Twits at Ten for 2012-04-21

  • @Darkspeeds It's a domain hack, thereby making it much more leet 🙂 #
  • @Darkspeeds Shame you picked the .com instead of … Congratulations, though. #
  • #ff @UrthyBewbs @SpexFox @Abbywolfox @HarroSIN @Det_Conan_Kudo @xkeepah @Akhmin @cdrom1019 @roareyraccoon @ValorB @DarkOverord @jkitrinehart #
  • Follow Friday Lotto Draw done. Results to be announced at 4:20PM CDT. Thanks to @Seesmic Ping for the idea… #
  • @Akhmin That the way that rat bastard Steve Jobs made them… #
  • Connection Type: UMTS/HSPA+, Server: Houston, TX, Download: 5090 kbps, Upload: 2223 kbps, Ping: 106 #
  • A very special 4/20 Follow Friday Lotto will take place today at 4:20PM CDT. Want a shot in? Follow me! Want out? Give me a DM #ff #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-20

  • @Akhmin Wish I could but I don't own the game u.u #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-19

  • @tssznews To be fair, the "community project" died long ago. What's left was an effort of a select few, which was doomed from the restart. #
  • @tssznews LOst's holding the code hostage & the team's options are a.) End it, b.) Start from scratch, or c.) beat up LOst & take his source #
  • @bradflick55 That's FLYERS you lacist plick #
  • @gogobmn If the frequencies are the same, it's probably voltage. #
  • @Max_Firestorm Easy enough, tell it to piss off with the reminders for 4 hours. That should be sufficient. If not, repeat as necessary. #
  • @UrthyBewbs Free tuition, maybe? #
  • @Dragoneer Twitter also accepts, "Smells like Houston" as a response. #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Ok, so it's Linux 3,852,968,552,556,587,548,856,848-1 Windows. Big fucking deal. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-18

  • @UrthyBewbs @Akhmin I know of this. It's called polymer clay. In America, a major brand of this is known as Sculpey. #
  • @Max_Firestorm Yeah… explains much. I've been using Camtasia Studio lately. It's lovely. #
  • @Max_Firestorm 25GB? What kind of ass backward program are you using? #
  • @NegriElectronic I pushed one out for you, but with 13 days left in the month, I doubt the contest will meet your thresholds. #
  • $652.99 for a Galaxy Nexus. Madness? THIS IS @NegriElectronic !!!!! #NegriSloganContest #
  • But first, the time is 5:27 am. Time for Breakfast! #
  • Today's agenda: nurse sick parent, job applications galore, and trash day hijinks. #
  • @Abbywolfox Yet another reason to just jump ship to InkBunny… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-17

  • @GavvieUK @philvgersims @thekevineva @lifson And that's not counting Sir Patrick's career on the stage. #
  • @GavvieUK @philvgersims @thekevineva @lifson Also, Sir Patrick was in a TV film of Moby Dick as Ahab (interesting parallel to Insurrection) #
  • @GavvieUK @philvgersims @thekevineva @lifson Ok,… Avery Brooks: American History X … Shatner: Boston Legal, Incubus, TJ Hooker … #
  • @philvgersims @GavvieUK @thekevineva @lifson Avery Brooks was in American History X, Kirk was on TJ Hooker & in that esperanto film Incubus #
  • Playing Sonic Generations. #
  • @spexfox Yep. Tends to translate to something interesting… #
  • @spexfox Heehee, nah, it's my bad. Had a dirty mind when I woke up this morning. #
  • @spexfox T is simple enough: thrust. #
  • @thekevineva Six months? Why haven't you taken care of it sooner? Chest infections are nasty business, but curable. #
  • @spexfox that or 'cock' #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-16

  • @Dragoneer I'll stick with the Arby's on I-12 in Louisiana, thank you. It may be less efficient, but it's much tastier… #
  • @CjFoxie Anything that costs at least US$25 before applicable taxes and shipping. #
  • @philvgersims I've hit level 114 one late night back when I still had a working Genesis. But that was over a decade ago. #
  • @philvgersims Columns 1 or Columns 3? #
  • @Abbywolfox I dunno…, devil-worship? #
  • @SonicWrecks I'd use Cutter's Industrial Strength Brain Bleach. It's perfect for scenarios like Sonic & Amy sexing it up or Star Trek V. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-15

  • @Shadow5talker04 Well technically, yeah. But due to a complicated mess of holidays in DC and a Sunday, taxes are not due until the 17th… #
  • @philvgersims Also, all port in your warehouses has been replaced with American non-alcoholic beer. #
  • @philvgersims Alright. Changing to discipline level 2. All your incoming merch packages are now either stuck in customs or The Royal Fail. #
  • @philvgersims This was designed as a first level disciplinary measure designed to force more updates direct from you. #
  • @philvgersims UPDATEN DE SITE! SCHNELL! SCHNELL! *illustrates point by summoning hordes of @Akhmin clones to force an update from you.* #
  • @philvgersims De site, de site. Updaten de site 😛 #
  • Playing Sonic Generations. #
  • Installing Windows 8 Consumer Preview, to see if the @stephenfry simalcra from the future was right. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Be glad you have regular train service and such. Amtrak is a complete mess… #
  • @spexfox @mattatobin Personally, I prefer David Spade as the 12th Doctor. #
  • @spexfox I can't. Either you're not following me or it's because your tweets are protected… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-14

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-13

Twits at Ten for 2012-04-12

  • @DarkOverord Are you certain about that? 😛 #
  • @UrthyBewbs Given those choices, it seems you made the wiser one. Also, I'm surprised there's no Church's or Popeye's Chicken in the UK… #
  • Especially my usual wrecking crew of @Akhmin, @UrthyBewbs, @philvgersims, @thekevineva, et. al. Who's game? #
  • I'm thinking of finding a Team Fortress 2 server somewhere for some CTF or Payload. Anyone want to join in? #
  • Well, my Wednesday is completely free. I was considering doing a quick video test show for A/V Hijack, but being on DSL limits me there. #
  • @SonicWrecks Thanks… 🙂 #
  • @thekevineva Okay, this is odd. I can follow and re-tweet here, but not the Sonic Wrecks twitter account. Why? #
  • Ticket dismissed! On to McDonald's #
  • @UrthyBewbs This is why I prefer Letter size (A4 to you UK peeps). #
  • @UrthyBewbs I've got traffic court in 4 hours, but other than that, I'm well… #
  • @Abbywolfox Call the VAERS hotline. It should be with the paperwork you got from wherever you got the vaccination. #