Twits at Ten for 2012-01-06

  • @dvolvemusic Just make sure you use protection while you do so… #
  • @DarkOverord Bowser has a lot of girth, but not much length in the legs, as most of his size is in the torso/shell area. #
  • @FlintyFoxy Do not get. It's a slow device and 18 months behind the times. #
  • @roareyraccoon My condolences to you, man… #
  • Finally got messages by UPS, my router will hopefully be here by 2:30PM local time… #
  • @mattatobin Novel concept: why not just switch clients? #
  • Applied to Geek Squad again, didn't even get the Unicru behavioral test… I'm doubtful about my chances… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-01-05

  • @thekevineva Good fucking luck. #
  • Waiting for new router to come in… Hurry up UPS!!! #
  • @Akhmin One of the most interesting Batman characters. Her job pre-Joker was a mind-blowing reveal #
  • @ValorB Damn! That rules out Portal 2 then… #
  • @Svend_SPOnG While the nostalgia dollar is seemingly king, I do get the feeling of complacency from the lack of new IPs from studios. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-01-04

  • Okay… Time to make some dinner then… Just as soon as my mouth doesn't taste like a cotton ball… #
  • @tssznews Not to mention the alleged incident at Bennigan's. 😛 #
  • @TitansCreed Because endospores can last on surfaces for decades. #
  • @DarkOverord Then order out. #

Twits at Ten for 2012-01-03

Twits at Ten for 2012-01-02

  • Oh, and @blitzchris … New Year's Fucking Eve was a success. It will be uploaded when I have bandwidth to kill… #
  • Hope everyone is having a Happy New Year. #
  • Checked on the bubbly, nice & cold… #

Twits at Ten for 2012-01-01

  • @Dragoneer Actually, that's a e-Toilet. Valid guess though… #
  • @ValorB I stream for over 14 hours on SSR, that's the brilliant part. #
  • @ValorB Nah… Brilliant is what I'm going to be doing on @Sega_SonicRadio in less than an hour: New Year's Fucking Eve #
  • @thekevineva So THAT'S why the new Deus Ex game was so popular! 😛 #
  • @ValorB Not a problem for me anyways because I make Jello Shooters with Golden Grain Alcohol. #
  • @googlen0 I'm afraid I have to agree with @Victorinox667 here on this one. The (@YouTube #
  • Fuck ow… My SPINE!!!!!! #
  • Back home. Never let family shop with you… (@ Biafra's House) #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-31

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-29

  • @DiGi_Valentine It's actually quite easy. Start with "Mom, I love and respect you very much, but…" #
  • @tssznews The current Vegas line is +/- 6 hours. #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-28

  • @Xial I have a .me and a .com … They're good through 2013, thankfully. That gives me time to find a cheap renewal registrar for both… #
  • @Xial You should see the renewal fees for .me domains… #
  • @ValorB *groggily nods through haze to suggestion…* #
  • @Xial Ah. Good. I wanted to know the reason of the day. A few months ago (pre-sellout) it was because Bill Parsons killed an elephant… #
  • @Abbywolfox Dear Abby, I miss being just a phone, too. Blame all the irresponsible sheep following Steve Jobs for ruining that. Love, Phone. #
  • @Xial Why are we running from GoDaddy for again? (I ask because I've been getting these Leave GoDaddy things for years…) #
  • @SonicTweaker If I didn't know better, I'd swear you were pregnant, Tweaker… #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo Be glad you have cable. I don't even have access to that! #
  • @GavvieUK Lucky stiff! Enjoy yourself! #
  • @philvgersims Need to borrow my flamethrower? #

Twits at Ten for 2011-12-27

  • Interesting fact: Since Xmas fell on Sun. this year, today (Boxing Day for my British fagz n hagz) is a Federal and state holiday in the US. #
  • @thekevineva It could be worse. You could be watching "Showgirls" or (gasp) "Beaches" #
  • @SonicTweaker It's called 'depression'. It usually happens when you're disappointed about your life. I recommend pudding therapy. #
  • @dsixda Wanna get away? [/bad_joke] #
  • @BedtimeVixen As for the ginger butt plug, depends on whether the ginger is peeled or not. #
  • @BedtimeVixen Nice. Yours? #