- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 06.Jun.2020 – 12.Jun.2020" https://t.co/r55rctcpGr ->
- RT @tolaphy: ✨Thanks for 20k followers ✨
Art Raffle Rules :
– Retweet
– Following me
– Comment with your Oc
1 Winner ( reward : full-body S… -> - @tolaphy Best of luck to everyone. https://t.co/thohmOyky4 in reply to tolaphy ->
- @ROSCALION420 Because Twitter is one part of the internet, which was built on the backs of porn stars. in reply to ROSCALION420 ->
- Been hitting a bit of the @thebloom_brand Jack Herer vape I got in town last week. It is a beautiful day strain won… https://t.co/a9jCKmSUVX ->
- Special thanks to the @bloom_oklahoma peeps for bringing this to the Tulsa area https://t.co/8WqfrBrLFN ->
- RT @Koul_Fardreamer: take a risk https://t.co/OHPhz7PYxb ->
- @sonicyoda I don't think that sounds like that is the case, if only because of the sheer amount of notifications. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- @Demifur @DaWillstanator Unlikely. Way things are going I would also expect a few cons to permanently cease due to the new normal. in reply to Demifur ->
"OMG 3D MARIO REMASTERS?!"… -> - @Oatmeal Hi there, I enjoy your comics very much and all.
Also, your SSL certificate is reporting as expired in Chrome for me. ->
Twiter Weekly Update 06.Jun.2020 – 12.Jun.2020
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 30.May.2020 – 05.Jun.2020" https://t.co/sYoWLFAZbf ->
- @EpipremnumSnolf Then you are supposed to lure them over to the sealing circle in between the clubhouse entrance an… https://t.co/JsMnN1Q8sW in reply to EpipremnumSnolf ->
- I haven't spoke about recent events for several reasons, chief among them bringing them up dredges up feelings of s… https://t.co/biXBCW5qHc ->
- We need real reform of all police agencies. Not just simply #DefundThePolice, but total reform including a severe r… https://t.co/gtPXaoJrZH in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- If you truly believe in what you claim to stand for, you should put an end to this glorification of murders with ba… https://t.co/IiywUk9aC2 ->
- @MoodyFerret I am thinking…
Was it a series where he guest starred, or one where he actually was part of the cast? in reply to MoodyFerret ->
- Welcome to Tulsa and Green Country @thebloom_brand @ Broken Arrow, Oklahoma https://t.co/7yyIdKH61a ->
- @MoodyFerret I will guess… Quincy M.E.?
Frakes did two appearances and it feels super Quincy-like scene-wise in reply to MoodyFerret ->
Twiter Weekly Update 30.May.2020 – 05.Jun.2020
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 23.May.2020 – 29.May.2020" https://t.co/RqBDori5gY ->
- RT @AOC: Want to really stand for racial justice? Change your name. ->
- @EpipremnumSnolf Eprb the Irritable, hoarder of Jimmy John's and cannabis in reply to EpipremnumSnolf ->
- Beware the #baitbricks if you go to a protest today https://t.co/4xZ7WB0VzG ->
- RT @ProjectLincoln: Washington turned into a war zone for a coward.
https://t.co/SgSL5gKpNl -> - RT @CarrieBenatti: @emilyrayeg @weedthepplsocal @Uslombor @Young_Rex97 @RiversLangley https://t.co/Qr5sP4v9tZ ->
- ??️???
That is all ->
Twiter Weekly Update 23.May.2020 – 29.May.2020
- @tokyointulsa Considering that after the issues swirling around from the previous "transition year" and now this "N… https://t.co/B4BR57w7OA in reply to tokyointulsa ->
Twiter Weekly Update 11.Apr.2020 – 17.Apr.2020
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 04.Apr.2020 – 10.Apr.2020" https://t.co/O5NJFsHUpX ->
- Was Wedge always super-painfully awkward in the original? I know he isn't supposed to be the brick house built mach… https://t.co/26Pwah7LnH ->
- Just to give you lot something interesting, I am writing a #FF7Remake Drinking Game.
No, this will not be for the… https://t.co/AnFdl8pJ6D ->
- @sonicyoda You sure you didn't nick your ear at all using your fingernails? in reply to sonicyoda ->
Twiter Weekly Update 04.Apr.2020 – 10.Apr.2020
- @MariGenkii At least he didn't land in your breakfast. I had a cockatiel as a kid that flew away from mom (who was… https://t.co/3NobGmqbh2 in reply to MariGenkii ->
- @anti_developmnt @LupineAssassin M'aiq the Liar (either as he appeared in Skyrim or ESO) in reply to anti_developmnt ->
- Just sitting here, enjoying the #coronapocalypse while I vape some chronic and drink some cranberry & vodka. ->
- @CovidSnolf *hits vape weed cart*
Because the plot dictated that it was necessary.
Also, because the Prince has a shoe fetish. in reply to CovidSnolf ->
- @Mendinso No explanation needed.
Besides, I am at $10,100.00 in reply to Mendinso ->
- RT @AlexandraChalup: There are Dems who are heartbroken that Bernie Sanders dropped out of the presidential race, there are Dems celebratin… ->
- RT @GravelInstitute: Bernie has suspended his campaign. He was the best of us and his vision inspired tens of millions to fight for change,… ->
- @SamerGhani @NateWorldOrder Just because your candidate didn't end up winning doesn't mean it is the end, after all… https://t.co/0Xd8LdG9Ti in reply to SamerGhani ->
- @Benj_ier @ItsInTheDNA @IAmSethNix @nucknyan @DanteDeathTouch @NotMWag2 @mannysoloway @ChrisDJackson @JoeBiden… https://t.co/0Qk8lCkWVC in reply to Benj_ier ->
- @CovidSnolf Maybe she's born with it.
Maybe it's Ambien. in reply to CovidSnolf -> - @CovidSnolf Quarantine has me enjoying a strawberry lemonade THC drink in reply to CovidSnolf ->
- #SonicTheHedgehog themed #QuarantineHouse poll
These are the Houses
1.) Sonic/Amy/Espio/Rouge
2.) Tails/Eggman/Mig… https://t.co/lCbCKEoF7K -> - Here is how it is:
I was a ? Warren supporter this time around, because she got my attention first on GND. Biden,… https://t.co/T8OxsjvZzO ->
- Also, for the bots out there who want to spread their vitriol, a vote for any third party only aids Trump's victory… https://t.co/Tzak5E863g in reply to biafrarepublic ->
Twiter Weekly Update 21.Mar.2020 – 27.Mar.2020
- First lesson of surviving quarantine: sanity is highly overrated when it comes to fulfilling it's "intended purpose… https://t.co/Md6fmOQG2X ->
- Second lesson on surviving quarantine: Think outside the box, especially when panic buying hits and the toilet paper is sold out. ->
- Lesson 3 on quarantine survival: make sure you have a multi-week supply of food, medicine, and other sundries. Also… https://t.co/5FNCnru4hU ->
- @GovStitt What about medical cannabis?
Patients are going to be without access to this medicine during this! Any p… https://t.co/AI99lqyt1q in reply to GovStitt ->
- Just remember…
#SpreadTheWordNotTheVirus Oklahoma https://t.co/NMWLoqERAh ->
- @AkitagamiOtter Is it just me, or does this look something that would be on a sheet of acid in reply to AkitagamiOtter ->
- @GeorgeTakei Buffy, Angel, and maybe the original Roswell in reply to GeorgeTakei ->
Twiter Weekly Update 07.Mar.2020 – 13.Mar.2020
- @AOC You won't get any argument from me on the point of #VoteBlueNoMatterWho in reply to AOC ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 29.Feb.2020 – 06.Mar.2020" https://t.co/bgY66PyVsI ->
- RT @bacon_flaps: tfw people tellin you not to panic about corona but this is the mindset of literally every food service GM in america http… ->
- RT @eruditechick: People dragging Elizabeth Warren for daring to do SNL because all of their problems aren't solved yet is fucking stupid a… ->
- @WeAreAKon With COVID-19 now declared a pandemic, will A-Kon 2020 still be held as scheduled? ->
Twiter Weekly Update 29.Feb.2020 – 06.Mar.2020
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 22.Feb.2020 – 28.Feb.2020" https://t.co/8DoEuU7FIw ->
- Time to try my hand at streaming… https://t.co/Nel9SAliha ->
- Streaming NOW on Twitch! Tune In @ https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC
#LivePlay #TGNarmy #LiveStream -> - NOW STREAMING! The Elder Scrolls Online https://t.co/tup2NfP4Ke #LivePlay #TGNarmy #LiveStream ->
- @KaseyTheJackal @FENNERGY Also can vouch everything here as an ex admin as well in reply to KaseyTheJackal ->
- @SteelClaw_Fox Nice shots there in reply to SteelClaw_Fox ->
- *dingding*
Oh, I leveled up again, how nice.
- Some birthday FAQs:
* Yes, it was awesome
* Yes, #IVoted … #IVotedForWarren during early voting
* Yes, I also vo… https://t.co/REWzWDcFxJ -> - RT @NerdOrDieCom: Synthwave is LIVE!
If you're a neon loving retro fan, then this is the overlay for you.
RT, like, or tag a friend for y… ->
- @pmccre @javadesq @MadameMalaprop @crossxtc2 @JoeBiden @ewarren That still 2 months and 59 days too long to let her… https://t.co/rPUpfaFsU8 in reply to pmccre ->
- @LitPathway @joekeenan60 @WMN4SRVL @SueRMichael @JoeBiden @ewarren I supported Warren and quite honestly, even for… https://t.co/KSvfXxCf5r in reply to LitPathway ->
- @LupineAssassin Tulsi will learn. Eventually.
And agreed on the pain from .@ewarren departure. Campaign is poorer… https://t.co/weUpCeN62N in reply to LupineAssassin ->
- @FarrellGabriell Let Bailey have his burrito.
- Okay, why won't Twitter let me have an emoji hashtag??? https://t.co/cUJHQ2tyct ->
- @Banjorama Well, what would you prefer I call their little hate group then? in reply to Banjorama ->
- Wow… Meant to say too long….
Proof that you should always proofread what you tweet. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @PrincessBravato This one is hard for me as every female Democratic politician I can think of is either doing criti… https://t.co/qtMM1DW2FB in reply to PrincessBravato ->
- RT @politicususa: Elizabeth Warren calls out Sanders' supporters for online bullying and "organized nastiness" in her first interview since… ->
Twiter Weekly Update 22.Feb.2020 – 28.Feb.2020
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 15.Feb.2020 – 21.Feb.2020" https://t.co/eyMXrAT9Cu ->
- @LupineAssassin Nice! in reply to LupineAssassin ->
- @SirSnolf Be glad it isn't going through the other end. The prep for that sucks! in reply to SirSnolf ->
- Thankfully, Super Tuesday falls on my birthday this year, so all I have to do is to drive 1/4 mile to my local poll… https://t.co/uJ2PoJlgNS ->
- @SirSnolf And yet, I would totally prefer the bottom one over the rest. in reply to SirSnolf ->
- @ValorB @dirrty_foxxx Nice in reply to ValorB ->
- @davidwbrown @marcorubio To be fair, he is one of the two senators from Florida, aka America's Wang in reply to davidwbrown ->
- @adultswim #WhatColorIsP Urine ->
- RT @_youhadonejob1: Another actor ruined by drugs. https://t.co/M0XfJ7cJxz ->
- @fuktwonk I'm waiting for to on VOD as I detest going to movie theaters. Too many people, plus the cost of not star… https://t.co/AuQtSMXsOX in reply to fuktwonk ->
- @LynxAfterDark Just make sure whatever smart device is paired to that can't phone home to the manufacturer. in reply to LynxAfterDark ->
- @rochhhellle As long as the douche doesn't a.) violate any rules/ordinances/laws by acting like a douche publicly,… https://t.co/ye6UTzt5H1 in reply to rochhhellle ->
- @IAmKevinBates Unlike sweater person, I voted because I made myself a promise:
The 1st candidate this cycle who ca… https://t.co/X4whgl6evZ in reply to IAmKevinBates ->