- Well so much for streaming BotW today, folks. The Mirabox is acting up too much at this time.
Sunday, we do more ESO ->
- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 02.Jul.2022 – 08.Jul.2022" https://t.co/F56Tdl6SLI ->
- It's not just streaming, it's the first of a double dose of ESO!
Tune in while I begin-ish on a new character!
https://t.co/Nel9SA3HpC -> - RT @BrujoFaolan: https://t.co/KFmzp9lTRA ->
- @StabbityDoom Excellent news! In other news… https://t.co/WU1CRtjxDW in reply to StabbityDoom ->
- RT @JohnFetterman: To all yinz + youse down the shore today: hope you saw my very nice message ✈️ to one of NJ’s famous longtime residents… ->
- RT @BrujoFaolan: https://t.co/MaF2LNBCBQ ->
- RT @Late_Night_Fox: Akshually… voting IS direct action ->
- RT @StabbityDoom: *heavy sigh* FINE #elderscrollsonline https://t.co/EA4IThZkCd ->
- RT @OrwellNGoode: https://t.co/Cv6Nx3GNLw ->
- RT @Hikariyuki20: @OrwellNGoode https://t.co/0kisYp1imX ->
- I wonder why I was having a bad feeling about going on Twitter today… 🙁 https://t.co/4PjQYkwWYN ->
- @AlGiordano It is not as common knowledge than you think. It is also something you do only once and immediately rem… https://t.co/zQxblOuUns in reply to AlGiordano ->
- Due to internet-related issues, I had to cancel today's stream of Borderlands 2. Apologies for the late reply as it… https://t.co/ggRCbQzI2G ->
- RT @MaximumEffort: This saves so much money on wardrobe. @chris_meloni @onepeloton #NationalNudeDay https://t.co/krd4AGr8VI ->