- Good news: Boondock Saints 2 comes out Fri.. Bad news: …only in 67 theaters, NONE OF WHICH ARE IN TX, OR ANYWHERE IN THE SOUTHEAST! FUCK!! #
- The Final Moments of Yahoo! GeoCities 1994-2009: http://bit.ly/1vwvO9 #
- Yet another episode tomorrow 6PM GMT/1PM CDT. Also more info on the vaunted #Project24 http://bit.ly/uUZ91 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-01
- Good news: Boondock Saints 2 comes out Fri.. Bad news: …only in 67 theaters, NONE OF WHICH ARE IN TX, OR ANYWHERE IN THE SOUTHEAST! FUCK!! #
- The Final Moments of Yahoo! GeoCities 1994-2009: http://bit.ly/1vwvO9 #
- Yet another episode tomorrow 6PM GMT/1PM CDT. Also more info on the vaunted #Project24 http://bit.ly/uUZ91 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-25
- Some geek humor. If you stare long enough, you'll get it: http://u.nu/7kvm3 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-25
- Some geek humor. If you stare long enough, you'll get it: http://u.nu/7kvm3 #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-24
- Just found out my mom has breast cancer. Thankfully it's caught early… I need a drink. u.u; #
- Live A/V Hijack Stream NOW: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- A/V Hijack will be on Noon CDT/6PM BST on SSR and via LiveStream: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- <object id="Player" width="400" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param… http://bit.ly/4qJ3EQ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-24
- Just found out my mom has breast cancer. Thankfully it's caught early… I need a drink. u.u; #
- Live A/V Hijack Stream NOW: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- A/V Hijack will be on Noon CDT/6PM BST on SSR and via LiveStream: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- <object id="Player" width="400" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param… http://bit.ly/4qJ3EQ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-10-24
- Just found out my mom has breast cancer. Thankfully it's caught early… I need a drink. u.u; #
- Live A/V Hijack Stream NOW: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- A/V Hijack will be on Noon CDT/6PM BST on SSR and via LiveStream: http://www.livestream.com/avhijack #
- <object id="Player" width="400" height="400" classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"><param… http://bit.ly/4qJ3EQ #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-17
- RT @Xial: … I have f'n read it all. Smoking Smarties? http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123750945477390601.html What the f? #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-08
- I spotted 230. #whatis230 #
- Here's the pix: http://twitpic.com/d3utu #
- Finally got my hair cut for the first time in 2.5 years. #
- Looks like it'll be (possibly broiled) T-bone for dinner tonight. Yum! #
- RT @TechCrunch FCC Takes On Apple And AT&T Over Google Voice Rejection http://tcrn.ch/25dr #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-08-08
- I spotted 230. #whatis230 #
- Here's the pix: http://twitpic.com/d3utu #
- Finally got my hair cut for the first time in 2.5 years. #
- Looks like it'll be (possibly broiled) T-bone for dinner tonight. Yum! #
- RT @TechCrunch FCC Takes On Apple And AT&T Over Google Voice Rejection http://tcrn.ch/25dr #