- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 03.Jul.2021 – 09.Jul.2021" https://t.co/B27kCM59ol ->
- @TURBOXLR I thought about one for myself but I had hardware upgrades to purchase. in reply to TURBOXLR ->
- Apologies to those pinged. I want to spread this around to as many people I know who should be made aware.… https://t.co/pGcOfkptx9 ->
- @TURBOXLR Is he finally chilling out on his Japanese-only rule? in reply to TURBOXLR ->
- Well, I officially now have a Mastodon. Give it a follow.
- This. There is no excuse for git gud. Not in 2021.
#PreemptoryMute https://t.co/dwzSu5UKnG -> - RT @Xbox: Beating the game on the lowest difficulty is still beating the game ->