- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 04.May.2019 – 10.May.2019" https://t.co/7JLKJ7Helw ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf https://t.co/DqoLYWVIXU in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Garak: Nun, liebe Kinder, gebt fein Acht. Ich habe euch etwas mitgebracht *smiles* in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Some form of Orion Syndicate manufactured blend. I'm unable to determine which without a sample of… https://t.co/lMcABAVaVE in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
Twiter Weekly Update 04.May.2019 – 10.May.2019
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 27.Apr.2019 – 03.May.2019" https://t.co/gZ53fCLY9Q ->
- @Doctor_Otter @LupineAssassin It's been almost 4 hours and it hasn't gone down. in reply to Doctor_Otter ->
- RT @Doctor_Otter: Reply to this tweet and I'll give you an unprofessional diagnosis https://t.co/PYTLEQon5l ->
- You escape a crumbling palace after killing the king and his magician floozy and create a republic named after your… https://t.co/FWFu0cyipc ->
- 1999-2001 Leather-clad squirrel warrior
2001-2007 Goth fox computer hacker
2007-present Black clothed nine-tailed k… https://t.co/jss6GV5wt2 -> - RT @TheDemCoalition: Whatever you do don’t retweet this video @TheDemCoalition found of Don Jr saying he’s “been to Russia many times” & he… ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf We do not speak of that. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- #DearMeTenYearsAgo
Give your mom and stepdad a hug and spend more time with them. He's going to die in August from… https://t.co/w2zWPItZPh ->
Twiter Weekly Update 27.Apr.2019 – 03.May.2019
- @ValorB It's a new car thing. When I first got my Nissan Versa Note, the carrier I had on my old car wanted 480/mo.… https://t.co/lo6cP74YFV in reply to ValorB ->
- Wot? Biafra has a Patreon account AND a Patreon page?
What is the world coming to?
In all seriousness, please vis… https://t.co/S4nshwldWB ->
- @ValorB This is why I a.) shop around and b.) use an independent insurance agent in reply to ValorB ->
- More Haley belly rubs #NewPuppy https://t.co/NpFWORIfHv ->
- @TURBOXLR Sorry for your loss, T. in reply to TURBOXLR ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 20.Apr.2019 – 26.Apr.2019" https://t.co/atYes9RiCB ->
- @JohnOberg Because we are not in an apocalyptic crisis.
Please see the chart below:
- @SEGAbits I love Jim Carrey's work, all the way back to In Living Color.
I am, however, not impressed with the shot of him as Eggman. in reply to SEGAbits ->
- #AmericanDad is a TBS Original Series in the same way Donald Trump is well-hung. ->
- Tbh, cocaine is far more likely. https://t.co/5v93iwjK7D ->
- @sonicremix Nothing a few dozen shots of tequila won't fix. in reply to sonicremix ->
- Finally got the courage to watch the Sonic movie trailer.
I am still not enthused. Jim is solidly in his "In Livin… https://t.co/T3lAjywSYV ->
- Still not sold on the film effects or the Sonic model either, tbh.
Also one teeny tiny little horrendously huge pl… https://t.co/QdQoAVWnz7 in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Paramount have still not sold me on this, unfortunately.
I have no plans on seeing it until it comes out on VOD. T… https://t.co/NFEY33DuAs in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @JohnnDraws: Who did it better? Like for Sonic, Retweet for Pikachu (trying to prove a point to someone) https://t.co/l9X5ti7RT3 ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: how bout no https://t.co/KPxe5HzK2S ->
- @GenMillsCereal How about #WhenItComesOutOnVOD ? in reply to GenMillsCereal ->
Twiter Weekly Update 20.Apr.2019 – 26.Apr.2019
- Haley sandwich #cute #NewPuppy https://t.co/y2qE1YcXKm ->
- @ROSCALION420 He accused me of shit that happened when I was moving from one state to another. in reply to ROSCALION420 ->
- Who was your first crush? — A classmate in middle school. We drifted apart after we were bused to different schools… https://t.co/QgvYISxbdG ->
- Ask me anything! https://t.co/dLoKd7Oy7F ->
- @ROSCALION420 If there are, I would assume they are either few and far between, or so enamored by Simba they are wi… https://t.co/YB8JfZR1mA in reply to ROSCALION420 ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 13.Apr.2019 – 19.Apr.2019" https://t.co/R1sIz8Ycxs ->
- RT @ROSCALION420: @furryvalley Retweet this shit if you agree with these hashtags.
- @Mendinso @BigOnAnime Yes, it is problematic.
No, nothing will be done to address it aside from either
a.) Creati… https://t.co/odtwZvmlNv in reply to Mendinso ->
- 5 jobs I had:
– Work from home customer support agent
– Shift Lead at a Papa John's
– Linux System Administrator
-… https://t.co/JzyvozM4nG -> - Got Haley right where I want her. #NewPuppy https://t.co/EWsyFwd3Ph ->
Twiter Weekly Update 13.Apr.2019 – 19.Apr.2019
- @Snow_Blue_Husky @bryangullickson @Dragon_Smoocher I can attest to that as an ex-admin in charge of one of the game… https://t.co/EAor30A3fh in reply to Snow_Blue_Husky ->
- @ROSCALION420 Fortunately this is an exception to the rule. in reply to ROSCALION420 ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf A wise decision. May you have extra shrimp in your Pad Thai. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 06.Apr.2019 – 12.Apr.2019" https://t.co/GmHr9TvGgg ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf I agree with the sentiments about TNG in that comic, and I detest the Kelvin timeline films.
I am,… https://t.co/m2hbsDmsz3 in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @TURBOXLR @DDPYoga You should have waited to spend the cash.
Handbrake can convert the five videos together into a… https://t.co/Uef82KZGzn in reply to TURBOXLR -> - @TURBOXLR @DDPYoga https://t.co/3xGCJPhx9b is their website. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @puma_legal I am not surprised this happened in Alberta. Disappointed, yes, but not surprised.
The Alberta NDP, fo… https://t.co/S439eYDrer in reply to puma_legal ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/teHYzIMbyT ->
- @PG_kamiya あなたが英語でツイートしたので、これはあなたが今自分自身をブロックしなければならないことを意味しますか? in reply to PG_kamiya ->
- RT @_w0xy: Don't forget to tip your server https://t.co/snedgFv3G0 ->
- What do me and @TURBOXLR have in common?
We both got blocked by this turd https://t.co/QfrvZnzaFC ->
- In my case, I called him out for old-style retweeting someone in English in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @TURBOXLR I am not bitter at all.
I do, however, believe hypocrisy is like a really rancid fart: It should be poin… https://t.co/JDHb3sI3Vu in reply to TURBOXLR ->
- @Rosie I approve the sentiment.
The image seems a bit plain though, Rosie. in reply to Rosie ->
- @silverwuffamute A large calzone. in reply to silverwuffamute ->
- RT @MSI__UK: Anyone wants some PCs?:p
Like and RT if you do!:D https://t.co/lWACAkJ7bG -> - As an ex-admin, I'm not surprised that this @AnthroLodge fuck is a front for that chickenshit Simba to hide behind.… https://t.co/JABJe1GmPs ->
- @ArtyAnthemFox Still best to block them just to be safe. in reply to ArtyAnthemFox ->
- @ROSCALION420 Lucky you. in reply to ROSCALION420 ->
- A New Arrival has arrived. #NewPuppy https://t.co/B0xkPcC32N ->
- Disappointed with @Nintendo @NintendoAmerica @NintendoEurope
Not surprised though, considering their history of c… https://t.co/za7ZpLleFL ->
- #NewPuppy Haley is pooped out. #cute https://t.co/Ra2GyaeKex ->
Twiter Weekly Update 06.Apr.2019 – 12.Apr.2019
- @LittleOthinus https://t.co/E67PS077VU in reply to LittleOthinus ->
- @PG_kamiya ああ、あなたはまた勝ちます。なんて素敵ですか。 in reply to PG_kamiya ->
- Yesterday @dogbomb1 left us w/ dignity.
Today the world is a bit poorer place.
Tomorrow things'll get better, for s… https://t.co/OtUKLE7KRr -> - If you want to read more about @dogbomb1 and his fight against ALS, his Twitter is still up.
If you want to donate… https://t.co/3wsxwEvGrx ->
- If you are still unable to donate to the @alsassociation in memory of @dogbomb1 due to site issues, there is good n… https://t.co/FGU3auD7N5 in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- To donate to @alsassociation via @humble in honor of ?? …
1.) Click here to change your charity setting to the A… https://t.co/Ng9wVzEERX in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @TESOnline Aiding Vivec in saving Vvardenfell from the clutches of Clavicus Vile in reply to TESOnline ->
- Agreed.
There are better ways to spend $20+ https://t.co/1MVaLlA5Io ->
- RT @SYNCHROSONlC: Please for the love of god, don't go see the Sonic movie out of ironic enjoyment or just to trash it. Especially non-Soni… ->
- RT @8bitpimp: A thousand RTs and I’ll make a fighting game with each can as a separate character https://t.co/u5c4ofQfOs ->
- Well, the foxboy got himself trimmed up this week. https://t.co/SKylVdPRon ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 30.Mar.2019 – 05.Apr.2019" https://t.co/ELJAhfzqZU ->
- @KabbaBlahBlah August 2004, about a year or so before coming out as gay to my mom and stepdad. in reply to KabbaBlahBlah ->
- @PG_kamiya 「おはようございます」は私の母国語の矛盾です。朝について「良い」ことは何もありません。 in reply to PG_kamiya ->
- @philvgersims Shall I have @ValorB break out the tequila? in reply to philvgersims ->
- I left my #WrestleMania predictions with you all. So far I am matching you lot. https://t.co/poge5D6ZDB ->
- Here are my #Wrestlemania predictions, to compare with those of @facesinperil
Read: https://t.co/gBR2wV3o8E ->
- @facesinperil So far, I called Tony Nese to win (1-0)
But I also called Nikki Cross to win the #WrestleMania Women's Battle Royal (1-1) in reply to biafrarepublic -> - Ryder and Hawkins defeat The Revival (1-2) #Wrestlemania in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- And the Hardy's both get eliminated by Brawn Strowman (1-3) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- SETH ROLLINS WINS! (2-3) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Styles defeats Orton (2-4) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Not only did The Usos retain (2-5), Shane pulled off some BS. (2-6) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- IICONICS WIN (3-6) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- KOFI DID IT! (4-6)
Also, suck it .@peta your belt is gone to the dustbin instead. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Well, That ended quickly. (4-7) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Roman Reigns won. (5-7) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Trips won (6-7)
Corbin beat Angle who went out with class (6-8)
Balor beat Lashley (6-9)
And Lynch won it all (6-10) in reply to biafrarepublic -> - That was fun. But now, bed. ->
- @Mendinso Because Japan
No other explanation is needed. in reply to Mendinso ->
- RT @TraaaashPanda: Most know that furries have a huge percentage that a part of the LGBT+ community.
I'm curious on how that looks in perce… -> - @TraaaashPanda Fly over to the UK and surprise @TURBOXLR @thekevineva and maybe @SvendJoscelyne if he isn't too busy. in reply to TraaaashPanda ->
- Signal booster, ENGAGE https://t.co/DsK5BKTgSx ->
- RT @LynxDarkwynd: I usually don't post these kinds of things, but today my car broke down and I just can't justify putting more money into… ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Any and all Christian music
Most country music
Anything by Nickelback or P.O.D. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf -> - @TheCoffeeSnolf Oh, and Rush Limbaugh. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Benjamin Netanyahu nukes Tehran in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @PG_kamiya ええと、こんにちは in reply to PG_kamiya ->
- @DarkOverord I get many variants of those:
The "I have a copy of your browsing history; wow you are a sicko"
The "… https://t.co/hA3ULF6MtM in reply to DarkOverord -> - @SteelClaw_Fox The USPS tracker has only a casual relationship with logic.
I once had a package fly from the UK, t… https://t.co/STyB9gApRi in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- @DoctorAllanGrey @DarkOverord This is yet another reason why I haven't used Firefox in 8 years. in reply to DoctorAllanGrey ->
- F*CK YES! https://t.co/v23YT71svK ->
- RT @aBritishfox: Sorry for the delay! Part 3 is up! He's still growing! 87 metres! Goodness me he's a big lad!
I've probably gone insane he… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 30.Mar.2019 – 05.Apr.2019
- @spexfox Only for Monte Cristo and Reuben Sandwiches in reply to spexfox ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 23.Mar.2019 – 29.Mar.2019" https://t.co/Fg7zPwdyMg ->
- @PG_kamiya おめでとう in reply to PG_kamiya ->
- @DarkOverord I have various music from Shadowgate for NES as my alarms.
I also keep 3 different wake alarms. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @scully1888 I unfortunately can't pick between the 5 games I want a remaster of as all 5 games are of the Suikoden series (Suikoden I-V) in reply to scully1888 ->
- @SebinNyshkim @Max_Firestorm The only proper answer is Alcohol Love Alcohol (as the only phone number I publicly po… https://t.co/omkg5EuUUy in reply to SebinNyshkim ->
- @KBeta @ParkerMolloy @fakedansavage To be fair, it's daddy's name, but mommy's money. in reply to KBeta ->
- RT @CConleyy: This is my dog Theo. Theo isn’t allowed at the dog park because he is a pitbull. RT if Theo should be allowed to play at the… ->
- @dogbomb1 Cheers on your next adventure beyond.
Also, if you see a 91 year old from New Jersey stuck in line at th… https://t.co/bRzZi5G46a -> - @Reasors #MeatSale going on today. Time to pick up some cheap Choice grade sirloin steaks. https://t.co/RijEDbEZ16 ->
- @PG_kamiya 良いゲーム in reply to PG_kamiya ->
- @TheGingerarchy I'll join you there. in reply to TheGingerarchy ->
- RT @TBPNemo: And here we go! Welcome to the first Flash WG Drive, I'm giving you 24 hours to make Cai as big as you possibly can. Good lu… ->
- What else can I do to celebrate the life of @dogbomb1 …
*checks humble bundle for games and finds the ALS Associ… https://t.co/bX7w6Zqatt ->
- As for what I am drinking in #AToastForDogbomb … I have a traditional Gin and Juice in the fridge. ->
- gay and I have a lot of time to get to know you more. https://t.co/WUUWDdd6Rp ->
- @dogbomb1 Farewell https://t.co/ZrtDDNVSIo in reply to dogbomb1 ->
- RT @dogbomb1: Dogbomb has left the building.
I love all y’all! ->
Twiter Weekly Update 23.Mar.2019 – 29.Mar.2019
- Rare case of meme posted at work resonating with me. ☕☕☕☕ https://t.co/l1iHct0vQV ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 16.Mar.2019 – 22.Mar.2019" https://t.co/6mwxXxfues ->
- @sonicyoda Clearly thou art a glutton for punishment. And human on animal scenes. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- Garfield and Friends
Beavis and Butthead
Sword Art Online
Heavy Metal
and the Saturday morning version of Sonic the… https://t.co/D9v5IiD6sZ -> - @jessica81412995 @RealDDP @DDPYoga @LawDog1515 @OwningIT_ @jessg2006 Some berries even work better frozen as a repl… https://t.co/dwd9hSD5C1 in reply to jessica81412995 ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf I would complain but you are from a country that puts cheese curds and brown gravy on fries. Such l… https://t.co/turatXXbU1 in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @stopskeletons BIT.TRIP BEAT
Rocket Knight
PortalOrgan Trail
NidhoggCrystal Quest Classic
F… https://t.co/GLtsXofbgw in reply to stopskeletons -> - @sonicyoda To be fair, we almost had something similar to that on our money in the early 2010s. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- #FloridaMan Strikes Again https://t.co/VAxmDa37TV ->
- @sonicyoda – All Technosoft properties released on the Genesis added SEGA Genesis Collection on Steam.
– Tie-in gam… https://t.co/WBd2r6Qkjf in reply to sonicyoda ->
Twiter Weekly Update 16.Mar.2019 – 22.Mar.2019
- @Cybrid101 Sonic 2, 8 years old. Almost didn't get to play it either. I had only received a Sega Genesis a day befo… https://t.co/55327QEpYi in reply to Cybrid101 ->
- @Cybrid101 My grandma & Aaunt immediately blocked her exit. then my drunk ass dad (in one of his few instances of d… https://t.co/qCM5JJ3vu6 in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @Cybrid101 Suffice it to say, she lost the battle on that subject.
Eventually she ended up being less opposed to v… https://t.co/5Z601ylu3N in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 09.Mar.2019 – 15.Mar.2019" https://t.co/mLmD8oAXTs ->
- Happy #StPatricksDay from me and my glass of bourbon and branch https://t.co/B5bHo6m58d ->
- @jess_paton @borisfowler @SenGillibrand Technically that was announcing the formation of the exploratory committee.… https://t.co/BztGS05KWf in reply to jess_paton ->
- The GOP has never ran away from a chance to flaunt their utter hypocrisy. https://t.co/Y4tDZWYDIK ->
- RT @PirateJenni13: @alex_cattoo I try to be a good neighbor to my fellow humans on this planet. Having said that, there are people (nazis… ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf *kisses you on the cheek* in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/rBjuSt1y5J ->
- RT @RagnarokUlt: Retweet and I’ll make you a challenger approaching
Or comment a different picture and I’ll do that one https://t.co/nenAPw… -> - Looking to pre-order a Volk One. Please send me an invite. ? https://t.co/Gg7vLGn3m9 via @volkwireless ->
- @spexfox Not an ideal situation, true. Especially with most large ISPs having caps ranging from 1TB/mo for most cab… https://t.co/OxeNThTXbz in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: In regards to the Disney/Fox merger
"We are the House of Mouse. Lower your expectations and surrender your free will.… ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf It depends on the point in spacetime I would end up. If it was Eugenics Wars/World War 3 era Earth… https://t.co/O7KBqhwsBz in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @Max_Firestorm The site seems up from the US. You may want to try again. in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @TamariLion Only after I clear away all the whiskey first. in reply to TamariLion ->
Twiter Weekly Update 09.Mar.2019 – 15.Mar.2019
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 02.Mar.2019 – 08.Mar.2019" https://t.co/GoeO0b7rha ->
- RT @BetoORourke: I want this to be your campaign. A campaign by all of us for all of us. Chip in to be one of our first donors: ->
- @aizuirl @FlorkOfCows https://t.co/2eViOXuGlh in reply to aizuirl ->
- RT @gilbertjasono: It is unacceptable that Democrats won’t hold a presidential debate on this legitimate news network just because it is oc… ->
- @ThatAmiko Normal/Grass in reply to ThatAmiko ->