on the medical benefits of marijuana #
- @Xial Aside from their interface looking like a blended mixture of moose-piss and sour chocolate milk, it's a fucking pain to use… #
- Oh, did I mention Facebook sucks? #
- @philvgersims Ah, the wonders of spell-check designed by #Microsoft in reply to philvgersims #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-14
- Mom goes in for preop Friday @ 3PM CST… Aside from #Project24 I have nothing to do. Damn! #
- @SonicWrecks NOOOOOO! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Tá vótáil i 2009 SSAs oscailte – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- Voting in the 2009 SSAs is open – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- @philvgersims It hasn't rained in 3 weeks. At least the weather is reasonable, as we're finally getting into the "not hot" season… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims please send some of that rain over here, we could seriously use a downpour… in reply to philvgersims #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-14
- Mom goes in for preop Friday @ 3PM CST… Aside from #Project24 I have nothing to do. Damn! #
- @SonicWrecks NOOOOOO! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Tá vótáil i 2009 SSAs oscailte – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- Voting in the 2009 SSAs is open – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- @philvgersims It hasn't rained in 3 weeks. At least the weather is reasonable, as we're finally getting into the "not hot" season… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims please send some of that rain over here, we could seriously use a downpour… in reply to philvgersims #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-14
- Mom goes in for preop Friday @ 3PM CST… Aside from #Project24 I have nothing to do. Damn! #
- @SonicWrecks NOOOOOO! WRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Tá vótáil i 2009 SSAs oscailte – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- Voting in the 2009 SSAs is open – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- @philvgersims It hasn't rained in 3 weeks. At least the weather is reasonable, as we're finally getting into the "not hot" season… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims please send some of that rain over here, we could seriously use a downpour… in reply to philvgersims #
Twits at Ten for 2009-11-05
- Tá vótáil i 2009 SSAs oscailte – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- Voting in the 2009 SSAs is open – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- @philvgersims It hasn't rained in 3 weeks. At least the weather is reasonable, as we're finally getting into the "not hot" season… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims please send some of that rain over here, we could seriously use a downpour… in reply to philvgersims #
- @Xial Happy Guavaween, man. (Just watch out for those syringe stabbers…) #
- @NomadHyena To Boredom, mother of jury-rigging… Also serves as an I'm following you tweet. Sad, eh? #
- Good news: Boondock Saints 2 comes out Fri.. Bad news: …only in 67 theaters, NONE OF WHICH ARE IN TX, OR ANYWHERE IN THE SOUTHEAST! FUCK!! #
- @aquadan88 Probably for the best, with all the #H1N1 crap around… in reply to aquadan88 #
- The Final Moments of Yahoo! GeoCities 1994-2009: http://bit.ly/1vwvO9 #
- Yet another episode tomorrow 6PM GMT/1PM CDT. Also more info on the vaunted #Project24 http://bit.ly/uUZ91 #
- Some geek humor. If you stare long enough, you'll get it: http://u.nu/7kvm3 #
- Just found out my mom has breast cancer. Thankfully it's caught early… I need a drink. u.u; #
- Live A/V Hijack Stream NOW: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- A/V Hijack will be on Noon CDT/6PM BST on SSR and via LiveStream: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- <object id="Player" width="400" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param… http://bit.ly/4qJ3EQ #
- Well, the US has made it to the 2010 World Cup as of Saturday. I had my funnel-cake tooth satisfied, and now… suggestions? #
- @ozymajere It's called capitalism. You might wanna point this out to #MichaelMoore in reply to ozymajere #
- @Urtheart Well, fans buy games. Win-win. #
- Welcome to the A/V Hijack Facebook Page. Yes, I have a facebook page for this abortion. Sad, huh? In any case, the… http://bit.ly/rgKjq #
- @SonicWrecks If you think that's amazing, Listen to Marilyn Manson do "This is Halloween"… in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @aquadan88 The US east coast is 5 hours behind of the UK in reply to aquadan88 #
- @ozymajere Saw this, thought of you: http://u.nu/4bub3 #
- @philvgersims If you're having problems with tea waking you up, try coffee. in reply to philvgersims #
- @ozymajere It means said person is going to reach into other person's anus and punch their face from the inside. Quite painful, actually… in reply to ozymajere #
- @fastfeetmedia It works very nicely, my #Logitech Marble Mouse trackball. Try it sometime 😉 in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @fastfeetmedia Try DJing with a trackball and a touchpad. that sucks ass… in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @ozymajere Could be worse. Vista laptop HDD has a head crash. in reply to ozymajere #
- @aquadan88 Heheheh…. XP… in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Go for it, man. #iATKOS in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Well, as far as apple is concerned, it's a Mac… <.< …. >.> in reply to aquadan88 #
- Ah, finally gots me #Twitterriffic on. Yayness! #
- I can't wait until next month when the US qualifies (and it will, believe me) #FIFA2010 #
- http://twitpic.com/hecrx – Moar Walmart Fail #
- RT @SonicWrecks #10For10 – Open Your Heart #
- @Urtheart You Realize of course that this meand war! #ProjectNeedlemouse in reply to Urtheart #
- RT @Xial: … I have f'n read it all. Smoking Smarties? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123750945477390601.html What the f? #
- @ozymajere The problem is you even touched facebook. now they'll make you pay no matter what is commented or in what manner… in reply to ozymajere #
- @philvgersims so is a fencing rapier. in reply to philvgersims #
- I spotted 230. #whatis230 #
- @Urtheart Be sure to use #Chirpr in reply to Urtheart #
- @m1ket Ok,… no more #BoyMeetsWorld for you 😛 in reply to m1ket #
- Here's the pix: http://twitpic.com/d3utu #
- Finally got my hair cut for the first time in 2.5 years. #
- Looks like it'll be (possibly broiled) T-bone for dinner tonight. Yum! #
- RT @TechCrunch FCC Takes On Apple And AT&T Over Google Voice Rejection http://tcrn.ch/25dr #
- It's fucking mosquito city out here… damn! #
- @philvgersims cool in reply to philvgersims #
- ok I'm in #
- @fastfeetmedia so, no skype allowed? in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @fastfeetmedia Ah what the hell, I got nothin better to do in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- RT: @dreadknux: TSS: Bentley Jones to Attend Summer of Sonic '09! – http://bit.ly/CX2pH #
- @sonickingdom Can I assume you won't be going to SOS09? in reply to sonickingdom #
- @ozymajere Oh, well that's expected. Failure is a fairly shaming thing 2 some cultures (e.g. China). That & something just don't feel right. in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere I've never seen a foxconn mobo get above 3/5 eggs on Newegg in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere So THAT explains why the iPhone is shit. They're contracting out to shitty old Foxconn… in reply to ozymajere #
- @philvgersims For the times when I don't either DJ or use Adobe CS4, I'd rather use an operating system without $50,000 of persuasion…… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims I would, but I'm using Linux right now, and I left a reboot to vista call for sunday night CDT in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims How 'bout an impromptu show on SSR? There's nothing on for 3.5 hours until Turbo Drive Live… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims Productivity is highly overrated, IMHO. in reply to philvgersims #
- @ozymajere To be fair, that busted phone IS a Motorola. #
- @aquadan88 this is why i dont deal with this shit, that and human cloning. #
- @aquadan88 same here. i hate having to compete with 80 people for 3 jobs at McDonalds. #
- @aquadan88 could be worse. you could be working at walmart. #
- @aquadan88 use a wide font or a high font-size. 1.5 pages fly by like that…… in reply to aquadan88 #
- @fastfeetmedia How 'bout a 1994 GMC Vandura. They can give a corolla a run for its $$$ mileagewise in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @ozymajere Then donate it to the needy (i.e.: me) in reply to ozymajere #
- @m1ket Dude, just lie.Or let me have it… in reply to m1ket #
- @ozymajere Not that it matters, though, Intel's GMA sucks ass… in reply to ozymajere #
- Time to start the A/V Hijack, people… #
- @EchoHawk QNAEH – Since my net is down, im asking you this: how do you kill time sans net access. #
- @Xial My stepdad's one of those… but in any case, the people following me were one of the Fred Phelps clone preachers. Yuck! in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Only thing worse than lawyers following ya is preachers (I ha d to block one of those recently) in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Quick, Block them! They might be debt-collecting lawyers. in reply to Xial #
- @SonicWrecks Welcome to being whipped. Population: You. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Maybe I should move to the UK. My sleep patterns seem to agree with being there… #
- @aquadan88 its ok. mine took 3 tries to pass this year… fix it up and try again. #
- Me so hungry… #
- @ozymajere And this is after their third album which had 1 good song followed by shit. #LinkinPark in reply to ozymajere #
- Flipping between rerun of Boston Legal and rerun of The Addams Family. #
- @SonicWrecks I know this is not the best thing to say, but you tweeted during a steamy scene in Boston Legal, so… LOL in reply to SonicWrecks #
- There are times I wish marijuana was legal… mornings are one of those times… #
- For those usin Windows Live Movie Maker Beta & wonder why it's expired, M$ forgot 2 go gold. Go here:http://bit.ly/2PfAYY #
- RT @sonicgames: Sonic City Blognik: Summer Of Sonic – T-Minus 46: Registration Details #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: SAGE Sneak Peak: "Sonic Attitude!" – http://bit.ly/M2MoQ #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: Nigel Kitching, Nigel Dobbyn Attending Summer of Sonic – http://bit.ly/WqpdC #
- @dreadknux Take your mind off of IPB3 and fix SSMB. The DB is borked again. #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: Senoue Working On Three New CD Projects – http://bit.ly/10nmUb #
- @Dartanian88 That's why the DJs have podcasts, Dart. in reply to Dartanian88 #
- RT @SonicWrecks: Sonic Wrecks Update: Summer of Sonic – New Logo Revealed: In his latest SoS related post Dre.. http://tinyurl.com/mnh45a #
- @roareyraccoon Great, now I'm hungry… u.u #
- @aquadan88 now you can has booze 😛 #
- @ozymajere Probably the same as Universal when it got bit©h-slapped by a tag team of Sony & Mr.Rogers http://bit.ly/ySGfJ in reply to ozymajere #
- Got a request for the next Audio Hijack? Send it to textbiafra -at- tprinteractive -dot- net #ssr #
- @fastfeetmedia Funny. 1-man rock band! in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- Someone please send me a wakeup msg at 10:30am CDT… #
- @SonicWrecks add 5mL bicarbonate of soda to 500mL water. Stir well and drink to settle stomach. #
- TSS IRC: irc://irc.surrealchat.net/sonicstadium #
- @SonicWrecks The masses want you to pay attention to the chat, AAUK in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Nah… just wear a cup. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Take a peek at the last will and testament of #MichaelJackson here: http://tinyurl.com/nhccvf #
- @Urtheart Make sure the laptop is an actual smoker and not just lighting up after sex… #
- RT Just entered to win a Palm Pre. Follow @whereitsat and ReTweet this message to enter. #
- Just entered to win a Palm Pre. Follow @whereitsat and ReTweet this message to enter. #
- @Xial I already have it deployed. So ba so good… in reply to Xial #
- @Xial I already have it deployed in reply to Xial #
- @dreadknux Happy B-day, Dreadley. #
- Another episode of Audio Hijack is up and podcasted as of yesterday. Get it on iTunes or other podcast player at http://tinyurl.com/qddq4s #
- caught Nurse Jackie again. sometimes you just gotta wonder about that chica… #showtime #nursejackie #
- @dreadknux TSSNET is borked again #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- Will someone please give SSR a swift kick? It's stuck on the Sonic Jam game manual theme! WTF!!! #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- @dreadknux … The time is 0101 BST. Time to give TSSNET a punt #
- R.I.P. Michael Jackson (1958-2009) & Farrah Fawcett (1947-2009) MORE INFO @ http://www.tmz.com/ #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: The Sonic Site Awards 2009 Begins! – http://bit.ly/1R6eV #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- Well, looks like #VirginMobileUS or #SprintNextel is throttling the shit out of #twitter. AGAIN! #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- @dreadknux That's about as likely to be as successful as division by zero. in reply to dreadknux #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- @Xial Or be a dad, and then settle down with a woman. Either way more power to ya man. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Perhaps she's more to be pitied than shamed. Probably has a disorder even… in reply to Xial #
- Ding dong the sonofabitch is dead! http://tinyurl.com/l8go4y #
- Need big band remix of Spring Yard Zone from Sonic 1. #
- @fastfeetmedia Welcome to Twitter, FFM. #Welcome #
- @dreadknux Hey Dreadley. Your site's conked out again. #
- *charges defibrilator paddles and shocks http://tinyurl.com/6ejgrs MySQL DB* CLEAR!!!!! #
- Life's Short. Freak out a missionary. #
- @ozymajere Guess they need to give Miss Cleo a run for her money… in reply to ozymajere #
- @SonicWrecks Doubtful. Unless killing swine flu means killing swine like the Egyptians… in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Who's Shami Chakrabarti? in reply to SonicWrecks #
- RT @dreadknux: Summer of Sonic 2009 taking place at The Boiler House, Truman Brewery http://bit.ly/bxDn3 #
- @Urtheart Hang in there. I've been out of work almost six months. You'll find something better than retail. in reply to Urtheart #
- @SonicWrecks Good to know you're not whipped yet. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Nah. Reggie is so '1992'. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- RT @SonicWrecks: Sonic Wrecks Update: Sonic Legacy Project Update – 14/6/09: Urgh, don't even start on where'.. http://tinyurl.com/nk3bst #
- @Xial One of my uncles asked me that question. Without waiting for an answer, he said, "The CIA, that's who." He died in the mental ward. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Well in any case, don't forget both the –with-imap and –with-imap-ssl tags (I need those for my post by email plugin for WP) in reply to Xial #
- @Xial ah.. that'll explain it… in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Just what is orbit (aside from chewing gum) BTW in reply to Xial #
- @Xial hmmm in reply to Xial #
- @Xial I thought Prime was still using PHP4.x? in reply to Xial #
- @roareyraccoon Welcome to #Twitter #
- @chirpr Does 0.5-pre address the twitpocalypse? #
- Looks like Trillian Astra put out a patch for the twitpocalypse bug. #twitpocalypse #trillian #astra #
- Ok… now waiting for RMA# from EVGA regarding #nVidia video card #
- @dreadknux Will someone please give TSSNET's database server a swift kick? #
- Damn nVidia video card (likely) died. Anyone got a spare or something? #
- Got IPv6? Go here: http://2001:1938:80:cc::2/phpinfo.php #
- @Xial Traditionally, a cigarette is offered, but you could use any smokable form of tobacco. #
- @Xial Just make sure you offer your bank account a smoke afterwards. #
- @Xial Relax. A little narcissism is a good thing. #
- @Xial Not really a coincidence in small cities, a big yes in larger cities. #
- @ozymajere How bout blocking iPhone from anything non-Apple except iTunes for Windows? Seems logical #
- @ozymajere Live action Dragonball movie… I thought that would have been obvious. #
- @Xial That'll ruin someone's day in reply to Xial #
- @Xial How about hosted Blogger? in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Because youre gonna need it to alleviate the pain if you use habaneros. They are the hottest. #
- @Xial Diabeetus aside, dont forget the MD 40/40 #
- @ozymajere. Insanity being one of them, of course. #
- Boredom sucks ass #
- @dreadknux Just don't work for ASDA in reply to dreadknux #
- @ozymajere If they meant it to work that way, then that would defeat the purpose of having directions saying burn the ISO to DVD. Silly… in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere Quite easy. How else is FedEX going to justify the higher shipping prices? in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere Memphis, TN is the main hub for UPS and FedEx. #
- @ozymajere Simple. You're using FedEx. Next time use UPS. in reply to ozymajere #
- Finished watching A Scanner Darkly. One of the most f#@&ed up and most beautifully done movies ever. #movies #dvd #weird #
- @dreadknux try disabling them. #
- http://twitpic.com/5i0i0 – My rig #
- @ozymajere I dunno, maybe Joe Biden launching a coup? in reply to ozymajere #
- Boredom. It's a beautiful thing…. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! #
- Trillian Astra Test Tweet. If this works, byebye, Chirpr #
- @Xial Here here! #
- @Xial Theyre both controlled by the same companies. #
- @Xial Then who would rate the movies? #
- http://twitpic.com/4aafk – Swine Flu immunity #
- @ozymajere Hey, I keep tazing these right-wing fucks, but they seem to get off on it or something. #
- @HoustonPress To use a quote from "Diamonds Are Forever": Right idea, wrong pussy. in reply to HoustonPress #
- @ozymajere Heh. For me, an accident would be a highlight in my day… #
- http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Pig <– I'm sorry about this, but LOL #
- @ozymajere Apparently Twittux oversized your icon… #
- Attention Virgin Mobile USA customers: Opera Mini now available for FREE. (Data pack needed to surf the net using Opera Mini) #
- @Xial … try sending the picture of the road intentionally. It might send the picture of the dinner plate… #
- @Xial … Ok, I'm stumped, what's the difference? in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Ah… so THAT explains the long winding road… in reply to Xial #
- Damn. Power outage. XO #
Twits at Ten for 2009-11-05
- Tá vótáil i 2009 SSAs oscailte – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- Voting in the 2009 SSAs is open – http://u.nu/9dmr3 #
- @philvgersims It hasn't rained in 3 weeks. At least the weather is reasonable, as we're finally getting into the "not hot" season… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims please send some of that rain over here, we could seriously use a downpour… in reply to philvgersims #
- @Xial Happy Guavaween, man. (Just watch out for those syringe stabbers…) #
- @NomadHyena To Boredom, mother of jury-rigging… Also serves as an I'm following you tweet. Sad, eh? #
- Good news: Boondock Saints 2 comes out Fri.. Bad news: …only in 67 theaters, NONE OF WHICH ARE IN TX, OR ANYWHERE IN THE SOUTHEAST! FUCK!! #
- @aquadan88 Probably for the best, with all the #H1N1 crap around… in reply to aquadan88 #
- The Final Moments of Yahoo! GeoCities 1994-2009: http://bit.ly/1vwvO9 #
- Yet another episode tomorrow 6PM GMT/1PM CDT. Also more info on the vaunted #Project24 http://bit.ly/uUZ91 #
- Some geek humor. If you stare long enough, you'll get it: http://u.nu/7kvm3 #
- Just found out my mom has breast cancer. Thankfully it's caught early… I need a drink. u.u; #
- Live A/V Hijack Stream NOW: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- A/V Hijack will be on Noon CDT/6PM BST on SSR and via LiveStream: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- <object id="Player" width="400" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param… http://bit.ly/4qJ3EQ #
- Well, the US has made it to the 2010 World Cup as of Saturday. I had my funnel-cake tooth satisfied, and now… suggestions? #
- @ozymajere It's called capitalism. You might wanna point this out to #MichaelMoore in reply to ozymajere #
- @Urtheart Well, fans buy games. Win-win. #
- Welcome to the A/V Hijack Facebook Page. Yes, I have a facebook page for this abortion. Sad, huh? In any case, the… http://bit.ly/rgKjq #
- @SonicWrecks If you think that's amazing, Listen to Marilyn Manson do "This is Halloween"… in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @aquadan88 The US east coast is 5 hours behind of the UK in reply to aquadan88 #
- @ozymajere Saw this, thought of you: http://u.nu/4bub3 #
- @philvgersims If you're having problems with tea waking you up, try coffee. in reply to philvgersims #
- @ozymajere It means said person is going to reach into other person's anus and punch their face from the inside. Quite painful, actually… in reply to ozymajere #
- @fastfeetmedia It works very nicely, my #Logitech Marble Mouse trackball. Try it sometime 😉 in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @fastfeetmedia Try DJing with a trackball and a touchpad. that sucks ass… in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @ozymajere Could be worse. Vista laptop HDD has a head crash. in reply to ozymajere #
- @aquadan88 Heheheh…. XP… in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Go for it, man. #iATKOS in reply to aquadan88 #
- @aquadan88 Well, as far as apple is concerned, it's a Mac… <.< …. >.> in reply to aquadan88 #
- Ah, finally gots me #Twitterriffic on. Yayness! #
- I can't wait until next month when the US qualifies (and it will, believe me) #FIFA2010 #
- http://twitpic.com/hecrx – Moar Walmart Fail #
- RT @SonicWrecks #10For10 – Open Your Heart #
- @Urtheart You Realize of course that this meand war! #ProjectNeedlemouse in reply to Urtheart #
- RT @Xial: … I have f'n read it all. Smoking Smarties? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123750945477390601.html What the f? #
- @ozymajere The problem is you even touched facebook. now they'll make you pay no matter what is commented or in what manner… in reply to ozymajere #
- @philvgersims so is a fencing rapier. in reply to philvgersims #
- I spotted 230. #whatis230 #
- @Urtheart Be sure to use #Chirpr in reply to Urtheart #
- @m1ket Ok,… no more #BoyMeetsWorld for you 😛 in reply to m1ket #
- Here's the pix: http://twitpic.com/d3utu #
- Finally got my hair cut for the first time in 2.5 years. #
- Looks like it'll be (possibly broiled) T-bone for dinner tonight. Yum! #
- RT @TechCrunch FCC Takes On Apple And AT&T Over Google Voice Rejection http://tcrn.ch/25dr #
- It's fucking mosquito city out here… damn! #
- @philvgersims cool in reply to philvgersims #
- ok I'm in #
- @fastfeetmedia so, no skype allowed? in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @fastfeetmedia Ah what the hell, I got nothin better to do in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- RT: @dreadknux: TSS: Bentley Jones to Attend Summer of Sonic '09! – http://bit.ly/CX2pH #
- @sonickingdom Can I assume you won't be going to SOS09? in reply to sonickingdom #
- @ozymajere Oh, well that's expected. Failure is a fairly shaming thing 2 some cultures (e.g. China). That & something just don't feel right. in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere I've never seen a foxconn mobo get above 3/5 eggs on Newegg in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere So THAT explains why the iPhone is shit. They're contracting out to shitty old Foxconn… in reply to ozymajere #
- @philvgersims For the times when I don't either DJ or use Adobe CS4, I'd rather use an operating system without $50,000 of persuasion…… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims I would, but I'm using Linux right now, and I left a reboot to vista call for sunday night CDT in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims How 'bout an impromptu show on SSR? There's nothing on for 3.5 hours until Turbo Drive Live… in reply to philvgersims #
- @philvgersims Productivity is highly overrated, IMHO. in reply to philvgersims #
- @ozymajere To be fair, that busted phone IS a Motorola. #
- @aquadan88 this is why i dont deal with this shit, that and human cloning. #
- @aquadan88 same here. i hate having to compete with 80 people for 3 jobs at McDonalds. #
- @aquadan88 could be worse. you could be working at walmart. #
- @aquadan88 use a wide font or a high font-size. 1.5 pages fly by like that…… in reply to aquadan88 #
- @fastfeetmedia How 'bout a 1994 GMC Vandura. They can give a corolla a run for its $$$ mileagewise in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- @ozymajere Then donate it to the needy (i.e.: me) in reply to ozymajere #
- @m1ket Dude, just lie.Or let me have it… in reply to m1ket #
- @ozymajere Not that it matters, though, Intel's GMA sucks ass… in reply to ozymajere #
- Time to start the A/V Hijack, people… #
- @EchoHawk QNAEH – Since my net is down, im asking you this: how do you kill time sans net access. #
- @Xial My stepdad's one of those… but in any case, the people following me were one of the Fred Phelps clone preachers. Yuck! in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Only thing worse than lawyers following ya is preachers (I ha d to block one of those recently) in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Quick, Block them! They might be debt-collecting lawyers. in reply to Xial #
- @SonicWrecks Welcome to being whipped. Population: You. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Maybe I should move to the UK. My sleep patterns seem to agree with being there… #
- @aquadan88 its ok. mine took 3 tries to pass this year… fix it up and try again. #
- Me so hungry… #
- @ozymajere And this is after their third album which had 1 good song followed by shit. #LinkinPark in reply to ozymajere #
- Flipping between rerun of Boston Legal and rerun of The Addams Family. #
- @SonicWrecks I know this is not the best thing to say, but you tweeted during a steamy scene in Boston Legal, so… LOL in reply to SonicWrecks #
- There are times I wish marijuana was legal… mornings are one of those times… #
- For those usin Windows Live Movie Maker Beta & wonder why it's expired, M$ forgot 2 go gold. Go here:http://bit.ly/2PfAYY #
- RT @sonicgames: Sonic City Blognik: Summer Of Sonic – T-Minus 46: Registration Details #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: SAGE Sneak Peak: "Sonic Attitude!" – http://bit.ly/M2MoQ #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: Nigel Kitching, Nigel Dobbyn Attending Summer of Sonic – http://bit.ly/WqpdC #
- @dreadknux Take your mind off of IPB3 and fix SSMB. The DB is borked again. #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: Senoue Working On Three New CD Projects – http://bit.ly/10nmUb #
- @Dartanian88 That's why the DJs have podcasts, Dart. in reply to Dartanian88 #
- RT @SonicWrecks: Sonic Wrecks Update: Summer of Sonic – New Logo Revealed: In his latest SoS related post Dre.. http://tinyurl.com/mnh45a #
- @roareyraccoon Great, now I'm hungry… u.u #
- @aquadan88 now you can has booze 😛 #
- @ozymajere Probably the same as Universal when it got bit©h-slapped by a tag team of Sony & Mr.Rogers http://bit.ly/ySGfJ in reply to ozymajere #
- Got a request for the next Audio Hijack? Send it to textbiafra -at- tprinteractive -dot- net #ssr #
- @fastfeetmedia Funny. 1-man rock band! in reply to fastfeetmedia #
- Someone please send me a wakeup msg at 10:30am CDT… #
- @SonicWrecks add 5mL bicarbonate of soda to 500mL water. Stir well and drink to settle stomach. #
- TSS IRC: irc://irc.surrealchat.net/sonicstadium #
- @SonicWrecks The masses want you to pay attention to the chat, AAUK in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Nah… just wear a cup. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- Take a peek at the last will and testament of #MichaelJackson here: http://tinyurl.com/nhccvf #
- @Urtheart Make sure the laptop is an actual smoker and not just lighting up after sex… #
- RT Just entered to win a Palm Pre. Follow @whereitsat and ReTweet this message to enter. #
- Just entered to win a Palm Pre. Follow @whereitsat and ReTweet this message to enter. #
- @Xial I already have it deployed. So ba so good… in reply to Xial #
- @Xial I already have it deployed in reply to Xial #
- @dreadknux Happy B-day, Dreadley. #
- Another episode of Audio Hijack is up and podcasted as of yesterday. Get it on iTunes or other podcast player at http://tinyurl.com/qddq4s #
- caught Nurse Jackie again. sometimes you just gotta wonder about that chica… #showtime #nursejackie #
- @dreadknux TSSNET is borked again #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- Will someone please give SSR a swift kick? It's stuck on the Sonic Jam game manual theme! WTF!!! #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- @dreadknux … The time is 0101 BST. Time to give TSSNET a punt #
- R.I.P. Michael Jackson (1958-2009) & Farrah Fawcett (1947-2009) MORE INFO @ http://www.tmz.com/ #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- RT @dreadknux: TSS: The Sonic Site Awards 2009 Begins! – http://bit.ly/1R6eV #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- Well, looks like #VirginMobileUS or #SprintNextel is throttling the shit out of #twitter. AGAIN! #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- @dreadknux That's about as likely to be as successful as division by zero. in reply to dreadknux #
- @dreadknux Whatever works #
- @Xial Or be a dad, and then settle down with a woman. Either way more power to ya man. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Perhaps she's more to be pitied than shamed. Probably has a disorder even… in reply to Xial #
- Ding dong the sonofabitch is dead! http://tinyurl.com/l8go4y #
- Need big band remix of Spring Yard Zone from Sonic 1. #
- @fastfeetmedia Welcome to Twitter, FFM. #Welcome #
- @dreadknux Hey Dreadley. Your site's conked out again. #
- *charges defibrilator paddles and shocks http://tinyurl.com/6ejgrs MySQL DB* CLEAR!!!!! #
- Life's Short. Freak out a missionary. #
- @ozymajere Guess they need to give Miss Cleo a run for her money… in reply to ozymajere #
- @SonicWrecks Doubtful. Unless killing swine flu means killing swine like the Egyptians… in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Who's Shami Chakrabarti? in reply to SonicWrecks #
- RT @dreadknux: Summer of Sonic 2009 taking place at The Boiler House, Truman Brewery http://bit.ly/bxDn3 #
- @Urtheart Hang in there. I've been out of work almost six months. You'll find something better than retail. in reply to Urtheart #
- @SonicWrecks Good to know you're not whipped yet. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- @SonicWrecks Nah. Reggie is so '1992'. in reply to SonicWrecks #
- RT @SonicWrecks: Sonic Wrecks Update: Sonic Legacy Project Update – 14/6/09: Urgh, don't even start on where'.. http://tinyurl.com/nk3bst #
- @Xial One of my uncles asked me that question. Without waiting for an answer, he said, "The CIA, that's who." He died in the mental ward. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Well in any case, don't forget both the –with-imap and –with-imap-ssl tags (I need those for my post by email plugin for WP) in reply to Xial #
- @Xial ah.. that'll explain it… in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Just what is orbit (aside from chewing gum) BTW in reply to Xial #
- @Xial hmmm in reply to Xial #
- @Xial I thought Prime was still using PHP4.x? in reply to Xial #
- @roareyraccoon Welcome to #Twitter #
- @chirpr Does 0.5-pre address the twitpocalypse? #
- Looks like Trillian Astra put out a patch for the twitpocalypse bug. #twitpocalypse #trillian #astra #
- Ok… now waiting for RMA# from EVGA regarding #nVidia video card #
- @dreadknux Will someone please give TSSNET's database server a swift kick? #
- Damn nVidia video card (likely) died. Anyone got a spare or something? #
- Got IPv6? Go here: http://2001:1938:80:cc::2/phpinfo.php #
- @Xial Traditionally, a cigarette is offered, but you could use any smokable form of tobacco. #
- @Xial Just make sure you offer your bank account a smoke afterwards. #
- @Xial Relax. A little narcissism is a good thing. #
- @Xial Not really a coincidence in small cities, a big yes in larger cities. #
- @ozymajere How bout blocking iPhone from anything non-Apple except iTunes for Windows? Seems logical #
- @ozymajere Live action Dragonball movie… I thought that would have been obvious. #
- @Xial That'll ruin someone's day in reply to Xial #
- @Xial How about hosted Blogger? in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Because youre gonna need it to alleviate the pain if you use habaneros. They are the hottest. #
- @Xial Diabeetus aside, dont forget the MD 40/40 #
- @ozymajere. Insanity being one of them, of course. #
- Boredom sucks ass #
- @dreadknux Just don't work for ASDA in reply to dreadknux #
- @ozymajere If they meant it to work that way, then that would defeat the purpose of having directions saying burn the ISO to DVD. Silly… in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere Quite easy. How else is FedEX going to justify the higher shipping prices? in reply to ozymajere #
- @ozymajere Memphis, TN is the main hub for UPS and FedEx. #
- @ozymajere Simple. You're using FedEx. Next time use UPS. in reply to ozymajere #
- Finished watching A Scanner Darkly. One of the most f#@&ed up and most beautifully done movies ever. #movies #dvd #weird #
- @dreadknux try disabling them. #
- http://twitpic.com/5i0i0 – My rig #
- @ozymajere I dunno, maybe Joe Biden launching a coup? in reply to ozymajere #
- Boredom. It's a beautiful thing…. NOT!!!!!!!!!!!! #
- Trillian Astra Test Tweet. If this works, byebye, Chirpr #
- @Xial Here here! #
- @Xial Theyre both controlled by the same companies. #
- @Xial Then who would rate the movies? #
- http://twitpic.com/4aafk – Swine Flu immunity #
- @ozymajere Hey, I keep tazing these right-wing fucks, but they seem to get off on it or something. #
- @HoustonPress To use a quote from "Diamonds Are Forever": Right idea, wrong pussy. in reply to HoustonPress #
- @ozymajere Heh. For me, an accident would be a highlight in my day… #
- http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/Pig <– I'm sorry about this, but LOL #
- @ozymajere Apparently Twittux oversized your icon… #
- Attention Virgin Mobile USA customers: Opera Mini now available for FREE. (Data pack needed to surf the net using Opera Mini) #
- @Xial … try sending the picture of the road intentionally. It might send the picture of the dinner plate… #
- @Xial … Ok, I'm stumped, what's the difference? in reply to Xial #
- @Xial Ah… so THAT explains the long winding road… in reply to Xial #
- Damn. Power outage. XO #