- This oddly piqued my interest. Is there a difference between this and other soap? https://t.co/HhSjVuCLfw ->
- @Shadow_Remix Fable. Just to break the suspense. in reply to Shadow_Remix ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 01.Oct.2016 – 07.Oct.2016" https://t.co/0BibZU7Q1c ->
- @DiezelRaccoon Here is why liberals like me have issue: you're a constitutionalist, yet you don't believe in the power of judicial review… in reply to DiezelRaccoon ->
- @DiezelRaccoon … or the Equal Protection Clause of the 14th amendment, or the Supremacy Clause in Article VI in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- RT @HillaryClinton: RT this if you're proud to have Hillary's back tonight. https://t.co/bw5kdfxfbw https://t.co/fcrZ3i3U4V ->
- @TheCoffeeSnolf Part of me would differ. The other part remembers Canadian Thanksgiving is the same day as Genocidal Asshole Day in the USA. in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- Note to self: warm up Anti-Columbus Day bandstand for tomorrow… #ColumbusGenocide ->
- RT @GeorgeTakei: There something wrong with Trump's mic again. I only hear garbage come out of it. ->
- RT @Sacriel42: #debate #debate https://t.co/v4OaHnTHQL ->
- “I will be a president for African-Americans”, says the candidate cited for housing discrimination #debate #debate2016 #NeverTrump ->
- RT @timkaine: Trump keeps whining to the moderators about how much time he's getting on his answers. Thin skin! ->
- RT @BinhTheNguyenMD: @HillaryClinton @AAPIforHillary #debates Hillary's 30 yrs of public service vs.Trump's 18 yrs not paying taxes while l… ->
- Trump: “I want to appoint a justice in the mold of Justice [Antonin] Scalia” #scotus #nevertrump #debate ->
- @vizardjeffhog Nothing too much. Just the second US presidential debate… in reply to VizardJeffhog ->
- RT @MichaelSteele: GOP at this moment. #debate https://t.co/nD0gc29sWj ->
- RT @Nash076: This. This is the screengrab of the #debate https://t.co/LfA7KEcD1V ->
- GOP Plan of attack after this disaster: attack the moderators, starting with the female one: #NeverTrump #debate https://t.co/L09LhdeCOU ->
- RT @BayoumiMoustafa: I'm a Muslim, and I would like to report a crazy man threatening a woman on a stage in Missouri. #debate ->
- @thecoffeesnolf *waits and lulls you to sleep armed with shaving cream, despite the upcoming turkey and bourbon coma he’ll endure in 6 wks* in reply to TheCoffeeSnolf ->
- RT @MarisaKabas: these are not women to him. they are objects. a means to an end. do not conflate with caring. https://t.co/vcmeJLs7d3 ->
- @roareyraccoon I hope you're right… *looks at his escape to Canada bag* in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- @spexfox Considering you have a candidate who has lived under siege for as long as Hillary, I applaud the DNC for warning people about him. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … and for warning about Carson and Cruz. Especially Ted "I will burn this motherfucker down before I give an inch" Cruz. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @ssf1991 Because Italian-Americans and Catholics of today and right-wing douchenozzles of the 1950s in reply to SSF1991 ->
- An especially well done vid on Columbus the Genocidal asshole by the people from @LastWeekTonight https://t.co/daXpcsS86d ->
- @kofc Cristopher Columbus is also a symbol of native genocide, slavery, & unadulterated greed. #ColumbusGenocide #IndigenousPeoplesDay in reply to KofC ->
- @spexfox You sure you want this? in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Supposedly, it is a Trump campaign GOTV issue. If those are San Antonio PD officers & on duty, they’re violating city policy. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Okay, I am so sick of this Wikileaks shit it makes me want to hurl. An analysis of them was did & found little to worry bout… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox The few that might have been damaging were explained well enough in the scream fest on Sunday… in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox While I admire Wikileaks’ commitment to transparency this is getting way to “Grr Hillary” to be an effective line of attack anymore in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox We are going to have our 1st woman POTUS elected in less than a month, and it’s gonna be Clinton, not Stein. Get w/ the program! in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @max_firestorm What is your net connection type and speed? Also, are you connected to the internet gateway via Ethernet or via Wi-Fi? in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @max_firestorm Yeah, this is going to be a crunch on the CPU unless you can enable some form of encoding using the GPU. in reply to Max_Firestorm ->
- @spexfox Neither is the constant usage of GOP talking points make you a prime example of what the center-left distrusts the far left. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox As far as I am concerned, HRC is a patriot who served her country with dignity that would break any saint despite GOP smear. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox I prefer to leave the kool-aid for the GOP and the Greens, thank you very much. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox It does when they are the same arguments that get trotted out and end up being absolutely a waste of time investigating in the end in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox On foreign intervention, I think we are invading the wrong countries for bad reasons. We are fighting Daesh in the middle east… in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … while South Sudan’s civil war is heating up again and Thailand is under a military dictatorship. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox And don’t get me started on Israel. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox News flash there was! FBI already concluded there was not enough evidence of lawbreaking on her part. State is doing its own review in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox It is a waste because the investigation ended with Clinton cleared and the GOP left with another dead horse on their beating pile. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox … not to mention those Freedom Watch people forcing the State Dept to waste taxpayer dollars to cater to their FOIA whims. in reply to biafrarepublic ->
- @spexfox For a lot of other people as well. Hopefully in the end, you will accept it. in reply to spexfox ->
- @spexfox Freedom Watch’s agenda had little to do with HRC using money for personal benefit and more to do with a proxy attack about Benghazi in reply to spexfox ->
- @lastmincontinue The US State or the former Soviet republic? in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- @lastmincontinue Going from London, UK, about 6784km in reply to lastmincontinue ->
- Reality: The last state/territory-wide elected official from the Greens saw the writing on the wall in 2014 and jum… https://t.co/OoOUukebmY ->
- Reality: The few Green Party grassroots candidates are becoming an increasingly irrelevant force. https://t.co/0X4Z1C7wQa ->
- A lot of people have bitched about the military are doing too little abroad to combat Daesh or we should pull out entirely… ->
- Personally, I think we are fighting the wrong battles and invading the wrong countries. We should have never even set foot in Iraq in 04… ->
- We should instead using our armed forces to provide the protection of democracy in the face of autocracy. To that end, I propose this: ->
- We need to invade Thailand, which has been suffering under military rule, secure custody of the King, & force the military to stand down… ->
- … and face justice. Then we write a constitution for the Thais that secures democracy & has a permanent prohibition on lese-majeste laws. ->
- Lastly, we tell the King, accept the end-result or he & his family will spend the remainder of their lives in front of a firing squad. ->
- RT @AlGiordano: BREAKING: @ggreenwald and @theintercept's latest scoop based on documents from @wikileaks… https://t.co/EMbNSzQPzW ->
- RT @Nikki_Scavone: So, I see #repealthe19th is trending https://t.co/PCWp67W6up ->
- https://t.co/EmJOARoKIa For those #RepealThe19th idots out there, a dose of Vitamin Sorkin. https://t.co/TgNAOL2Gh0 ->
- @AlGiordano To be fair, he was headmaster of a school that blew up on a regular basis for various reasons. in reply to AlGiordano ->
- This, ladies and gentlemen of the GOP persuasion, is your presidential candidate. https://t.co/hHqsJopJ9v ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/DeYW62Ko9Q ->
- @roareyraccoon It won't be for the reason that Texas Republicans have irreversibly gerrymandered all the election boundaries in their favor in reply to roareyraccoon ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: https://t.co/tCktliFNtn ->
- RT @timkaine: Sometimes the most romantic date is a Friday night on the couch watching your favorite TV show and drinking wine. https://t.c… ->
- @FluffTank I think .@JLo took the last one for replacement parts… in reply to FluffTank ->