- Easiest way to tell if I am drunk or not, put on a @fluffyguy special on Netflix. If I am laughing within 10 minutes I am shitfaced. ->
- @spexfox There are several options out there, but you would need to try various pairs to see what will fit around t… https://t.co/CPhQxfg7J0 in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox I bought a pair or Bluetooth earbuds at Walmart a while back that had rubber wings to keep them in ear usi… https://t.co/4GLizwePdk in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 31.Mar.2018 – 06.Apr.2018" https://t.co/RxLGhSiiVd ->
- @Nuurbs What? No OmniWeb nightly? in reply to Nuurbs ->
- Anyone fancy a live autopsy on Sonic Forces? https://t.co/4FvqnnbZw6 ->
- @spexfox @xkeepah @Nuurbs You guys might want to check this… https://t.co/zZ9dXc2BEj ->
- @NeoMcKickflip I used to get those from crazies when Trick or Treating as a kid. I wrote their addresses on the bac… https://t.co/y1aYU6sdxf in reply to NeoMcKickflip ->