- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 26.Nov.2016 – 02.Dec.2016" https://t.co/ERh1wz6Swj ->
- It's either that or Sonic will end up kissing some human skank in the season finale. #Sonic06 #LifeImitatingArt https://t.co/II0H9khsMx ->
- Wrecked my car on a curb today. At the hospital being ✔d out. Updates coming… ->
- Update: ended up being whiplash. sent home last night with RXs I couldn't get because they released me after the pharmacies all closed… ->
- https://t.co/qajYdCXKMk … that is all ->
- If anyone wants to watch me stream @WildStar go here: https://t.co/qajYdDflDS ->
- @Nuurbs Not bad so far (keep in mind I ❤ ? rather than ?) in reply to Nuurbs ->