- RT @ACLU: Every American should be concerned about the Trump administration’s threat to step up its efforts against whistleblowers and jour… ->
- RT @ACLU: A crackdown on leaks is a crackdown on the free press and on democracy as a whole. ->
- RT @ACLU: Our founders knew democracy depends on informed citizens and leaders can't be trusted to disclose info that reflects poorly on th… ->
- RT @ACLU: These first months of the Trump administration dramatically illustrate that point. ->
- RT @ACLU: Can anyone seriously argue our country would be better off if the public received all of its information through official channel… ->
- RT @_aorists: on overcoming the challenges of chronic physical + mental illness; a.k.a. for days when you deserve a goddamn medal just for… ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 29.Jul.2017 – 04.Aug.2017" https://t.co/GI7ArJZlso ->
- @spexfox Enjoy yourself! in reply to spexfox ->
- @sonicremix df -h && free && cat /proc/cpuinfo in reply to sonicremix ->
- @sonicremix Quick checking of what is being used always helps. in reply to sonicremix ->
- #SonicMania #PS4share https://t.co/ezfP2M9IN1 ->
- @DarkOverord @SSF1991 Usually it is Pacific Time, but I could be wrong. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- My kink is the only thing I can get a new phone number https://t.co/z2fSBYj2Bl ->