- If there is an afterlife, then I am DEFINITELY going to hell for this: https://t.co/RHSVk71ctT ->
- @VizardJeffhog Meh, Litten is more cute in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 12.Nov.2016 – 18.Nov.2016" https://t.co/z1z7cqvJ1G ->
- @xkeepah To be fair, sometimes that hidden deal is really good. I have gotten 50% off from those several times. in reply to xkeepah ->
- @xkeepah Maybe it is a regional thing, or a random thing, who knows… in reply to xkeepah ->
- RT @Evan_McMullin: To my fellow conservatives: let us not leave it to the left alone to condemn these white supremacist Trump allies. https… ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/sGjPKbZH0t ->
- At Starbucks enjoying a peach green tea lemonade https://t.co/Fu41VglBLA ->
- @BirdieGryphon Nah, you're just ahead of the curve. in reply to BirdieGryphon ->
Twiter Weekly Update 12.Nov.2016 – 18.Nov.2016
- Well, at least with this Republican, you can actually gamble where his likely Western/Summer White House will be located ->
- @Max_Firestorm In the end, you did have just one, so that is something… in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- Ok, $50 in Nintendo eShop, what to buy? ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 05.Nov.2016 – 11.Nov.2016" https://t.co/BMDttY4ka4 ->
- @spexfox Try watching a ton of WhatCulture videos. That might flush the Sargon out of the recommendations in reply to spexfox ->
- Final results have "Indie game" as the winner. So onto the eShop section I go… https://t.co/MEe02bDJve ->
- You all want me an buying indie game, here you go! (Cave Story for 3DS) https://t.co/6nwQrqTdBZ in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @ShaunKing: Boycott @MillerCoors. Executives and owners there are HUGE Donald Trump supporters. They represent DOZENS of major beers.
C… ->
- RT @AlGiordano: 11. That's actually one of the dumbest things people have said in a year filled with dumb claims. Sanders would have been a… ->
- RT @AlGiordano: 17. If you dragged Clinton down, YOU share the blame. Not those who held her up! And you're so self-unaware that now you bl… ->
- @spexfox This is why I prefer @ShinerBeer myself. in reply to spexfox ->
- This must spread further 😛 https://t.co/lYDwMBueq3 ->
- Some food for thought to the #BernieOrBust and #JillNotHill crowds: https://t.co/DGMlxloLUl ->
- Hopefully .@TheDemocrats should coalesce around .@keithellison for DNC chair, & also look toward a decent centrist in 2020 like .@timkaine ->
- Some might disagree, some (e.g. the #BernieOrBust crowd) might threaten to walk off for good. That would be a grave error on their end. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- The only way progressive change'll come in this country is from .@TheDemocrats – no other party (especially the greens) is a credible choice in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- So to everyone on the left, hear this: No matter who wins the nomination in 2020, we must all join together under the Dems umbrella, or die. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ArachneSpidher Unfortunately, that "grrr two party sux" thinking got us the mess we are hiring towards. #WakeUp #GetIn & #PissOutOfTheTent in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- @ArachneSpidher The Green movement is never going to be an electoral force unless they learn to make change from within in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- @ArachneSpidher … and part of that change is a willingness to bend your stiff fucking neck in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ArachneSpidher Funny… I was thinking the same about people who vote third-party to throw sand in the works #Wreckers in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- @ArachneSpidher you first you self-deluded scat-muncher in reply to ArachneSpidher ->
- RT @Pokemon: RT if you're #TeamLitten for #PokemonSunMoon! https://t.co/RkcHoJChIF ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Gotta admit, that evangelical gobshite Mike Pence is far more sinister to me than Trump, lol. Dumbass of the highest ord… ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Put him in conversion therapy like he wants to do to gay kids. Torture the Christian bullshit out of him. ->
- RT @petercbowden: and that concludes our intensive three-week course https://t.co/cCJp8sav7a ->
- Less than six and a half hours to go… #PokemonSunMoon ->
- Ares launches Cute Attack.
It's super-effective! https://t.co/oZtylS81t1 -> - @Artie_P Yeah, but IMO 32GB is plenty storage. I barely have a third of mine filled in reply to Artie_P ->
- @spexfox Gives a new meaning to the phrase "White Christmas" in reply to spexfox ->
- These have got to be some of the whitest gangstas ever… #PokemonSunMoon https://t.co/OjZGVznyEA ->
- The weird thing is this: Has in Pokemon Sun picked the weaker of the two starters against my Litten #TeamLitten ->
Twiter Weekly Update 05.Nov.2016 – 11.Nov.2016
- Just finished a couple donuts for breakfast, now time to move the work uniform to the dryer… ->
- … Oh, and happy birthday to @ValorB and all that ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 29.Oct.2016 – 04.Nov.2016" https://t.co/4Up8FiwLFq ->
- @DrJillStein You want a debate with @HillaryClinton & @realDonaldTrump then you need to build the Green Party ground game & earn it. in reply to DrJillStein ->
- @DrJillStein & for the record, I was very close to voting Green in 2012. Then you got nominated over the far superior IMO .@therealroseanne in reply to DrJillStein ->
- I am going to weigh in on this once: I do not support any form of vote swapping/bartering/etc. as it steals votes from downticket. ->
- Trump aides finally grow a pair and yank Twitter access from Trump, but it's too little too late. https://t.co/SikxkPL4Oo ->
- @spexfox Some publishers (Tor for example) sell their e-books on the major storefronts DRM-free, if that helps… in reply to spexfox ->
- @AlGiordano Sadly all taco'd out right now, but I am making pad thai tonight. Pics to follow in reply to AlGiordano ->
- Election day today! If you are in Galveston County & have yet to vote, do so at any county polling place. More info: https://t.co/Yk6QMvSTwr ->
- For Harris county (incl. City of Houston) head to https://t.co/0bLgOwjFQv & put in your voter reg card info to find your polling place. ->
- A reminder if anyone blocks your way to vote or intimidates you and they refuse to desist, capture them on camera & call 866-OUR-VOTE … ->
- … as well as ur local FBI field office ( https://t.co/2LIeFgOc4o) or the DOJ Civil Rights Division Voting Section (https://t.co/875AGYKZ7k ) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @BernieSanders: I can't fill in for every worker today. Election Day should be a national holiday so that everyone has the opportunity t… ->
- RT @FN_2487: Its 7 BILLION humans, or one tyrant. #killtrump
#… -> - RT @kaidiablo: Posting this here from my friend's Facebook status (I removed his name).
Trans family, please read this. https://t.co/fHZv… ->
- 9 November – I feel sick ->
- Young liberals have proven their lack of reliability again so expect .@TheDemocrats to tack center hard on their 2020 platform & candidate. ->
- … if that happens, we are in for disaster as a nation. The only good thing out of this is that Trumps victory proves there is no god. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @king_kazma_sktr You mean like the one that used the Democratic Party as a flag of convenience? in reply to king_kazma_sktr ->
- This election is going to be a clarion call for getting enough states to pass the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact. ->
- @timkaine Thank you, Senator, for being an awesome VP candidate. I hope you will consider a shot at the brass ring in 2020. ->
- #Kaine2020 … that is all ->
- RT @AlGiordano: Yes, they did. Those of us who stood and fought can hold our heads high and keep each other allied in the years to come, th… ->
- @spexfox Noble words in response, but it is easy to say that in Washington State than in Texas (or the rest of the South for the matter)… in reply to spexfox ->
- There are those out there who believe that ditching plurality/first-past-the-post will solve all our ills & make our election system fair… ->
- …The problem arises in 2 parts: 1.) The fact that the eventual winner is not necessarily the 1st choice of 50%+1 vote of the electorate… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- … 2.) The legal/constitutional issues arising from the voting process. (Electoral college for POTUS, single member districts, etc.) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- … The best solution to the issue of the electoral college process w/o an amendment an interstate compact. Luckily, there is hope there… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- …The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact is an agreement that uses the States' compact power & their powers regarding electors… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- … to agree to give their electoral votes to the national popular vote winner. However, it does not take effect until … in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- … the electoral votes of the states that pass it equals or exceeds 271. And the best part: it is already has Civil Rights Act preclearance in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @LupineAssassin: https://t.co/MzDcZgW8Jy ->
- RT @bpedaci: BRITAIN: Brexit is the stupidest, most self-destructive act a country could undertake.
USA: Hold my beer. -> - @spexfox I support all of those except ranked choice voting in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox I would replace that with National Popular Vote Interstate Compact in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox With ranked choice, there is the issue of the winner not needing to be the candidate who is the first choice of a plurality… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … I doubt most Americans would go for it as opposed to direct popular vote of POTUS in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox NPVIC is a better measure and will provide a stopgap measure that is both constitutional and precleared by the DOJ. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox Then comes the constitutional amendment to enshrine it in federally in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox In that amendment, you make it clear that if 50%+1 vote, the top 2 vote getters move to a runoff to take place within 30 days. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @PPFA: These doors stay open. https://t.co/YqrMBnWflM ->
- You should develop that into a political cartoon, red https://t.co/jpIipQCnlN ->
- @DavidBrin He has been wanting a new HUAC for years now. Not going to happen though… in reply to DavidBrin ->
- RT @HalfHearted_JG: If you need a laugh today, just remember; Disney bought the domain name Muppet Fucker https://t.co/hj22Fs6oFP ->
Twiter Weekly Update 29.Oct.2016 – 04.Nov.2016
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 22.Oct.2016 – 28.Oct.2016" https://t.co/RvaBWGwXvc ->
- @spexfox You know, there are artists on iB and FA that can take care of that problem. Of course, there are the other problems after that… in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @thelaynee: Man hangs black mannequins in tree next to his Trump yard sign. Says just "Halloween". This is why I don't give a shit about… ->
- A logical fallacy, Jill. The Republican Party was already clearly established as one of our two main parties in 185… https://t.co/JfLYv5Jm5g ->
- Score on the Google Halloween doodle: 28020 ->
- Only one person I know of who is in that area.
Paging .@MaraWilson … https://t.co/uM3Y60VQqv ->
- RT @FizzySodaWave: https://t.co/kQ7ohaGSmi ->
- L'Oreal Feria Cool Black for Halloween this year. #AnnualHairDying https://t.co/XupBgnWYwv ->
- Yes I know it looks like a horrible man-bun. It is temporary to keep the long ass hair I have off my neck while it is being dyed. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox No manga ideas on hand, but there is always "Mother of Storms" by John Barnes if you can snag it… in reply to spexfox ->
- @AskFrontier DSL is out in my place. Frontier GT784WNV Gateway PWR LED and DSL LED solid green / Internet LED flickering ->
- @AskFrontier Sent DM, awaiting reply. in reply to AskFrontier ->
- @Ruki185 @SSF1991 I like the look on Tails' face in this, as if, "Wait, Sonic actually wants to follow a fucking plan???" in reply to Ruki185 ->
- @VizardJeffhog eShop. Mainly because I have 2/3 the cost in my eShop balance. in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- RT @OneKids: Nothing has put me off more from the idea of voting for Jill Stein, which is what I'd been planning on fire months, than Stein… ->
- RT @OneKids: I see a consistent lack of critical thinking, basic logic, and fact checking from her supporters. It's not a good face for our… ->
- @GovMikeHuckabee Delete your account in reply to GovMikeHuckabee ->
- @spexfox Actually, the best way to prevent a Trump POTUS is a massive federal indictment. But well, FBI's gotta follow their GOP masters… in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @CornelWalker_16: Justice is free but it does require one thing of you. Vote! https://t.co/LM2jLGTFx8 ->
Twiter Weekly Update 22.Oct.2016 – 28.Oct.2016
- This is who I am planning on voting for this election (note this is a sample ballot generated online from my county… https://t.co/v4shuIeTFC ->
- Also note that the holes in the ballot are for Republicans who are unopposed, yet remain on the sample ballot. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Also, if anyone refuses to stop intimidating/blocking you after asking, take a picture & call your local FBI office… https://t.co/Vvrc7BcaBQ ->
- Also, contact the Voting section of the US Dept. of Justice’s Civil Rights Division: https://t.co/QvWLc4RtiM https://t.co/vLRhQrv7Ab in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @algiordano While it would be nice to see, I would not be betting much on it happening, Al. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Oct.2016 – 21.Oct.2016" https://t.co/Yb4VOA8P0K ->
- "A Trip to the Moon" has been colorized, musicified, and put on @netflix – Further proof of a godless universe.
https://t.co/DZdFjniijg -> - RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: The only thing that keeps me from knocking out idiots is #coffee. Not meditation not pills not aromatherapy etc, just c… ->
- Sixteen years already, guys! It has been surreal. Especially since I have been on staff in one form or another for… https://t.co/bBeGZTAjGn ->
- Yep, it's all fun and games until LaRouche's nutjobs start running for the Democratic nomination for your local con… https://t.co/1ln2EQUHaG ->
- Well, I am done with voting for .@HillaryClinton and .@timkaine as well as .@CornelWalker_16 and all the other .@texasdemocrats on my ballot ->
- @philvgersims Either that or vodka. in reply to philvgersims ->
- RT @davonmagwood: Dude, you joked about pretend to be trans so you could creep on girls in the locker room. Sit this one out. https://t.co/… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 15.Oct.2016 – 21.Oct.2016
- @TheCoffeeSnolf No birthday plans? Those looks like a job for Tequila! in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @fuktwonk Hit 'not right now' and it should shut up for at least a couple weeks… in reply to fuktwonk ->
- A little food for thought for .@spexfox https://t.co/FuXQxSSSx9 ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Ha! I knew ooze wasn't responsible! in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/Fd0vL1Mn4Q ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/bDwDF9y5qO ->
- RT @DavidBrin: Unvaccinated adults cost the U.S. more than $7 Billion a year https://t.co/KUskoF3Yaq https://t.co/CyYYApD9hG ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 08.Oct.2016 – 14.Oct.2016" https://t.co/89EKGRYPSI ->
- RT @daveweigel: The upshot of 99% of these Wikileaks emails is “Clinton campaign behaved like a campaign.” You’re not biased if you point t… ->
- @marawilson Have a safe trip! in reply to MaraWilson ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Where does Trump get his talking points from? Often this alt-right conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones. (Watch all the way… ->
- Okay multi-part election related tweet coming, so be warned… ->
- Okay, we have all gotten worried recently with Trump's talk about the election and his push for "poll watchers" to "monitor" the vote #vote ->
- If any "poll watcher" attempts to impede your right to vote, kindly remind them that they're impeding you & ask them to desist their action. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- If they do not desist, take a picture of them & contact ur local FBI field office (a list is @ https://t.co/xq2oEMN9UG or ✔ ur white pages) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- You can also contact the Voting Section of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, their info is at https://t.co/LMEBU19NUj in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Finally, if being harrassed by so-called poll-watchers sure to call the Election Protection coalition @ 1-866-OUR-VOTE (1-866-687-8683) in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Okay, now back to your regularly scheduled re-tweeting and snarky tweeting. ->
- RT @AJ_Wolf_Puppy: Retweet and favorite if u wud take me home https://t.co/n1zE3ZdsUo ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Trump reportedly asked this about nuclear weapons: "If we have them, why can't we use them?"
We can't let him become p… ->
- @spexfox TBH, I would like Elizabeth Warren to be over there. Sanders would be excellent for Appropriations, though… in reply to spexfox ->
- I'm smiling that Hillary Clinton is more popular than Jill Stein https://t.co/htPO1CFIqe ->
Twiter Weekly Update 08.Oct.2016 – 14.Oct.2016
- This oddly piqued my interest. Is there a difference between this and other soap? https://t.co/HhSjVuCLfw ->
- @Shadow_Remix Fable. Just to break the suspense. in reply to Shadow_Remix ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Oct.2016 – 07.Oct.2016" https://t.co/0BibZU7Q1c ->
- @DiezelRaccoon Here is why liberals like me have issue: you're a constitutionalist, yet you don't believe in the power of judicial review… in reply to DiezelRaccoon ->
- @DiezelRaccoon … or the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, or the Supremacy Clause in Article VI in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: RT this if you're proud to have Hillary's back tonight. https://t.co/bw5kdfxfbw https://t.co/fcrZ3i3U4V ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Part of me would differ. The other part remembers Canadian Thanksgiving is the same day as Genocidal Asshole Day in the USA. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- Note to self: warm up Anti-Columbus Day bandstand for tomorrow… #ColumbusGenocide ->
- RT @GeorgeTakei: There something wrong with Trump's mic again. I only hear garbage come out of it. ->
- RT @Sacriel42: #debate #debate https://t.co/v4OaHnTHQL ->
- “I will be a president for African-Americans”, says the candidate cited for housing discrimination #debate #debate2016 #NeverTrump ->
- RT @timkaine: Trump keeps whining to the moderators about how much time he's getting on his answers. Thin skin! ->
- RT @BinhTheNguyenMD: @HillaryClinton @AAPIforHillary #debates Hillary's 30 yrs of public service vs.Trump's 18 yrs not paying taxes while l… ->
- Trump: “I want to appoint a justice in the mold of Justice [Antonin] Scalia” #scotus #nevertrump #debate ->
- @vizardjeffhog Nothing too much. Just the second US presidential debate… in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- RT @MichaelSteele: GOP at this moment. #debate https://t.co/nD0gc29sWj ->
- RT @Nash076: This. This is the screengrab of the #debate https://t.co/LfA7KEcD1V ->
- GOP Plan of attack after this disaster: attack the moderators, starting with the female one: #NeverTrump #debate https://t.co/L09LhdeCOU ->
- RT @BayoumiMoustafa: I'm a Muslim, and I would like to report a crazy man threatening a woman on a stage in Missouri. #debate ->
- @thecoffeesnolf *waits and lulls you to sleep armed with shaving cream, despite the upcoming turkey and bourbon coma he’ll endure in 6 wks* in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- RT @MarisaKabas: these are not women to him. they are objects. a means to an end. do not conflate with caring. https://t.co/vcmeJLs7d3 ->
- @roareyraccoon I hope you're right… *looks at his escape to Canada bag* in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @spexfox Considering you have a candidate who has lived under siege for as long as Hillary, I applaud the DNC for warning people about him. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … and for warning about Carson and Cruz. Especially Ted "I will burn this motherfucker down before I give an inch" Cruz. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ssf1991 Because Italian-Americans and Catholics of today and right-wing douchenozzles of the 1950s in reply to SSF1991 ->
- An especially well done vid on Columbus the Genocidal asshole by the people from @LastWeekTonight https://t.co/daXpcsS86d ->
- @kofc Cristopher Columbus is also a symbol of native genocide, slavery, & unadulterated greed. #ColumbusGenocide #IndigenousPeoplesDay in reply to KofC ->
- @spexfox You sure you want this? in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Supposedly, it is a Trump campaign GOTV issue. If those are San Antonio PD officers & on duty, they’re violating city policy. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Okay, I am so sick of this Wikileaks shit it makes me want to hurl. An analysis of them was did & found little to worry bout… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox The few that might have been damaging were explained well enough in the scream fest on Sunday… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox While I admire Wikileaks’ commitment to transparency this is getting way to “Grr Hillary” to be an effective line of attack anymore in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox We are going to have our 1st woman POTUS elected in less than a month, and it’s gonna be Clinton, not Stein. Get w/ the program! in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @max_firestorm What is your net connection type and speed? Also, are you connected to the internet gateway via Ethernet or via Wi-Fi? in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @max_firestorm Yeah, this is going to be a crunch on the CPU unless you can enable some form of encoding using the GPU. in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @spexfox Neither is the constant usage of GOP talking points make you a prime example of what the center-left distrusts the far left. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox As far as I am concerned, HRC is a patriot who served her country with dignity that would break any saint despite GOP smear. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox I prefer to leave the kool-aid for the GOP and the Greens, thank you very much. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox It does when they are the same arguments that get trotted out and end up being absolutely a waste of time investigating in the end in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox On foreign intervention, I think we are invading the wrong countries for bad reasons. We are fighting Daesh in the middle east… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … while South Sudan’s civil war is heating up again and Thailand is under a military dictatorship. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox And don’t get me started on Israel. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox News flash there was! FBI already concluded there was not enough evidence of lawbreaking on her part. State is doing its own review in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox It is a waste because the investigation ended with Clinton cleared and the GOP left with another dead horse on their beating pile. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … not to mention those Freedom Watch people forcing the State Dept to waste taxpayer dollars to cater to their FOIA whims. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox For a lot of other people as well. Hopefully in the end, you will accept it. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Freedom Watch’s agenda had little to do with HRC using money for personal benefit and more to do with a proxy attack about Benghazi in reply to spexfox ->
- @lastmincontinue The US State or the former Soviet republic? in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- @lastmincontinue Going from London, UK, about 6784km in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- Reality: The last state/territory-wide elected official from the Greens saw the writing on the wall in 2014 and jum… https://t.co/OoOUukebmY ->
- Reality: The few Green Party grassroots candidates are becoming an increasingly irrelevant force. https://t.co/0X4Z1C7wQa ->
- A lot of people have bitched about the military are doing too little abroad to combat Daesh or we should pull out entirely… ->
- Personally, I think we are fighting the wrong battles and invading the wrong countries. We should have never even set foot in Iraq in 04… ->
- We should instead using our armed forces to provide the protection of democracy in the face of autocracy. To that end, I propose this: ->
- We need to invade Thailand, which has been suffering under military rule, secure custody of the King, & force the military to stand down… ->
- … and face justice. Then we write a constitution for the Thais that secures democracy & has a permanent prohibition on lese-majeste laws. ->
- Lastly, we tell the King, accept the end-result or he & his family will spend the remainder of their lives in front of a firing squad. ->
- RT @AlGiordano: BREAKING: @ggreenwald and @theintercept's latest scoop based on documents from @wikileaks… https://t.co/EMbNSzQPzW ->
- RT @Nikki_Scavone: So, I see #repealthe19th is trending https://t.co/PCWp67W6up ->
- https://t.co/EmJOARoKIa For those #RepealThe19th idots out there, a dose of Vitamin Sorkin. https://t.co/TgNAOL2Gh0 ->
- @AlGiordano To be fair, he was headmaster of a school that blew up on a regular basis for various reasons. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- This, ladies and gentlemen of the GOP persuasion, is your presidential candidate. https://t.co/hHqsJopJ9v ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/DeYW62Ko9Q ->
- @roareyraccoon It won't be for the reason that Texas Republicans have irreversibly gerrymandered all the election boundaries in their favor in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/tCktliFNtn ->
- RT @timkaine: Sometimes the most romantic date is a Friday night on the couch watching your favorite TV show and drinking wine. https://t.c… ->
- @FluffTank I think .@JLo took the last one for replacement parts… in reply to FluffTank ->
Twiter Weekly Update 01.Oct.2016 – 07.Oct.2016
- Over at the @OffbeatEatz truck at the @COMDucks 50th anniversary shindig. https://t.co/1UREm0zuri ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 24.Sep.2016 – 30.Sep.2016" https://t.co/NDufJ0PDHr ->
- I’m just going to leave this here #ImWithHer https://t.co/veWqkbF3pO ->
- @bedtimevixen Somehow, I would be more worried about his Yes list than his No list. in reply to BedtimeVixen ->
- @spexfox Monoprice has one for $20.58+tax&ship https://t.co/cEmHTTDW0u in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @racheleklein: You have made me feel unsafe as a Jew in America for the first time in my life. https://t.co/wDohv5q4TC ->
- @Akhmin Yay! Now onward to Halloween planning. in reply to Akhmin ->
- And this, twitter-verse, is why the USA will never use polymer bank notes… https://t.co/yP00nJOabs ->
- RT @timkaine: My dad Al owned a union ironworking shop in Kansas City. That's where I learned about respecting hard work and hardworking pe… ->
- RT @AlGiordano: Based on my two decades of reporting from Latin America, I think it is very likely that Ecuador is not happy with Julian's… ->
- RT @timkaine: On November 8, we'll face a choice about what kind of society we want to be. I know what side I'll be on. https://t.co/B21QKp… ->
- Break a leg .@timkaine #VPDebate ->
- RT @LazyBlum: I would be okay with going into more debt to keep @realDonaldTrump out of the White House. #VPDebate ->
- RT @STcom: #TimKaine:“Do you want a ‘you’re hired’ president in Hillary Clinton, or do you want a ‘you’re fired’ president in #DonaldTrump?… ->
- So far, the #VPDebate is going as expected: two white boys arguing, nothing really matters in the wash. ->
- Food for thought #VPDebate https://t.co/ZoJYT7CZAc ->
- Aww, he thinks the #VPDebate actually fucking matters… https://t.co/sLhkgo6549 ->
- RT @kelmacias: Why is Pence shaking his head @ Kaine repeating Trump's statements abt Mexicans?Fact: He said these things.No misinterpretat… ->
- RT @Bros4Hillary: Gov Pence's heart breaks for our troops, but his running mate would go nuclear at the drop of a hat? No thanks, bro. #ImW… ->
- Mike Pence is a smug twat masquerading as a decent human being. #VPDebate ->
- RT @Rafiqsayed: Mike Pence is having a hard time with this debate. I feel sorry for this guy having to defend Trumps record or stupid state… ->
- RT @TODAYshow: "If you don't know the difference between dictatorship and leadership, then you gotta go back to a 5th grade civics class"—K… ->
- A bigot and a homophobe versus two civil-rights crusaders. How is this not a clear choice, America? #VPDebate https://t.co/lqSDzvDHG4 ->
- RT @politifactlive: LIVE FACT-CHECK: Pence claim that only 10 percent of Clinton Foundation money goes to aid is wrong. https://t.co/f6DvgH… ->
- RT @indy4timmy: Pence hates the LGBT community. He used his personal viewpoint to pass hateful laws in Indiana. It cost us. #RFRA #VPDebate ->
- Death penalty works just as well. The Roman Catholic Church is opposed to both as a pro-life matter. #VPDebate https://t.co/LizatGfB5x ->
- @timkaine may have been a talker, but @mike_pence was a massive scumbag. https://t.co/OnzPyeeGhh ->
- Bravo @stevenyaccino on calling out the .@mike_pence lies #VPDebate ->
- That's it .@RepHensarling #DrinkTheKoolAid #VPDebate ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf In our defense, neither of them smoked crack. That we know of. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Also not surprised at the @BBCNews claims. After all, Yahoo was already doing the same for the Chinese. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- For those of you who missed the Kaine-Pence showdown, don't worry, because… https://t.co/N08kabBnaV ->
- https://t.co/kPnpERY8h4 ->
- https://t.co/5tDDiUlPDj ->
- RT @timkaine: And proud of it. https://t.co/eTkYtcuAw4 ->
- RT @kateberlant: https://t.co/2xooWbPIfa ->
- RT @MaraWilson: You know, I believe Ralph Nader actually wanted to help people. I don't believe that of Jill Stein or Gary Johnson. ->
- RT @DavidBrin: Smallest transister ever. 1 nanometer gate w/ carbon nanotubes & molybdenum disulfide https://t.co/FkmNUimJuM https://t.co/… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: "Once she was made aware that America had children languishing in foster care…her attitude was: not on my watch." —Sh… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 24.Sep.2016 – 30.Sep.2016
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 17.Sep.2016 – 23.Sep.2016" https://t.co/cB68VInpI3 ->
- RT @nihilist_arbys: We've all done things we aren't proud of. Dark things. Things we'd never even tell our spouses. Things piled up in the… ->
- RT @vestenet: One Punch Man
2 Punch 2 Man
Punch Man: Tokyo Drift
Punch & Man
Punch Five
Punch & Man 6
Man 7
Punch 8 -> - RT @AlGiordano: You're going after @FLOTUS for having manners?
Maybe you could ask her for pointers instead. https://t.co/xZiZEOSK8s ->
- RT @AlGiordano: So… I hear it's #debatenight ->
- #Debates ->
- RT @HotComesToDie: Surgeon General warns: Drinking every time Trump lies during debate could result in acute alcohol poisoning https://t.co… ->
- 45 minutes to go. Warming up my notebook and getting ready for the #Debates ->
- I plan on watching #debatenight on Twitter as long as the internet holds out, otherwise I'll watch on one of the several channels showing it ->
- Not long now until the #Debates ->
- @EmperorMing93 It shows her as a forward thinking candidate, which is tough to do in a 2D space #debatenight #TheMoreYouKnow in reply to EmperorMing93 ->
- RT @sandrajmershon: Surgeon General warns: Drinking every time Trump lies during debate could result in acute alcohol poisoning https://t.c… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Let's do this. #DebateNight https://t.co/NkPEGHzucT ->
- Well, Twitter is lighting up about the war of the #Debates invites… ->
- Have one TV with ABC News on and the notebook on Twitter's #Debates page ->
- Advantage: Clinton https://t.co/ysZCIhEKTG ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Paying zero in taxes doesn’t make you "smart."
It makes you a tax evader. https://t.co/g9nQkSRvTB ->
- RT @a_russman: So under @realDonaldTrump logic, if I'm dissatisfied with my stay at a Trump hotel, I can host not pay? #debates ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: We are not going to bring New York’s unconstitutional stop-and-frisk program nationwide. #debatenight ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Donald Trump is more concerned with pandering to the gun lobby than keeping families safe. #DebateNight https://t.co/Ls… ->
- RT @nytpolitics: Hillary Clinton, on her preparations for the debate https://t.co/hVe2YnRc3K ->
- RT @lydsthekid: Obama needed to prove his birth certificate multiple times but Dirty T won't show his tax return? #debatenight #debates ->
- RT @politifactlive: LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump's suggestion that Hillary Clinton and her campaign started the birther movement is False. https:… ->
- RT @politifactlive: LIVE FACT-CHECK: Clinton is correct that Trump was charged with housing discrimination. https://t.co/srPX5dEIk1 ->
- That's because when Trump interrupts, he comes off as an even more sexist Archie Bunker. https://t.co/lsyqNIs0HA ->
- RT @politifactlive: LIVE FACT-CHECK: Trump is misleads about the origin of ISIS, which started before Clinton was secretary of state. https… ->
- Really now? Because this is the first time I personally brought Sexism or Archie Bunker into this. https://t.co/CP65HlO0UT ->
- RT @TheBriefing2016: In the spirit of friendship, here's Donald Trump's ISIS plan for your consideration. #debate https://t.co/YCXFWZyiGA ->
- RT @TerryGlavin: Trump brings Rosie O'Donnell into it. I give. #debates ->
- @AlGiordano He did what he promised. He largely stayed out of the fray. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- Now that is the funniest tweet of #debatenight right there, Gov. https://t.co/MXz3ny92y9 ->
- RT @roareyraccoon: Here's something a politician could do to prove sincerity in caring about the public interest: ban all lobbying. ->
- @AlGiordano Here is a shot in the semi-dark using the VT Dems Facebook page: David Zuckerman and Madeline Kunin? in reply to AlGiordano ->
- @VizardJeffhog I would pick up that theme if I wasn't saving my money for games in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- Apparently, today @TeamChaotix clocked another arbitrary revolution around the sun. Congrats! ->
- I side 99% with .@HillaryClinton https://t.co/R5UsCegYyj ->
- Oddly enough, I only side ~88% with .@TimKaine as a VP (percentage varies depending on where I click). Go figure… https://t.co/sXaojIfV8b ->
- RT @jimmyhendrixjr: Trump can run for president with no political experience but I need a masters and 5 years experience for an entry level… ->
- @Xial What carrier? in reply to Xial ->
- @spexfox Isn't that what we would otherwise call "Thursday"? in reply to spexfox ->
- RIP @BlackBerry Hardware division. https://t.co/h55CtsAJs5 ->
- RT @KojiFox: Yeeaahh, if we could start having more fury cons that aren't rabidly sex negative and prudish that'd be greeeaaat. ☕️ ->
Twiter Weekly Update 17.Sep.2016 – 23.Sep.2016
- Amen, Bernie https://t.co/4nJO6Beaha ->
- RT @Wooflepup: Bernie Sanders: "Now is not the time for a protest vote"
https://t.co/hoJd4Ctz10 -> - @spexfox Only if @HillaryClinton doesn't win. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox And even if she doesn't, I would prefer Warren run with @SenSherrodBrown or @RonWyden personally… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ajamubaraka Problem is, a vote for your running mate is a vote not going to Clinton, which only helps Trump. in reply to ajamubaraka ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 10.Sep.2016 – 16.Sep.2016" https://t.co/beLBKEgiWk ->
- @spexfox It is probably meant to be a quickie internet box more than anything. in reply to spexfox ->
- @RudeChan it has been that way for a while now in reply to RudeChan ->
- Hillary is the only candidate that will honor our veterans rather than throw them under a bus. https://t.co/YLwteJRZVP ->
- RT @BernieSanders: When we stand together – as white, black and hispanic, gay and straight, women and men – we trump hate. https://t.co/B8a… ->
- RT @BernieSanders: When your friends say they won't vote, ask how much student debt they have. There's only one candidate who will make col… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: When Trump tries to deflect blame for denying that @POTUS was born in America, he is lying. https://t.co/lje3lKrZQy htt… ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: Donald Trump's foundation allegedly paid off Florida's attorney general to prevent an investigation into his fraud. htt… ->
- Here we go for my Macbook Air. Finger's crossed! #macOSSierra #upgrade https://t.co/hNjfqgtwwx ->
- @spexfox @Nystre VirtualBox has done much better with its 3d acceleration guest addons now than in the past. 2D acceleration, not so much… in reply to spexfox ->
- RT @VancityReynolds: I don't know who made this, but thank you. #MaximumEffort https://t.co/nH1ywqeshN ->
- RT @VancityReynolds: Many years ago, my father forgot to put on his thinking-condom. https://t.co/LDLajmOQgE ->
- RT @YahooNews: Bruce Springsteen attacks Donald Trump: "The republic is under siege by a moron" https://t.co/WX9a7QE2WW https://t.co/LX1fL… ->
- @Max_Firestorm did you click a link with a tel: or callto: URI scheme in reply to Max_Firestorm ->