- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 03.Mar.2018 – 09.Mar.2018" https://t.co/lfsCbwMAy4 ->
- My #MarchMadness 2018 Bracket. Be prepared for my #Bracketology to fail miserably. https://t.co/nSi0u58F7I ->
- Thankfully the prosecutors are charging him with Murder 1 & 3, & Criminal Homicide, among other charges. https://t.co/ubG3JZEXly ->
- @tssznews #MetallicMadness Tails defeats FTCR. Total number of votes 999 ->
- @tssznews Also a shame there is no #UgandanKnuckles in #MetallicMadness ->
- RT @BarackObama: Have fun out there among the stars. https://t.co/S285MTwGtp ->
- RT @TheCoffeeSnolf: Katy Perry is under fire after she kissed an 'American Idol' contestant without consent https://t.co/HZ5eMUYqkx ->
- @MaraWilson Well at least we know which is the evil one… in reply to MaraWilson ->
- RT @MrFilmkritik: If anyone says not to joke about Donald Trump Jr.'s divorce, remember this: https://t.co/f8KfivMbLW ->
- RT @leonerduk: Retweet if you can hear this image https://t.co/uDlSdpfmet ->