- E:\Foxboy> NewPost.exe "Twiter Weekly Update 04.Jan.2020 – 10.Jan.2020" https://t.co/Mzt7gHezlM ->
- https://t.co/KkEBrkV68n ->
- @EktoHunter Armed Goth Kitsune Ranger in reply to EktoHunter ->
- Oh, I have a little list:
The Great Gatsby
Pride and Prejudice
Wuthering Heights
Sense and Sensibili… https://t.co/KmYli2uNsa -> - @LupineAssassin I would advise PIA (@buyvpnservice) more than TunnelBear
- @DarkOverord IIRC most of the games and their rereleases onto the 3DS included sorting options other than by (National) Dex number. in reply to DarkOverord ->
- @ZomgShiny1 Hooray! in reply to ZomgShiny1 ->
- @rxdetka Taco Bell … because of this and what follows… https://t.co/MvLEiVu76Q in reply to rxdetka ->
- @Demifur If it is anything like the parties I end up in, I usually end up either casting Stoneskin/Protection from… https://t.co/vskW5Oul9K in reply to Demifur ->
- @Demifur Followed of course by a regroup and insurrection against the dm. in reply to biafrarepublic ->