- Just to ensure my shot at it. https://t.co/zn4hzdI72c https://t.co/Tg1aRvmsfu ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 31.Aug.2019 – 06.Sep.2019" https://t.co/o9U1qcksWj ->
- Daddy's cuddly little serial killer is lounging around so I snapped this pic. https://t.co/YQlo6m5GyF ->
- I am going to leave this here and see if this trends with any of my Twitter followers in the UK…
@MhairiBlack for #Speaker
That is all. ->
- Graduating from it with a 1.67 GPA and never having to go back https://t.co/ae2mWCd0Ss ->
- @sshabein 6th grade: writhed
Ended up in 4th place. in reply to sshabein ->
- RT @_youhadonejob1: North Koreans haven’t gone to war in 60 years, but look at all the medals their generals are wearing, we could defeat t… ->
- @TheTeaSnolf The One ring. Only because I want to depose Sauron. in reply to TheTeaSnolf ->