- @TitansCreed Sorry for your loss. in reply to TitansCreed ->
- https://t.co/z4vQpYvGlo ->
- RT @NoContextBrits: https://t.co/yWGtbMi4xl ->
- @NoContextBrits Whichever one that got parents pissed off when they heard the toy attempt to say "ride my bike" but came out garbled. in reply to NoContextBrits ->
- Of the 27 I watched either the movie or at least one full season:
* 3 are movies
* 15 were watched 1 season only b… https://t.co/IAXnEuDadn -> - E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 28.Jan.2023 – 03.Feb.2023" https://t.co/F4Tn18gGOH #nofed ->
- Can you verify @Det_Conan_Kudo ??? https://t.co/l2WmLo3j0t ->
- @msradcore Still tearing at leftover Boston Butt roast seasoned perfectly and cooked until fall apart tender. in reply to msradcore ->
- @lordvictor Typically those who prefer to drink Dollar General brand cold medicine for breakfast chased down with M… https://t.co/Gh7infxE9d in reply to lordvictor ->
- @LakotaMan1 @AlMariam1 @usmint The Google-fu I used said that it was largely due to lack of consumer usage & busine… https://t.co/SuPvmczhZW in reply to LakotaMan1 ->
- @kangaroos991 In order starting from top of stack: yes, no, yes, no, yes, yes, yes, no, yes, yes in reply to kangaroos991 ->
- @snooty_emperor @ValorB Yep. When you die, Apple's Legacy Team uses the Find My network to track your soul, capture… https://t.co/mfLmnpAMuF in reply to snooty_emperor ->
- @Det_Conan_Kudo Sweet! Congarats! in reply to Det_Conan_Kudo ->
- @MadScientistFF If you want to get technical my first drink was at age 8 and given by a Catholic priest.
But I dou… https://t.co/nmNC4NMnLD in reply to MadScientistFF ->
- Now Streaming Unknown on #Twitch … Strap In!
https://t.co/xFAxgG4kY2 -> - @illustrevor Technically it was 6:
* Pilot
* Rick Pottion #9
* Rixty Minutes (aka I.D. Cable 1)
* Interdimensional… https://t.co/CmXJZEhJDy in reply to illustrevor -> - @illustrevor Source for all that trivia: https://t.co/bv9vFb7t0x in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- #Twitch Related Announcement:
There are, have been, & will be, absolutely ZERO plans to stream the then… https://t.co/gYIKniC8wL ->
- In 2022, @/peta killed 2,162 animals in their VA shelter, a rate of just over one life ended per hour based on the… https://t.co/Hfc1ZJpAry ->
- @KanishkDeshpan3 @illustrevor Clearly you also didn't catch the part where he called the Venn diagram of She-Hulk h… https://t.co/ivnO6qSq6B in reply to KanishkDeshpan3 ->
- @rodentRiot @illustrevor It's actually like you didn't, otherwise you would have caught his Venn diagram remark. in reply to rodentRiot ->
- @burnacct5 @illustrevor Go back to Moscow, Twitterbot in reply to burnacct5 ->
- @LinusTech Not unless they give me a free Xbox Series X in reply to LinusTech ->
- @joncoopertweets https://t.co/kDlEKQjWBg in reply to joncoopertweets ->
- Not even once. #nofed https://t.co/MNUKHvyIaF ->
- @Shxiringan That's rich coming from someone with an Ed Wuncler III pic. in reply to Shxiringan ->
- @NoContextBrits Let me guess: photo captured in Birmingham? in reply to NoContextBrits ->
- Now Streaming Cyberpunk 2077 on #Twitch … Strap In!
https://t.co/1zD8ciJ5wF -> - @Tweetledeetwee2 No, you haven't. This convo serves no furthe purpose. in reply to Tweetledeetwee2 ->
- @BrujoFaolan No, solely because .@TMobile is paying for it. in reply to BrujoFaolan ->
- @Tea_The_Khajiit Oh dear. A lot of oh dear. in reply to Tea_The_Khajiit ->
- @SocksFur Yep. Issues appear to be intermittent. in reply to SocksFur ->
- Now Streaming NieR: Automata on #Twitch … Strap In!
https://t.co/MegKNs8vGf -> - @NoContextBrits The UK is the best at cooking cuisine from other places. in reply to NoContextBrits ->
- Ah good! The #Twitch account IS behaving normally after all.
(For context earlier today during a spot of VPN issue… https://t.co/tzT6ERHujd ->
- @SEGA This one is obscure enough but if you think long and hard enough you'll get it.
?????????️?️?️➡️?️?➕◼️? in reply to SEGA ->
- @SocksFur I haven't noticed any shadowbanning on my end.l of things, so you're not in birdsite jail yet. in reply to SocksFur ->
- @RobxLeonard @AdamCSharp @NoContextBrits Real but picture is from McD's in Portugal. in reply to RobxLeonard ->
- Now Streaming The Elder Scrolls Online on #Twitch … Strap In!
https://t.co/q3t0WldrTV ->