- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 12.Aug.2017 – 18.Aug.2017" https://t.co/4M0dKEutMJ ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Vomit now, and aim for the brother-in-law. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @Urtheart @GavvieUK Same. I still have half my space on the damn thing. in reply to Urtheart ->
- NOW STREAMING: LET IT DIE for PS4 #TGNArmy #LetsPlay #PS4live live at https://t.co/Djv99cxuWk ->
- #Harvey2017 is reaching out and shitting on the Houston area. Don't worry, all. I am safe…ish. #WeAreAllGoingToDie #justkidding ->
Twiter Weekly Update 12.Aug.2017 – 18.Aug.2017
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Aug.2017 – 11.Aug.2017" https://t.co/r8mpKGj26D ->
- RT @agtuff: Clear out! I'm giving away Summer of Sonic bags, wristbands & 25th anniversary pens. Like, Retweet & follow for a chance to win… ->
- 2 more hours to go. Time to eat and get lubed. https://t.co/DjXgEBeIWj ->
- @spexfox Phantasy Star II-IV for starters, then Monster World IV, followed by Beyond Oasis in reply to spexfox ->
- Check out my broadcast from my PlayStation 4! #PS4live (Sonic Mania) live at https://t.co/Djv99cxuWk ->
- Good game so far, but… https://t.co/5uuwk7ZzzS ->
Twiter Weekly Update 05.Aug.2017 – 11.Aug.2017
- RT @ACLU: Every American should be concerned about the Trump administration’s threat to step up its efforts against whistleblowers and jour… ->
- RT @ACLU: A crackdown on leaks is a crackdown on the free press and on democracy as a whole. ->
- RT @ACLU: Our founders knew democracy depends on informed citizens and leaders can't be trusted to disclose info that reflects poorly on th… ->
- RT @ACLU: These first months of the Trump administration dramatically illustrate that point. ->
- RT @ACLU: Can anyone seriously argue our country would be better off if the public received all of its information through official channel… ->
- RT @_aorists: on overcoming the challenges of chronic physical + mental illness; a.k.a. for days when you deserve a goddamn medal just for… ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 29.Jul.2017 – 04.Aug.2017" https://t.co/GI7ArJZlso ->
- @spexfox Enjoy yourself! in reply to spexfox ->
- @sonicremix df -h && free && cat /proc/cpuinfo in reply to sonicremix ->
- @sonicremix Quick checking of what is being used always helps. in reply to sonicremix ->
- #SonicMania #PS4share https://t.co/ezfP2M9IN1 ->
- @DarkOverord @SSF1991 Usually it is Pacific Time, but I could be wrong. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- My kink is the only thing I can get a new phone number https://t.co/z2fSBYj2Bl ->
Twiter Weekly Update 29.Jul.2017 – 04.Aug.2017
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 22.Jul.2017 – 28.Jul.2017" https://t.co/0iWc6wP4rs ->
- Happy belated birthday greetings to @Akhmin … hope you had a good one. ->
- @lastmincontinue Voice channels for LiveStreams? Maybe even a twitchbot for when the LMC Twitch starts streaming or auto-hosting? in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- RT @Impeach_D_Trump: @realDonaldTrump Trump's as fit to be President as Chris Christie is to climb Mount Everest with a 40 pound bag of hoa… ->
- Birthday wishes to @spexfox as he turns [redacted] ->
- @sonic_hedgehog #UnpopularOpinion – I hate the blue spheres. Always found them to be a pain in the butt. #HalfPipe4Life in reply to sonic_hedgehog ->
- @MaraWilson What about favorite anime? in reply to MaraWilson ->
- @AlGiordano It's actually a British mongrelization, as there is no direct equivalent of that exact phrase into Chinese. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- @Late_Night_Fox This is one of many, many, many reasons why I moved all my shit to Jita IV-4 and went alpha. in reply to Late_Night_Fox ->
Twiter Weekly Update 22.Jul.2017 – 28.Jul.2017
- @sonicremix To be fair, some of us aren't closeted at all about it. ? in reply to sonicremix ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Jul.2017 – 21.Jul.2017" https://t.co/byJ9ZpxKp4 ->
- @GordonRamsay Critique this: USDA Prime top sirloin steak, seasoned and cooked to rare on stove top. https://t.co/9w0y2hnx5J ->
- @MichaelCraig96 Makes one wonder what the plots of parts 1-3 were. in reply to MichaelCraig96 ->
- @sonicyoda I would get in on this but CBS has this exclusive to their All Access service in the US, & I'm not payin… https://t.co/n1k3fctPOX in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @lastmincontinue Wouldn't a shotgun be more preferable? in reply to lastmincontinue ->
Twiter Weekly Update 15.Jul.2017 – 21.Jul.2017
- So you're breaking out the shadowbans again, huh .@twitter ? Well two can play at this…
Fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck, motherfuckers! -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 08.Jul.2017 – 14.Jul.2017" https://t.co/U7dyeLpSEy ->
- @m1kepro I was kind of hoping for Anthony Stewart Head or maybe even a female doctor, if only because I want to kee… https://t.co/LtToziuSzC in reply to m1kepro ->
- @Nuurbs Order food using the @DennysDiner twitter bot? in reply to Nuurbs ->
- When you're so close to avoiding the @DoorDash Small Order Fee #FirstWorldProblems https://t.co/CojucRpJU2 ->
- CrickHIT for Six in today's #Cricket #GoogleDoodle! ? Score: 106
https://t.co/ZAomdgsvfI -> - I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/lDswzuQl2Z FEZ AND I AM ALIVE (Zero Punctuation) ->
- I liked a @YouTube video https://t.co/tmkO3xEcyT IBA Engineering Announcements 19th December 1989 ->
- @sonicyoda I hope they also gave muscle relaxers. Take it from someone who has had chronic back problems caused by… https://t.co/5Q0LTY3dJJ in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @m1kepro RAID unless you are uber poor in reply to m1kepro ->
- Well, I'm giving .@Lyft a try. Sign up today at https://t.co/r02ruSqfr4 – you can earn up to $250 bonus!
https://t.co/r02ruSqfr4 -> - RIP .@ChesterBe – Taken WAY too soon https://t.co/FOKAGvhedw ->
- @philvgersims My former provider tried that with me back in February. That's why they are my former provider. in reply to philvgersims ->
Twiter Weekly Update 08.Jul.2017 – 14.Jul.2017
- RT @fogus: RT if you remember. https://t.co/6p9RZuNHi3 ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Jul.2017 – 07.Jul.2017" https://t.co/HuG3SkvRLU ->
- NOW STREAMING: B-Rep's misadventures on PS4. #TGNArmy #PS4live live at https://t.co/Djv99cxuWk ->
- @spexfox There is an option in the drop down on the web site below report that says "I don't like this ad" that you… https://t.co/vI67up7zAu in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @AlGiordano: Hey @realDonaldTrump! As you prepare your 6 a.m. tweet tantrums, ponder this… https://t.co/Hs2kjommi3 ->
- Might as well try this… https://t.co/EI2HYDPqsr ->
- 97% real followers! https://t.co/EJVDqkBYcs #twitteraudit Enjoy! ->
- @sonicyoda Top 5 PS4 games. in reply to sonicyoda ->
Twiter Weekly Update 01.Jul.2017 – 07.Jul.2017
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 24.Jun.2017 – 30.Jun.2017" https://t.co/ok10c54jrB ->
- I didn't watch the #PacquiaoHorn fight – If I wanted staged violence I'd watch product from .@WWE – at least they have a story backing it up ->
- To be fair, they are both Netflix Originals https://t.co/Xrvw9fV9oC ->
- @spexfox You do know it is on Netflix, right? in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @SSF1991: On this Independence Day, we celebrate Will Smith punching an alien in the face. https://t.co/Xxk1B86Fb1 ->
FOLLOW+RT to enter!
ends July 16th, good luck! https://t.co/zqtudanMvh ->
Twiter Weekly Update 24.Jun.2017 – 30.Jun.2017
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 17.Jun.2017 – 23.Jun.2017" https://t.co/3kmPt2b6AK ->
- RT @lastmincontinue: Additionally, I'm hopefully going to be doing both Tuesday and Sunday LMC livestreams. Tuesdays will see the completio… ->
- RT @lastmincontinue: Minor update to our Twitch channel, now at https://t.co/qgik8NKuA6. Listings have been updated to include current LMC… ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox Eww… talk about bad gas mileage. If I was being pushed toward anything around 14K, it would be a something more efficient. in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox I stand by my earlier statement. Partly because I pay attention to city mpg more as a delivery drive… https://t.co/Mj9IEPMsOq in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox What year? in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox Ok, good. If it was anything earlier than model year 2010, I would have said run like hell. in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- RT @TheTylt: The "progressive" left has a dark side—just ask @owillis @CandiceAiston or @sarahlerner whether the #AltLeftIsUgly?
- @SteelClaw_Fox My co-worker's 06 Prius was not so fortunate, he kept having all sorts of issues with it until he ga… https://t.co/X1bXexzkie in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox My mom's 2002 model was worse, as the NiMH battery pack was unreliable and expensive to fix. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox Judging by the garb I would have to say some form of Broad Church Episcopalianism. in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @McJesse: I photoshopped a flesh-light into the background of this photo please RT so one day it accidentally get's used in an article.… ->
- Today, @SvendJoscelyne just completed another lap around the space-nuclear-fireball. Congratulations! #BirthdayWishes ->
- #BirthdayWishes also go out to @Shadow5talker04 ->
Twiter Weekly Update 17.Jun.2017 – 23.Jun.2017
- RT @artdecaderoo: when repubs talk about violent rhetoric from leftists you can show them this https://t.co/xvNItT8LuA ->
- Another day at work, nothing to do. Need better job. ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 10.Jun.2017 – 16.Jun.2017" https://t.co/XnGgMg7Pep ->
- @IM4UH They wouldn't know yet. All they are saying at the moment via robocall is 3:30pm restore time. in reply to IM4UH ->
- I refuse to celebrate Father's Day, as mine drank himself into violent rages and almost killed me and my mom when I was 17. #DaddyIssues ->
- @leonerduk Wait, didn't Theresa May go into a confidence and supply arrangement with the DUP or something? in reply to leonerduk ->
- A message to pass on to @SnowWalkerFL ? https://t.co/s0yVCwFtIK ->
- To be fair, you live in a country where summer doesn't have the potential to kill or cause skin cancer. https://t.co/cPKd4GNTay ->
- RT @SvendJoscelyne: https://t.co/ndgub0gyA9 ->