- RT @e_sibe: 50kg of cocaine missing from Paris police HQ Sources say police haven't slept in days & have been on edge throughout. http://t.… ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Not to mention the fact that cloning is illegal in most states. in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 26.Jul.2014 – 01.Aug.2014" http://t.co/T93kufB07L ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- Playing EVE Online. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->
- RT @ConanOBrien: 60% of Americans say they believe the nation is in a state of decline. The other 40% didn’t know what “decline” meant. ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: The other day I LEFT MY TWITTER OPEN HA HA HA THIS IS MARA'S SISTER ANNA what should I say hmm
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: Goddammit, Anna. ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: She exists. RT @jdjudge Does Anna really exist or should we be worried about you, Mara? ->
- @allwordsinmyass that could be rather painful. in reply to allwordsinmyass ->
- @sonicyoda @STC_Con Here you lot go. http://t.co/NWjBDtKIun in reply to sonicyoda ->
- Playing Spiral Knights. http://t.co/1BSCl3h46p ->