- @LynxAfterDark Got any guy friends you and yours like to have fun with? in reply to LynxAfterDark #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-10
- @Abbywolfox Can I buy a vowel? An "A"? [/wheel_of_fortune_joke] in reply to Abbywolfox #
- @roareyraccoon This is exactly why I favor of removing all state recognition of marriage. That and the fact it's the linchpin of capitalism. in reply to roareyraccoon #
- @TeamChaotix Meh, I've seen louder. in reply to TeamChaotix #
- @lynxdarkwynd Try eBay? in reply to lynxdarkwynd #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-09
- @gogobmn Is it a WEP or WPA/WPA2 hotspot? in reply to gogobmn #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-08
- This is interesting: http://t.co/VsYrZcQP #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-05
- Playing Team Fortress 2. http://t.co/EVPrdRjT #
- @Xial Yeah… It's usually sold like Avon or Mary Kay. in reply to Xial #
- @Xial It's okay. Basically scented wax melted over a light bulb. My sister in law sells it here. in reply to Xial #
- @frankieboyle Odd, I thought Tom Cruise had 7 hearts… in reply to frankieboyle #
- @roareyraccoon Reason I ask is that photo of her is not very flattering. in reply to roareyraccoon #
- @roareyraccoon Are you sure that's your mother? in reply to roareyraccoon #
- @Singedrac I believe this is meant to be a joke at how fucked up the patent system is in America. in reply to Singedrac #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-04
- Bought a clearance Dedi today from @limestoneinc for some TF2 madness w/ friends. Server was up in 1 hr and running TF2 in 2. Thanks, guys! #
- @Akhmin @UrthyBewbs @Shadow5talker04 Check your respective DMs #
- @SuperPsyguy Just be sure to get the Steak one instead of the Beef one. in reply to SuperPsyguy #
- Playing Team Fortress 2. http://t.co/EVPrdRjT #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-03
- @GavvieUK I thought British weathermen all offed themselves back when Thatcher was PM when she made failing to possess an umbrella a felony in reply to GavvieUK #
- @gogobmn Okay. Let me know if this happens again soon. I just got in some more durable thumbscrews this time. in reply to gogobmn #
- @gogobmn Okay, did you want to use my rack and thumbscrews for your discussion with Oracle, or do you finally have your own set? in reply to gogobmn #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-02
- @UrthyBewbs @ValorB Yeah, what he said. in reply to UrthyBewbs #
- @ValorB That never works. Use brain Pine-sol instead. in reply to ValorB #
Twits at Ten for 2012-07-01
- @Max_Firestorm @philvgersims @UrthyBewbs @Akhmin @Shadow5talker04 @thekevineva READ: what should it be called? in reply to Max_Firestorm #
- @philvgersims @UrthyBewbs @Akhmin @Max_Firestorm @Shadow5talker04 @thekevineva &c. Looking about 4 a domain 4 the TF2 dedi I'm buyin. Ideas? #
- Oooh, before I forget, today is the birthday of everyone's favorite internet journalist and Sonic fan, @Svend_SPOnG … Lots of love, man. #
- @sonicyoda Dunno. I prefer using Chrome, myself. in reply to sonicyoda #
- @BedtimeVixen Wish I could. But I have other commission-related plans. in reply to BedtimeVixen #
- @thekevineva I recommend more TF2 in reply to thekevineva #
- @Svend_SPOnG Yay for Svendley having a birthday unencumbered by SOS! in reply to Svend_SPOnG #
Twits at Ten for 2012-06-30
- @ValorB Stabbing people in the throat? Don't you get enough of giving throat injuries in your comics and the MARS stories? in reply to ValorB #
- @UrthyBewbs @Max_Firestorm @jennytablina @Akhmin Argh! I won't be home then! in reply to UrthyBewbs #