- @DarkOverord nice. I got 25th in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @ruskertweets Hoi! He's Mr. Sparkle to you! in reply to ruskertweets ->
- Shot off everything earlier tonight, not realizing that the feels like temperature at 9pm local time is 95°F ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 27.Jun.2015 – 03.Jul.2015" http://t.co/qy20TsmlLh ->
- RT @avocadofact: who would you rather have in office? rt for an avocado. fav for donald trump. http://t.co/aZBQ8uZWG0 ->
- What is the difference between a cane toad and Donald Trump? One is slimy, invasive, and poisonous, the other is a cane toad. ->
- RT @GavvieUK: It's like they've stopped giving a shit now and thought "Well, what could possibly go wrong?" #BestCMEver #DontMentionBubsy ->
- @ValorB *soothingly* Shh,…That's it. It's almost over… in reply to ValorB ->
- @MaraWritesStuff To be fair, our child selves always have huge dreams for our adult selves before dting at age 30 a la the TV "Logan's Run". in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- RT @Bipartisanism: Late Night Question:
Who would you prefer as president?
RT for a cat.
Fav for @realDonaldTrump. http://t.co/QtGlyRc… ->
- RT @Gotham3: Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil. http://t.co/DjCSBaW44t ->
- @Gotham3 Technically, this is the valley of PAINFUL death. The actual valley of death is at the nearby Church's Chicken. in reply to Gotham3 ->
- @roareyraccoon Are you kidding? That works net you a record deal with Simon Cowell in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @mjstubbs72: Well put across …..mom http://t.co/COHLRHKGK7 ->
- 15 minutes to midnight, laying on my piece of shit, hand me down mattress and staring at the ceiling. Fuck me, I'm bored. ->
- RT @DakkyAttack: That last frame #halp http://t.co/f7creW7PoK ->
- RT @MaraWritesStuff: Lot of you overestimating the social competence of smart people ->