- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 28.Sep.2019 – 04.Oct.2019" https://t.co/KXiKuwbUZY ->
- @DeathSentencePC In the Tulsa area, it goes something like this:
Medical Marijuana (MMJ) Dispensary
MMJ Dispensary… https://t.co/9fzq13xvTw in reply to DeathSentencePC -> - @jessecase @MaraWilson You forgot to add the mint of emotion to your list. in reply to jessecase ->
- @TheTeaSnolf Great Value Colombian Coffee K-cup in reply to TheTeaSnolf ->
- @jarrahpenguin ??????➡️2️⃣0️⃣0️⃣6️⃣ in reply to jarrahpenguin ->