- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 31.Oct.2015 – 06.Nov.2015" https://t.co/MqHIJcQpHv ->
- RT @DCDeacon: I figure some of you might need a note from your doctor for your upcoming "sick day(s)" this week. So here you go. https://t.… ->
- That's one way around the problem, but that can only be used once a year… https://t.co/SpkuI2UcGp ->
- RT @Mizu_Okami: Hey everyone its Masaki! if this gets 12 rts ill post a pic of my writer! https://t.co/zE1d5cxmJK ->
- RT @NYDailyNews: Trump dances, tweets, ridicules himself on 'SNL' — WATCH https://t.co/7nx1Emym0x https://t.co/DlmkBmItOE ->
- RT @kanmiQ: かくれんぼがマルのマイブーム https://t.co/O5TvUxz7HR ->
- RT @lexiemgutierrez: Please share. You don't have to retweet you can easily copy and paste just please share! Transgender suicide hotline h… ->
- Okay, who summoned Margaret Thatcher back from the dead? https://t.co/en3nhRt5mE ->
- 9 days after Halloween and I still have a bag of candy to go through… Now I know I am old. ->
- RT @ValorB: As I sit here at work, pondering my life choices I-
-SHUT UP BRAIN. ITS TIME FOR WRITING. WE DON'T NEED YOU COCKING IT UP. #a… -> - At college registering for classes after a 5 year hiatus. ->
- Checked waiting list for academic advisors, found out I am number 83 after an hour wait. Was number 105 on arrival at 11am. ->
- RT @SteelClaw_Fox: https://t.co/OEddAx6FjU ->
- @MaraWritesStuff This is going to be a 4 parter then… Part 1: Louie https://t.co/kfzwJjPUno in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Part 2: Dillon https://t.co/4vyUULYxwF in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Part 3: Ares (just after he got the snip) https://t.co/0tru712bm0 in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- Part 4, since I can't get dog number 3 Venus to stop vibrating, is the funniest of Sarah Silverman's last 5 tweets https://t.co/7R3DuaO3gb ->
- @ValorB Or you could do some webcomics in reply to ValorB ->
- @MrOscarTK Actually it is because MUGEN has made fighting games effectively redundant. in reply to MrOscarTK ->
- @Mendinso No need to apologize. Trump's pathetic excuse of a dick needs to fall off in a rotting mess of gangrene and AIDS. in reply to Mendinso ->
- @RahneKallon *whistles appreciately and applauds* in reply to RahneKallon ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Even money 20 years from now we will all be dead for the most part. (contd) in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- @MaraWritesStuff Then again, I've been so jaded by the constant violence, idiot pundits, & restrained hatred that I expect our extinction… in reply to MaraWritesStuff ->
- RT @TurntTravis: Found a new pencil case in my dads room https://t.co/mmDAPqBM9z ->
- In a 'here's Tom with the Weather' moment, I just got some bribing bags for the thanksgiving turkey I have yet to buy. ->
- s/bribing/brining/p ->
- Auto correct. Making things sound fucked up since 1998. ->
- @magferret I had no idea there was a live action Hatoful Boyfriend stage show… in reply to magferret ->
- I'm making Thanksgiving dinner for the family this year. Turkey, gravy, dressing, green beans, pies, and drinks. ->
- Before anyone asks, it's called 'dressing', not 'stuffing' as we don't risk botulism by sticking it up the turkey's butt before cooking. ->