- @xkeepah Even money it's heroin or some other opiate then. They're easy to flush out and can cause shit coding like this. #
- @xkeepah I believe the questions are: a.) Is there such as thing as sane programing, and b.) What was the coder smoking? #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Well, Samsung is Samsung… #
- @roareyraccoon If you think that's trippy, just wait until you hit the 36 hour mark. #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Sonic 4 Episode 1 is optimized for Tegra 2 devices #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-26
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-25
- This is what it sounds like when doves cry… http://t.co/wyNkKWZp #
- @KeithOlbermann On the lighter side, Vioinist mimics the Nokia ringtone after a audience cell goes off: http://t.co/paFzlXNP #
- @DarkOverord Does Debug mode work in the PC version? #
- @FlintyFoxy Stuff gets unlocked based on how well you do in Time Attack mode. #
- @DarkOverord The other two are Sound Test and Level Select. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-24
- @Svend_SPOnG #ACTA isn't a bill, it's an international treaty in the works. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-23
- @aquadan88 That's nice. I hope Tom Brady tears his ACL. #
- Crap. Just before I nod off, I chip a toenail. Fun. #
- @SuperPsyguy Odd… Down where I live it's only $5.99+ tax #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-22
- @m1kepro Saw this, thought of you. 😛 http://t.co/ySXZH2Ze #
- @Dragoneer Definitely have to go with the caltrops. With mines, rockets, and slowing down, you risk having the other car crash into you. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-21
- @FlintyFoxy I'd rather have Spotify's self-gratification than that. #
- @FlintyFoxy At least it's not anything like those Pandora whoring out a shit anti-virus program… #
- One #FollowFriday Special this week, awarded to @demandprogress for a well earned victory in their battle against SOPA and PIPA. #
- #ff WINNERS: @IcemanEtika @Farrallth @cdrom1019 @philvgersims @discoponies @GavvieUK @Jayzeach @ValorB @magferret @WikidWorx @roareyraccoon #
- #FollowFriday Lotto time, people. Follow me for a chance to get a shout out. Not interested? DM me. #ff #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-20
- @Akhmin I looked it up. Looks like you might have to back up what you can and go with the nuclear option. #
- @ValorB File a 1040X and report your corrections, man. #
- Got my large tax return sent in yesterday. Hoping the refund will be there sooner rather than later. #
- @Akhmin Have you tried Avast? #
- Hey @Urtheart Check this: http://t.co/id3VTfha #
- @FlintyFoxy Welcome to the club, man. Where's your problem tooth or teeth at? #
- @Abbywolfox Don't get too excited, it's only for 2 weeks… #
- A Windows-powerex AI prototype escaped M$ in 1995, developed in wild, & emerged later on Jeopardy as Ken Jennings. #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- It was Margaret Thatcher who let the dogs out in 2005 in a vain attempt to help the Tories take back Number 10. #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- @Det_Conan_Kudo That's because @Sprint is a CDMA/IDEN/WIMAX/LTE network converting it's IDEN to CDMA ESMR. #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-19
- B-Rep's 45th law: Any politician of long standing who is happily married for more than 10 years has a dark secret hidden deep. #
- The Apostle Paul was once struck blind on the road to Tarsus by watching two camels getting it on and jerking off. #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- Sent off to Betty Crocker for a 'free cookie mix sample'. This is the result… A full 17.5 oz bag. http://t.co/SR8ZpIta #
- Contrary to legend, the city of Austin, TX was named after the wrestler Steve Austin, NOT the Six Million Dollar Man. #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- The capital of China is Tallahassee #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- Immediately after the death Kim Jong-il, power was split between Kim Jong-un, Kim Jong-deux, and Kim Jong-trois. #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- While under a voice ban during The Troubles, Gerry Adams was regularly voiced by actor Samuel L. Jackson #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
- @kaybaileyhutch @JohnCornyn As Republicans, why are you not #anti PIPA? It breaks the net, creates censorship, & enlarges the federal gov't. #
- @PeteOlson As a Republican, why are you not #anti SOPA? It breaks the net, creates censorship, & enlarges the federal gov't. #
- The only members of the Animal kingdom that can be sunburned are humans and pigs. #FactsWithoutWikipedia #
Twits at Ten for 2012-01-18
- Support Stop SOPA-Stop PIPA, add a #twibbon now! – http://t.co/4HePqTJJ – Create one here – http://t.co/dT13AkXq #
- Sonic the Hedgehog (whole series), Wiz 'n' Liz, Columns I & III, Mortal Kombat, Pulseman, and Phantasy Star II, III, & IV #megadriveloves #
- @Svend_SPOnG Finagle's Law, my friend. "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong… at the worst possible moment" #