- B-Rep Live Streams – NOT A HERO, or The Boris Johnson Story, pt. 4 i think https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 27.Mar.2021 – 02.Apr.2021" https://t.co/gmjTZL8Xc3 ->
- @orkdmeema No. No thank you for your evil murder fowl unless plucked, stuffed, and roasted. in reply to orkdmeema ->
- @Nuurbs My HS in TX you could only leave campus if you were either a.) a senior during lunch hour, b.) taking dualc… https://t.co/KwZiZ8TzOP in reply to Nuurbs ->
- @ktdrg 6’10” and 300 lbs (208cm and 113kg for metric stans) in reply to ktdrg ->
- @spexfox @ktdrg Oh, good heavens no. That is meant to be drunk undiluted. in reply to spexfox ->
- NOW STREAMING B-Rep Live Streams – LET IT DIE (and be free) https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
- @Mendinso Well it is my Friday at work. Later tonight I am going to (hoopefully) finish Dust: An Elysian Tail befor… https://t.co/yCbJ0E4Rlg in reply to Mendinso ->
- .@Crush40 sucks, especially the songs they did for #SonicTheHedgehog https://t.co/M7II2NWYlO ->
- Babylon 5 was better than DS9. https://t.co/TeTC11MWvM ->
- RT @MarcieStarfleet: You just gave your Star Trek opinion.
The fandom reacted like this.
What did you say? https://t.co/lXr2QVptBw -> - B-Rep Live Streams – Dust: An Obligatory Indie Game, err.. Elysian Tail https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->
B-Rep Live Streams – Fall Guys Season 4 https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC -> - @Cortoony Here's a couple of 'em in addition to previously published ones by yours truly:
* Shadow the Hedgehog's… https://t.co/hcq5kcfPZt in reply to Cortoony ->
- @Cortoony Oh, and her are a couple more:
* Johnny Gioelli from Crush 40 sounds like Nickelback's Chad Kroger on he… https://t.co/4DdPe1yVXU in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- Got dose number one of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine today. So far, no side effects other than some random arm twinge… https://t.co/sepgoXqNN6 ->
- B-Rep Live Streams – It's not streaming, it's ESO https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC ->