On WordPress III: Revenge of the Plugins

What’s really shite about all this extensibility is that one little plugin (in this case a plugin that added Adsense ads to the blog) could not only cause Windows Live Writer 2011 to freak out and not be able to use the xmlrpc.php file output, but it would also freak out the comment luv joint on Xial’s blog.


This keeps getting better and better and…. fuck it, I need sleep ladies.


Catch everyone later.

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-11

  • Alright, there's a 15 year old w/ terminal cancer who wrote a bucket list, on which she wanted to trend on Twitter. Plz RT! #AliceBucketList #
  • #BeatHazard Beat Hazard is now Tweeting! #
  • Finished up eating @ Denny's after a long afternoon nap. Now a stop @ Walmart and Lowe's and then home!… #
  • Definitely a winner, Nintendo. You won the expo. #GTE3 http://soc.li/C3RPX2N #
  • I'm sold on Wii U because of the new Darksiders, Assassins Creed, and Ninja Gaiden games… #GTE3 http://soc.li/C3RPX2N #
  • I will say this: Nintendo Wii U, like the Wii, is a shit name, but a game changer Definitely something to watch. #E3 #
  • Did I hear that right? "Systems"? As in more than one??? RT @NintendoAmerica: Here’s a message from Reggie! http://t.co/8IUJEdh #
  • @GavvieUK In the grand tradition of names named after waste products: Nintendo Puu #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-06-04

  • @aospbot What about us folks who don't have or can't use Rom Manager? How about a version for us? #
  • @SonicTweaker No, no… Pork chops are sex. ^.^ #
  • @FlintyFoxy Be glad it wasn't potatoes. When they go, they smell like death. Literally. #
  • @FlintyFoxy I'm sorry, but that is wrong on so many levels… #
  • @bradflick55 Well, it's official: the south needs a new hockey team! Damn Canadians stealing our hockey teams… #
  • Alright, time to grocery shop… #
  • @m1kepro Odd, I thought it was the Phoenix Coyotes that they were trying to move to Winnipeg, not Atlanta…. #
  • @SonicTweaker Then go scream. Unless you have some reason not to… #
  • @thekevineva Benevolent Co-Dictator For Life? #
  • Yay for @Akhmin and her GModerry! http://bit.ly/lTpXpu #
  • @m1ket The Fcuk Blatter line forms up behind me. Damn Blatter giving the cup to the Qataris #
  • @philvgersims cool beans. give us a listen! #
  • @spexfox Nice! Need a beta tester? #
  • @FlintyFoxy Well, at least yours is joining the US: Spring Bank Holiday falls on the same day as Memorial Day this year. #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo A Quantum Leap movie? That almost makes up for their shit series finale ending. Almost. #
  • Hark! Dinnertime approaches! #
  • Need to start simmering dinner in a bit… #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Good afternoon Agent Svendaa. Your mission, should you choose to accept it: Find the #FemaleRichtofen #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-28

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-21

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-14

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-07

  • Loading KDE onto Ubuntu. Mark Shuttleworth and Unity need to be horsewhipped… #
  • Bleh, I'm bored as hell #
  • Another run with Ubuntu, yay! #
  • @bradflick55 Congratulations! #
  • Operation Mindfuck! http://t.co/wWRvMLR #
  • Testing official Chinese WLM client, looks ok… #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-30

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-23

  • @roareyraccoon I did something similar once, but it was with an unabridged dictionary. #
  • @Det_Conan_Kudo B/cuz @ATT wants in the prepaid smartphone market, currently led by @VirginMobileUS & @CricketNation, but without the risk #
  • @tapatalk What happened to your app??? It's gone from Android Market in the US, of all places!!!! #
  • @dvolvemusic I still say Ofcom isn't going to care all that much if at all. Otherwise Channel 5 wouldn't be broadcasting at all. #
  • @dvolvemusic What I'm saying is: Sometimes it's best to solve things directly, even if it means going outside official channels. #
  • @dvolvemusic It's noble &right to do so, don't get me wrong, but if what I've heard of Ofcom is correct, they're not going to be much help. #
  • @dvolvemusic Okay, why bother? The most Ofcom is going to do is give them a slap on the wrist….. #
  • @Xial Tell him that if he doesn't silence his cat, said cat will become Vietnamese food. #
  • @Svend_SPOnG At least it isn't "How do you spell 'Star Trek'?"… #
  • @thekevineva Menu:
    >Attack with Death Metal against Neighbors
    >Use Technique Mrs. Kevin Eva on Neighbors
    >Use Item Liquor x1 on Self
    >Ignore #
  • @Xial Yep. It's a blast swyping while buzzed. #
  • @Xial I had a couple tax credits I was eligible for, so meh… #
  • @Xial Meh, I blew $750 of my tax refund on a ton of computer parts for my desktop. #
  • @dvolvemusic Sorry about that, man. #
  • @dvolvemusic Get drunk and ride a mechanical bull? #
  • @bradflick55 How is that possible? I thought those sites all moved their sites offshore to prevent that… #
  • @Svend_SPOnG Should have stuck around and asked this: "If you were able to determine a fetus would turn out gay, would you abort it?" #
  • To all my British tweeps: Alternate Vote, Yes or No (why is optional, but suggested) #

Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-04-16

  • Decided to watch some Jerry Springer. Sad, I know, but it passes the time… #
  • @Urtheart Doubtful. You're too important to kill… #
  • @Akhmin Congratulations, I guess… #
  • Classic v. Modern: The Sonic community's answer to Team Edward v. Team Jacob. #
  • Saw this in the tea and coffee aisle yesterday, thought of all my tweeps from the UK. http://yfrog.com/gzpd2qxj #