- RT @Jinx_In_Boots: How old are you?
Furcadia https://t.co/9heyT1jY72 ->
- @Jinx_In_Boots @Nuurbs I had this installed on my old PC for ages. Have yet to install it on my new PC though… in reply to Jinx_In_Boots ->
- @lastmincontinue @E3 How do the "free space if both" mechanics work in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Jun.2019 – 07.Jun.2019" https://t.co/pVkbVdJQ0Q ->
- @Dicsmite I am guessing I am TV-14-DLSV in reply to Dicsmite ->
- @sonicyoda Well, the Fall Guys reveal trailer looks like Takeshi's Castle on acid. Pedro and Carrion also look awesome. in reply to sonicyoda ->
- RT @TMobile: ? Money, money, money ?
Win $1,000 from #TMobileTuesdays and #TMobileMONEY ?
Simply retweet to enter! ->
- RT @SocksHyena: Being such a car guy, I forget that majority of the population doesn't get this, and would rather not ask me about it.
Thi… ->
- @DarkOverord That it's because most people typically combine it with gin. People will willingly drink most anything if alcohol is involved. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @idislikestephen Do you have a picture of the assignment the teacher gave a zero? in reply to idislikestephen ->
- @Mendinso It's not that bad.
I ended up getting Bayonetta and Gordon Freeman… in reply to Mendinso ->
- RT @KenPlume: Yeah. This. All of this. https://t.co/JdTwt98gY7 ->